Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1145356-hannah-and-bruno
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1145356
Based on a true story about Hannah spending the day with her gran and her puppy Bruno
Hannah and Bruno

Every Tuseday, little Hannah's mother would take her over to her Grandmother's whilst she went shopping. Hannah loved going to her grandmother's, as she had a german shephard puppy named Bruno. Bruno loved Hannah as much as she loved him, but Bruno knew to be gentle with little Hannah as she was just a tot. They spent many days playing under the watchful eye of Grandma, but one day Grandma's eye was not as sharp as usual, as you will see from my story.

One day Hannah was over her Grandma's playing with Bruno in the sitting room.
"Im just going into the kitchen to make a cup of tea Hannah i won't be two minutes"
"O.k." Replied Hannah rubbing Bruno's belly.
Grandma went into the kitchen to make her cup of tea, but when she went back into the sitting room, Hannah and Bruno were gone!
"Hannah! Bruno! Where are you?" called Grandma.
Grandma looked out in the garden, but they were not there. She looked in the bedroom and they were not there either.
Finally Grandma looked in the bathroom.

There was Hannah and Bruno, sat by the toilet. Hannah was giggling, and Bruno was sat there letting Hannah brush his teeth with the toilet brush!
"Hannah, what are you doing?" asked grandma trying to supress a smile.
"Clean Bruno teeths." Hannah replied, Bruno wagged his tail.
"O.K. Miss dentist, lets go back downstairs"
"O-tay Gamma tumming. tum on Bruno" Bruno obediently followed Hannah down the stairs.

"Ga'den Gamma?" asked Hannah.
"alright then we'll go in the garden, it's nice enough"
So Grandma, Hannah and Bruno went and played in the garden. After half an hour the phone rang.
"Hannah, i will be back in a minute, you will behave won't you?"
"Es Gamma."
"Alright then"
Grandma went in and answerd the phone. When she went back into the garden 10 minutes later she had to stop herslef from laughing.

Bruno had dug a big hole in the soil and Hannah was sat in the middle of it! Bruno being proud of his hole wagged his tail.
"Woof" He barked.
"Gamma! Bruno made hole!" Hannah put her hands over he mouth and laughed.
"Come on Hannah lets get you cleaned up." smiled Grandma.

After giving Hannah a bath, Grandma took her into the spare room for her afternoon nap. Bruno juimped on the bed with Hannah under the covers.
"here you go Hannah here's your juice."
"Fank oo Gamma"
"Have a nice sleep"
"N,night" Hannah turned over and stroked Bruno whilst drinking her bottle.
Grandma pulled the door to and went downsatirs to watch t.v.

She was woken up by someone banging on the front door. "who could that be" she said to herself as she got up to answer it.
It was a man, a rather large and tall man, with Bruno uner one arm and Hannah under the other.
"excuse me ma'm but i think these belong to you." He said.
"Thankyou but how...?"
"They were in the school playing field."
"Bruno need wee wee" Hannah said as the man put the pair down.
"Hannah in the house please, thankyou sir in sorry i won't happen again."
"no problem take care."

Grandma closed the front door and turned to Hannah.
"Hannah, how on earth did you get out?"
Hannah pointed to the kitchen.
"Bruno speckle door!"
Grandma went into the kitchen and looked out of the window. She could see that Bruno had dug a hole under the fence between the garden and the school playing field. She sighed to herself.
"come on Hannah let's get you cleaned up before mummy comes to pick you up."
"O-tay Gamma"

When Hannah's mother came to pick her up, she was in the front room playing with Bruno.
"Mummy!" Hannah got up and walked towards her mother, arms held up ready to be picked up.
"Hello Hannah" she said picking her up. "Have you had fun?"
"Es mummy."
"O.K. Kiss goodbye to Grandma and Bruno."
As Hannah gave Bruno a hug goodbye, Hannah's mother talked to Grandma.
"How was she?"
"You wouldn't belive me if i told you!" Smiled Grandma.

In loving memory to my wonderful Grandmother Kathleen Morton.

© Copyright 2006 Titchitigga (tigga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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