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a girl who imagines a world that soon feels real to her but she is suffering in a coma. |
Introduction It all happened so fast, I couldn’t even determine whether I was hallucinating our whether it was real and that I was living it. But what I do know is…that it seemed…real? … Maybe it was a dream. I mean how could that be they were clearly out of this time- But I felt so alive, I felt that I really had a connection that, that’s where I should’ve been. That’s Where I Should Be! But why am I not there? Why am I here? And Sana it couldn’t have happened to him. That-- it just shouldn’t be part of a persons destiny… it just couldn’t have been his fate. And what about them How could they leave us! We needed them, we trusted them. I thought that we all needed to trust each other if were to make it out, But they used me! They used us! They took our weaknesses and our strengths and turned them against ourselves. I see now that, that was there plan from the beginning. I was so naive, someone even tried to warn me many times, but I wasn’t going to hear what they tried to say. How could I have? They were saying so many cruel things about them especially after they helped us took care of us and backed up our decisions. Why would I believe them? They in the other hand had done nothing for us but in turn criticized the people that our lives were in debt to. But I guess I was trying to find the good in them, something I have long ago stopped doing. I thought that the reason I was there is because I wouldn’t trust, I always assumed the worst in everyone and I always expected the same of them. This was my way of protecting myself from pain. Too many times I’ve trusted and was hurt. So I set up a barrier against everyone…no… against the world. Why did I ever start? I should have known better! better than to think that changing… no! trusting these people could ever help. At first I was weary of there presence, I sensed all the wrong qualities, the cruel qualities in them. I felt evil when I looked into there frost bite eyes. When they touched me I thought that at that exact moment I would die. But of course these thoughts I had thought alone, and eventually I had to just push them out of my mind. They were my savior, and I had to treat them just that way. This is what I deserve, I hadn’t learned my lesson the first time, I needed to be taught again. Look, at first we all thought this would be good for us. Relying on one another seemed to be the only way that we could all get through. Thus we adopted the way of thinking and things were going good, in fact everything was working out as planed until now. There was to be a great battle, we were to defend the tribe from the enemy troops gathered from all over the kingdom. Solders lined up with there man-made pruning sheers, and a wooden shield carved out of trees that were cut down from the mystical forest.- Urgh! NO! what am I talking about look I’m not crazy but this isn’t how it is suppose to be. Just know that Sana was hurt and well it shouldn’t have been. That’s it! it just wasn’t. But who am I kidding it happened . I mean I was there I know it. So many questions!!! But where are the Answers? Where are my answers?! Look I’ve gone through so much and I Need You! to listen to my story. hear about my tale and when I’m done you can say I’m crazy and maybe I am, but I need to be heard. People need to know what happened to me where I’ve been, who I’ve met, and what I’ve done. But most importantly they need to learn. Learn about the past learn about the history so much goes underestimated and with out knowing where we’ve gone, how can we know where we’re going? That was my mistake, don’t make it yours. Listen to me please! 1 I woke up this morning to the sound of my kitty‘s death purrs. It was reckoning, the sound alone could have crack my ears and made them bleed, but I‘m sure those were the intentions. Still I am amazed that the fat dark brown cat is always able to get it’s heavy self on my long black marble dresser, but my being amazed is quickly replaced with annoyance. The dumb cat was sniffing around my stuff, like a dog does when they’re about to release what they have once taken in at a meal. The cat was walking over things with it’s razor sharp claws, that resembled butcher knives, and with every pound it made in it’s forced attempt to walk, a new claw mark appeared. Usually I would be ready to strangle the cat just for being in my room, but the scratch marks that it was leaving look strange yet very familiar. Was the cat clawing a picture? No of course not! I tried to push this thought out of my mind but as the cat continued to drag around, it seemed that more and more it was creating an image, and a familiar one at that. I know I’ve seen a form of those markings before but where? Was the cat deliberately doing this? “I must have a picture that resembles this,” I muttered to myself. I turned over and open the top drawer of my miniature black dresser and started searching through all of my papers with no luck. I did the same to my other mini drawer on the opposite side of my bed but my search came to nothing. I looked back at the cat that had already continued it’s mission on demolishing the rest of my things, but oddly I paid no attention to him. I had look away for one moment so that I could see what time it was but before I could, I heard a crash and look back at the cat almost immediately. “No!!” I cried out. The dang cat had destroyed my work of art. It was a perfect clay bowl. It had so much detail there were fruits nicely carved along its top edge, I even manage to get a picture of a dog in there, seeing how that will be the closes I’ll ever get to getting one. The bowl had a flawless shape, perfectly rounded from the top to it’s bottom. I had made the bowl in my friends image, in honor of her brilliant curves. The top of the bowl started out as a perfect circle then it rounded out, then curved back in going down where it ended in the same perfect circle that it began. This bowl was taken from Lydia’s hips and to be quite frank her butt. The time I spent on the bowl giving it it’s flawless shape could as well take weeks of my life. I work day and night designing it, creating it, perfecting it and then watched it destroyed. I had made it for my art class. The project was due today and worth much of my grade. Weeks creating, weeks perfecting , and weeks wasted in a mere few seconds. My older sister Justine named that thing ten years ago . She called the cat Lucky because she says that he was lucky to have been the first pet she saw at the shelter because she could have just as easily went for a different pet. She was eight when she got him I was six. Oh only the world knows how much I truly hate that cat with an exception of my family of course. And at this moment I couldn’t hate him any more, this cat will pay. “Hmmm” as I look wickedly at the cat “They say a cat has nine lives” now the cat was looking at me intensely as if trying to listen “but I guess I’ll soon find out whether it’s true or a myth because I as my witness, I will personally see to the decrement of every single one of those lives. When I’m through with you Lucky, you won’t be so lucky any more.” I said in a twisted manner to the cat. The cat must have understood every word that I had said or at least he must have sensed my emotions. Because when I bent over to the side of my bed to pick up my slipper he seemed prepared to jet at any moment out the door. Quickly I threw the slipper with all my force as hard as I possibly could toward Lucky, but unfortunately I missed. He had jumped from my dresser to my computer chair making a tear in a page of my French homework. After this, I was raged nothing in the world could stop me from killing this cat. I jump out of my bed towards Lucky but he jetted out of my room. I Chased him, up until we got to the family room where lucky had ran into the opening under the fire place. At first I tried poking in the hole with a stick. Then I tried to sweet talk him out but with my rage I couldn’t bring myself to saying anything sweet let alone to that cat. When we first got this house, Lucky had always made it his home to hide in that hole under the fire place, and he now did it again. Fortunate for me I knew how to get the cat out. It was a painful way that I would take pure pleasure in doing. So happily I walk out on my balcony to grab wood. When I had enough wood, I went to my pantry to grab lighter fluid, a lighter, and newspaper. I started placing the wood in the fireplace, then I started bunching up pieces of Newspaper and throwing them in. Next I put in the lighter fluid. Finally, I lit the fire place. When it was lit I placed the screen over the fireplace. I mean besides it was actually to my liking really cold in the house and instead of raising the vent heat why don’t I save electricity. It was brilliant Good heat while saving my parents money. See a plan that can make me and my parents happy. It wasn’t long before I heard the cat screeching and then it fled from the opening. I had planed on nabbing the cat when it ran out but, the agonizing sounds it made were all to satisfying. I had been filled with joy wishing that I could share this excitement with someone. Then a sudden realization had hit me. “where is everybody” I say out loud trying to search the house. No one was home, now I was desperate running around the house trying to find a clock. With all the action in chasing the cat I must have knock down clocks. When I returned to my room I flew over my bed leaning over to see what time it was. “No not again”, to my horror it was 8:30 I had already missed the first hour of class. I rushed to my tall dresser located in the far corner of my room from the door entrance. I open each drawer flinging out cloths until I found a suitable matching outfit. I ran to my closet to pull out one of my winter coats then I dashed to the kitchen. It the kitchen under the cabinet their was a plank with hooks. This plank would hold all of our car keys, and a similar one in my parents room would hold the spares or me or my sisters keys if we were grounded. But my key wasn’t there! None of the keys were except my mom’s pair which had fallen on the counter. But where were my keys I ran toward our window that was over the sink to see if my car was there but it was gone. My beautiful red ford focus gone. But of course I forgot my mom said she was going to borrow my car because hers was in the shop, and I was to get a ride with Justine. Oh that Justine will pay, she should have waken me up. That’s why my alarm didn’t go off, that brat. I had ran back to my room to grab a dollar, I needed it for bus fare. Before exited out my living room door I had checked to see what time it was 8:40. Great I would have to run if I were going to catch the city bus now. As I took my first step outside, for that moment I had forgotten everything that was stressing me. As the autumn air was officially over the cold early winter air brushed across my face. “I wish it could be just you and me now, but I have to hurry to school I’m late”. I love winter air it is refreshingly cold and crisp, “if only it could be like this all the time. It‘s so beautiful”. Looking around at the evergreen trees and short grass glazed with ice ![]() I realize that I was short for time so I had to begin my long jog down this street. As I look ahead I saw the bus coming from the left toward the intersection, once it passed that light it would be at my stop. I began sprinting down the street waving my hands so that the driver could see me. That goodness that I made it in time. The bus stopped and I quickly jumped aboard paying the driver a dollar. I was heated from the sprint, and the bus didn’t help the fact that I was burning inside with its warm air blowing in my face. I enjoyed the short ride to school as I always do. Looking around at people in their business or homes looking very happy. The glows on there faces gave me joy. But when I would look back to those on the bus my heart would once again sink. They were all so gloomy and they reminded me of what I would have to face once I arrived at school. Missing most of first period, having a ruined art projected, and no French homework at all. Then this would remind me of how Justine would pay. I pull on the wire above my head, to signal to the driver that I wished to get off on the next stop. When I exited the door at the back of the bus, I was once again in the frost air. I once again felt calmed and home to my mind. I think of many heartwarming things when this air is rubbing against my face. But no sooner had the air gently brushed against my face it was gone and I was now feeling the smoggy air of the school. First things first now that I had arrived at the school I needed to figure out how I could explain to Mr. Tadaeroe why I had missed all but five minutes of his class. “Maybe I don’t have to make up an excuse I’ll just sneak in.” How Foolish I was to think that I could get away with being this late, Let alone in Mr. Tadaeroe’s class. I peaked through the window to see if Mr. Tadaeroe was there. He was, okay he was turned in the opposite direction of the door busy with a student. So I opened and closed the door as quickly and as quietly as I could and rushed to take a seat by my best friends Troy and Lydia. Troy and Lydia, now these two are the best friends a person could have. When you are in your time of need they got your back. Last summer I broke my leg, and I couldn’t really go anywhere but those two cancelled many of their plans to sit around and be bored with me. They brought me my much needed joy and I know that they would never even think to cause me pain. Although Lydia did hit my foot after I told Troy that she was in love with his brother. But she didn’t understand that it was the pills talking. Why are you so late?” Lydia whispered to me. Lydia now she is a character and a crazy one at that. She’s cool when you get to know her unless you fall on her bad side. If that’s the case I wish you the best of luck. She doesn’t play many games with people so if you have something to say to her you better say it. She is all about the fashion. Or at least the southern style baby phat, rocca wear, etc. now she has micro braids that go down her back, but as I always say it’s un-bee-weave-able. She’s a dark feature 5”5, brown eyes, and mixed with black and Philippine. “Not now Lydia, I’ll tell you guys later okay.” I said rushing to pull a few things out “What are we doing?” “Here, take this we’re doing this work sheet and those vocabulary words on the board.” Troy said while quickly trying to finish the last of his work. Troy he is a balance of play and work. He is very serious about school and he works hard to get his A’s. But he also knows how to play with kids, pets, and his friends. Right now he’s just working the skater look. “Oh!! Thank You!! Thank You!!!.” I said gratefully grabbing the paper. I jumped up After hearing the bell ring. “Miss Chanelle Fletcher come see me please.” Mr. Tadaeroe said as he was filling out paperwork. Mr. Tadaeroe is a heavy built man with a sort of country accent although he was clearly Mexican, he has dark brown hair with a hint of gray. He is a hard working man, his goal in life is to teach his students and prepare them for the life after school. He is a cool teacher but he is stern and believes in disciplining. “Shoot!! I was so close!!” I said as I walk to Mr. Tadaeroe’s desk “Hey M.T. it was a good day I truly-” “Might I ask why you were late once again to my class” Mr. Tadaeroe ask while leaning back in his chair. “This’ll be good I’m sure.” “Okay This time it wasn’t my fault, my sister, Well she’s a brat all she can do is find mediocre was to make my life a living calamity. Oh and her cat is completely on her side he equally takes share in the deterring of my life. So finally the cat did the unforgivable it destroyed my art project and ruined my French homework. I was getting revenge on the cat and things led to another and that is why I’m hear in front of you.” I said taking a deep breath. “I must admit Ms. Fletcher you do come up with the most exotic stories. But it’s a shame you’re slipping, I thought you would have used my all time favorite-” “It’s not a story it’s the truth and I cut it short thinking that maybe I could save you some time. Since I know that you are a very busy man who has loads to do and would rather be doing them over listening to my long story which I made short for your sake. Now I know M.T. that you are a very understanding and forgiving person. That will give a poor hapless child a chance.” I said hoping for a break “And that you are right Miss Fletcher, I am indeed a very understanding person and I will give you another chance.” “Oh thank you MT.” I said relieved “Yes of course I will give a chance after school here in my class tomorrow for… hmm.” Looking down at his watch “ For 1 hour and 25 minutes you will get a chance to catch up on the work you missed out on in my class this morning. “Come on M.T. it wasn’t even my fault” I said now being frustrated “Nor is it my fault Miss Fletcher so I’ll see you tomorrow after school.” Mr.Tadaeroe said in a this conversation is finished voice. “Okay see you tomorrow bye.” I said as I exited his room. I knew that the worst was far from over. Now I have to explain to Ms. Arla why I don’t have my art project. “This won’t be good.” I muttered to myself. As I was walking to her class the bell ranged. “Late Again!” I said rushing now to her class. I walked into the room and signed my name on the tardy paper, then took my seat. I pulled out my notebook and began sketching. I was sketching a picture of a forest with a bird trying to fly to its nest. But the right wing injured from an attack or falling out its nest. I haven’t decided it yet but no matter I was drawing it. I had lost track of time because before I knew it the lights were switched on and the overhead was turned off. “Alright put your notebooks away and pull out your art projects. Add finishing touches if necessary, and they will be due at the end of this period.” Ms. Arla had said walking to her desk. My heart sunk after hearing her words, “my project” I thought dreadfully to myself as I got up and started walking over to her desk. “Ms. Arla I’m sorry but I don’t have my project. My cat knock it off the dresser and it broke.” Ms. Arla looking up from her desk fixing a stern look on her face “Chanelle I constantly told you that your project would be due. I warned you that your procrastinating would not be acceptable and that this project would be worth 40% of your quarter grade. I told you it was something not to be lingered.” Ms.Arla said angrily “I work on- I finished it but like I said my cat destroyed it!” I said, irritated that she wouldn’t believe me. “Once again you have put yourself ahead of my authorizations. You continue to think that you are better and above this class, my assignments, and I. So now you will be with me in detention everyday until you start and complete your project. You will not be able to take it home and after a week, if you have not finished your project you will begin to drop grade levels” Ms. Arla said standing up moving in closer to me. We were at the verge of touching lips when a she finally said “You will be here after school 2 hours a day starting stating today-” “I can’t make for the rest of this week I already have a detention tomorrow and tonight my-” “And if you as so think,” she said while cutting me off “that you will not do my detentions you are in for a big disappointment. Because after your project is done, for every hour of my detentions you miss, you will be with me two hours cleaning up or doing whatever I want you to do at that moment. Do I make my self clear ?” I stood there saying nothing. I was unhinged at the fact that she was practically calling me a liar. Thinking I had not once made an attempt to do that project. I was outraged! And she is saying things that are just in her assumption, about things that she is wrong and doesn’t know anything about. “I asked you a question. Do You understand? Or is it that you are still trying to process my words into your pea brain.” she mocked “yes” I said trying to restrain my temper for doing anything that might get me into serious trouble. “Yes you Understand, or yes you’re still trying to process my words?” she asked trying to tempt me. “Yes I understand” I said with great resentment “Good” making a quick laugh “And as for your other plans after school you better make calls and tell them that you will not be present.” She said sitting down making a smirk “To bad you didn’t put this thinking into doing your project.” I stood there making a tight fist trying to calm down “You can go now I have nothing more to say to you” then she continued doing something at her desk. I walk back to my seat trembling with anger, and I remained that way until the bell ranged and I was out of that class. Thinking about how the cat destroyed my project, it reminded me of also destroying my French homework as well. I rushed to the lunchroom and waited for Lydia and Troy to come. “Chanelle what happened to you, you look heated.” Lydia asked walking towards me “I’ll tell you later” I said trying to forget what happen or at least calm down. “ Hey Troy did you finish your French homework” “Uh yeah” “Can I please borrow it” Troy fixed me a long look, and I felt terrible because I knew how troy strongly believed in people doing there work, and he never let people copy him. But he hated himself when I rarely had to copy him. Since he was a good friend he out stretched his arms and handed me his French homework. “Thanks” I said while walking away “Where are you going?” Lydia called after me “I’m going to the library to do the French work. I’ll see you two after lunch.” I rushed to the library. As soon as I got there I sat at a table and pulled out some papers and started copying Troy’s French homework. I worked through most of lunch, by time I put my things away the bell ranged for me to go to my final period. “Bonjuor, comment allez-vous?” Ms. Johnson ask the class. “Bien” We replied simultaneously. “Take out your assignment and pass them down to the end of the rows. I will collect them.” Ms. Johnson said walking down the rows. “For today class, you will start and complete these French worksheets that my T.A. will pass out” T.A. for Ms. Johnson it stands for teacher assistant, but for the rest of the world or at least our student body T.A stand for Terrance Adkins He does everything and he is everywhere. He has a 4.0 G.P.A, He’s the teachers favorite. Captain of the football, Basketball, and Baseball team. A going guy and not to mention he is as close to perfect as any of us students could ever get. Ms. Johnson continuing “You will also get in groups of four, go on the computers and find a French food recipe that you will be cooking for the potluck. At the end of the day I want to know the item you will be cooking. Remember the potluck is on Wednesday.” “Lydia how about we split the questions you take even and I’ll take odd?” I asked hoping to save some time. “Okay” she replied thinking the same. The worksheets were actually quite easy they took us only about 15 minutes to finish. For our fourth partner Lydia and I had decided to let Troy pick. Since he claims that he spends far to much of his time with us girls and he needed to do some “male bonding” whatever that meant. So in the end he pick Tyrease. Tyrease a star athlete in football and in basketball. Most importantly he is an amazing cook. At first when we looked up recipes we went up to Ms. Johnson and told her that we were planning to make a famous Grape wine. But she had replied “You may but first of all you are not of age to drink or even taste the wine and you will need the next 15 years in my class to perfect the taste and by then you will be well over the drinking age, so you will be able to finally drink your wine.” We went back looking up recipes and decided to make a French berry cake. We told Ms. Johnson the recipe and then we printed it up. By then the Class bell had ringed for us to all go home. Our group decided on Saturday to work on perfecting the recipe, Tuesday to perfect it, and we would meet up at Tyrease house since he would have the best kitchenware. When we all made sure we had our plans straight Lydia had ask us if we wanted to join her at a movie. I sadly had to reply “I can’t detention.” “Oooh we wish you all the might in the world to withstand the evils within that wicked Ms. Arla,“ Troy teased. “Thanks I’ll need it,” trying to return the same playful badger but to disappointed to do so. I left Troy, Tyrease, and Lydia to continue the conversation as I dreadfully walk to Ms. Arla’s class. “Nice to see you here Chanelle.” Ms. Arla said coldly. “Oh since you had failed at doing your project with in the time I had given you. I decided to pick one for you. You will make a round clay tea pot with a handle, spout, and a glass top that fits. Then you will write a report or story that goes with the pot. Type, five, page minimum and 12 font.” “What!? How am I going to be able to accomplish this. That is third level art” I said shocked. “Yes and your point?” she ask as if she truly didn’t know “I just started in art two.” I said defensively “Well just think of it like your art project something you chose not to do. I think in do time you’ll get over it.” She look over at the clock “ Your two hours begins now, and I do not want to her one word out of you.” The two hours were the longest in my life, no matter what I did the time seemed to go absolutely nowhere it’s as if she fixed the clock to not work. Sadly I was disappointed to find that the clock work fine. I decided to start by writing my paper so that over night I could think of how I will set up my pot. When I was tired of my paper I began a list. I wanted to see if I could come up with one-hundred ways to have Ms. Arla removed from this job. After I reach number 35 - pulling out the brakes in her car and locking the steering wheel so that she can’t turn, result, her going off a cliff-. I was really beginning to almost feel a slight joy in that class but to my dismay the joy immediately left once I heard her begin to talk. “You may leave now” for the first time in my life I was glad to hear her speak she said the words I had long to here from the minute I step foot back in her classroom. “I will see you again tomorrow” these final words sent a chill down my spine. I grabbed my things and dashed out the door to go home. Looking back at the class I had just left, I realized that today was among many dreadful days to come. |