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Rated: 13+ · Other · Educational · #1143678
Thinking abortion is ok? That it's not murder? Think again...

Abortion. Defined in Webster's dictionary as "induced termination of the pregnancy before the fetus can survive;" is one of the hottest debates in this country's society. The main argument is whether it is human or not. Is the fetus alive? It is a question that has been asked for centuries. When does human life officially begin? So, while committing abortion, are we really killing innocent human beings? Are we slaughtering living breathing organisms? I'm here today to give you proof that we are killing alive, breathing babies. Babies, whose mother's most likely had the choice to conceive, but has no choice itself whether it wants to live or not. A baby that God created and loved. Today, I will share three things with you. I will tell you how different types of abortions are performed, give you scientifical evidence against abortion, then Biblical evidence...evidence that you cannot deny against God. I will prove to you abortion is murder.

First off, the process of two popular abortions. You may be asking, "How exactly are they killing babies?”, “How are abortions performed?”, “Why is it so horrible?" The two I will share with you are suction abortion, and saline abortion. Suction abortion is done around 7-12 weeks into the pregnancy. Imagine you are the baby with me for a moment. The doctors stick a tube to your body. You feel your body being sucked. Slowly, your skin gets detached, and you feel one of your arms fall away from you. Then a leg. Then your other arm. Then another leg. Slowly, your head becomes detached from your body. As bits and pieces of your body slowly get sucked into a jar, the doctor can recognize your different body parts.

The second most popular form of abortion as I have mentioned is saline. This process is usually done later on in the pregnancy around 16 weeks, because it may cause too much bleeding of the mother. A long needle is inserted into the abdomen of the mother, and concentrated salt is injected into the amniotic fluid. The salt changes the osmotic pressure, resulting in burning of the outer skin of the baby. This slow process takes about an hour to fully kill the baby. The next day the mother will go into labor, and deliver a dead, shriveled body.

Now, how do I know that the baby can feel pain during these processes? I know because neurological structures are developing by eight weeks, and are fully developed by 13 ½ weeks. That fact alone proves that we are killing a human that has no choice or chance to live.

The rest of the evidence is pure science. These next facts are from doctors proving it is alive, showing that not only morally, but scientifically that it is murder. First off, the zygote, which is a one-celled biological entity, completes the four requirements to establish biological life: metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction. Reproduction of the zygotes results in the possibility of forming twins. Second, by the age of 2 ½ weeks, the fetus has blood cells, and a heart. As far as I know every human being that is alive or dead has a heart. Brain waves are detectible at the age of six weeks, right around the time when suction abortion is carried out. But even by the time of ten weeks, when most abortions are performed, the baby can now move his arms independently at the elbow, and can turn the head if the forehead is touched which also proves the nerves are working. Science cannot be fought over. It is proof the baby is alive. Now, from a Biblical standpoint, it can also be proven that you are alive at the time in the womb.

In Psalm 139, in verses 13 to 16, David tells that God formed and wove him in his mother's womb. He praises God for being fearfully and wonderfully made and that he was not made in secret. In Isaiah 49 in verse 1, Isaiah tells that God knew his name before he was born. In Jeremiah, God already had a plan for Jeremiah to be a prophet. God has established personal relationships in knowing you and your personality before we are even born. why would God do that to something that is not human? He has plans for us, even for the little babies that deserve life.

Some make the argument that "Hey, it's America. We should keep it legal, because we have our choices," or "Yeah, it's wrong, but if you were raped it's ok to do." Yes, we live in America, where we can choose our actions. But does the baby inside get to choose? It’s mother choice to have sex, yet the baby can’t choose life? What about rape victims? That argument is hardly applicable. Only %1 of abortions are by rape victims. Most women or young teenage girls view having a baby from rape as a good result. They see the precious child as something positive, coming from an awful incident. Yes, the woman was a victim from rape, but does the baby also need to be one? No. Two wrongs do not make a right. Put the baby up for adoption.

I've heard many people say that adoption agencies don't take care of the babies because there are too many and they ignore some of the children. That is a lie. Every year, almost 1 million Americans are turned away from American adoption agencies because they do not have enough children to give out. There is no argument against adoption.

Abortion should not be an option. It stops a beating heart that was formed at 2 weeks. It is murder. Murder of innocent babies who have no say in the matter. You can disagree against the Bible because you may not believe in it. But there is no way around arguing with science. The baby is alive. Say no to abortion. Say yes to life.
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