Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1142123-Arks-adventure
by Kettle
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1142123
Basically a short fantasy story
The sun had set on Imperial City many hourse ago, and the air was silent except for the clapping of a horse’s hooves and the occasional Siren’s calls to make some gold. The city, just half a day ago bustling with life had been silenced, with most of its honest citizens fast asleep. Excepting one young man, of rather slight build, who was leading his mule to its sleeping quarters.

“Hush, Horatio! Do you want to wake up the entire empire with your braying?” the man asked rather angrily of his mule. Horatio stared and snorted, and obediently ceased creating noise.
“When is Barath going to be here? I’ve been wandering these streets for hours and-“
“Ark, my friend! How does life?”
“Barath! I thought you’d never get here!” cried out Ark, “Have you the equipment?”
“Aye. It be a fine weapon – I stole it from the Prince’s palace but a few hours ago. It was most difficult getting pas the guards – security has been tight lately, with the assassination attempts and all,” smirked Barath.
Ark looked about, making sure that he wasn’t being watched, and inquired, “How much do you want?”
“Two hundred Imperial Crowns.”
“That’s outrageous! But-” smiled Ark, “-you are a good friend. I have no quarrel with you. It’s a deal!” Gold and a rather large parcel were exchanged, and the two bade each other farewell.

“When, may I ask, was my sword stolen!” the prince roared. His attendants looked at eachother, and burst into tears.
“We don’t know, sir. I-it was taken during the last few hours by some insolent villains” said one attendant.
“I know that! Do you take Prince Thessus for a fool? Perhaps a few hours on the rack would fix you two up?”
“No, please! We’ll get it back! I’ll send out the alarm straight away, and we’ll get the guards to recover it within the next day or two, we swear!”
“You better be right – for your own sake” sneered the Prince Thessus as he stormed off.

Ark was woken up by the Imperial bell and the sound of the guards storming his quarter of the city.
“God, I have to get out o f here!” Ark exclaimed, and immediately clambered out of his bed and threw on whatever clothes he could find. Grabbing the parcel acquired last night, he snuck outside and ran into the narrow alley next to his house.
‘If I don’t get out of the Empire soon, I’m done for’ thought Ark as he looked around, surveying the area. ‘The city exit is to the south, only a fifteen minute journey by foot. Surely I can make it.’ Ark added, and began to head towards the south gate. After winding his way through the streets for what seemed to be an eternity, hesaw the great towers that overlook the city and he realized that the gate was but a few hundred feet away. Slowly, acting as normal as possible, he concealed the parcel under his clothes as best he could, and made his way towards the gate.
“Who goes there?” someone asked, and Ark just realized that the gate was guarded. He silently cursed himself.
“’Tis but a poor lad trying to make his way back to his village after a solid day’s shopping,” replied Ark “and I’d like to pass, honourable imperial guard.”
The guard eyed him suspiciously, and noticed the rather poorly concealed parcel hidden under Ark’s clothes.
“What be hidden under that there shirt?” asked the guard, and Ark reached for his dagger, ready for a confrontation.
“Nothing, friend. You must be seeing things!” joked Ark. The guard didn’t buy Ark’s jest, and approached him.
“You will give your parcel to me if you value-”
“Your life?” Ark asked sardonically as the guard slipped off the dagger’s blade, “Not a chance.” He looked around, seeing noone else that was about, and nonchalantly strolled out of the city and into freedom.

Two days later, Ark was sitting at his campfire, still on a high after his triumph. He took out his parcel, unwrapped it, and held the Prince’s prized sword high.
“It was well worth the trouble, don’t you think?” he asked noone in particular, and settled down to his meal.
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