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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Mystery · #1139198
This a story about a 24 year old women gone missing.
Chapter 1
The sun was bright and the sky was clear. The air was warm for a November’s afternoon.
Sherry played with her puppy in the driveway. He was a 6 month old black Labrador. Cars drove by her building and she watched that Jack, her pup didn’t get closer to the road.
“Come on Jack, come inside.” She ordered him in a children’s playful voice. He listened and ran into the office. Sherry was a lawyer and worked in a family’s firm in southern NH. Her husband, his father and few other men worked here. Sherry’s firm practiced Insurance and general contract law.
Collette, the firm’s secretary sat in a comfortable chair at her desk, reading through the mail. “Hi Jack,” she said in her deep smokers voice. She was a 35 year old woman, a little overweight, with messy curly black hair and wrinkled, overtanned skin. She was definatly someone who aged quickly and didn’t take care of her health. She was smart though, and has worked for this firm for years. The team loved her, they wouldn't know what to do without her.
The phone rang and she answered professionally, “Stein Law,” she said, “sure, may I ask whose calling please?” Her jaw dropped at the response, the Boston Police Department? “Ok officer, please hold.” She said putting the call on hold, standing up and walking over to Sherry’s office.
“I got Officer Webster on the phone for you, she’s calling from the Boston PD.”
Sherry smiled confidently, “Ok, I’ll take it.” She said, took a breathe and answered, “Good afternoon, Sherry Stein speaking.” She listened carefully as she heard the voice of an officer, who spoke words no mother wanted to hear. Sherry put her hand on her mouth, hoping to keep her voice controlled as she spoke, “ok, we’ll be there as soon as possible. Thank you, officer.” She hung up, and tried not to cry.
Collette walked in the room with a box of tissue. “What’s wrong?”
“Apparently, Jessica’s been missing for a few days. No one at work or school can find her.”
This was a shock. Jessica Stein was a bright, beautiful woman with a good paying job in the city. She lived with a few friends and studied at BU for her masters in Marketing and Communications.
“I don’t get it.” Collette said confused.
“I don’t either,” Sherry picked up the phone to call her husband on his cell phone. He was on a business lunch meeting with his father about an important case. She hated to interrupt, but this was urgent.

A handsome 24 year old man sat in a chair at the police department in Boston. He was a bit nervous, unsure why he was called into questioning. He committed no crime, he was sure of it. The thought of his family in danger crossed his mind, but wouldn’t the police have told him something by now?
“Devon McIntyre,” Officer Webster called out in the waiting room.
The man stood up, and followed her into the room she came out of.
He walked in and took a seat after she offered him to sit. He wasn’t sure how to react.
“You know this girl?’ Officer asked him showing a picture of Jessica Stein sitting on a rock at the beach.
“Yeah, she’s a girl I’m friends with.” Devon said casually.
“You know where she is?” Officer asked.
“No.” Devon answered honestly. “I haven’t seen her in two weeks.”
“Really?” Officer asked, “and what were you doing?”
“Excuse me?” Devon asked annoyed.
“Well, you see Devon, Jessica has been missing since the weekend. No one at work know’s where she is, neither do her three roommates. So, we need to find her and we need to know if she had enemies. We need some help Devon. You think you could help?”
Devon thought about it, “well yes I can help any way I can but see, Jess and I are not that close. I do not know her personal life to well. I never really paid attention like I should have cuz, like," he looked away and shifted uncomfortably in the chair, "we’re kind of uhm,” he cleared his throat, scared and a little embarrassed to admit it, “sex friends.”
Officer Webster nodded her head. “Ok, that’s a start. Was this a mutual agreement?”
“Yes of coarse! She was totally cool with it.” He looked at Officer Webster in the eye, and he thought about this a minute. She was a bit attached to him. More like, in lust with him. She had occasionally called to ask him out, but he never gave her a chance. He liked her, but he couldn’t bring his self to think of her as a girlfriend, but he was not sure if he should admit to his rejecting her to the cops. They might think he had something to do with her disappearance.
"What about school, don't you have a class with her?"
Devon knawed on his tongue while he thought a moment. "Well, yeah; she was in class up until Friday."
"But you just said that you haven't seen her in two weeks." Officer Webster asked.
"Well, yeah." Devon stuttered. " I ment I haven't spent time with her in two weeks. But she was in class."
Officer Webster sat in silence while she tried to look in his eyes, and hoped to catch him in a lie. "You didn't say hi to her on grounds or in the class?"
"No." Devon said coldly.
"Has she tried to call you?"
Devon's frustration was starting to show. "She called but I never answered."
Olivia Webster didn't flinch or change her expression as she looked silently at Devon. She always had her long reddish orange hair pulled back in a tight bun, she did not put make up on her pale, freckled face. She had a tough, heavier build that took her years of cardio and weight training to gain. She loved interragation, and was good at catching a liar.
"Then why did her roommate Caitlyn say the two of you had an arguement last Tuesday?"
Devon thought a minute, "I didn't realize that was last week," he said quietly.
"Devon," Officer Webster said sternly, " I am going to give you two minutes to think about what you want to do, tell me the truth about the last time you were with Jessica or you can continue to lie to me until we find her and we discover for ourself that you are guilty for her disappearance."
"I had nothing to do with her disappearence." He snapped. He looked at her and regretted raising his voice. "I am sorry." He quickly said.
She looked at him and then looked at the clock to mentally start the two minutes she gave him to think.
"Alright," he said thrity seconds later. "I did have a conversation with her, I guess it was last Tuesday. I told her that I was all set with her and that I didn't want to see her anymore. I wanted to end it then and there."
"What did she say?"
"She got pissed and yelled and was irriational. She cried and tried to convince me to change my mind. But I told her I had to end it, I met someone else."

A blond girl with curly hair and running mascara on her cheeks stood in the hallway at the Police Department, anxiously looking out the window. Deep in her heart she hoped Jessica would walk up the steps. She wiped her tears away from her eyes, causing more black mascara to smear across her face. She didn’t care how awful she looked. She hadn’t seen her best friend and roommate since Friday.
She looked around the corner and saw Devon walk out of the office. She bit her tongue. She didn’t want to accuse him of wrong doing but she also didn’t want to go up and hug him or try to give him any benefit of any doubt. She was sure he had some part in Jessica’s disappearance.
“Anastasia,” Devon said as he walked closer to her.
She stood there and stared in disbelief. How should she really react?
“I swear, I had nothing to do with this. I haven’t seen Jess since Halloween.”
She wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words. Fear built up inside her, she wasn’t sure who Devon really was. Ok, they did party a lot together and they did see each on school campus, but she didn’t know what he was capable of. She had never seen him angry, not even when he was drunk.
“I’m sure you’re pissed,” Devon said, “but trust me, I am too. I swear I don’t know where she is.”
Anastasia sniffled and looked down on the ground.
“Anastasia,” Officer Webster called to her.
She stood up and walked away from Devon without saying a word, and walked into the same office he had walked out of.
She sat at the table, buried her head in her hands. Officer Webster gently put her hands on her shoulders for comfort. Anastasia didn’t resist, she broke down crying.
A few minutes passed and Anastasia was ready to talk. She took a long sip of water and slowly exhaled.
“Jess was a bit upset a lot lately.” She told Officer Webster. “I knew she was lonely and she hated her job and she missed her free time to work out. Jess was not used to not participating in dancing or weight lifting exercises and stuff.” She said her voice quivering. “I told her things would place themselves and it would work out, but she didn’t want to believe me.” She sniffled quietly and continued, “I don’t exactly hate Devon, but I also don’t know him all too well either.”
“What was there relationship like?”
“Well, they met in class a year ago, but they only partied together, and well, they had lots of drunken sex and she wanted more, but he didn’t. He dated a lot of girls, and she really never dated other men since they met. She tried to be his friend, but I knew she was too attached to like him less than that.” She thought a minute. “She seemed cool when I left for the Cape with Mike Friday.”
A knock interrupted the conversation, Lt. Odell walked in, “Webster,” his deep voice interrupted, “the girls parents are here.” He said and walked out of the room.

Hours passed and Jessica’s family couldn’t think of what may have possibly happened.
They went back to the apartment on the west side of Boston. Sherry looked around her daughter’s room. She was nervous to start to sort through her personal belongings. She feared what she might find.
Wayne, Jessica’s dad walked in the room, hugged his wife and tried to smile. “Let’s keep positive ok. She could’ve gone on vacation without telling us.”
That was wishful thinking, but Sherry tried to smile, and hoped this was just an irresponsible disappearance, her daughter was 24, she could have run off thinking she could. But Sherry knew better, she knew Jess wouldn’t do such a thoughtless act.
The two decided to start to look around. Hoping they’d find a note or something that confirmed her whereabouts.
Two hours later, all they found where lots of bills, some unpaid, some paid off. Her school work, transcripts, magazines, newspaper articles of the Red Sox, and lots of pictures. There also seemed to be an awful lot of pictures of one man, with black hair, dark eyes, tanned skin, muscular build, nice clothes, sometimes in a Red Sox hat, beautiful smile and face. This man was unkown to Jessica’s parents. Which is why it was a bit of a shock to find a few pictures of them passionatly kissing on a couch.
“Well, why didn’t she tell us about him?” Sherry asked her husband.
He didn’t answer. He hoped this man wasn’t one of those men he had warned Jess about when she grew up.
“Maybe they just casually dated,” Sherry said softly.
Wayne nodded, maybe.
The couple didn’t sleep too well that night. Jessica’s bed wasn’t as comfortable as usual. Sherry cried often. Wayne held her close, he too, feared the worse.
The next morning, Sherry woke up at 8am, she got up and ran her hands under the mattress, and found her daughter’s diary.
“Wayne,” she said to him as she sat on the bed. He opened his eyes and looked at her.
Sherry stared at the diary for awhile, afraid to read her daughter’s personal life. But the answers might lie here. The pages have to tell the story of why Jessica would suddenly go missing.

Chapter 2
September 8,
I met a seriously hot guy at school He invited me to a party at his place. I can’t wait to go. Anastasia has a class with him, and he lives with a few guys; psych! I can’t wait. I’m going to buy the cutest skirt, and knock him out of his socks. I should get a hair cut, a manicure, hmm, I should go tanning too.

September 10
Wow, this hot guy Devon is so awesome. He is my age, a marketing major at BU. I love his body. I spent the weekend at his apartment. Gosh, no man has ever been as good in bed as he was.

Sherry put the diary down. She had to brace herself if she was going to get through this. Great, she thought, she would have to share this information with her husband.
She took a deep breathe, closed her eyes and questioned if she should keep reading her daughters diary.

Anastasia sat on her roommate Caitlyn's bed. Julia, the fourth roommate was with them.
"This can't be as serious as we are making this out to be," Caitlyn said to the girls. "she couldn't have possibly gone that far, her cars been parked in the same spot since I saw her Friday afternoon!"
They had been up all night, sleeping restlessly. Caitlyn played with her long blond hair, pulling it up in a ponytail. She had been away herself, so she was not so sure why Anastasia was content on Jessica's disappearence. "Ana, didn't you leave with Mike on Friday?"
"Yeah," Anastasia said.
"So," Caitlyn said casually as she walked to the mirror, "how do you know for sure she didn't bail and go on a vacation and didn't tell us?"
"Because all her stuff is in her room. Except her wallet and a few outfits. But they could be in the laundry." Julia, the redhead said as she lye on Caitlyn's bed. She had been crying all night, her face was paler then usual.
"Ok, how about her phone?"
"She must have it, but she's not answering." Anastasia said.
Caitlyn was nervous, but she really didn't want to make this a big event, if she didn't have to. "I'm sorry," she said to the girls. "Have any of you called Kylie?"
The two looked at each other then at Caitlyn.
"Well," Caitlyn said, "let's call her."
"Ok," Julia said grabbing her cell phone. She dialed their friends phone number.
Kylie and Jessica were close friends in college. They roomed together all four years and when Kylie decided to be a lawyer, she picked the University of Miami Law School. Leaving her five friends behind.
The fifth friend, April had not yet arrived at the house.

The loud ring of the phone woke Kylie up. She looked around for her phone, reached out and grabbed the reciever, plopping her head back on her pillow, she closed her eyes and answered in a deep sleepers voice. "Hello."
"Ky, it's Julia. Sorry to wake you, but we have to ask you an important question."
She didn't open her eyes and replied, "what?"
"Have you heard from Jess recently?"
Kylie cleared her throat, took a deep breathe. "I talked to her over the weekend."
"Ok, did she tell you where she was going?" Julia asked hopefully.
"No," Kylie said rubbing her eyes.
"Alright, well, I was home all weekend. She locked herself in her room Friday after Ana left for the Cape and I have not seen her since then. Caitlyn was in Rhode Island with April. So, none of us have seen her since." Julia said.
"It's Wednesday morning, and your just now noticeing that our friend is missing?"
Kylie asked as she sat up in her bed.
"Well," Julia said in defense, "we thought she went to her parents, then we thought she was with Devon then we thought she was out with other people. We don't keep dibs on her every move, she's a grown women!"
Kylie took a deep breathe and sighed into the phone. She pulled her hair with her right hand, and tried her best to stay calm.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to snap," she said.
"We are all on edge. Her parent's spent the night last night. They are in her room now. We don't know what to say. We did call the cops."
"What?" Kylie asked shocked.
"Well Kylie, it has been officially five days since she has been missing!" Julia said.
"What did they say?"
Julia took a breathe, "well, they interviewed all four of us and Devon."
"Devon? Why?"
"Because, I am sure he has something to do with this." Julia said softly.
Kylie pulled on her tongue and sighed heavily. She lye back down on her bed, "Listen, I had a late night last night and I am just waking up. Can I get up, and call you back after I shower and get some coffee?"
"Sure," Julia said, "call me back." She hung up the cell phone and threw it on Caitlyn's pillow. The three sat on the bed in silence for a minute.
There was a knock at the door, and April walked in. She had four coffee's from Dunkin Donut's in her hands. Her black hair was pulled out of her face. Her eye's were swollen from lack of sleep and tears. She held the tray as the girls grabbed a cup, and once again, the four sat in silence on Caitlyn's bed, all four felt ashamed for not having seen this coming.
Chapter 3

Sherry had walked out to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. The girls had eventually moved out to the kitchen to find something to eat, they sat at the table and greeted her with a warm smile. It had been an hour since the conversation they had with Kylie.
“There’s a fresh pound of whole coffee beans in the fridge if you’d like Mrs. Stein,” Anastasia said to her.
“Thanks,” Sherry said as she forced herself to smile.
“Would you like me to make you some coffee?” Anastasia asked.
Sherry looked her, “ok, thanks.” She sat at the chair at the table and said, “girls, can I ask you about this Devon character?”
All four girls looked at her in silence. None of them wanted to be the one to tell her. Sure, they were all adults, but telling their friends mother about the year long booty call Jessica had wasn’t exactly something they felt comfortable discussing at the breakfast table.
Caitlyn was the most vocal of the group and broke the minute long silence. “Well Mrs. Stein, he’s her friend.” She said. “We are not exactly sure why, but she’s in love with him and he isn’t in love with her.”
Sherry had figured that much from the diary pages. She had read at least a dozen entries before walking out of the bedroom. “I know, and I know they have been having sex for a year. She wrote all about it in her diary.”
If there is anything that shocked the girls that morning, it was hearing that their friends’ mom was a snoop and read the diary Jess had and never even shared with them.
No one knew how to respond. What could they say?
“I only read it because I had hoped she wrote where she went. That’s all.” Sherry said in a quiet voice. "I am afraid that he may have something to do with this though."
The girls understood that much. Still, not one of them knew where to take the conversation.

Anastasia had been the girl that was most emmotionally effected by her friend and roommates disappearence. She did not talk to much about it, but she had shed several tears and lost a lot of sleep.
After the group had breakfeast, she decided to excuse herself to go out for a walk.
It was a cold, bitter morning. The sky was blue with a few white clouds, the sun was out. She looked at the sky as she walked around on Commonwealth Avenue. She soon approached the BU campus. She knew she should be in class but she couldnt concentrate. She left her books back home and the thought of being away from home, where Jessica could go back to any minute didn't appeal to her.
She turned her direction and walked back home. She thought of all the friends Jessica had and wondered if everyone knew that Jessica was MIA.
She stopped and starred into the distance, she knew why Jessica and Devon were fighting, although she knew why she might have left and she believed that Caitlyn was a part of the mess as well, but she did not know was how to approach the situation. She still had no proof of any of it. Worse of all, she truely did not know how exactly she disappeared.
She then thought about how Julia was the last to be with Jessica.
Anastasia was going to find her friend, evenif it ment losing Caitlyn, April, or even Julia.
The loud sound of the trains horn disrupted her thoughts. She looked around and traffic was clear, the T passed by her and she crossed the street to Dunkin Donuts. She had become a coffee addict in the last 5 days.

Hours passed and still no word from Jessica. The girls sat around the living area with cheap soap opra's in the backround. Caitlyn sat on the couch and was the most quiet. Julia couln't focus, she would fall asleep and jerk herself awake, she would then walk around and pace the room. April sat next to Caitlyn, she seemed lost in the television. Not really paying attention to what was on it though.

"Jules," Anastasia said to Julia, "stop pacing, your driving me crazy."
"Excuse me?" Julia said to her.
Anastasia rolled her eyes. "Just relax."
"I happen to be a little stressed right now, ok."
All three other girls looked at her in disbelief.
"Do you know where she is and you are petrified to tell us?"
Julia's mouth dropped. Her pale face got paler, her red hair was knotted and messy and hung below her shoulders.
"Well," Anastasia said, "you were the last one alone with her."
"I can't believe your going to do this!" Julia said quietly, she stood up and left the room.
"Why are you a bitch of all sudden?" Caitlyn said to Anastasia.
"Why are you so mellow?" Anastasia asked.
"Guys, don't fight." April said.
"Why don't you tell us where she is Caitlyn?"
"Because I don't know where she is!"
"Really? Because, if I am not mistaken, if you had kept your legs closed and minded your business, she would still be here!"
Cailtyn starred at Anastasia, amazed at what she just heard.
"Stop it Ana!" April shouted.
"No, not until one of you bitches tells me where she is." Anastasia's anger suddenly got scary.
"Oh my god." Cailtyn said. She starred at Anastasia. She didn't know wherer Anastasia was going with this argument.
April stood up. "Ok! Neither of us knows where she is. Thats the truth, so chill out Ana!"
"Why Caitlyn? Why did you mess around with Devon? I thought you were her friend."

Chapter 4
Sherry and Wayne had left the house to visit their oldest son who lived on the North Shore. As they neared his home, Sherry's cell phone rang. Kylie's phone number appeared on the caller id.
"Hello! Kylie, how are you?" Sherry said.
"Mom," Jessica's voice said clearly.
"Jessica! Oh my God!" Her daughters voice had never sounded so beautiful over the phone.
"I heard you called the cops." she sounded cold and emmotionless.
"Yes, sweety we are so worried about you, where are you? What's going on?" Sherry had so many questions to ask. Wayne sat in the drivers seat with a smile, he was relieved to have finally heard from his daughter.
"I flew into Miami Saturday morning, I am with Kylie."
"Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"I didn't think you needed to know. Plus, don't tell the girls, they certianly don't need to know. Which one of them called the cops?"
"Ana and Julia sweetheart. What is going on?"
"Listen," Jess said ignoreing her mom's questions. "Call the cops, tell them you found me and close the case. Do not tell the girls where I am. Got that?"
For the first time in 24 years, Jessica sounded cruel and a little bit stupid. Sherry had never heard this side of her daughter before.
"Jessica, you sound ridiculas, what is going on?" Sherry said.
Jess took a deep breath and sighed. "Where are you?" she asked her mom calmly.
"Your father and I are driving to Scott's. We are not with the girls, so please Jess, I beg you, please shed some light on this mess."
"Things are not cool at the house, and to be honest," Jessica stopped talking to stop herself from crying. It had been a long morning since she found out about her friends calling the Police on her. Everything that could go wrong went wrong for her recently, and she only wanted to make it all ok again. "To be honest,"she continued, "I just want to move down here and be close to Kylie. I don't want to live in Boston anymore."
Sherry bit her lip and closed her eyes. She had not seen this coming, but in some respects was not too surprised Jess wanted to live near her friend. She was however, confused. She never really knew Jess to be so attached to a friend that she would drop everything and move on and away from her comfortable life.
"I am sorry mom, but I am flying back Friday and I will arrange everything so I can be here in time for January and stuff."
Wayne pulled his car in his son's driveway. Sherry sat silently and tried to think of something to say. She looked at her husband as he parked the car, and turned the engine off.
"Want to talk to your dad?" Sherry asked her daughter.
Chapter 5

Julia walked into the room and looked at Caitlyn sternly, she could not believe what she heard. "Caitlyn, what is up?"
"Nothing!" Cailtlyn said surprised.
"Alright!" Julia said sternly and in control. "Lets forget this and lets find Jessica!"
The girls agreed and they put all anger and frustration aside.
"Now," Julia said, "did anyone notice if any of her pink Guess bags and suitcases are gone?"
The four looked at each other stupidly.
"I'll go check." Caitlyn said as she got off the couch and walked to the basement staircase. The girls followed her. She reached the basement and walked to Jessica's storage space. She noticed a big gap, sure enough, her suitcase and bag were gone. She turned around to look at her friends. They crept slowly down the stairs.
Caitlyn looked to her left a little further, she then noticed the empty crate that was once full of summer clothes.
Jessica had a habit of switching her wardrobe. In the summertime, she had shorts, skirts, tank tops and cute clothes. She put them away in a crate for the winter, and pulled out jeans, shirts, sweaters and anything that kept her warm for the winter.
The girls looked at each other a minute. April turned her direction and walked up the stairs. Anastasia followed her, leaving Julia and Caitlyn to stare at each other.
Chapter 6

The girls had walked up to her bedroom where they once agian found themselves looking at a closet full of clothes and shoes.
"Damn," April said under her breathe. "This girl owns a lot of clothes." April whistled. She had been living with her boyfriend since she graduated from college, she never really got to know what it felt like to live with Jessica, let alone her wardrobe.
"Yeah," Anastasia said. "She owns enough to own a clothes shop."
"No wonder no one noticed anything missing." April said looking at her friends.
"But all her summer clothes and bag are gone." Caitlyn said from the doorway.
"She's with Kylie." Julia said firmly.
The girls looked at her. Suddunly, it seemed as though she was right. Why hadn't Kylie called back?
Kylie's phone rang several times before her voicemail picked up.
Julia rolled her eyes, exhaled heavily and decided to leave a message. "Kylie, we noticed that all of Jessica's summer things were gone as where her suitcase and bag. Obviously, she planned this getaway. If you know anything, please please call us, ok?" Julia took a deep breathe and hung up. She closed her eyes and buried her face in her hands.

The four girls sat on the couch and looked around. Nobody knew what to say, they all knew this was a planned trip away and the Jessica had the intentions to leave the girls behind without notice.
"I am calling her mom," Julia announced. She dialed Sherry's number and all she got was a voicemail. She left a message, hung up and then collapsed on the couch. "When will Jess stop playing this game?" She asked outloud.

Chapter 7

Jessica's flight landed around 4pm on Friday afternoon as planned. She hailed a cab home, called her mom to let her know she was safe and before she knew it, the cab was in her front yard. She paid the $30 dollar fare and the driver helped her get her luggage out of the trunk.
Jess walked in the house slowly. All of her roommates cars were in the driveway, includeing April's.
Jess had no clue what to expect. She walked into the kitchen to find it immaculate. The floors and counters looked so clean and the smell of lemon cleaner filled the air. She didn't say anything as she walked in the room toward the living area. There was no one in the living room. That room had been cleaned out as well. She also noticed new black pillows and a black throw blanket neatly placed on the velevt red couched she had bought. The furniture looked dusted and decluttered. There was also a new plant in the room. She continued to walk in the home toward her bedroom, the door was closed as she had left it.
Jessica noticed the bathroom as she walked by, the room had been cleaned as well. The floor looked shiny and white. "Did the girls hire a maid?" She asked herself. There was a new yellow bathmat placed near the bath tub.
She bit her lip. Did the girls think they needed to clean for her?
As she opened the door to her room she noticed someone in the right corner, it was April.
Jessica opened the door all the way and stepped in to find all four of her friends standing there, waiting for her. They were dressed in their best jeans and tops, their hair neat and make up freshly done. Jess looked at them speechless.
The girls looked at her speechless. For the first time in years, the five had stood their in uncomfortable silence.
After a few minutes Jessica let out a sigh and said "I didn't leave because I thought you were slobs or anything." She had hoped to make them laugh, but only April smiled and Caitlyn sighed a happy sigh.
Julia and Anastasia stood there not knowing how to react. They felt confused and unsure. They didn't know what to say.
"We know," Cailtyn replied with a smile.
"We were hoping to take you to dinner and to talk with you," April said, "we have a lot to say."
Jess was speechless, "Ok," was all she could say.
"For what its worth," Caitlyn continued, "I didn't sleep with Devon, I would never do that to you!"
Jess felt butterflies swarm in the inside of her stomache. She felt tears sting her eyes, but she didn't speak, she held her breathe.
"When you saw me hug him at the Halloween Party, it was because I was saying goodbye to him. He met another girl, and he wants to stop partying with us, Im sorry Jess, but he's moving on. He is even moving to Rhode Island this winter."
Jess nodded her head, "I know," she muttered. She closed her eyes and luckily she did not cry. She breathed deeply and looked at her friends again.
"We want to be here for you, and we understand this hurts you." Julia finally spoke quietly.
Anastasia nodded.
Jessica smiled, "Ok, where are we going to eat?" She said after a few minutes.
"Cheesecake Factory," Anastasia answered.
"Well," Jess said, "get out of my room, I need to get dressed!"
The girls laughed and slowly walked out. Each girl hugged Jess as they passed her by.
When all four were out, she looked around her room. She noticed that it had been cleaned up a little bit. Her mother had already told her about reading her diary and looking through her things and how they spent the night and decided to clean up after themselves. She shrugged and noticed a picture on the night stand. She walked over, it was a picture of her and Devon, and a note underneath.
She hesitated to read it, for she feared losing her tears again. After she changed out of her clothes and freshend her make up, she decided to read the note.

"Never ment to break your heart, I always thought you were someone special. I will not forget you." Devon had signed the note.
She looked at it a minute longer and decided to throw away the note and the picture as she walked out of her room to join her friends.
Everything was going to work out after all, she believed. Although she knew she would still pack up and head down south to Miami this spring.

© Copyright 2006 Fairytale Princess (cgenevieve at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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