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Adam couldn't fit in till a girl showed up and changed his life. Very heart-warming :) |
This is a poem/story that I just decided to write. The idea just popped into my head, and as opposed to paper I thought I'd write it here instead. It's completely uneditted, so I hope that's okay. Anyway, here it is, maybe it'll make your day! Hello, my name is Adam, and I'm quite small. To me, everyone's really really tall, But, anyway, here's my story, About when I met a wonderful girl named Laurie. That warm autumn day started just like normal, I changed from my PJ's to something more formal, I went off to school to see what I'd learn, And when it was done, to home, I'd return. So, I was going home that warm autumn day, When suddenly, I saw a girl walking my way! She was of a normal height, however, So I wrote off my chance with her as a "never." But then something odd happened as she walked by, And I guess that I must have caught her eye. As she walked by she gave me a smile, And I couldn't believe it for a long long while. Someone had actually noticed me, Even though I was only three foot three! I hoped and prayed that I'd see her again, So that maybe one day she'd be my friend. I couldn't sleep and stayed up late that night, Since everything around me seemed oddly bright. I realized quickly that girl had shined up my life, With her smile, she'd cut through the darkness like a knife. After a while, of course, I did get to sleep, And I awoke in the morning to a robin's sweet peep. I took off my PJ's and felt almost normal, As I put on some clothes that were much more formal. Then, when I was waiting with some other kids for the bus, I saw that girl! And she came over to us! At first I assumed there was someone else she wanted to see, But it turned out she'd come to talk to me! She kneeled down a bit and looked me in the eye, "Hi!" she said, "You seem like a nice guy! I'm new here and I was wondering if you could show me around, If it's okay with you, that is... How does that sound?" To be honest, I didn't know what to say, So I awkwardly stuttered, "You... mean... today?" She laughed, "Of course, silly, when else would it be? My name's Laurie, what's yours?" She said with glee. "My name's Adam, and I'm three foot three, And I was wondering why you chose to talk to me? I mean, you could've chosen someone much taller, Like Nancy there, why not just call her?" Somehow, I managed to say what was on my mind, It was like courage had ambushed me from behind. With a smile on my face, I filled up with pride, And after a pause, Laurie, with a smile, replied, "My mother always told me that I shouldn't hide, Since what's important is what's inside. And even though you are really really small, You seemed like the nicest guy of all. "Often those who don't fit in, Are those who have the best within!" And from that moment, we were great friends, Helping each other through all life's bends. We were both better off, because she had cared, And, somehow, when I was around, she never felt scared. Our lives were filled with smile and laughter, And, frankly, we lived happily ever after. The ending's a bit cliche, I know, but think about this before you go. The moral of the story should be obvious to you, and that moral is definitely quite true. It's really easy to make someone's day -- you don't even have to go out of your way. Something as small as a little smile will most definitely be worth your while. Maybe that girl you don't like could change your life for the better, if you showed a bit of love and let her. Even that scary guy who always has a knife, might actually be really cool, and could change your life! Also, I suppose that if the message fits, this story could be good for kids. Anyway, I hope you liked my little poem, and hopefully the message somehow hit home! Have a great day, a great evening, and a great night! PS. All the encouragement seems almost bizarre, but thanks for all the great reviews I've recieved so far. :D |