Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1145771-Age-Matters---Make-the-Most-of-Yours
by Myna
Rated: E · Article · Writing · #1145771
Published in the WritingKid Newsletter at www.fundsforwriters.com
Ever felt like people looked down on you because of
your age? Ever been to a critique group and people
don't listen to you because you're still in school?
I've received comments like "You've barely started life"
or "How old are you, sweetie?" Stings, doesn't it?

Flaunt your young talent. Let your copy speak for
itself. Send it to markets for "grown-up" writers.
Unless you're lying or breaking contracts, once editors
accept your work they won't mind your age. They purchase
content, not people. Age doesn't matter if the content
fits their needs.

It's an asset

Teen years can even be an asset. Teen markets range
from contests to paying magazines and newsletters.
The WritingKid newsletter delivers twelve or so markets
in each issue, and Hope Clark's highly readable book
"Markets for the Young Writer" is a must-have.

Moreover, writing your article (or book) from a young
person's point of view will give it some individuality.
Adult writers grossly outnumber teen ones, but no matter
how much the former try writing teen persona stories,
only the exceedingly talented can fake the real thing.
People don't easily feel a teen's emotions, but we can
tell it, because we're experiencing them right now.

We're all in the same boat

Partner with others to find some new markets (or
learn writing tips!). Head down to www.absynthemuse.com.
One of the benefits of joining is The Little Owl Mentoring
Program. You get a fully-fledged author to answer your
queries on writing related stuff (now that's a sure life-
saver!). These authors respect us and are keen to help.

Another wonderful group to join is The Teen Writing Club.
Occasional contests are organized but loads of critiques
from over 100 members are available. Another great teen
group is Teen Street Cafe.

Learn from young pros

It's a comfort to realize others have made it. Ned Vizzini
started writing as a teen and now has three famous books
under his belt. Marty Beckerman who started quite young,
too. In an interview he said, "There are a lot of ups and
downs to being a teen writer. People are always going to
assume you're incapable of producing anything other than
bad poetry about the girl who won't go out with you -- but
on the off chance you pull off an ambitious and insightful
piece, readers will be vastly more impressed than if a
twenty-something had written the same thing…" Let these two
inspire you. It only takes courage to take the plunge.


Polish your work and show off what you can do. If your
young age still keeps letting you down, keep on practicing.
You'll grow up soon enough!


WritingKid - http://www.fundsforwriters.com/writingkid.htm

Absynthe Muse - http://www.absynthemuse.com

Teen Writing Club -

Teen Street Cafe -

Ned Vizzini - http://www.nedvizzini.com/

Marty Beckerman -

The Tattoo - http://www.readthetattoo.com
© Copyright 2006 Myna (myna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1145771-Age-Matters---Make-the-Most-of-Yours