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Rated: · Other · Inspirational · #1144327
a revelation of some aspect of humanity from a microwave
I sat there looking at it, stunned by what had just happened and amazed at the incredibility of it all. It stood there; it seemed to be staring at me right in the face asking me the very question I dreaded: WHAT SHALL YOU DO ABOUT IT?

I had just gone through a very bizarre experience with my microwave. Don’t get me wrong: nothing had burn, exploded or shriveled; it just so happened that my microwave spoke to me. Incredible, right? I thought so too.

There I was simply staring at it as it defrosted the chicken, when out of the blue it spoke. Want to know what it said? By all means, I need to let this out. My microwave told me I’m just like it!

Now wait a minute microwave! What do you mean I am like you? Whereas you’re all metal, glass, plastic and wire, I’m pure flesh and blood, fresh from the bakery. I have feelings, I can see, hear, touch, smell and see, whereas you are just some appliance that cannot claim the same.

“Of course”, it replied, “But that’s not what I meant. I was talking about character. You are just like me.” Naturally, I was scandalized that a machine could have such nerve as to declare itself akin to me in terms of character. If ever a microwave needed service, it was then. What character could a microwave boast of? Ever heard of a loving microwave? Or maybe a microwave that really cares? Perhaps a microwave with a joyous disposition? Ha! I hardly think so. One of us was sadly mistaken and it sure wasn’t me.

The beep of the timer brought me back to the chicken. What a joy to have a 5 hour defrosting done in 10 minutes. The blessing of technology.

I cut up my chicken as I gave the microwave suspicious looks. What had just transpired couldn’t surely have been real. I consoled myself it was hunger that led me to believe I was having conversations with the microwave.

Things don’t just settle back to normal after you have a “conversation” with your microwave. Something needed to be set straight about the situation, so I turned to face the microwave. It was a battle of wills.

I had a myriad of questions going through my mind. What was this? Honestly, was I going crazy? Was this a sign of stress? Or was God adapting to this technical generation and instead of speaking through donkeys it was microwaves?

Proverbs 4:18 came to mind. Revelation was on the way. The situation began to make some sense to my mind.

Pro 4:18 But the path of the just [is] as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. (Emphasis mine)

Care for an explanation?

Once upon a time if you had frozen chicken you had to wait for wait for it to thaw in its own time. Basically, the chicken had its way with you. You were at its mercy. Being the creative humans we are, we had had it with waiting for the chicken. So we came up with an invention that turned the tables: the chicken was now at our mercy. We dictated what time the chicken would take to thaw. Ten minutes thank you very much, and life goes on. It seemed that the Speed Syndrome was on, and it was a hit.

Consider, how many things in our lives do we “speed up” because we no longer seem to have the time to wait them out? It’s easy to make excuses for the natural realm: my boss needs this report by 4, I’ll just copy-paste and voila! My lecturer wont know tat this is a past presented paper. I can’t sit and wait for this chicken to thaw out. The list is endless. But did we ever stop to think that perhaps we have taken the Speed Syndrome into the spirit realm?

God asks us to wait for His time, and there we are sending petition after petition, asking for a quickening of the angels responsible for the assignment as we feel we need that blessing or answer pronto. He asks us to do something today; we do a botchy job just to get it out of the way. He says “go through this season” and we say “there’s no way I’m doing two months of that”.

A sad picture isn’t it? My microwave told me I’m like it not in physical make up, but in terms of performance, I was taking its nature. I was doing everything in a hurry because today time is money and I apparently don’t have the time to wait for long. This Speed Syndrome leads to dissatisfaction when we have to wait, and if unchecked, more often than not it leads to abortion: abortion of assignment which just sets us back in advancing spiritually.

I would have loved to talk back at my microwave and remind it who’s in charge but I hadn’t the will to do so. Truth had just been communicated, and all I could do was ponder on my weakness and embrace the truth: THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH TIME. If God took a week to prepare for man to be on the earth, then who was I not to appreciate time and process and wait things to be beautiful in their own time?

Ecc 3:11 He hath made every [thing] beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

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