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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1146341
Six unordiary kids have to save a world that has finally reached war for the first time.

By: Luna Mai

A note to the Readers!!!
When you read this book, keep notice that Derek, Skypper, Dell, and Mai may talk in a different language. The language is called the Undid Language, which you can find in the back of the book. It is a magical language that is to cast spells. Though, the four talk using it as a normal language. Now Cedric my say weird things at first because he is from a strange world where you can never see the light of day. After part one all main characters will probably start using it, especially Master Le. Icea will mainly use English the whole time, unless she must use the Undid Language.

Dedicated To: My whole entire family


Master Le sat at her desk thinking. She stared at the booklet and calligraphy pen in front of her thinking of the prophecy. As the one chosen to write the new prophecy of Drazounia, she would obtain the rightful place as Queen. Master Le never ever dreamed of being a ruler only a simple magic master. This was a challenge, and Master Le loves challenges.
The booklet and calligraphy pen in front of her scared her. She knew how to see into the future and come up with solutions. This was different though. Billions of creatures were looking up to her for the light.
Why was she chosen? Master didn’t know that answer. Master Le had always been called Master and she never thought of being called Le.
Anyway, Master was troubled. Never had she seen such a horrible future for the world. Drazounia was a peaceful land and was never at war until Master had the visions.
Master couldn’t bear to see this vision, and write it down. How was she supposed to write it down and see the solution to it if it was so terrifying? How could any of the rulers ever stand doing this? A chill ran down her spin. She would have to live to see the whole thing. All the rulers lived until the prophecy had ended and that bothered Master. She would have to see the war that she could barely stand in her visions.

She sat the next day at her desk, and stared with bright teal eyes at the blank page. Why could she not find the solution? Then it popped in her head. Six, the number six is lucky, but how would she use it to save the world?
Mere children, she thought. They would be fourteen when the prophecy would really need them. Six fourteen-year-old children would save the world. Who though?

For the next few nights, she wrote. Never leaving her station, and finally she finished. The prophecy was finished front to end. Every little detail was mentioned. It was a work of art in writing. It was Drazounia the prophecy.

One afternoon, a sweet looking girl came into Drazounia. She didn’t look like the evil. Who could it be? Master invited her in cordially. Hoping that it wouldn’t happen, but all she could think was the prophecy has started.

With the autumn sky up above three children heirs,
Will be chosen to destroy the evil and return the light to the world of Drazounia.
Rolling fog with the night air,
The three will face a frightful night,
That will choose there destinies for them,
And maybe even for the rest.
They will come from very different worlds and very different lives,
The only way this will happen is when Drazounia is about to fall.

Up in the sky
Things will form
Sucking the heir
To a place
Three of them chosen
For a frightful time
Different worlds
Different lives
Combine strength
Wisdom and nobility.

All six have different
Ice, Darkness
Psychic, Earth
Fire and Air
Three leaders
Three saviors
Destine for life
As heroes.

One of the six
Will die for love,
Another will prove
Thyself worthy,
The third will try
To hold them back,
While he will try
To bring her back,
The last two will
Persuade the others
To join them
Back in fighting the evil.

Once the remaining
Five become
Something big will
Surly happen!

Part One
They come together.

Chapter one
What am I going to do? Tell mom I failed the test, and that I hate my teacher. This test has to be signed, but if she sees it, I’m doomed. This is just another bad day waiting to happen, what am I going to do?
“Icea, are you home?” said my mom trying to be cool. “Icea,” she said again.
“Yeah, mom I’m home,” I replied in a rude way.
“Be polite young lady, and don’t use that tone with me!” she said in a strict, but firm way. “Any news I need to see from school or bad grades.” How can she know every thing that happens in my life, how?
“Yes, I failed another test in math, and you have to sign it,” I said timidly.
“Not again, haven’t we gone over the concept a million times,” she said irritated.
“Yes, but!”
“No! No! No more BUTS this time, I have had enough of your bad grades. You are grounded until you pull up your grades, and when I mean grounded I mean from everything.”
“Mom, I hate you! I really do! You know, one day you’re going to regret this so much, it’s not even funny.” I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door behind me. That was probably not the right thing to do.

That night at midnight, I packed my suitcase with my favorite close and special belongings. In addition, I packed my computer, school supplies, some money, and other necessities that I would need because I had decided long and hard that I would run away.
It was hard making a way to climb down the side of the house without making noise, or falling over. It looked so easy in the movies, but why not in real life.
I was so stupid! I had forgotten where I was going to go. Oh well, I had already just gotten out of the house without being notice. There is no turning me back now.
I head down 9th Street, and around my friend Anna’s house. No way could I go there. Her parents would tell my mom where I am. Now I am standing in the park. I guess I will just spend the night here, I mean it is better than in the alleyway.

It is strange to wakeup in the park and just to sit here doing nothing, being able to be free. Watching the birds travel in their own ways. They get to be able to soar, like any bird should, but they are sky travelers set on an arrival destination as if it were an airplane setting off from the airport. This is a good feeling; I mean there is no one to stop me from anything (except for what is against the law).
I hear a strange noise in the distance. It is the police! What am I going to do? Okay! Calm down Icea. I should check to see what they are doing. Then figure a way to get past them without them seeing me.
I figured out that the police were actually an ambulance picking up a dead girl. The girl looked exactly like me, FREAKY! Weird, my mom was standing next to the girl crying. Could that be like a replica of me, so that I could get away? Oh well, I had better get out of here before I am spotted.

At the time, I am going to bed. No one has spotted me as a dead girl so I am just going to go to bed and dream of anything I can possibly do. I am so tired cannot keep my eyes open, must keep a watch…

I just cannot keep myself from handling that dream! The boy was so dreamy and all I can do is seeing what kind of terrible fortunes hit him. It is sad, no one wants to help him, but instead he helps the others rebel from an evil king and he wants out like so many others.
Why do I like him? That question I cannot answer. There are so many possible ways it is nerve wrecking. Maybe it is that he acts the way on his own, brave with passion for others deeply. In his sparkling blue pools (eyes) I see an emptiness, maybe a loved one had died, but it is to emotional to tell. His pure blonde hair, rushes in the wind, bold and solitude as he runs for the freedom of his people. The people he … I cannot think of a word to describe it so it is a moot point.

Walking the whole way to nowhere hurts my feet. I wish I wore better shoes! Oh well. It is my fault so I had better get use to it. The aching pain is so unbearable, and I cannot stop walking until I reach the countryside. Even then, I must be unnoticed because someone may recognize me, and then I would be doomed.
The landscaping was gorgeous. Every time you turned a corner, there would be bunches of flowers in the meadow. The change between the country and the city is so beautiful. There is nothing more to say, you would have to see it for your self to believe it.

When I reached, the country completely, I found a cool shady area near the woods. It would be a nice place to rest. As I ate the sandwiches I packed, I gazed into the stars locating every constellation I could. When I found Hercules, I remembered the dream. Sadness devoured me within seconds and I sit there moaning the rest of the night.
I remembered the song my mom use to sing to me all the time when I was little and sad. It went something like this:

Hear me now child
The best day soon will come
When everything is your way
Happy Joyful Marry
That is what you are

The light of life
The joy of the world
The hope of the crowd
And you’re so much more…
Don’t be sad anymore!

Hear comes a wave
That knocks us all down
But your brightness shows the way up
Bright Kind Lively
That is who you are

The light of life
The joy of the world
The hope of the crowd
And you’re so much more…
Don’t be afraid anymore!

I got up out of the bed I made at dawn, and started off onto the road again. The morning bird had not come out yet. So I could be sure not many people would be up. It was 4 o’clock in the morning, and I did not sleep any last night. Therefore, I could sleep during the day, and no one could see me.
The road became dustier as I went along. The concrete path was being covered in dirt and other soils. Had anyone ever thought of cleaning it? My flip-flops were becoming uncomfortable from all the dirt that was caught inside of them. As I heard the first birds twitter, I began to walk farther and farther away from the dirt road.
Just before noon, I found a clearing. One of the trees was just good enough to climb and take a rest in. For the rest of the afternoon I snoozed in the tree.

Chapter 2
“Prince Derek of Andanobia, My Lord Sareye!” said Lord Sareye’s knight.
“Awe, Prince Derek, please do tell me how you like my kingdom of Lorra,” said Lord Sareye.
“Please call me Derk. Your Kingdom of Lorra is beautiful no doubt, but your spending is over budget,” I said as calm as possible, “if you still wish to rule, please take my advice and be more precautionary with your money. Otherwise my father will take your kingdom back, as he did four years ago.”
“Yes, Prince Derk!”
“Please just call me Derk!” I stormed off to my room, with my maid. “Marica please book a maodo and get me back to Andanobia.”
“Yes, Derk” she said timidly.
Insensible cowards! They are all creeps. They are worthless. Iuiuy kjh oiuoiuo ous ba re. Bsdlkj oidf asdijo asdjoidsdoijsa asoidja. Uyiipo khj fd jhg fgfdgfd.
“Hello, are you Prince Derek?” said the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Her hair is the color of the sun, and her eyes are purple as pansies. I couldn’t speak because I have a crush. This was a first for me and I was already fourteen. It gave me butterflies inside my stomach. It was a feeling I wanted to get rid of.
“Yer, I mean yes,” I said stupidly. I would have laughed so hard if I were someone else. It was as if she had taken all my self-pride out of my body. She started to giggle; hmmm I wish I didn’t say that.
“You speak the Undid language. I’m still trying to learn. My father is Lord Sareye, and I came to give you something.” I wonder what she was about to give me. Then my question was answered. She gave me the hardest slap on the face I had ever had.
“Owe, what was that for?”
“For telling my father what to do!”
“I was just telling him what my father told me to say. Asdskja!”
“Oh, well you still did deserve it. I mean you are an idiot for liking me because I am out of your league. Also for being rude.”
“How do you know these things? Any way I am leaving soon and I am not coming back. Okay!”
“Take me with you! I can go even if you say no my father will let me go with you.”

“For anything that is good and can help Lorra, Prince Derek.”
“Call me Derk! You can come if it pleases you. Only on one condition… You don’t slap me anymore.” She ran off happy and that made me happy. In addition, I could get to know her better as a friend. This was a very strange day. “Wait what is your name?” She was gone before I could ask.

“We’re leaving now,” said Marica indignantly. Already? That was fast of her. Usually she takes forever.
“Lord Sareye’s daughter said she would come, so let’s wait for her.” It was another hour before the girl was ready.
“Sorry I took so long. The answer to your question is Mai.” Mai is a beautiful name, and it makes her so much more beautiful sounding. The butterflies in my stomach came back it is a horrible feeling. I was about to go crazy from it, but unexpected Marica was going to slap me.
“Stop! Why were you just about to slap me? Answer me with the truth,” I said with my head about to explode.
“Derk, it’s my fault. I told Marica to slap you for me because well you were getting that look as if you liked me!” Mai exclaimed!
“You are so not coming anymore! Ya know what. I hate you and I never want to see you again. Leave me alone. Never speak of me again,” I said ferociously. She started to cry, her eyes filled up with tears and she didn’t say a word. Then she ran to her room.
“Prince Derek Andrew Canparri you do not speak to a lord’s daughter that way,” said Marica.
“I have the authority to do many things. That was one of them, and anyway she has no right o slap the prince of the realm. In addition, never ever call me by my full name. You hear me?” I said harshly. I turned around, and behind me were Mai and her father. Oh boy! I was going to get it a big fat burse on the eye, but instead a lecture.
“Derk, my daughter, Mai, has sacrificed everything for the kingdom of Lorra. She was chosen to marry the eldest son of your father. Prince Lennadoe, and she is honored to do it,” said Lord Sareye.
“Please forgive me, but there is no reason for her to slap me. Also, I am the only son of my father. There would be no way for me to get married because I cannot marry until twenty. Still I will not have the thrown until my father dies,” I explained.
“I am your protector, Derk,” said Mai strongly.
“That makes no sense,” I said confused.
“Jfslkjsdkfjslkjsdkfj f sdkfjs jsldkjfdf fjdjd fj fjfds fff fdkjsf s dj d dks rsfdskcas sdjakdsjda djsal dsjasa djask sdjsdjlaasiadjasdjlsdjsj sd daslkdj dasdk sjd laksjd dlkjdaksjd ljdlaskdj sklksjlisdajkisakds kjs disd,” explained Mai.
“That is nonsense. Just come if you must.”
“Thank you so much! If you were not so rude, I would kiss you!” Mai exclaimed. I guess I’ll just have to buy some manners. Laugh out loud.
Why does she despise me so much? I guess she thinks I’m a dfjgdlfgk sdflk jsldfkdslkfsdfkds. I wish she wouldn’t … judge a person on what’s on the outside. I’ll get my revenge, remember an eye for an eye.

Inside the maodo, I look out the window seeing nature and all its beauty. The beauty reminded me about a poem. It went like this:

It is beautiful
But it is much more
Everyone knows it has a meaning
What is it?
Everyone has a different one
But no one knows if they’re true
It is beautiful

That poem means so much to me. When I was young, my mother would recite it to me over and over again. One dreadful night the doom came back. It took my mother because it always took the head lady. I have never been the same ever since then.
“Are you ok?” asked Mai.
“Never better.”
“I know a song that will make you really feel better. It go like this:

Look into my eyes
For things will be better
Strangeness forms
But will never thrive
If you believe…

There is a better place
In the universe
That will lets you be all you can

Stare across the midnight sky
See the star that are so bright
Darkness forms
But will never thrive
As long as you believe…

There is a better place
In the universe
That will lets you be all you can
All you can!

Do you feel better?”
“Not really. You sing like an angel, and I don’t like you.”
“That’s go to know! Anyway I do have a gift for you.” She pull out a dagger. It was beautiful, it was embroidered by every possible gem and it had my name engraved in it. I leaned over to say “Thank you”, but Mai’s lips pooch out. She leaned closer to me. Is she going to kiss me? Before I could answer I moved to the side, and Mai fell forward.

“Why were you about to kiss me?” I asked shocked.
“You like me and I know that. I wanted to make you feel better. Also… Never mind I shouldn’t tell you.”
“What? What can’t you tell me?”
“You have to figure that out by yourself or I’ll just tell you when the time is right.”
“Ok, then. So, I think you’ll love Andanobia. It’s so cool; you can’t even imagine what it looks like.”
“Really? From what I’ve heard it going to be great. Maybe you can give me a tour.”
“Sorry, I can’t. I‘ve got official business to attend. I’ll tell you when ever I’m free from work or school. Isn’t it strange that we became enemies then friends in one day?”
“I wouldn’t call us friends, just acquaintances.”
“What? You almost kissed me, and you would have if I hadn’t moved to the side.”
“No, I didn’t. I was falling forward and I thought you were going to catch me.”
“Sure! Moreover, I’m the Lamp of Lababa. You’re definitely lying. Hmm… I guess one day I’ll find out about this.”
“You’re crazy. So, we’ve been in the maodo for two lings, right. How long until we get there?”
“We should be there any minute now Lady Mai of Lorra,” said Marica before I could answer. Marica is a pain most of the time, but she is useful at times.
“Marica thank you. Please call me Mai.”
“We’re there! I can’t wait to see father. I wonder what he will think of you, Mai.”
“I think he’ll like me. Ok. Anyway I’ll see you later today. You said you had business.”

I ran past the guards as quick as lightning, and speed past everyone else like a horse. I was called the shadow sometimes because people couldn’t see me half the time. It was very sad for me because no one ever noticed me, not even my father. He was the ruler and had no time for me sometimes I wish that I was a regular boy with a regular father.
“Derek, Derek! Come here Derek,” I heard someone shout. The person’s voice was strong and bold, but somewhat girlish. It is very funny; I started to laugh hard. I never in my lifetime had heard that voice. Around the corner came a man, he was gigantic. His hair was black and he had the look of if he would pound me.
“Sorry, sir for laughing. I couldn’t help myself,” I said stumbling over the words.
“Young prince, it is ok. For I’m use to that. My voice is unique and girlish. It makes me laugh at myself,” replied the man.
“Kind sir what is your name,” I said trying to be sweet.
“Where are my manners? I am glad that you reminded me to tell you. Very good manners you have. My name is Sir Frankly Oldish and I am proud of it,” answered Sir Frankly Oldish. He seemed to go incessantly. Not stopping for even one breathe. Frankly, Sir Frankly Oldish was never going to stop talking. “By the way your father saw you come in, and sent me out to get you and your guest.” He winked when he said it (which was very scary). I think that he saw Mai and thought we were well a couple.
“I will go see my father at once, after I find Mai. Ok. Tell my father for me please Sir Frankly Oldish.”
“I will do as you say. Meet your father in the courtyard then though, ok.”
“Thank you very much. Also tell my father I love him and we need to spend more time together."
I ran to the maid’s quarters, hoping that I could find Marica who could tell me where Mai is. Thinking about Mai was the best she was pretty and smart. Whenever I was with her, I got the butterflies. That was not a good feeling. I had to admit it, I had my very first crush, and I didn’t like it
When I reached the maid’s corners, I found Marica. She told me that Mai was in my room. “You let her into my room. The very room, you aren’t aloud to go in,” I said enraged. Then I turned and ran to my room, faster then ever before because my room is off limits to everyone.
“Mai, get out of my room, now. No one is allowed in here. Not even my dad. GET OUT!” I exclaimed. However, I was shouting more that exclaiming. I hated when people tried to see what I hid in my room.
“Sorry, Marica said I could look around. There is nothing to see anyway, but I won’t tell anyone about what I saw. Only if you calm down,” said Mai calmly.
“Ok, but expect me keeping an eye on you. Oh and my father would like to see us right away,” I said in a proper way. I was just glad she did not find the trap door. It is located under a carpet underneath my bed.
“Shall we go then,” I asked. However, it would not have been worth the effort. “Did I mention that I think everyone thinks that we are a couple?” I questioned Mai even though I already knew the answer.
“No! You happened not to have mentioned it!” she exclaimed sounding uneasy. If I were her, I would have blown the bucket anytime soon. She looks as if she would be eternally sick just from a couple of words.
“I’ll go and get the doctor, and you sit on the bench right outside my room. Also no more looking in my room ever,” I said commanding her so she would not have to think.
“I will not have to see the doctor, and all I need to do is stay away from you,” she said indignantly.
“Alright then, I’ll stay away from you forever. Your royal pain” I stormed off to the main room in the castle. The room was gigantic; it is filled with every flower I could think of. Then I saw the two thrones, one of them was empty. Again, I was enraged. Why did the evil have to take my mother? She was the only one who cared for me.
“Cheer up, my son! One day this will all be yours. Where is your friend?” said and questioned the King of all Badic (which is the whole world) all at one time.
“My friend is some where staying away from me.” I said it trying as much to be nasty and nice at the same time.
“Hello you majesty,” said a voice from behind. I spun around, and there stood Magenta. She was one of my best friends who had moved away a long time ago. When I stared at her, I got the butterflies again. She was gorgeous, and had the most beautiful face. Then she wore a gown covered in flowers and gems. It was a magnificent sight.
“Magenta is that really you?” I questioned the girl. I hoped it was her; she would be the first girl I could actually relate to in a long time.
“Yes it is. I am moving back, so I decided to stop by and see the prince and the King.”
“Really? You have changed so much. I mean…”
“Thanks, Derek. You have changed yourself. Not chubby cheeks anymore, and come and lets talk and walk.” We said farewell to my father, and started for the courtyard. One we reach it we sat at the tea table and talked.
“So, are you ok with our mom gone?” asked Magenta sweetly.
“Not really. I’ve become kind of sour, if you know what I mean.”
“Honestly to me it is a noble thing to admit that you are sour,” said Magenta graciously. I felt my cheeks turn the color magenta. All of a sudden, a loud noise came from behind us. I turned my body to face the noise. It was Mai lurking about in the bushes. “Who’s that behind the bushes?”
“Mai Sareye of Lorra!” exclaimed Mai harshly.
“What did you hear us talking about?” I interrupted. I wish Mai had not been there. I felt ever so happy talking alone with Magenta.
“I heard every bit and I want o hear the rest,” said Mai very impolitely.
“Leave, this is a private conversation,” screeched Magenta. She looks as if her head might explode three times in a row.
“Ok then, but if you want to be his boyfriend I am already his girlfriend,” said Mai having a great big smirk on her face.
“That is not true!” I exclaimed and stormed off once again. I almost turned around to slap Mai, but it was not a chance worth taking. Oh how I wished that Mai told me earlier that she liked me. Now I despise her so much.
“Derek wait for me, I am really sorry,” said a voice. I thought it was Mai’s voice, but it turned out to be Magenta. “I really believe that she is not your girlfriend. Ok. I want to be your girlfriend.” That was shocking; Magenta had turned down every lord’s son in the realm. In the background, I could see Mai shocked. She liked me too, and she did not get to have me.
“That’s shocking. I’ll have to think about it. Ok,” I said firm.
“Fine with me,” she said. Then before I could move, she kissed me on the cheek. It was…

Chapter Three
“Cedric, wake up, Cedric,” said a voice right in front of me. It all came in a blur, first the background and then the people. I was crowded in a tiny room that was filled them more people it could hold. My head was pounding and the blurs started to twist together. The sight was fading, turning blacker every moment. Was I dreaming?

Hours later, I awoke in a massive room, and it was filed with flowers and other sorts of junk. Had we won the Battle of Guards? “Look he is awake!” exclaimed a woman. Seconds later, I found myself screaming at the top of my lungs.
“Get out of the room!” I shouted at the women. What was I doing in here? I had so many questions whirl in my head. The pounding in my head came back, but I didn’t pass out like before. That was a relief.
“Boy you are in the doctor’s office, so behave,” ordered the woman. She must be a nurse, and a bossy one in that fact.
“Why am I here and not help fighting?” I questioned the nurse confused.
“Silly boy, the battle is over, and you have done the biggest part. You have killed the evil general Frugustr,” sighed the woman disappointed. I guessed she thought I was supposed to remember the heroic deed I did. I had not had the slightest clue of killing general Frugustr. All I did remember was that he charged at me, and then I went unconscious for a long time.
“I don’t remember doing anything like that,” I hesitated when I said it because the nurse, woman, type thing was getting strange. She almost look as if she would turn into a demon, of course demons are not real. The nurse twitched and then spun around, but before she could touch the ground, the other nurses grabbed her.

Later in the day, they said the nurse had suffered a very bad stroke. I almost gagged when I heard the news. They said that she would probably not be able to recover. Some how it was like magic, I was mad at the woman and then something bad happened to her.
Of course, I do not believe in magic. I mean all the pixie dust, and witches flying on brooms. It is all little kids stuff. I mean I am a fourteen-year-old boy who has no proper education leading a rebellion against the evil King Norkenr VI. There was no magic helping me then.
Some how, it felt weird knowing that the nurse had a stroke, and it was as if it were partially my fault. I had to suffer with a knowing, for now on. Why? I had done nothing wrong, nothing wrong at all (well at least to her.) Strangeness seemed to swell up inside my body, and a warning sigh was given.
“Cedric, you have a visitor,” said one of the other nurses.
The door slid open, and in the doorway was a girl. She was about the same age as me, and she wore a shawl just over her plain white shirt. She was pretty, but I did not get the crush effect with her. She was tall, slender, with golden locks and hazel eyes.
“Exactly, who are you?” I asked the mysterious girl. She seemed not to be surprised with me asking who she was, even though it was not very friendly. Then she put on a warm smile. It was as if she were here to scare me.
“I am Dell Freeski, and we must talk immediately Cedric Vascay,” she said pronouncing every word with care.
“How do you know who I am? Why are you here? What do you want with me?” I asked the girl all at one time. I was flabbergasted from this girl. She was strange very strange.
“Questions will be answered soon, very soon,” said Dell. The way she spoke was disturbing. She had a hint of wariness in her voice too; it was as if that I was some hope left to her.
“So do we need to go somewhere else to talk,” I asked eagerly. I was ready to get out of the doctor’s office and back into the harsh world. Actually, I would rather be anywhere then there. The doctor’s office was creepy.
“We need to indeed,” she began, “I’ll sign you out to come with me.” What she said was shocking. It sounded as if I were a prisoner stuck in jail forever. In addition, a fourteen-year-old boy, going with a girl the same age seemed very peculiar.
“Umm, that won’t be necessary little lady,” said Jack. Phew, Jack was here to get me out of this death trap. He knew exactly when to pop up, reluctantly. “Cedric you gave was quite a scare when you passed out the other day, and you know what,” he said not leaving a single word emphasized.
“What Jack? Oh, let me guess, hmmm, I have been in here while everyone praises my name,” I said bursting out with pride and laughter. It seemed to me that my day had just begun.
“Oh, that’s not the half of it. You are the boy, who saved millions of poor people,” said Jack. He was excited; it would be a fun time once I was out of here. “Of course, we still have a war to fight in, so don’t get too excited. We’re wanted men,” he muttered under his breath. I almost couldn’t make out what he said.
“You’re not leaving without first talking with me, Cedric,” said Dell firmly. Her calmness was overwhelming. I had to talk to her. She needed me more then anyone ever could. Why?
“No he is not going to talk to you,” retorted Jack.
“Oh yes he is, and he has no choice but to,” said Dell being very sensible. “Why don’t we let him choose?”
I hesitated for a minute before answering. Jack would be mad if I talked to her, but Dell needed something very bad. This was a difficult choice. “I say that I will… talk with Dell and then go with Jack,” I replied carefully. I didn’t want to get in a fight with Jack, but he was not going to hold back on one.
Jack’s mouth dropped open, half shocked and half about to shout at me for ages. “You traitor! I come to get you out of this place and you repay me by going with some girl who is meant for someone much more sophisticated,” he roared at me. He was about to throw himself at me, and then I whispered lusifured under my voice. All together Jack froze. He was like a big statue.
“Perfect,” muttered Dell. Things were getting spooky. Everywhere I turned I was doing something unexplainable.
“What’s…what’s gggoing on?” I said scared. My strength was weakening, but why. Then I found myself on the floor. Dell lifted me off the ground with her delicate hands and smoothes fingers.
“Calm down, Sir Faints A Lot,” said Dell dramatically. She walked with me out of the room and into the open air. Fresh air filled my lungs. “Come with me we have to talk IMMEDIANTLY.” Seriousness filled her personality, and she was going to do anything to get me to talk to her.
We sat down in a garden that had many benches in it. Dell pick a bench that would be unseen to any other bench. Something told me that what she was about to tell me would change my whole life forever. My eyes focused on her, and then it all spilled out.

My mouth opened wide with shock. Dell had rally told me something that would change my life forever. She told me how I was one of the three chosen leaders to save a world, and how she was supposed to protect me.
“But Dell, the black whole is coming tomorrow night. I can’t leave so soon,” I said pretty babyish. I just couldn’t leave in the middle of a rebellion I just so happened to be leading. It was not fair to all those people.
“Cedric,” she began sounding sad, “you just can’t do this. Millions of magical creatures are looking up to you. Please for there sake.” Her voice trembled in fear for if I wouldn’t go. She was to convincing though.
“Fine, but since I am the leader here, please don’t tell me what to do,” I retorted back to her comment. It was nice to get a break from running a war, but then I remembered I had to help with another war. Could things get any worse for me?

That night I had a strange dream. A girl with white hair, and light blue eyes was standing on a rock mourning to The High Heavens. Her voice filled with emotion for something worthy in herself, and for others to trust her. The world in which she stood in was beautiful like no other place I had seen before. The girl face illuminated in front of my eyes. Then she turned and a single tear came down her face.
All of a sudden a bright light came, and I awoke. The cool breeze whirled around my face, and then the sun shown like never before bringing a new day. Dell had risen as well, her face had been full of light ever since I had given her he chance to talk to me.
During the day my heart beat raced as she told me about a world known as Drazounia. I was legend for three things, a pure white rose, a crested dragon, and the candle of magic. Dells explanations were hard to understand, but the imagination she had of the world was pure. She knew a lot about my parents, but she just wouldn’t tell me about them. The only two people who really liked me, had died is all she said.
Most of the day she covered her ears, she tried not to run, and most of all tried not to keep suspicious. Finally I asked her what was up. She told me that she was an elf, but she shushed me every time I asked her more.
“You are not keeping any secrets from me!” I exclaimed, but I didn’t know it would involve the truth of much more than me. Her head tilted forward revealing pointed ears and a much skinnier person. Dell had not shown her real self in front of people. Then there was a loud bong. I had been the clock; it had stroke seven o’clock.
The sky changed a shade of dark green, blue, and black. Clouds had started to twist into a vortex of DOOM. My feet started to float upward, and dell grabbed onto my shoulder. Then we were sucked into the swirling whole.

Chapter Four
Skypper a Savior

The sun was high above in the sky. There was no sign of a lost girl any where. My hands shivered at the thought. Had she not run away like the prophecy had stated? Master had made me recite this poem over and over again.

For she is different
White Hair, Blue Eye
Tall Slender
With many troubles
Outcast she may seem
To many others
But she was choosen
To Defea evil!

Why hadn' she shown up?

When raven soar and moonbills fly
The night of time
Will soon arrive
In the darkness
A candle is lit
Containing the magic
Of the world once met
To save what is left
You must obtain the crest
In the crest
A dragon appears
Strong and mighty
With many tears
He the dragon
Cries for the land
Of magical creature
All of bland
They disappear
One by one
Not leaving a trace
Of what has been done
Visions are held
Giving the way
Knowing what is right today
Once this has happened
A rose will fall
Gently upon a waterfall
Not even a mouse can touch the rose
For it is the symbol

Author’s note
Have you ever been swept on your feet by a force? Something that never made sense, but something that felt magical. Welcome to the club. I am not the only one of which has felt like that.
Did you ever wonder if you could be magic? You a simple human, and yet maybe it’s true. Nothing can explain that knowing; only your heart. Open your heart if you believe.
I know I did. I got inspiration from my heart and my friends. One I have to give a lot a credit to is Cimorene Skyflame, and her younger siblings. Also my good friend Kiara Ray, and my sister Cresent Lae and my parents, always cheered me on to write and express. I never really would have tried to write my books, and now here I am. This book is the first book out of The Undid Trilogy.
I hope you can enjoy it as much as I do. Listen to the MAGIC of Kindle. Maybe then you too can be able to really believe the magic.

Luna Mai

To be Continued…
© Copyright 2006 Luna Mai (lunamai at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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