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This is an essay written after reading Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick. |
Contrasts between Ahab and Starbuck Thesis: In the movie Moby Dick, Herman Melville effectively contrasts his characters Ahab and Starbuck through their personalities, duties, and struggles. In the movie Moby Dick, Melville portrays his two characters Ahab and Starbuck as complete opposites. Ahab, being the captain of the ship, is full of madness. He is seen as vengeful and bitter (which are not qualities wanted of a man who controls the management of a ship). The first mate, on the other hand, is filled with right-mindedness. Starbuck is a calm and a very reasonable person. Even so, he lacks the power of Captain Ahab. Ahab has ultimate authority on the ship and has won over most of the crew out of greed and thirst for money, but with all this authority comes the immediate duties given to all captains. Ahab has the responsibility of keeping all the men on board safe. He gives his order to the first mate, and knows they will be followed out according to his plans. Even with this knowledge in mind, there seems to be some confusion between duties and personal obsessions. While Captain Ahab gives outlandish orders to satisfy his burning revenge, Starbuck starts having second doubts about where the Captain’s real priorities lie. Starbuck realizes what his obligations are, but starts to struggle between his duties and his morals. During the movie, Ahab also deals with a struggle from within. Ahab struggles with what he calls the “demon” inside of him. This force makes him want to accomplish things his heart wouldn’t dare. Nevertheless, Ahab does not defeat this force and still carries the desire to kill the white whale. Starbuck knows that the only solution to this problem is to kill the mad captain, but also seems to struggle with this idea. His morals are too high to allow him to do such a terrible thing, even if it might be the right choice. In the end, Starbuck submits to Ahab and both of the characters die in spite of their foolish actions. Ahab’s mad obsession had made him an unfit captain and many lives were shortened because of it. On the other hand, Starbuck new something needed to be done, but was unable to perform the necessary tasks to set things right again. The relationship as captain and first mate was a disaster because of their difference in opinion. The two characters are very dissimilar and have different priorities, but in the end no one sane took change because of struggles and corruption that had developed along the voyage. The journey had started off as an adventure for some and a way of living for others. This same journey ended with one survivor and was indeed just a frivolous attempt at man trying to dominate over nature. |