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Rated: GC · Chapter · Inspirational · #1139873
teenage on the street becuse of drugs.
jumping the fence CHAPTHER ONE

Tonight is one of many nights to come, I feel lonely wandering the streets going from park bench to bridges looking for a place to sleep.
Sitting here on this my mind wonders back to how I end up sleeping under bridges and eating out of McD's,
Even though it been two nights, it seem like week's ago.

It was two in the morning,
I woke after two hours of sleep; I'd come home late after a night out partying,
The sounds of sirens in my ears were enough to tell this was not just a pig doing rounds, and the blue and red lights that reflected off the wall told me the "Pigs' were back to raiding the house for drugs.
They and I knew they would find the drugs but one thing they would not find was me I was not going to a "foster home" that life was not for me.
As soon as I heard the brake of the door I grabbed my backpack and jumped/bolted out the same window that had been open so could get in after the party and threw my self over the fence that stood between our yard and the house next to ours.
I did not look back it was not home any more just another house because this it time I knew that my parents were not coming back this was there last chance and they blew it they were headed to the, the "big house" they belong there I don't,
I don't belong any were...

Coming back out of the past I wonder if they had moved any of the stuff
And if it was safe to return to the house and get some need stuff,
Picking up my bag I headed over to the streets that I had once called home.

The house had yellow tape around it but no one was there I had the key to the backdoor I had stolen and decided to use that or wondering if I should use my window heading towards the back I saw my window was closed so I headed for the back,
Unlocking the door I saw that the house was trashed by the police and dogs as they looked for drugs I headed to the back of the house stepping over stuff I head backroom were our birth/medical records were kept the room was a disaster but the file cabinet was unopened I opened it and took all the files out of not caring if they were my or not.
Next stop was my room it was untouched as a resulted of having no drugs
I sat on my bed I knew I had to get out of there of the comfort of my "old" room
Felt comforting to the fact that I would never sit there sadden me completely.
Then remembering why I had went in there I stood up and went to the closet and got a brown envelopes marked "COLLAGE MONEY" I had saved this for ten years and had put over 50,000 dollars I grabbed a backpack and put the envelopes in it as well as the records I had taken from the backroom, as I left I stopped and pick up a few things that I felt I needed or could sell and as I went out of the room I look over my should and took a deep sigh.

Then I went to the front of the house I stopped to go in the room my parents shared going in there I pull out the gun my dad had gotten from his father after he had died it was colt pistol the year I didn't know took the shells and the holster I was glad they had not found it because it was a family heirloom
I Want to have it just in case............

Heading down the hall I saw the living there was blood on the floor think dumb cops make look more of a crime then knowing that they had no trouble with my parents,
Walking into the kitchen I opened up my back pack a stuff as many quick noodles soups as I could then went and climbed on top of the figurate and pulled out the money made for sales it was drug money but I didn't care looking at the clock I knew I had to leave putting the bag on my back and walk down the hall back to the backdoor not looking back to the one house I once called home Wondering were to go head to downtown to library all my friends are there

Setting across from there library and cloud of smoke is always there I come to love the smell of cigarettes I smokes with my friend but have never bought a pack

I bum them off of my friends or strangers.

I walk up to them a heavy/set women name angel call out

"Hey tricky what up"

She not really a friends one really friends on streets

You have homies but you could never tell them your fears or hopes

They'd see as weakness

They will back you up in fight but you tell them how you feel they will walk all over you.

These are the games I had to play.

Replied "angel what up do you know a safe place to sleep tonight "

It's illegal to sleep in a park in our state can't sleep in any public place so we are always finding places were pigs can't find us.

"Tricky parking garage basement is safe just slip under fence and open the door then bring stuff inside its safe the doors are lock from the outside so the gate is only way into basement and that lock so you have slip under it "

"Thanks angel"

Angel smile and turns around and talks to some one in the group,

Some times I feel as if I am alone that if I could I just quit being me I'd be any one well I need to stop moping any go get more money I'm not going blow all the money I have saved up so say bye to all my friends and head up the main road to all the shops I go to back of the nearest cardboard bend and find a small section I take out a black marker

And write SPARE CHANGE FOR HOTTIE in bold letters then head out to side walk and find a place to sit on busy street I live in Tourist/Collage town so the street are full of tourist who are willing to spare some change I all so put my voice in real German accent that draws them to me and start sing people drop a dollar here a dime there I pick the dollars and leave a dollar and change I'll have to wait to get any fives or tens it's to early,

Some young guys come and start flirt I always flirt back weather they could be father it gets me money these guys put a five in and one hands me a ten and said to get some thing to eat I wait for them to go down a ways before put the five and ten in my bag getting bored I deiced to go and see who is there and maybe smoke some weed

© Copyright 2006 nikki stoltz (nikkitricky at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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