Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1143676-The-dark-Knight--Chapter-1-
by Siri
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1143676
......Im not sure what to even write here
The world has been in sorrow since the queen's ruled. Her power has been merciless her hate a strong power that casts darkness over the little light there once was. She is Osalla , the one who they call the queen of despair. It has been many years, very many years since I have been her prisoner. Once she was kinder , once I only saw love in her eyes. But as the years passed something evil turned her against me. I am no longer her lover but now her slave, I protect her and fight her wars wishing for the day the light will return. She and I never age…yet I wish I had died out as I should have long ago….. --- The words of Mithras .

Chapter 1

The fires lay dying , the wind outside was strong and as Diana
looked at the dying fire she was only half awake. Her mind was once again else where. She was lost in thought again , something she did often . Her older brother was away for the week in the mountains hunting , since winter was near. She was all alone and had not much else to do but clean. Clean and weave , Its all she ever did. She sighed. And taxes where becoming worse as always. The Queen had no mercy for her people. It was ironic though . So many men worshiped her for her never changing beauty. Some women looked up to her because she was strong. And yet their kingdom was always thrown into wars , deprived of joy because of her. It disgusted her. And Yet worse She and her dark knight Mithras Where also immortals. The queen herself was said to have cast the spell long ago . It was a famous legend of a young girl who watcher her lover as he lay dying in a battle . She then stabbed herself demanding immortality from the gods for them both and It was given. Or so the story always had been told. However Diana didn’t believe in the gods , surely she could not. Why would any god make a woman queen who killed any who did not bow down to her? Who would starve her people to save the kingdoms money for war? If there where such gods they where no gods of hers.
Finally the fire died out and Diana noticed she was now surrounded in darkness. If only there was something she could do. Something she could do to make Agishara right once again. Make a queen or king rule who would not rule so long past their years . Maybe not a queen or king at all.

The castle was large…built more like a dark cathedral. Its ceilings where far to high , As you first entered you felt as exposed in the great hall as you would under the sky. The windows where large and decorated with colored glass , mainly dark red , black and purple causing an eerie light across the room , the only true light coming from the candelabras. The thrown was the highest point in the room where Osalla would sit , steps lead to her chair which was a crude design , a thrown of metal that had what looked like black claws jetting out the top. A velvet pillow where she sat. Her servants all around her wearing black robes their faces never showing , or if women black dresses with mourning veils covering their faces. The queen herself sat in a black dress with a long trail. Her collar was decorated with raven feathers , of a raven she herself had killed as a sacrifice to the gods before the people. But Mithras knew all to well that these gods she threw before the people where gods she had created over the years to amuse herself. She claimed herself to be the daughter of these gods. And as the years passed and many grew old and died memories of the life before her rule vanished along with the people and no memories where no more. But for the memories he had , the ones he could never share. So he stood by her thrown in his dark leather armor , his eyes always distant and cold his black hair past his shoulder . He no longer could show his emotions , he no longer let himself feel any. He had seen to many in pain , to many killed who where innocent often by his own sword to let himself . If he let himself feel any emotions they would consume him. Osalla looked suddenly in Mithras direction an evil smile on her face. Her hair was jet black and her eyes silver grey like the metal of a broadsword.
"Mithras There's a small village far north from here. I hear a few people have begun an uprising there. The villages name is Vishmire."
"Understood". Mithras bowed and began to leave. After hundreds of years she no longer needed to give him any details. The word alone "Uprising " meant death. There was no alternative , no other punishment.
"You do understand I'm not demoting you , I'm simply giving you something to do.., you must be so bored of late…" She looked amused as if to expect him to react some how. But he said nothing only looked at the floor as he bowed again and walked off.
"Once I was your equal." Was his only thought as he left the eyes of the fearful servants boar into his back.


The sun began to rise as Diana woke up. Her Blue green eyes adjusted to the light and she stretched and yawned. Today she would visit the village nearby called Vishmire. It was small as village's go and so she made good money for her weaving where in a city prices would be lower for it due to all the other weavers and so forth. (or at least that’s what she told herself). She got up from the floor near the fireplace ,where she had not meant to fall asleep. And made her way to the water basin to wash her face. Slipped into her wool cloak and shoes , having slept in her clothing last night there was no reason to change, and rushed out the door.
The autumn leaves where falling in colors like fire. It was her favorite time of year because it was the most colorful. Many of the annoying insects where no longer around and it wasn't to hot or to cold. She detested bugs , every time she saw one she panicked so of course winter had its advantages to…
She made her way to the stables , the cloth she had woven was already in the sattle bags, she had put them there before her brother left yesterday. She opened the door but gasped when she saw the grey mare was gone. She ran to the empty stall trying to find clues of the disappearance. She found one immediately noticing a note nailed to the stall door.

Dear younger sister,

If you are reading this note that means I have already left and you came here to feed the horse only to discover it is gone. You well know I never bring horses when I hunt , so you also should know I am not hunting. I have gone to a gathering with some other people for a rebellion . I left the note because I knew you wouldn’t let me go otherwise without driving me half mad in the process. Do not worry all is fine , I will come back with a present for you as well perhaps a luck charm.

Love your brother,

Diana shoved the note in her cloak aggravated . So now she had to walk there! True the walk wasn’t so bad but why couldn’t her brother just walk? Then he wouldn’t even have to bother to write the note and she would still think he was hunting! She shook her head. Really he wasn’t to bright ,even if he was 5 years older. She was only seventeen and she knew more then he did half the time!
She felt a sudden burst of anger suddenly. Her hard hours of weaving was in that sattle bag! She hoped he was in Vishmire , because she was walking there and she was going to yell at him now till he could no longer hear with his ears.
She exited the stables quickly and made her way to town.


The village looked deserted when Diana approached it. She wondered suddenly if the whole village was into the idea of rebelling. She turned right at the butcher and cut through an ally finding a small wear house she knew the village to hold most of there meetings in. She was tired now angry and thirsty. If she didn’t find Bryon now she would be even more angry then she already was. She rubbed her cold hands together and adjusted her wool cloak more tightly together for warmth. She opened the door and walked right in the warehouse. The people inside reacted by pulling out their swords and daggers. Stopping as they saw who it was. The first to say anything was Marco who was around her age with a thin figure as well as a thin crooked nose.
"Why Diana! What a pleasant surprise , your looking most lovely…"
"Save the flattery Marco , I'm looking for Bryon." Marco sighed and Diana watched some of the other villagers have an amused look on their faces.
"Well I'm hurt really." Marco said interrupted suddenly by a deep voice.
"Diana what are you doing here?" The voice belonged to her brother Bryon who looked rather upset. Bryon like her had inherited their mothers green eyes and auburn hair. But unlike her his hair was completely straight , while hers was longer and wavy.
"You brought something in the saddlebags that does not belong to you. Just as the horse does not belong to you." Diana said irritated.
" Diana this isn't a good time…"
"If its about this foolish idea of a rebellion I would advise against it. The queen could find out and have all our heads." Diana said . She opened her mouth to continue but before her next words could come out sound of someone in complete agony reached from just outside.
The people who had been casually sitting down , three men with their ale , two women playing cards and 5 others jumped to their feet withdrawing their weapons rushing outside. Shocked Diana could do nothing but follow.


Mithras pulled his sword from the man. Blood was now covered over the glittering blade. The wind blew his hair in his face as another man emerged from the small building. He stabbed him quickly before he could even draw out his weapon. He fell to his knees stunned watching blood soak his shirt and feel dead. He could feel no sympathy he could feel no compassion , nor joy as he killed. He never even felt alive anymore after being alive for so long. He spun his blade once again but felt himself stop as he was looking into a pair of green eyes. His own eyes widened as he glanced at the girl. She had flung herself in front of the man he was about to kill. Something was suddenly wrong. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t move , he had killed many , men ,women and children so why now…
Her long wavy brown hair suddenly turned black as his eyes went out of focus , Then brown again….her green eyes became grey, then green once more…
He looked upon the face of a strange deter mend girl. And then at the face of Osalla , once named Salvia . At that moment something flickered inside of him. A part of him that had been lost. He dropped to his sword and looked directly at the girl. He felt emotions and memories flood his entire being until he felt nothing clearly , saw nothing clearly. He felt pain spread inside of him. He fell to his knees and felt as if all his energy was being sucked dry by some unnamed force. The world around him turned black as it blurred out of focus.


Diana watched stunned as the man dropped to his knees and pass out. She had never felt such fear in her life she felt tears fall from her eyes of terror. But as he glanced at her she had seen only a look of immense pain on his face. Shock as well . She lowered her arms to her side as a few minuets passed by. Julie , one of the villagers rushed to her husband who lay dead nearby , the sound of her sobbing the only thing breaking the silence. Her brother behind her walked before her and lifted his sword about to cut the intruders head from his body. Diana cried out before she knew what she was doing and ran to the stranger shielding him with her own body. Her brother stopped confused.
"Don’t! " She said tears in her eyes. Diana could no longer hold her crying back. What had happened? Why did this happen? One minuet she had only spoken with her brother , now two people where dead and she was defending the murderer.
"Move Diana , move away from that foul existence!" She had never felt such anger in her brothers words.
She felt herself try to move but stopped as the mans eyes flashed through her mind again. Eyes where said to be the windows to the soul . If that was so, then this mans soul was tortured. She could not let him die. Maybe death was what he deserved. Maybe death was what he wanted. But a part of her felt herself wish only to help him. A part of her hated him for what he had done. And yet she could not move.
"If he was truly evil he would have killed me! " She said.
No one said anything. She knew now everyone must hate her. They had seen two people they loved killed before him. They hated her for defending this stranger. This enemy.
" You cant kill him , he knew our whereabouts. We should keep him tied up until we learn from him the next moves of the queen." Diana said quietly but strong. She let no emotions seep through her voice , and saw others nod in agreement.
"Though many still may not have trusted her , they knew she made a good point as well.
She wondered suddenly if she had done the right thing as she saw two of the men tie him up and drag him away, another taking his sword.

© Copyright 2006 Siri (sirina1266 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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