Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1146130-The-Sinner
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Death · #1146130
A man is sentenced to death.
The Sinner

Aidan Somerset slowly dragged his feet forward through the hall. He was dressed in his best suit, which was needed for this occasion.

Aidan had been convicted of Breaking & Entering, Murder x3 and Burglary. His face was drained of all colour as he made his way down the stone steps, flanked by two armed guards.

He had been sentenced to death in a state prison. He didn’t much care though. He had been there before on a previous count of Burglary, but that was only for a couple of months.

He was directed into a police car as media and press coverage stormed across the parking lot for a shot of him. Aidan hastily got into the car and the guards closed the doors so they couldn’t see him.

Aidan let out a sigh of relief. He hated the media. After their coverage of his theft of an old woman’s possessions, which was a large-scale issue because it had been a slow news week, He always tried to avoid cameras and reporters alike.

The guards clambered into the car and started the engine. The reporters backed away from the car as it pulled away quickly from the parking lot. Then Aidan suddenly felt very sleepy and drifted off.

Hours later, Aidan was awoken by a sharp yell in his ear to wake up. He jumped and hit his head on the roof of the car.

They had arrived at the prison. It was even more gray and old than he remembered, and the old picket fence was replaced by barbed wire. He yawned and stepped out of the car.

The guards led him straight from the vehicle to the front of the prison and further on to the front desk.

“Inmate delivery?” Said the elderly man at the desk. “Name, please?”

“Somerset, Aidan. One night only. He’s getting the buzzer tomorrow.” Said one of the guards with a slight smile

“Somerset, Somerset…Ah! Here we are! Ok, you will be escorted to cell number 84.” Said the man professionally.

The guards led him up a flight of stairs and to a dark, private cell. It was pretty filthy and it looked like the janitors never cleaned it. He hesitated

“Don’t mind the state of it, you’re only staying for a night, scum.” Said a guard to guffaws from the other. “In ya go!”

Aidan was shoved rather violently into the cell, not enough to send him toppling though. The guards shut the gate with a metallic cling and walked away chortling amongst themselves.

Aidan looked at the slimy old toilet and decided he didn’t need to go. He lay down flat on his back on the dirty bed and thank hard.

He reflected upon his life, a life of petty crimes and drugs up until his latest insertion, which ended up him killing three rather resilient bank employees. His 29-year life seemed rather pointless now. He changed into the prison attire layed out on the bed, and slowly closed his eyes and fell back into a deep sleep

Beeeeeeep! The cell door slid open and Aidan fell out of his bed in surprise. He gazed around the cell, trying to remember where he was, and then he spotted two armed guards at his door.

“8 o’clock! Time’s up. Time to meet your fate.” Said the guard with a weird exuberance in his voice.

The other guard reached down and pulled him to his feet with a great jerk. He roughly pulled Aidan out of the cell and led him down the hall. He went past dozens of cells where the inmates that were awake whooped and hissed at him things like “Dead man walking!” and “Too bad, mate! It’s your time!” Aidan ignored them and walked on.

He wasn’t exactly scared of what was going to happen, because if heaven existed, he could finally repay that dick God for killing his mother and older sister. He cracked a smile at the sweet thought.

They rounded a corner and there it was. The chair.

He was led into the room and placed into the chair. His hands and feet were tied to it and they placed a sponge on his head and lowered the electric hat thingy.

Just then, a priest walked in and knelt beside Aidan.

“Mr. Somerset, I understand you are a catholic man. I have come to help you redeem yourself before your journey…”

The priest babbled on for 5 minutes about God and said some prayers and then, at the end, he said “Is there anything you would like to say, as your last words in this world, to God and I?”

Aidan thought long and hard. He never thought about his last words. Then an idea popped into his head.

“I’m coming for you, you asshole!




-This story was written in 10 minutes
-It was inspired to be written by compilation band Roadrunner United, which in there record The All Star Sessions, The Dagger is the first song on the record. It's my first succesfully published story, so it's relevant to there first song :)
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