Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1142976-Concept-for-another-story
Rated: E · Sample · Adult · #1142976
Next story to write, based off a dream I had. Format is a little messy. Forgive me.
Theme Park
Usual day at the theme park. Everything changed when they realized what I was. I didn’t realize that there were that many hunters out today, it was fairly bright even though it was overcast. My best friend was with me…keyword was. They took her. Who knows what they did with her. Thing is, even though I’m with vampire blood, so are those that I call hunters. It’s practically like two families feuding, however not related by blood, but by interests in life and how we choose live our lives. Once I realized they were on to me, I ran. Just ran, knowing I had to find him. My love. Where was he? He hadn’t told me his plans for the day, so I escaped the theme park with a few close calls and hunters on my heels. I screamed his name in my head, knowing that sometimes if I thought about him hard enough he somehow find me. He was much older than me, by a hundred years. I was classified a teen although my body was that of a 22 year old. I was only 200 years old. He was a little over 300, or at least that’s what he wants me to believe.

Running to the playground that was like our secret meeting spot, hoping he heard me screaming his name. As I rounded the gate I slide to a stop. He was there, but so were about 13 hunters surrounding him. Now, I might young by age, but I’ve spent most of my time wisely. I’ve learned everything I can about any defense arts I know of. I’ve had a few years to kill time, so I figured what better. It was how I met, my love anyway. But that’s a whole different story for a different time. Finally taking out just enough hunters to get us out of there, we fled thru the city. We knew we had to gather the rest that were close. You can’t fight fights like this with the odds so horribly wrong. .

As he slid off the main road into an alley way which I protested, but still felt safer there than on the main roads, we heard them. I hid behind numerous heavy boxes that were outside of some grocery, still full of foods and fruits. My love fled to the roof tops to survey the area and to hide in the shadows that crept around steep roofs now that the sun was beyond just setting. That was the last I saw of him I thought. It didn’t take long for them to find me. They knew my scent all too well. They created me, but I defied them. I hated their ways. I was drug down to the next alley and held there while watching others sit around so calmly like nothing was happening. One dork of a vampire was video taping anything he could…the walls, the ground, me. That’s when I heard him. With such speed, my love descended from the roof, crushed the camera and all the tapes whether blank or not, punch the two guys with the camera out of rage. He was behind this one female who had been by herself the entire time, he wrapped his arms around her neck but didn’t harm her – instead whispered something to her. I felt all sorts of emotions rising in my gut. Then he turned to me and even though I was being held bound by a few hunters, they didn’t budge. Just stood there, while he walked over to me and caressed my face. He whispered “Have no worries. Just stay safe” Softly kissed my lips for what I feared would be the last time. I know what he was doing. He was leaving me there, and leaving. Or would they catch him, as he tried to flee. I wouldn’t ever know, unless we found each other later down the road. After that, he was gone. A few hunters called after him, beginning yet another chase.

I awoke tied to a chair. Not that vampires sleep, really. So I’m not sure how exactly they drugged me. When I woke up four vampires probably around the same age as me, were throwing a little party. Two guys, two girls. I didn’t like the looks of things. The guys were obviously shitty. But they girls were too, but just not as bad. I saw one guy go down – passed out. They must be drinking very strong liquor. It has to be extremely strong to knock a vampire out. Then I saw the girl that my love had whispered to round the corner. I was hurt, I was angry, I wanted her blood spilt, but instead I sat perfectly still. She walked around me, as if she was examining me before she fed on me. But actually she realized the binds on me. She pulled me by hair and said “I don’t really like this, but you are free. To an extent. If you wish to stay this way, you better make sure honey bun in the kitchen stays drunk.” With confusion written on my face, I peeked into the kitchen and saw the other guy. I caught on quickly. I was to make him think he was going to get a chance to sleep with the token catch – me. However, it wouldn’t be easy. He wanted me to drink. So I used to old bartender trick of taking shots but spitting them back out in another glass or bottle as if I was chasing the shot. I found an empty beer bottle, and spit it out. I started to come onto him, making him think his dreams were about to come true. Then he was out cold only 5 minutes of me being untied. As I turned around the two girls were clapping at my performance. I asked, “What is this all about?” The one my love whispered to spoke only, “Your man said that if I helped him, he would help me get out of here. Hopefully he’ll help her too. So I figured in helping him, I would help you. Because in turn you would help him as well. But I don’t like you. I’ll tell you that right now, but I will tolerate you just so I can be rid of this shit.” I nodded slowly, turning around to the two guys laid out in the kitchen and breakfast area. Then I saw the silent girl with an extremely sharp knife in hand. She was going to kill them. I knew what a knife that was used for – sawing into a skull. Cut the skull and brain into halves or thirds and you are good to go. No more vampire. Or severe the head from the body, but there had been cases of the vampire still being ‘alive’. So, most preferred this method. She did it, we grabbed our things and ran…setting the apartment a blaze just moments after we left.


Then I woke up. :(
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