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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1141842
A teenage girls nightmares soon become her reality they are trapping her in her own head
"No." She whispered softly as she tossed and turned in her bed. Her sheets were wrapped closely around her body, she was furiously kicking at her invisible attacker. "Get away from me!" She screamed.Her mother came running into her room at the sound of her daughters frightened yell. She carefully shook Aiden awake. "Aiden, Aiden.... Wake up. Its just a nightmare baby its ok." She rubbed Aiden’s back, calming her. These
Nightmares had become more feverish and frequent. Aiden was covered in sweat, and her heartbeat was now irregular.
Her mother was in fear. Little did she know what was going on in Aidens head...

The woods were silent, she couldn’t hear or say anything. She was walking upon a path, it felt like it was grass. She couldn’t even see her hand an inch from her face. Her white silk nightgown was glowing, she was being guided by his voice. It was a sweet, playful sound, with words only she could hear. “Come closer. The wind will guide you to me, follow the winding path. Come to me my darling…. Come to me…” She felt as is she was in a trance, she could not shake the feeling that there was someone else watching her, following her footsteps… Then she saw it. The clearing up ahead. She was drawing closer. She screamed at the sight she found…

She awoke in a sweat, to her mother at her side. This nightmare had been repeating over and over every night… but she never found out what went on past the clearing…. She shook her head. It was only a dream, wasn’t it? Aiden quickly got up, grabbed some clothes, and went to shower. “Mom, will you put on the kettle please?” She yelled from the bathroom. “Already have.” Was the reply. She tried desperately to shake the feeling.
She could never remember what made her scream, what she saw that awoke her drenched in sweat every night…. She pushed the nightmare from her mind, and proceeded to shower and get dressed. “Mom can you please make me a coffee? I need to see if anyone important is online.” She yelled up the hallway, not caring if her neighbors heard the conversation.
Everything was normal until around 7 pm. She was watching CSI and all of a sudden she got a feeling she was being watched again. She looked off her balcony, but there was nothing. She inspected every closet, every room, everywhere someone could hide, and yet she found nothing. Being the paranoid person she was, she opened her door and looked down the hallway. There was no one in sight. She sighed then grabbed her kitten and curled back up on the couch to finish CSI. She fell asleep by the middle of the second episode.

She found herself in a cabin, in the middle of the woods. She looked around, but there was no other living thing that she could see. She found a candle, and lit it from the fireplace. She opened the front door and saw the path. She felt safer knowing that she had some light. The full moon alighted upon the pebbles, showing her the way. She followed the glowing pebbles to a clearing. It was not the same one she had seen soo many nights.. this clearing had nothing but a wolves den. She was afraid. She heard a wolf howling in the distance, it was getting closer. She fled, but they blocked her escape. She felt as if she was going to die… then he appeared out of nowhere. He picked her up in his arms. She fainted.

Aiden awoke on her couch. She couldn’t recall falling asleep. This was unusual.. she shook that thought off. She looked at the clock. “ Holy shit! Its 3 am already?” she muttered to herself. She yawned and stretched. She didn’t remember dreaming, but for this she was relieved. She had actually gotten a decent sleep, even if it wasn’t supposed to happen. She was still unbelievably tired, so she went and curled up in her bed. As soon as her head hit her pillow, she was fast asleep.

She awoke in the arms of a stranger, but oddly they seemed comforting. “are you alright? You almost got yourself killed wandering around the woods at night!” the gentle but firm tone he was using made her melt. “I.. uh… I’m sorry.” She looked at the ground sheepishly. He tilted her head up. “I understand your need for wandering, Miss Aiden, but you need to be more careful.” How does he know my name? she thought to herself. “how do you know my name?” her curiosity got the best of her. “I have been observing you for some time, Miss.”
© Copyright 2006 Miss.Dee (miss.dee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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