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The adventure moves along. This is an action piece you can move right into. |
4. Tephole Valyn was now back atop his jerak with Jaydon. Their escort consisted of four armored horsemen, two in front and two behind. After the initial strange meeting, Valyn could not help feeling suspicious. Even Jaydon knew something was not quite right with the situation. “Is this some kind of trap? Where are we going? Why did they start acting so nice? Who is the general?” He whispered. “Ssh!” Valyn whispered, “we’ll find out soon enough.” Though their escort had become extremely polite, he still kept his weapon at the ready. Just in case. “Don’t tell the general what I did.” “No, of course not.” “I don’t think I’d ever hear the end of it.” “You’re lucky I stopped you in time. You’d better let me introduce him now.” “Absolutely, you’ve earned that.” “Thanks. Don’t feel too bad it could have happened to anyone.” Valyn listened to the men talk, but it did not provide any insight into their present situation. Whatever the case, the escort no longer seemed to view him as a threat. The group traveled west about a mile along the road, until they cleared the trees that had been hindering their view of Tephole. Now they could see it for all its present and former glory. Tephole was a large, sprawling town. It spread out for miles, from the river on its western edge to the wall of trees that made up its southern border. That wall created a barrier for the residents of Tephole, because on the other side was the northern boundary of the Eastern Slide. It was the buffer zone to The Crag Trench. The town itself was made up mostly of stone and mortar buildings that had withstood many years of weathering and war. Tephole had been set upon many times by enemies. Each time an enemy was repelled the security tightened. Until it became the police state that Valyn and Jaydon were now being escorted through. The building where the men stopped was easily the largest in town. “Wait here.” Commanded the second man, as he dismounted and entered the building. Valyn climbed down from Altha and led her over to the watering trough. Jaydon stayed in the saddle, as his father instructed. The feeling of uncertainty still hung heavy in both of them, so Valyn felt it best to be prepared for anything. “Guardian Defender!” The second man had now reappeared in the doorway. There was no answer to his call, however. Valyn recognized the term from Evergreen and thought it must be a military position in Tephole, as well. That was until he noticed the address was clearly aimed at him. “Defender, in my haste I did not think to ask your name. I apologize. The General will see you now.” “But, I am…” Valyn began. “But, you are keeping the General waiting.” Said the first guard. Valyn decided to hold his tongue a bit longer and find out what was going on from their general. He tied off his jerek, helped Jaydon down from the saddle, and entered the building. “This is army headquarters. “ the second guard began. “Please remember you are a guest here. The General is a great man and commands the utmost respect. Now might I have your names so that I may introduce you properly? ” The trio had made their way through a great hall filled with stone columns, artwork of statues and paintings and long tables with displays of weapons from all over the civilized territories. They were now stopped at the far end, in front of two large wooden doors. “Of course. My name is Valyn and this is my son, Jaydon.” The guard then proudly threw open the doors to the General’s audience chamber. There, sitting at a large desk by the window, was the man in charge of Tephole. He was pouring over a large map and did not look up until the guard brought Valyn and Jaydon over to him. As they crossed the room, Valyn noticed the tips of several crossbow bolts that were trained upon them. Clearly, these were not a trusting people and now he knew why they did not ask for his weapon before escorting him to their leader. If any attempt were made on the general, the assailant would be cut down before his weapon left its sheath. “May I present Valyn, Guardian Defender of Evergreen, and his son Jaydon. Gentlemen, this is General Forion Ryxx.” The guard stood between Valyn and General Ryxx feeling very important. He had earned the right of this introduction. He had stopped his comrade from making a fool of himself when their scout team discovered the two riders from Evergreen. Only his keen eye and quick reaction saved them from embarrassment. He would receive the accolades he was due. “You dunce.” Ryxx scolded. “This is not the Guardian Defender. The Guardian Defender is named Beryl. This man could be anyone, a beggar, a merchant, an assassin perhaps. A necklace does not define anyone’s place in life. You would do well to ask more questions and be certain of the answers to those questions.” The guard was stunned. Mouth hanging open, he just stammered. There was no good response. “But he… But I….” He never had a chance, until Valyn spoke up. “I allowed this to come to pass, General Ryxx. I did not identify myself and I knew that Perrial’s necklace would allow me to gain access to you, sir. My son and I are only passing through, but I was hoping we might be able to get food, shelter and perhaps soldiers from you.” Valyn, having figured out why he was treated so well earlier, thought he might use it to his advantage now with the leader of Tephole. Perhaps he could accomplish his mission right here, in less than half the time originally thought. The General motioned to the crossbowmen to lower their weapons. He then stood up and turned to Valyn, Jaydon and the guard who brought them. Ryxx was a mountain of a man. His nose had been broken long ago and no longer set straight between his eyes. His face was lined with many years of battle or worry, one could not say. He spoke in a deep gravelly voice that sounded as if he was giving orders, even when he was not. He dismissed the guard, who was definitely relieved to leave the General’s presence at the moment. “Now then, let’s you and I get some things sorted out, shall we?” Ryxx said. “You’re not the Defender, I know that. You’re not an assassin, because you wouldn’t bring your son with you to kill me. And that boy is your son, I can tell by the way you shield him. You say you deceived my scout on purpose, but I think you were just trying to help him save face. But you do bear the necklace and that means you must be on some official task. So, I welcome you to Tephole. I will aid you if I can.” Valyn recounted the tale of the Mutari attacks for the General. Servants brought food and drink for them as they sat at the large table in the General’s office. Jaydon listened in amazement as the two men discussed everything from battle plans to governing. His father truly had a great deal of knowledge in many areas, perhaps more than he let on when they were at home. He watched as his father sat with the General, the leader of the massive town of Tephole, and become accepted as an equal. At that moment, he was greatly impressed. If the doors had not opened just then, he might never have been more impressed in his life, but they did; and the sight was enough to melt away his father’s latest accomplishment. There in the doorway stood two great beasts. Like two giant grizzly bears, covered in coarse fur, they towered. Tall enough, that neither one of their heads could be seen as they disappeared beyond the top of the doorframe. If it weren’t for the fact they wore clothes, Jaydon would swear that they had to be bears of some kind. Then one after the other, they ducked down and entered through the doorway. “Evenin Gen’ral”, said the first of the two newcomers. “We done for today.” Though his face was covered in the same fur as his body, it had a very human quality. There was gentleness in his large brown eyes. And when he spoke it was as a child. “We sorry, didn’t know you have company.” “That it quite alright. Please, come in.” Ryxx said. “Ghorak, Ghoran, this is Valyn and his son Jaydon. They are riders from Evergreen. Ghorak and his brother here are building our new bridge.” “Nice to meet you. We never been to Evergreen. You need stuff built there?” Ghorak asked as he put his gigantic fur covered hand out to Valyn. “Good to meet you too.” Valyn stood up to greet them both and realized that they stood a good two feet taller than him. “Good craftsmen are always welcome in Evergreen. You are Benorin aren’t you?” “Yep, you know us?” “No, but I have heard of your kind. It is my honor to meet you.” The brothers sat down, taking up a great deal of the table next to Jaydon. The General and Valyn continued their talk into the night. Jaydon concentrated more on his new Benorin friends. They were simpletons, but they were fun and entertaining. While Jaydon talked and laughed with Ghorak and Ghoran, Valyn found out from Ryxx that the army of Tephole was not the powerful force that it once was. Their guards and scouts were spread all about the perimeter of the land around town. Peace was being kept by vigilance and communication. If there were any disturbance a series of horn blasts would sound; indicating the severity of the situation and the response required. “I’m sorry we can’t help you. We just can’t spare anyone right now, but you are welcome to stay here tonight and in the morning my men will take you to the north edge of our land. From there you can go on to Charela.” Valyn thanked Ryxx. He and Jaydon then bid everyone a good night and were shown to a room. Jaydon had a hard time falling asleep. He was beaming with fascination for Ghorak and Ghoran. He continued to tell his father about what he had learned about them even after Valyn had fallen asleep. He wished he had told him about what he learned about Valyn on this night, but he would remember to do it in the morning. The light of the sun through the window woke Jaydon from his sleep. Valyn was already outside seeing to their ride, Altha, and their supplies. Jaydon quickly got cleaned up and dressed. He ran out the door and smack into Ghorak. “Mornin little rider. We helping you get ready to go. Long way to Charela. Need lots of stuff.”, Ghorak said to Jaydon, who was trying to clear the cobwebs out of his head from the collision. Ghorak, on the other hand, had hardly felt Jaydon run into him, and continued on carrying supplies over to Valyn. General Ryxx was there with Valyn. They had loaded the last of the supplies and were saying their farewells when a horn sounded. Ryxx looked to the south and waited for the horn blasts to stop before reacting to them. “That’s the invasion horn and coming from the southern scouts can mean only one thing. Crag!” The general motioned to two guards across the courtyard, which quickly retrieved his horse. “I must go now, we need every available man. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Perhaps if we are both successful, we will meet when you pass back through.” He then turned to Ghorak and Ghoran. “You two stay here, guard my quarters and wait for the all clear signal.” Ryxx was turning to ride off the to the south when a shout caused him to stop. “Wait!” Valyn yelled. He turned to his son, “You stay here with the Benorin, lock up behind us and don’t come out until I return.” Jaydon was not happy with what was happening. “You’re going with the general aren’t you?” He eyed his father suspiciously, “And what if it’s alot worse than at home? What if there are a hundred of them? What if…” Valyn cut him off. “Jaydon! Nothing is going to happen to me. The general and his men showed us respect, courtesy, and hospitality. Those qualities are rare in this world we live in and must be acknowledged and returned. You know I can help these people, so stay here, stay safe, and I’ll see you very soon.” As Jaydon ran inside with Ghorak and Ghoran, Valyn cut the supplies loose from Altha’s saddle. He then mounted his jerek and joined Ryxx’s party that rode southward to battle. “When I said every available man I was not including you. Nor was I trying to influence you to join us.” Ryxx said as Valyn rode up next to him. “I know. That is precisely the reason I came. That, and I have some knowledge and experience with the Crag. I am not doubting your men, but maybe I can help.” “I thank you. Evergreen must be quite a place to instill such values in her warriors.” Ryxx replied. They reached the southern edge of Tephole. Just beyond the last set of buildings lay a huge meadow. And beyond that a thick wood line, as if it were built to be the south wall of the town itself. Almost every one of the general’s men had already assembled at the northern end of the meadow. They were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the scouts who were riding across the meadow to meet them. The scouts gave their news to General Ryxx in front of the entire company. “Crag sir. Makin’ their way up from the trench. They ought to be at the tree line by now. Be here inside an hour sir.” “How many?” “Five hundred at least, sir. Probably more.” “Captains! Assemble your ranks! Meet with me in five minutes! Reports ready!” Ryxx barked out the commands, motioned to Valyn, and the two dismounted and walked off to confer and await the reports. “Five hundred?” Ryxx began, “We do not have more than one hundred and fifty, to be sure. We have the advantage of archers, but the thick scaly shields they carry – we will not cut their numbers even by a third.” “How many times have you faced the Crag here, General Ryxx?” Valyn asked. “We have only seen them twice in my time here, never in such numbers. Both times we suffered a great deal of casualties. They are viscous, relentless, blood thirsty beasts and I refuse to let them into my town. I’ll burn the place to the ground before I let them in.” The captains gave their reports. “One hundred-fifty-seven men and eighty horses.” These were the total that was the force that would have to defend Tephole. Valyn had wandered off by himself, deep in thought and surveying the field. He had an idea, but he was not in charge here. Hopefully Ryxx would be receptive to outside advice. “General!” Valyn called, “A moment, if I may?” Ryxx came over to Valyn and the two walked off again. The captains watched them as they walked. They watched Valyn pointing at different areas of the field and Ryxx waving his arms frantically in response. Then they were kneeling and drawing in the dirt. Finally, their general and the stranger returned to address them. The plan was unveiled to the men. General Ryxx was his normal commanding self as he directed his captains. The plan was more complicated than they were used to, but none questioned the general. His leadership had seen them through many hard years and always inspired confidence in the men. “I’ll take thirty horses and lead the archers myself.” Ryxx said. “I’ve given our guest the field commission of commander. He will lead the first legion on the front line charge. Captain Sterrett, you will lead the second legion under the direction of Commander Valyn. Two riders will go through town to make sure everyone is secure. No one on the street! Understand?” Ryxx then turned to Valyn. “Here, take this.” He handed an extremely ordinary sword to the new commander. “I don’t think that hammer of yours was made for something like this.” “Thank you, sir. Good luck. We’ll see you in the middle.” Valyn replied. Captain Sterrett was not sure how he ended up under the leadership of the stranger and was not happy about it. The general ordered it and he would follow, but if his new commander wavered even once, he would be ready to assume his rightful place as Ryxx’s right hand. Meanwhile, Valyn had to deal with the surprise commission. Ryxx had not mentioned it when they discussed their battle plan. I suppose it makes sense, he thought, the deep military tradition here, but I’m not military. But this is my idea, so…. Valyn leapt up onto Altha’s back, reared back on the reigns and addressed his new company. “I don’t know how many of you have faced crag before, but do not fear them. That is what they thrive on most – fear! We must deliver the fear to them. We must be the line they dare not cross. Timing is everything, we must execute with precision. Everyone be ready. Everyone keep the line as we said and everyone will stay alive.” Valyn finished his speech with, “Mount up!”. The line formed with Captain Sterrett at Valyn’s side in the center. The second tier was made up of long spearmen on foot. Ryxx, his horsemen, and the archers had ridden east and were now out of sight. Altha began to snort and buck. Valyn knew she smelled the enemy. The battle was at hand and he would not let them reach the town; would not let them reach Jaydon. They broke the cover of the wood line, several at a time, then by the hundreds. The crag quickly formed a long line, then another behind it. Like two huge tidal waves, they would crash over all who stood in their way. They marched northward toward Tephole. All armed with huge scaly shields, long spears with jagged, sharp points and a hatred for all humankind. Valyn and Sterrett called for the charge. They had a thousand feet or so before the reached their enemy. The army moved forward as one unit. The pace was a slow gallop for the horses. As they crossed the field the two leaders became the point as each rider out from them fell back a few paces until by the time they were upon the crag, they had formed a giant wedge which they were about to drive between the forces of the invaders. Obviously the point of the wedge was the most dangerous position, but Valyn and Sterrett were more concerned with the plan’s success than with the trivial details of their own safety. A clap of thunder could not have been heard as the two armies collided. The initial combat at the center of the crag line was the fiercest. Valyn’s sword crashed against shields as Altha’s teeth crushed flesh and bone alike. Sterrett rode over one crag to get to the next. The wedge broke the line and separated. Valyn led his side to the west. They were now attacking the crag line from the side, stopping their march and nullifying their numbers. Chaos and fear spread throughout the invaders as the reality hit them. They could not get around each other fast enough to overwhelm the men with numbers, and those in front, who attempted to flee became like shields for the men. Sterrett’s group pushed east. East into the waiting arms of Ryxx and the archers. The crag were now in total disarray as volleys of arrows decimated their numbers. The general led his group of horsemen into the fray to complete the victory. The crag howled and screamed with frustration as defeat came upon them. Ryxx and his captains met in the middle as the few remaining crag retreated toward the south. “Captain, grab what horses you can. There’s still some mopping up to be done.” Ryxx commanded as he pointed to the ongoing battle on the western front. “Aye, General, we’ll not let the commander down.” Sterrett replied. Valyn’s plan worked to perfection on the eastern front, but without archers he was not sure if his side was going to break. The fear he had anticipated was spreading, but not quickly enough. His men were beginning to tire and would soon be overcome. Two men were unhorsed next to him, he saw them, and he recognized them. It was the scouts that brought him into town. Unarmed and prone they were about to become casualties of the crag. Valyn leapt from his mount. He knocked two crags down before hitting the ground himself. The scouts were able to collect themselves and continue fighting. Valyn, on the other hand, had lost his sword and now found himself at the mercy of his enemy. The crag snarled as it raised its spear to deliver death to the only jerek rider on the field. Valyn yelled in defiance as the blow was delivered. “ You’ll die someday, but not on my watch.” a familiar voice said to Valyn. The blow that found its mark belonged to Captain Sterrett, not the crag. Ryxx and his men were now shoring up the western front and victory belonged to men on this day. “Thank you, Captain.” Valyn rose to his feet. “No need, sir.” Sterrett said with a salute. “It is I who should thank you…” “Indeed we all should.” Ryxx rode up to join them. “Proud to have you on the team, Commander.” “Proud to salute you, sir.” Sterrett added. Valyn nodded to both, perhaps a bit embarrassed, maybe overwhelmed. He did manage a response, though typical of him, not what Ryxx expected. “I’m surprised their scouts did not warn them about our archers.” “Scouts?” Sterrett replied. “I heard nothing of scouts.” 'But they always send scouts.' Valyn thought. |