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Rated: E · Article · Spiritual · #1144508
Vision at Starbucks
THE CLEAR LAKE- Another Starbucks Vision

I was sitting in the coffeeshop trying to think of a metaphor for the absolute. I was trying to think of something absolutely invisible, absolutely still, and I thought of floating in a clear lake. Then suddenly I felt like I was floating in a crystal clear lake, brilliant clarity all around me, all at peaceā€¦the coffeeshop was still there, the big windows, the overstuffed easy chairs, the people at the tables, but I was floating in the bright and motionless lake.

The absolute is beneath, above, beyond everything, but it is here, just behind everything. It is undisturbed by our little actions. It had seen it all 67 billion times (the number of humans since prehistoric times), it undisturbed and unmoved by our greatest actions. It is not a man in the sky, spying on us, angry at most everything we do. It is the ocean of peace.
Universes have come and gone within it. Universes arise from it, like Atlantis rising, the forms appear out of the mist. Galaxies and palaces and appear, faint outlines of mountains are seen on the horizon.
It has seen everything come and go. That is not to say it does not care. It is the absolute caring, the ocean of knowledge, motionless and invisible, the non-interfering and unseen.

The second segment was actually conceived of at the Aliso Viejo library coffeeshop, called The Neighborhood Cup. It's a peaceful place with big red overstuffed couches, and the waitresses remember your name. I'm not quite sure why I have my visionary experiences in coffee houses. Perhaps it is because I was caring for my ailing mother, with complex medical problems. When I got a break I would completely relax at a coffeeshop, and practice contemplation. Then the images would come. Aliso Viejo, California
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