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BUT, AHH More and more we are hearing the declarations of this groups rights or that groups rights, why? Have we all or almost all forgotten, we have instructions that can smooth our way through this life? Let us look briefly at Colossians 3:18-25. I will quote the verses for you the reader and attempt to save you the opportunity of looking them up and reading them for yourselves. Verse 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. If you wish to be a challenge to your husband, then, why have one. If you proclaim yourself as a strong and independent woman, are you really? Where is the strength in proclaiming such a position when, one cord beaks easily. Would it not be a stronger rope if two are bound together and held by the glue that can only be supplied by God? Besides, the verse says,"submit yourseves unto your own husbands", it did not say your next door neighbors husband. Nor husbands, does it say she is your property or door mat. Verse 3:19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. “Man, doesn’t she look good. I want to get to know her.” If it is not your wife, then why should you want to get to know her at all? Husbands have a hard enough job just being husbands, so, why add to the workload. As a husband, you are responsible for everything that goes on in your family. You are responsible for every meal they eat or do not eat. The presents of a roof over your families head or the absence of one. In other words, if you are responsible for everything involving your family as head of house and you will answer to God for your actions and decisions, why be angry with your wife if she disagrees with you. She has to deal with you when you are being anything but respectable and you may not even know it but, she still claims you as her husband. Of coarse she is going to make you mad. She's human just like you. She may see something you do not or she may just be a difficult woman. If she is the latter, I am sorry you picked her and she picked you. Husbands, before you become bitter against your wife, perhaps you should put yourself in her shoes. Your perspective may change a little. Verse 3:20 Children, obey your parents in all things; for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Children are growing faster than ever before. Some think this is attributed to hormones in food or some other scientific reason. No matter the reason, children are still children. Does a five year old know as much as a twelve year old? Absolutely not, the twelve year old should know more just because they have been around longer. Does the child know more than the parent does? No but, if you, as a parent, do not act as a parent you should not expect your children to obey in all things. For a child, the teachers should be the parents. Parents, are you teaching them to be obediant or do you treat them like little adults? Verse 3:21 Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, less they be discouraged. A father is as equally important to a child as a mother is. How often do we see little boys and little girls joining gangs. Why? Is it because they were forced to? I think the answer is often no. If fathers are to busy to take time to teach, listen and correct their children then, shouldn’t we expect to have many angry children? They say yes to the gang, bad music, poor habits and a sense of worthlessness. Remember fathers, when you anger, discourage and put down your children, you are destroying yourself. Mothers, when you decide you can raise a child, without the father, you are cheating youself, the father and most of all, the child. Verse 3:22 Servant, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as men pleasures; but in singleness of heart, fearing God. Many of us go to work every day with an attitude. This cannot be pleasing in God’s eyes. Most of us asked for the job because we wanted the money. We agreed to do a job and be compensated at an agreed upon wage. Then we grumble about the job, as if we have to be there. Our employers usually don’t have to have us. They can find someone else to do that job instead of us. Alternatively, we do the job and steal the employer blind, every chance we get. If the job you do is hated that much, get another job or be silent. The more you complain, the larger your sins will get. Verse 3:23 In what soever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Character is what you do when no one else is looking. If you know no one is looking, why do the best job you can? Because God is looking and you will have to answer for everything, you have done or said and caused to be done or said. Is this a risk you are willing to take? Why not do it right for God, he’s the ultimate judge anyway. Verse 3:24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall recieve the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Would you like to be another Donald Trump or Warren Buffet? Wow, all that money and power and you still have nothing. In this life and on this earth I do not recall a single person dying and taking it with them. After a persons death all of their worldly possessions go to someone else. Wouldn’t you rather be Abraham, live a life of godly success, die and be at the right hand of God? If I’m allowed to be in his presents after, I die, to me that would be a win. Will Donald and Warren be there? That’s their choice. Verse 3:25 But he that doeth wrong shall recieve for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of person. Some people do bad things and get away with it or so they think. Eventually we all have to face the music of our actions. How often have we tried to avoid the consequences only to run into more severe punishment later. You may get away with it on earth but, do you really think you will be able to after death? Remember, there will be no flesh to hide behind. We as Christians are faced with many challenges everyday. Would it not make sense to use the instruction manual that God has provided? We are dealing with our souls. It is far more valuable than your VCR. We don’t keep blinking:12:00. |