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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #1145687
GacktXHyde Fanfic. Read on, I'm no good at summary's...
Brown eyes flickered open, wincing at the unnatural light that shone down on his face. The eyes closed tightly again, a moan leaving the soft, full lips as they curled into a confused frown. He could smell… something… It smelt too clean in here, almost sterile. What it was he couldn't tell. He felt so tired, but he was too confused to sleep. Where was he? A door opened to his right, a slight cool breeze washing over his warm skin. Footsteps, light, almost dainty as a young woman's face came into view as his eyes adjusted.

"Oh! Oh my God! Your awake!" She smiled widely and clapped her hands together, moving to the bedhead and pressing a button on the wall.

"Where… where am I?" His voice was raspy and quiet.

"You're in a hospital. Just relax."

Two males and one female entered the room, they were dressed the same as the young woman; he guessed they must be doctors. No words were spoken as they bustled around, shining lights in his eyes, taking blood pressure and his pulse. The doctors stood back, all writing notes on their clipboards before they left in a hurry.

The young nurse took a clipboard from the foot of the bed and pulled a pen from her breast pocket. "Alright. Now, I have a few questions to ask you, just to make sure your okay."

All he could do was nod, shifting to sit up slowly to get comfortable. The nurse sat on a chair beside the bed and tapped the pen against the paper a moment.

"Okay, first question. Do you remember your name?"

What kind of question is that? My name is…

What is my name?

After a few moments, he shook his head slowly. "I don't know…"

"It's alright." She replied gently, making some notes on the paper. "What date is it?"

"It's the 14th of September, 2003." He replied with a small nod.

The young nurse's lips pursed and she shook her head. "Actually… It's not. It's the 29th of May… 2005."

His eyes opened wide and he gasped. "You lie! It's can't be! It's not possible!"

"Please calm down." She reached out and took his hand softly. "You've been in a coma since the date you remember."

"I was… what? How?" He didn't know if he believed her, this had to be some kind of screwed up dream.

"You fell from a balcony, you were very lucky to survive." She replied.

One of the doctors came back into the room and talked to the nurse quietly, she nodded and passed him the clipboard. He read it and frowned a little, passing it back to her and leaving the room.

I fell? I don't remember…

"We're going to call your friends alright? They'll come and see you; maybe they can help you get your memory back. You have amnesia, but it should pass." The nurse smiled and pointed to the button she'd pressed earlier. "If you need anything, push that and someone will come. I have to tend to some things, but I'll come back when your friends arrive."

He nodded, setting one hand on his stomach as it grumbled. "Can I please get some food? I'm really hungry."

"Sure, I'll get someone to bring you some food." She smiled and walked to the door. "It's really good you're okay, everyone will be really happy." With those words, she left him alone in the room.

"Everyone will be happy?" He repeated her words aloud, wriggling his legs a little and swinging them off the bed.

His legs were a little wobbly, but after a few minutes he was standing and looking around the room. Flowers, balloons, cards and such were scattered on the cupboards. He walked slowly to one of the cupboards and grabbed a card from the top, opening it and reading the words inside:

Dear Gackt,

Please get well soon, we all miss your beautiful smile and your just as beautiful voice.

Tama, Mizuki, Keita and Yuhji.

Gackt? What was a Gackt? His brow furrowed in confusion, setting the card down and taking another that sat next to it.

Dear Gackt,

I miss you so much, please get better soon and come home. Belle and Mei miss you almost as much as I do.


He blinked again, there was that word 'Gackt' again. What the hell was a Gackt? He shook his head and set that card down, crossing the room to a large bunch of flowers. He pulled the little white card from its plastic holder and opened it.

Hurry up and get your arse back to practice Gackt. ^_^


Again, there was that damned word. Was he missing something here? Maybe it was something to do with that amnesia stuff that nurse was talking about… Maybe he'd forgotten what a Gackt was. He spent the next few minutes reading every card in the room; every single one had that one word in it. Gackt.

He sighed and moved back to sit on the bed, head in his hands as he tried to remember anything at all. A couple of picture frames on the bedside cupboard caught his eye; he grabbed them and studied the pictures. The first one was a group of five men, all smiling, and laughing at the camera as they hugged. He smiled and set the frame down, looking at the next one. There was one of the men from the other photo, sitting on the floor laughing, a cat on his lap, and a dog licking at his face. Who were these people? He set that frame down and looked at the last one, it was two men, one much shorter than the other was. They too were smiling, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders as they stood on a sunny beach.

"Who are you all?" He asked softly, setting the last frame down gently.

"Gackt!" A voice called loudly as the door burst open, the short man he recognised from the last photo stood in the doorway, tears in his eyes. "It's true! You woke up!" With those words he raced across the room and clung to the taller man.

He returned the almost familiar hug for a few moments before pulling away. "Who are you?"

Those words caused the short man to pout and bow his head some. "You really don't remember, do you?"

"No… I'm sorry… The nurse said…"

"I know, she told me on the phone." His voice wavered slightly. "But it's okay, all that matters is you woke up and you're okay."

"Would you tell me your name?" He asked, his eyes taking in the small man's form, he was… familiar somehow.

"Of course, maybe it'll help to jog your memory some." He smiled softly. "I'm Hideto."

"It's nice to meet you Hideto." He smiled, bowing his head.

Hyde smiled and bowed in return. "Do you… remember me at all? Even a little bit?"

The taller man shook his head. "No… I'm sorry… but you are familiar, I just don't know how."

Those words hurt, but he kept a brave face. "It's alright, really. I'll just have to help you. Do you remember what you look like?"

There was another shake of the taller man's head. "I haven't seen my reflection either. Maybe there's a mirror in the bathroom?"

"Most likely, do you want me to come with you?"

"If you like, I won't stop you." He smiled at the smaller man before he turned and walked to the bathroom.

Hyde smiled brightly and nodded, following the taller man into the bathroom and standing behind him. "You're still perfect."

His eyes widened as he saw his reflection in the mirror, it was the face of one of the men from the photos in the bedside cupboard. His thin, soft hands ran gently over his face and through his hair. "I… usually have… blue eyes." He breathed.

Hyde's heart skipped a beat and he nodded quickly. "Yes, you do… do you remember why?"

"I'm not sure…" Came the confused reply as his hands fell to his sides.

"You'll remember." Hyde smiled as the door opened and a woman pushing a meal cart came in.

"Mr. Gackt? I have some food here for you." She called as the two men came out from the bathroom.

The taller man turned his head and whispered to Hideto. "Ne, what's a Gackt?"

Those words caused Hyde to bite his bottom lip to stop himself from chuckling. That was one of the last things he ever thought Gackt would say. "Have something to eat first, I'll tell you afterwards."

"Mmm, alright." He nodded and sat on the bed, taking the tray from the woman with a slight bow. "Thankyou."

She smiled, bowed her head, and left the two men alone again. Hideto slid into the bed and smiled at the other man as he got comfortable, his legs hanging off the edge of the bed. Soon enough, the meal was finished and the taller man moved to lean against the bedhead.

"So, explain to me what a Gackt is Hideto." He smiled, still confused about the word.

"A Gackt is…" He thought a moment. "Well, you're a Gackt. The Gackt, to be precise."

"That makes no sense." The taller man replied.

"Well… a Gackt is…You. You're Gackt. That's the name you gave yourself."

He snorted and laughed. "Why the hell would I call myself that? That's a stupid name."

"I have no idea… you've never told anyone your real name… not me, not your best friends, no one."

"Well… Maybe I have a good reason for that…" He replied, stretching some.

"Possibly, or maybe your just insane." Hideto smiled widely with a laugh.

Suddenly, the taller man moved down the bed and grasped Hyde's head, pressing his lips against the smaller man's. The action was met with a surprised gasp, Gackt pulling away, blushing deeply and scooting back to the head of the bed.

"Sorry." He said quietly. "I… I don't know what came over me."

Hyde was in shock, his mouth open, his eyes wide. "N… no… it's fine. Really."

"No… I'm sorry. It's not fine."

"No, it is." Hyde smiled. "Really, it is."

"Ne, Hide… when can I go home?" The taller asked softly after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know, we'll have to ask the doctors. I'm sure they'll want to do tests first."

"Can you ask for me?" He asked the shorter man, his brown eyes pleading.

"Of course." He got to his feet and stopped in the doorway. "I won't be long, ne."

Gackt was left alone in the room, he tried hard to remember anything from his life… but his mind was nothing but a mass of fog. He couldn't remember anything at all. It was about 10 minutes before Hideto came back with one of the doctors.

"The doctor has to do some tests, so I'll go make some calls and stuff while I wait." He smiled, then left the doctor and Gackt alone in the room.

The short man wandered down the hallway, finding a payphone and making a few calls, telling everyone he called what was going on and the good new, and the bad. While he was halfway through a call, the doctor tapped his shoulder.

"Oh… can you hang on a second. Thanks." He turned to face the doctor. "Is he okay to go home?"

The doctor nodded. "He's fine, except for the memory loss. Taking him home might help jog his memory. If anything happens, call me here and let me know, and I'll send a nurse around in a few days to check on him as well."

"Thankyou so much, doctor." Hyde bowed deeply to the man.

The doctor smiled and bowed in return. "It's alright, I'm just glad he's okay."

He left the short man to finish his call, which he did quickly. Once he hung the phone up, he went back to Gackt's room and helped him sign the release forms before the two of them packed the flowers, cards and gifts into Hyde's car.

"Okay, let's get you home." Hyde smiled widely as he started the car.

The two of them chatted on the way home, Gackt's eyes widening when he saw the house, moreso when Hyde's car pulled into the garage. Wow… this guy much be so rich.

"You have so many cars." He breathed.

Hyde laughed and shook his head. "They're not mine…" He got out of the car, Gackt doing the same thing. "They're yours."

"Mine?" He stammered. "How can I have so many?"

Hideto smiled and took Gackt's hand. "Ne, come inside, I'll show you."

Gackt nodded quietly and followed the shorter man inside, he paused when a small dachshund came racing towards them, barking madly. The animal jumped at Gackt's legs and he crouched down to pet it. "Is this your dog?"

The shorter man shook his head as the dog licked at Gackt's hand. "No… she's yours. Her name's Belle." He smiled as Gackt stood upright, Belle turning and racing off down the hallway madly. "You have a cat somewhere to, Mei. She's probably sleeping though."

"Oh, alright." Gackt smiled and nodded a little, following Hideto to the loungeroom. He stopped and looked at the huge TV and the large 'U' shaped white leather couch before taking a seat.

Hyde grabbed a DVD from one of the cupboards and moved to the TV cabinet, putting the DVD into the player, grabbing the remote, and moving to take a seat next to Gackt. He smiled before turning on the TV and setting the DVD to play.

"This is one of your concerts, the '02 one." He explained briefly, setting the remotes to one side.

Gackt sat in silence for the first 15 minutes of the concert, seemingly transfixed. "That's…. That's my band…" He said quietly. "Gackt… Job?"

Hyde smiled brightly and nodded. "Yes! That's right!"

"So I really am Gackt aren't I?" The taller man laughed. "I still say it's a stupid name."

Hyde couldn't help but laugh, his laughter dying down quickly as he shifted on the couch and straddled the other's lap, his dark eyes searching Gackt's for any sign of recognition. Before the taller man could ask what was going on, Hyde lent forwards and pressed his lips against Gackt's firmly. After a few moments, Hideto broke the kiss slowly, once more staring into the taller man's eyes.

"Do you remember me yet?"

Gackt shook his head again. "Not really. But… your taste… it's so familiar."

The shorter man's eyes sparkled with mischief as he slid from the younger man's lap and held a hand out to him. Gackt looked at the hand then took it with a smile, getting to his feet and giving Hideto a curious gaze. The shorter man turned, starting to lead Gackt towards the bedroom with a smile.

"Maybe I can help you remember me this way…" The bedroom door closed behind them.

© Copyright 2006 Violins_cry (violins_cry at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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