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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1145973
a short story. About my favorite saying.
"live each day to it's fullest, because you never know what could happen."

I'm sure you have all heard of that saying before. That is my favorite saying becasue I can name so many times where you have to think of it to keep you in the right mood.

For example: many of you have heard of "Bethany Hamilton." She is a famous surfer. Always loved surfing. One day she got her arm bit off by a shark. Just like that. That easy. You would think that would ruin everything, but for her she just gets back on the boared. I love that strength and endurance she has.

There are also other ocasions. One of my best friends had lived with her dad. Her dad had gone out on his motercycle one night when he crashed into a truck. He was gone. Gone forever. And for his little girl who had no one else but him. She wanted to be gone. She wanteed to be gone with him. Ocasions like that our even wrose.

I have a ocasion that happened to me. Not nearly as bad as any of these incidents, but I hate it! It is the wrost thing that has happened in my life so far. So here goes my story.

I love to play soccer. I was on a class one team called the Scc Breakers. This was my third year being on the team. Soccer was a huge part of my life. I never thought I would have to let it go. I had a new coach this year, he had trained us much harder than our old coach and some people still think that is part of the reason this injury happened.

I had been waiting all week for Saturday to come. Our plan was to go to my soccer game in the afternoon, eat lunch, and then head over to watch my coaches game. He played on a semi-pro team called the frogs. It was the end of the first half of my game. I was matched against the girl who had the ball. I went one way and twisted. Just like that, and I heard a snap. I knew it didn't sound good.

Despite the snap I heard I tried to run on it. But it hurt. I couldn't run at all. I was limping praying the coach would see me, and take me out. But he didn't. His eyes weren't on me. They were on the ball. No one knew what pain I was really in. I kept running as best I could, witch wasn't really running. And I was surprised no one noticed. All they said was fight for the ball, or keep going! I wanted to scream i'm hurt! but i couldn't think straight. My mind was racing. I kept begging for the wistle to blow for the second half. Finally it did.

I had no intension of telling the coach what had happened. So I didn't. I stretched and kept bending me knee (witch hurt) back and forth. Trying to make the pain go away so i could play in the second half. I was hopeing that I wouldn't get to start. My wish came true. I was on the bench. While I was still beniding my knee back and forth on the bench, I was thinking that for sure someone would notice me, but no one did. Finally he told me and Katie to warm up.

We were supposed to run down the line, but I couldn't. I stopped in the middle. Luckily Katie asked me if I was alright. I said "my knee hurts when I run." She followed with "you better tell the coach just so he knows." I was so thankfull that she said that. So I told my coach. He asked me are you menatlly hurt or are you really hurt. Silence grew. After what semmed like thirthy minutes he said that I should just sit out in case.

The game was over when I told my dad. He said that he had saw me liping. We both didn't think anything that serious was wrong. We thought it was just a sprain or something. As that day grew the pain worsened.

I went to the doctor who said it was only a sprain and that it should get better in a week or two. After waiting for three weeks, I went to a specialist. He said i would have to take a Mri. After waiting a long two weeks, the results came back. I had torn my Acl. The only way for the Acl to get back to normal is surgury. The specialist said waiting was a better idea than doing surgury right away, so we figured thats what we would do. The specialist asighned me some phisical therepy, and a brace that I would have to wear while playing soccer.

During that period of time, things didn't seem bad at all. Everything seemd like it would work out. The brace did take a little time of getting used to, but after that everything was fine. I went to my first soccer practice, and I did well. The next practice I also did well. Then came the tournament. I found out I couldn't play in tournaments nor games. We thought I could still go to practices though, and work something out.

The next Tuesday practice a girl on my team hurt her knee on my brace. Then the next week the coach called. I knew it wasn't good when a coach called, but scince I had my knee problems I didn't excpect anything serious. He talked to my dad. My dad gave me the news. He asked the parents if they wanted me on the team with a brace that hard, and most of them said no. So he couldn't let me play at practices. Basically that meant I wasn't on the team anymore. I was crying all night.

I am now here in this situation and I don't know what to do. I am trying to find a different brace, but that is unlikely to happen. I want to play basketball, or volleyball, but both those sports you have to play with a brace. They have the same rules, so I wouldn't beable to play. I'm sure i will find something.

So I keep my head held high. I hope for the best. And I think to myself, soccer isn't everything. I have a great family, and I have good friends. Life is good.
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