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Introduction for book:"Information Dynamics: Why We Are Here"
Information Dynamics: Why We Are Here


This book is about Information. The intent of this book is many-fold, but ultimately to demonstrate the potential to use new and old technologies that will create and accelerate cooperation at all levels among the people of our world. Very real and practical opportunities arise from the new definition of Information presented in this book. We can improve our understanding of ourselves and our relationships. We can improve relations between ourselves, groups and nations: the potential for this improvement is real, practical, and more transformational than the inventions of religions, nation-states, electricity, telephones, television, or the Internet.

While many of the concepts in this book are technical, the overall message is non-technical: Life, love and evil are not metaphysical, but are predictable outcomes of Information Dynamics.

You don’t have to be a technical person to understand that when you flip the switch on the wall, electricity is the energy source that powers the light bulb. The intent of this book is to cover both the outcomes of Information Dynamics as well as the technical supporting information which demonstrates the reality of this new scientific theory of physics. Just as you don’t have to be an electrical engineer or an electrician to understand the concepts of electricity distribution and the wiring in your home which results in home lighting, you won’t have to be an engineer to understand the parts of this book that are the most important, and to share this important new knowledge: that this theory of physics is real, it deserves study and expansion by our scientific communities, and it holds great promise for improving our lives and the lives of our children. In fact, more so than anything else.

An irony of this book is self-evident: the difficulties in presenting the information in this book are predictable outcomes of the theory itself. One of the key concepts is that Information flows in the same way as any other flow, such as water in a pipe. This is very important, because the dynamics of this flow are such that the Intention of the Information flows in balance with Noise in the channel, as well as in balance with the limiting speed of the distribution channel. If you think for a moment about the well-known children’s game, “telephone”, you can see this is one example of this theory. A message is sent from child to child, and is garbled in the end, possibly transformed many times along the way. However, if the message was a single, short and commonly known word, it is very likely to make the round trip intact. This is because the Noise has been well-managed and error has been reduced very well. By the way, the Internet has been engineered in this very manner.

In the case of this book, the intention is to inform people about the true physical nature of Information and many of the implications of this new knowledge. The intention is to reveal the potential to improve all of our lives, and to create and accelerate cooperation. Unfortunately, there is substantial Noise facing this intention: people generally will not believe the truth when it is first presented to them, if the facts aren’t compelling and can be well-understood. This is new information, and so our common “dictionary” about the meaning of all the terms must be incorporated into the book, yet much will still not be understood by everyone, because a lot of it is technical. Finally, the facts need to be presented with enough clarity and supporting information to be analyzed and challenged by both lay people and scientists.

So, I will do my best to present this information. Perhaps one day, I will write companion books: 1) a non-fiction, non-technical book, 2) a non-fiction technical book, and 3) a story about the potential days in the future when everyone’s lives are transformed in a giant leap for the better, by a set of technologies developed from application of this scientific theory. However, lives and health are put at risk daily, and every day, people suffer much pain from poor self-understanding and poor relationships. Time is of the essence.

So, I ask for your cooperation today, while knowing full-well there will be substantial conflict along the way (because there has to be, as you will see). My request is as simple as this theory really is, in the end: please read the parts that make sense to you.

If there are parts that are impenetrable, note them, and write me with a request to expand on that or explain it with different terms. If you understand it all, and don’t agree with me, do me the honor of engaging in dialogue so that we at least have an opportunity to build consensus while seeking the truth together. If you understand all the non-technical parts, and agree with me, then please discuss with me and others some ways to apply this new information, expand awareness of it, and improve your life and the lives of others. If you understand it all, and are gifted with scientific or mathematical talent, then please think of ways to expand on the theory, build additional mathematical support, apply the theory in development of new technologies, or apply it in development of a technical understanding of old technologies.

If you cooperate with me in this endeavor, I can guarantee you will not regret it in the end, and it will not be a waste of your time and effort. Along the way, you are more than likely to encounter some conflict with people you have never met, or to create conflict with people with whom you currently have relationships. This is the physical nature of Information, and so is inevitable. However, you will have an even greater likelihood of creating more happiness and better relationships with your loved ones, and especially for our future generations. You will have a much better understanding of your self, the nature of conflict, and great opportunity to improve cooperation with your self and with others. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I do.

I will be open and honest with you. I will give you this information with great respect, and with respect for your current views and beliefs, no matter what they are. I present this information as a valuable gift to you, with the hope that you will eventually be a much happier person for having it and using it in your life. I commit to seeking the truth with you, and establishing a common consensus about the truths we find in this journey. I dedicate myself to creating and accelerating cooperation amongst us all, and am committed to this long journey with you.

With Love,

Bill Custer
© Copyright 2006 Bill Custer (custerw at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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