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A man who found dragons. |
The dragon was just sitting there waiting for me to make my move. This dragon that I now faced was the one I had been tracking for about three and a half years. And now at last I had found it, but not as I had planed. At the moment I didn’t have my sword at my side, but now seeing a dragon for the first time it would of made little difference seeing as how big the dragon was compared to me. My only chance of living to see another day would be to run to the forest edge or convince it not to have me for diner, and that’s assuming it spoke my tongue. I had heard stories of dragons, and since hearing the stories I have dedicated most of my life to try to find one. But little did I know that when I succeeded that it would be the end of me. But at least now I know that they are out there that knights looking for fame and fortune hadn’t killed them all and that such a site was now standing there in front of me. Its scales glinting in the moons light, I could just make out its wings folded on its back its tale slowly waving behind it waiting for me, for me to make my move as am I. the dragon lowered its head to about my level of site and looked me in the eyes, for a moment I felt a great jab at my mined as if some one had take a knife to my head. And from the jab I was blinded and a soothing…almost worm yet cool presence overwhelm my thoughts. This only lasted a moment and the presence withdrew its self from my mined. As my sight returned I saw that the dragon was relaxed on its hunches looking down at me. Not knowing what to do and taking in the fact that the dragon didn’t look as if it was going to kill me at the moment I stood and stared at it. When the dragon spoke to me I expected a harsh voice to blow my ears out, but instead a smooth not to loud voice spoke. “You have searched most of your life for us….what will you do now?” I was speechless, I never imagined that I would speak to a dragon… or that one would speak to me “I…I don’t know…” I studded knowing I could have thought of a better thing to say than I don’t know. The dragon looked over of to the side just as the sun began to come up. I turned to watch as well keeping an eye on the dragon. The sun was rising over the mountains behind the trees, we weren't any where near a town or kingdom…in fact I was in uncharted land and the only maps I had was those that I had drown out my self on the way here...like they were any good. Watching the sun emerge from behind the mountains I thought I saw some thing fly across my view I couldn’t see it clearly since I was manly looking at the dragon, turning my sight fully toward the moutons I could just make out some thing flying across the sun rise… at first I thought it was some sort of bird, but I soon noticed that the bird had a tail behind it and that it had horns atop its head, I can safely say that I was astonished to see another dragon. I had so many questions for them…and the rest of my days to ask them...well that’s if I lived after this day. I caught my breath as the dragon spoke to me again, “there are many of us here…and now you know where we reside thus we cannot let you leave here alive.” I looked over at the dragon who was still looking at the rising sun “…so...there is no chance of me leaving then…will you kill me here?” the dragon turned away from the sun and looked down at me “if you try to lave I will.” it answered. The rising sun had revealed much of the dragon I was looking at…standing about nineteen feet tall with off white horns and dark blue scales covering its entire body, with an pearl whit under belly and yellowish eyes. “If I try to leave...so I can stay here and live?” I asked. “Correct…but you must make your own way here…and I suggest you don’t go looking for a cave and that you start toward the lake” living among dragons was the most unlikely thing that could happen to me and I was quite happy that it did. “I shall not try to leave this place…and I will make my own way here as well” trying to look serous the dragon stood on all fours and began to walk over to the forest’s edge I stood that and watch it disappear in to the forest the I realized that I didn’t know where the lake was. I turned back to the sun rise to try to see the flying dragon once more, unfortunately it was no longer there. I looked at the mountains above the forest trees, the mountains were in a V shape, so the lake must be where the mountains meet. I took a few glances around then I went back to my make shit camp. While walking I took in some of the natural willed life in this place, I saw every thing from small insects to large birds with wing spans of six feet or more. I arrived at my camp half an hour later, I packed my pack, sheathed my sword on my hip, buried the fire pit and I set out to where the mountains met. At first I followed some of the natal trails that the smaller wild life had created, then I came across a trail that was twelve feet wide, at first I thought it was a road….but I dismissed the though due to the fact that humans would not be around here. After studding the trail I found servile marks that indicated that the trail was made by the dragons, and that it was well used, now I didn’t rely know what to do….follow the trail…or take a defiant path?...if I followed the trail I mite come across dragons…if took another path I would stand a better chance of not getting in a dragons way….but I would most likely loose my direction. After consider my choices I took the dragon’s path, I traveled for a few hours without a glimpse of a dragon…I was hopping I would see more, either there hiding from me, or I couldn’t see them. I grew tired of the abundance of natural wiled life, so I recited legends and myths from ancient times in my head to pass the time. Soon I came to a clearing with tall grass that was as high as my waist, I have seen a lot of natral wilde life, and I wondered if there were over sized snakes in the grass... I looked around, it was either travel the tree line for a few miles…or go thru the grass for a mile. After a few mints of considering this, I never bean one to take the long ways, I always took the short cuts. I started thru the gras…and wish I hadn’t, the grass was filed with thousands of stickers that got into my foot where, and just stuck every where else on my body I could Imagine (...not vary pleasant). After reaching the far side of the clearing I stopped and pulled out a couple of the annoying stickers then I continued on into the forest. |