Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1136039-Part-66--Switch
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #1136039
Ri'hus receives an unusual choice, and a scout receives an unpleasant greeting...
NOTE: This is the first new chapter (not counting the Lost Chapters) of the Ameni Chronicles in almost three years, following the completion of the series rewrite. This series gets lots of hits (the main folder as of 5/5/08 has over 24,000), but no longer has any commenting readers. At this point I'd like to ask anyone who is currently following this series (i. e., reading every part as it comes out) to drop me a line and let me know. (Something a bit more detailed than "I'm reading" or "I like it"--anyone can say that about something they haven't read. Like, who's your favorite character or pairing, for example...?) Unless you should ask otherwise, I will do nothing but say thanks in return; I won't stalk you or send you weird mail. I'd just like to know what readership, if any, this series actually has, as the people who contribute the many hits have remained silent. Please remember, without a sign that people are actually reading, I have no reason to post this publicly.

My e-mail is social_phobe@yahoo.com or you can stop by http://tehuti-88.livejournal.com/ and leave an anonymous note if you wish.

FOOTSTEPS CLATTERED DOWN the darkened alley, and the Kana lieutenant weaved from side to side as he walked, hiccupping every now and then. He stumbled and had to catch hold of the wall, rubbed blearily at his eyes, then pushed himself away from it and attempted to make his way to the street. He tripped over his own foot, cursed under his breath, then nearly fell over again. This time when he caught the wall, he stayed that way, until he slid down to the ground and landed with a soft thud. He still clung to the wall, head swaying, and he rubbed at his eyes more than once, blinking and shaking his head as if to try to see better. After a moment of staring unsteadily off into space, he toppled over, and lay there unmoving.

Silence filled the alley, but for the continuous muffled chattering and singing inside the nearby tavern. A long while passed before a shadow fell over the unconscious Kana, and slowly crept toward him. It resolved itself into the shape of another Kana, and he bent down to peer into the lieutenant's face. He nudged him with his foot. He called a soft halloo as if to wake him up, but the lieutenant didn't move. His mouth hung open and he was already drooling on himself, as if drunk out of his mind.

The second Kana stood staring down at him for a moment or two, then stood up straight again. He glanced from left to right, toward the street and toward the back of the alley where it opened out near the city wall. Every so often a few Kana would pass by in the street, laughing and stumbling, but no one looked their way. After several moments of this, the second Kana glanced back down at the lieutenant. He reached for his kilt as he stepped over him.

A pair of drunken sergeants, then a group of cackling lieutenants, departed from the tavern, all singing raucously as they passed the darkened alley. The noise they made was such that they didn't hear the swift panting noises coming from the alley. And the street was so dark that none of them even thought of peering to the side, where one of their own lay prostrate upon the ground, his kilt hiked up, another Kana squatting atop him, thrusting rapidly between his legs as his tail quivered and his head fell back so he groaned heatedly at the night sky.

* * * * *

The Sha picked their way across the desert the entire day, trotting at a good pace, those leading them glancing over their shoulders frequently throughout the entire journey. They made a strange little band, a lieutenant and a female in the lead, a female dressed as a Kemeti and a general with his arms and wings bound riding upon the Sha. The sun boiled down upon them, and Lieutenant Djuta thought he saw soldiers following them every so often; yet by the time the sun began to descend toward the west, no one had yet come, and they were still all alone, practically in the middle of nowhere.

An outcropping of rock appeared, and they made their way toward this as the sun set, casting the land into shades of blood red. Djuta had to keep himself from trudging as he walked, his head was swimming so and his legs were so tired; he cursed himself for ever letting himself grow so lazy out of the army, and vowed to step up his training when he should return.


He winced to himself and rubbed at his chest, as if the wound that he'd dealt himself long ago were still there. By now...they must have sent search parties out for him...and interrogated everyone they could. His departure had not been the most subtle. Surely someone had seen him go. With the way things were among the Kana, tongues would not remain silent for long.

I doubt I will ever be able to explain this to Mahakhi-Kana, he thought with a sort of grim humor, and sighed, looking up at the outcropping and wishing that he had never bought that Moru brute in the market. But how could he have known that that little incident would have led to something as bizarre as this...?

Ze'thet did not trudge at all. Djuta marveled at her endurance; he supposed it came with being a Free Apsiu, yet still, he was surprised that she showed not the slightest sign of being tired. She had even taken off her sandals to walk barefoot long ago, and more than once she pulled at the straps on her dress and scowled as if it chafed. When the rock came into view her face lit up and she even picked up her pace; Djuta sighed to himself and tugged on the free Sha's reins, Nehara's and Yekh'iet's Sha hurrying to catch up. Perhaps they would at least get a little bit of rest here. He would let his feet relax, eat a bite of food, and think about what to do now, as he had no real idea.

Res-Kana will kill me should I ever get back.

Rithukh'het will kill me should I ever get back...

If Mahakhi-Kana doesn't do it first...!

They reached the rock and the first thing that Ze'thet did was promptly scramble to the top of it, perching atop a crag and shielding her eyes against the dying sun. She scanned the horizons before scrambling back down and jerking her hand at the air.

"No Kana. Safe."

Djuta nodded. She made her way over to the Sha and helped Yekh'iet down as Djuta led the free Sha over to the rock and tethered it to an outcropping. He stretched his sore wings and rubbed at his neck, looking skyward. It was odd to think that these stars just starting to pop out were the same ones that could be seen over the Great Red Tribe, right about now...


He heard a loud thudding noise, and turned his head to look. He made a face when he saw that Ze'thet had also helped Nehara down from his Sha, yet she apparently hadn't been as careful about it; as such the general had landed on his knee, and was coated in dust, and he lifted his head to curl his lip back and give her the most venomous look possible. Djuta blinked; he wasn't used to seeing the general lose his composure.

Ze'thet, for her part, merely shrugged. "Oops," she said, and came back toward the free Sha to start rummaging through the food packs. Djuta went to see to Yekh'iet, who stood not far from Nehara, wringing her hands. She lifted her head and bit her lip when she saw him.

"To stay here for night...?" she asked softly.

Djuta glanced at the rock, then at the eastern horizon, then sighed. "I do not know," he murmured. "Hopefully, no one will come, and we will rest. If not...then we must move on." Her head lowered slightly; he crooked his finger under her chin and lifted it so that she looked at him again. Her eyes were large and wet, and he realized that she was afraid. He frowned. How could a Seer be afraid...?

"To not see everything," she said in the same small voice. "To see important things...the way things to be...but right now...not seeing anything."

"You mean, there are a few things you just cannot tell...?"

She nodded, and bit her lip again, lowering her head as if ashamed. Djuta paused, then touched her arm, and drew away. "It is all right," he said quietly. "You can rest. Ze'thet-Moru and I will keep the watch...you rest as much as you need."

She nodded again without speaking, and he turned back toward the rock, ignoring Nehara as the other Kana pushed himself up to sit back on the ground, a dark look in his eyes. Ze'thet was busily unloading one of the leather packs when he reached her, and she tossed him a packet of dried fish.

"Free," she said, and he furrowed his brow.


She lifted her head and wrinkled her muzzle at him. "I hear what you said! Moru! Remember that I am Free!" She tossed another packet and he had to catch it before it could hit him upside the head. Djuta blinked before lowering his hand.

"Very well," he said, mystified. "You are Free!"

She snorted in response, and overturned the pack, dumping the rest of its contents on the ground. The other three stared at her as she shook it out. "Finished with this?" she inquired, dangling it from one hand. Djuta blinked again, then nodded. "Don't need it?"

He shook his head. "No...go right ahead."

He turned and went back to where Yekh'iet was settling herself down, her wings huddling against the darkening air; Djuta seated himself nearby, wishing for a fire, yet starting one this soon could alert their pursuers. Djuta's heart stung when he remembered the looks on Fa'rukha's and She'hekha's faces, and he hung his head, wishing that he hadn't had to involve them in this affair.

Damn me for growing to know them. I knew heading in what this plan would entail. I knew full well that befriending any of them would be a risk. I knew all of this.

Damn them for growing to know me...

He wearily rubbed at his eyes, tearing open one of the packets of fish and handing a slice to Yekh'iet. She took it silently and began to chew as he gnawed on his own piece and again tried to think of what they would do. He hated having drawn her into this. He'd thought that freeing her would be a good idea, yet now...she seemed so miserable away from the tribe. Nehara had not treated her the best, but still, he hadn't been brutal with her, that Djuta had seen...and even though she'd agreed to accompany him, still, who was to say that she wouldn't have been better off remaining at home? The desert was no place for a Moru, and especially not a female, at that...

He heard a rending noise, and turned his head to see Ze'thet making an awful face as she tore at the strap of her dress. His eyes grew as round as moons when she yanked on it as hard as she could, tearing the fabric; with an annoyed growl she commenced pulling it off over her head, and tossed it aside, so that she stood before them perfectly naked. She was leaner and more wiry than any female Djuta had ever seen before, all muscles and hardly any fat; her breasts were almost nonexistent, as were her hips, but she bore a little shock of dark fur between her legs which proved that at least she was female. Djuta's eyes goggled and he made himself turn away; he saw Yekh'iet blush and gasp, and do the same; Nehara just furrowed his brow as if the female were mad. Djuta sat with his ears flicking furiously as he heard her pick up the pack and start cutting into it with the dagger; he chewed anew on his fish, Yekh'iet following suit, the entire time that the Free Apsiu cut the pack apart and started reconnecting it in pieces, sometimes slicing at her discarded dress and making use of that as well. Djuta glanced at Yekh'iet, seeing the flush in her cheeks.

"If you are cold, I may build a fire," he offered.

She shook her head. "No...fire dangerous, now. To be all right. Yekh'iet to be fine."

He stared at her for a moment, then lowered his head and poked at the ground as if there were a fire there already. "I am sorry I involved you in this," he murmured, and she looked up at him. "If I had known how this would turn out...I would have left you. It was selfish of me to ask you along. I am sorry."

Yekh'iet furrowed her brow slightly. "Sorry...?" She shook her head. "No...no sorry. Yekh'iet to want to come, truly. Djuta-Kana to not be selfish. Very well understand why to leave."

"Perhaps you could fill me in again on this matter," Nehara muttered. Djuta ignored him and moved to sit closer to Yekh'iet, taking her hand and holding it. He saw the glimmer in her eyes.

"I am still sorry...and once this is over...I will do anything with you that you may ask," he offered. When she peered up at him he nodded. "Even should you wish to be freed--I will do this for you. To repay you for all that you have done for me."

Yekh'iet's brow furrowed a bit uncertainly. "Free...?"

"Join Free Apsiu tribe, if you want," Ze'thet said, and Djuta turned to reply to her, only to find that he was about to speak directly to her vulva. His eyes nearly fell from his head when he saw how she was bent over right beside him, her tail practically in his face; she was doing something with the straps of leather she'd cut from the pack, but he didn't even wish to ask what it might be. Goggling, he jerked away from her, nearly knocking over Yekh'iet in his attempt to put a space between them; the other female got a good glimpse of Ze'thet's rear end as well, and her face went brilliant red. The two of them huddled a little distance away, fingers fiddling like mad. Djuta had to fight just to keep his kilt in place.

"Are you about finished with what you're doing?" he demanded, his voice cracking; Ze'thet stood up again, slipping something around her hips, and he noticed with much surprise that she had in fact made an entirely new outfit for herself, using only the pack and the remains of her dress. It consisted of little more than leather straps crossing over her breasts and up to her shoulders and down her back, joining again where she'd used the buckles on the pack to fasten them; she likewise had a thin belt of the stuff around her hips, and had used the dress as a sort of loincloth, to properly cover herself up. Still, even clothed, she seemed practically naked, and the other three gaped at her as if her breasts still hung out. Djuta couldn't keep his eyes from goggling.

"Pretty much done," Ze'thet said belatedly, twanging one of the leather straps over her breast, then lifting her head and offering a smirk. Djuta and Yekh'iet glanced away again, now gnawing on their fish as if they had not eaten in years; Ze'thet seated herself beside Djuta, her knee touching his, and let out a gusty sigh, stretching her long lean arms.

"Well, Kana," she said in a challenging voice, "what's the plan now?" She punctuated this by jamming the dagger into the ground; the others glanced down and saw that she'd impaled a lizard as it attempted to scurry past. Ze'thet lifted the dagger to her mouth, sniffed the lizard and looked it over, then bit its head off and spat it aside, before commencing eating it raw, bones and all. Nehara's expression grew distasteful and Yekh'iet refused to even look at it at all, now.

Djuta tried to keep from wrinkling his muzzle. "I do not have a plan," he said, and Ze'thet cocked her head to look at him, the lizard's tail still hanging from her mouth and a trickle of blood running down her dagger. She blinked, sucked the tail into her mouth, and started chewing with an awful crunching sound. A sour look came to her face and she turned her head to spit. Djuta watched as a little bone landed in the sand, then jerked back a little when she let out a great snort.

"No plan?" she snapped, then let out another gusty sigh and hunched over on herself. "Stupid Kana..."

"It looks as if you leapt into this with your eyes closed," Nehara commented.

Djuta still ignored him. "We will have to find our way back to the Great Red Tribe," he said, "but following a different route...and I've never been this far north."

Ze'thet made a hissing noise. "Back there?" she growled. "You are stupid if you think I will go back there!"

Djuta at last wrinkled his muzzle. "You do not have to come! I said you would be freed if you helped me. Well, consider yourself free."

She wrinkled her muzzle in return; Djuta noticed from the corner of his eye how Yekh'iet and Nehara both stared at them, odd looks on their faces, yet he couldn't figure out what had caught their attention. "You said if I helped you," Ze'thet echoed, and her nose twitched. "So far, you are still as helpless as a pup just out of your mother's cunt!"

Djuta grimaced. And until now he'd thought that Khetai was the most vulgar-mouthed Moru he knew. "You have a much better idea--?" he snapped.

Ze'thet flared her ears and gestured westward, toward the cliffs. "Easy!" she exclaimed. "Go to the Free Apsiu!"

Nehara flared his hobbled wings. "A wonderful idea, wench! If you wish our wings to be flayed."

Ze'thet gave him a rude gesture and smirked. "For you, would be an improvement!"

"As much as I may sympathize with you--" Djuta started to say, when she slapped him across the face. He blinked and gawked before feeling the sting, then rubbed at his cheek; she had done it as casually as if she'd been swatting a fly. "What did you do that for?!"

"Sympathize," Ze'thet said, almost boredly, then snarled at him. "If you want to sympathize, then sympathize for your female who can barely walk a step without hurting her foot!" She bobbed her head at Yekh'iet, who blushed and lowered her eyes. "Sympathize for your stupid general who should very well be made to suck his own cock! Sympathize for yourself, who stepped out without a damned PLAN!"

"Fine!" Djuta barked, hackles prickling. "I am SORRY for feeling SORRY for you!" The two of them fumed at each other for a moment, then backed down. "As much as I sympathize with your plight," he corrected himself, seeing her raise her hand, then lower it, "I am hardly inclined to set foot in a tribe of Free Apsiu! I have heard of what your people do to the Kana when they find them!"

"Nothing worse than what YOUR people do to Free Apsiu," Ze'thet retorted, and Djuta felt a pang; he had first met her locked in a box in the back of a Moru trader's tent, and could only imagine what she'd gone through before then. Before he could say anything she had gotten to her feet and was busily stretching, and he noticed that the leather thong she'd made herself did not cover up her backside; he was staring at her before he even knew what he was doing, then heard a snort, and lifted his eyes. She was looking at him over her shoulder and her mouth twitched.

"Like what you see, Kana?"

Djuta flushed. "You are not my type," he muttered, hating how Yekh'iet ducked her own head and averted her eyes.

Ze'thet's tail flicked. "Don't worry--you are not mine!" She clambered atop the outcropping and plopped herself atop it, long limbs going out every which way. "What is so bad about this, anyway--?" she said. "I have importance in my tribe. Tell them not to cut your wings, they won't. Simple as that."

"Forgive me if I do not take you at your word," Djuta said.

Ze'thet smirked. "Actually, that is the first smart thing a Kana ever said." She leaned on her elbows and rested her chin on her hands. "How about me taking the female with me, and you taking the buzzard-general with you? That way, I never mess with your filth again, and you never mess with mine."

Djuta bit his lip. The offer was tempting...he peered at Yekh'iet, trying to gauge her reaction, but she apparently hadn't been listening, as she was still staring at the ground. Nehara's expression was neutral but unpleasant. He turned back to Ze'thet.

"Perhaps...in the future. We may do this," he said hesitantly. "But for now...we must stay together. Otherwise we will be caught."

"Can take care of a female on my own!" Ze'thet snapped. "You doubt me--?"

"I do not doubt you," Djuta said. "I simply...do not trust you!"

Ze'thet's face started to shift into a scowl, then she stopped, and blinked. A second later she was letting out a harsh grating laugh, and the others all stared at her as if she were loose in the head. She draped her leg over the side of the outcropping and chuckled.

"Well...I do not trust you, either. So it is mutual!" She tilted her head to better see him. "So why go back to that filth hole? Rather got the idea you hated it there."

"It is far better than being stuck out in the desert on our own," Djuta said, muzzle still wrinkled, but at least she seemed to be in a good humor...so to speak. "It was never my intent to abandon the Great Red Tribe in the first place! It was only my intent to try to end this stupid feud of ours!"

"I think this is hardly your place," Nehara said.

"Would not have this problem if you were Free," Ze'thet commented.

"I simply wish this to be over," Djuta interrupted, silencing them both; they all looked at him. He scowled and his wings hunched. "So I can just go back home, back to my mate, and go to sleep! And forget such things as the Yellow Sands Tribe or the River Tribe or the Free Apsiu even exist!" He glared at Nehara and snarled. "You will stop talking as long as I am in command here! I will not kill you just yet but that can easily change, the more trouble you cause!" He glared back up at Ze'thet. "And we will NOT be heading for the Free Apsiu! Perhaps once we reach home--then you may take her with you! But not before all of us are safe! For all I know your elders GAVE you to the traders to take back with them!"

He saw the female's eyes widen, and knew that he'd said the wrong thing; immediately she was on the ground again, the dagger in her hand, an ugly snarl on her face. "Stupid pig prick!" she hissed. "My father was a GENERAL! See if YOU can claim such a thing, mutt!"

Djuta got to his feet and faced her, fists clenched; he refused to draw his sword even though he was fairly certain that she could slit his throat without even trying. "At least I will not make a claim without the slightest knowledge of the truth!" he barked in return. "But I SERVE a general, I'll have you know, and this is far more easily proven than YOUR claim! We will be returning to my tribe--THEN we will decide what becomes of everyone!"

Ze'thet lifted the dagger and bared her teeth, all of her muscles tensed. "YOU DO NOT ORDER ME, ASSHOLE!!"

"Please!" a voice suddenly cried, and they both stiffened, then glanced to the side. Yekh'iet had gotten to her feet and was clasping her hands together, her eyes wet. "Please to stop!" she begged. "Please to stop fighting!"

Djuta blinked at her, then his eyes wandered to look at Nehara. The general stared at him guardedly, but Djuta could tell what he was thinking. He turned back to Ze'thet and the two of them stared at each other; after a moment or two, they both backed down, Ze'thet scowling as she shoved the dagger back into the loop she'd fashioned on her belt. Djuta let out his breath and rubbed his eyes.

"Fine...we will not fight. As long as we are out here, we must think together." He lifted his head to look at Ze'thet. "I will not command you to follow me to the Great Red Tribe. But I will ask you, and strongly urge you to. As your--master--isn't here, you would be placed in the care of the lead Kana, and right now that is me. If you set foot in the gate you will not be touched by anyone else. And you need not even set foot inside. But I need you with me until we get there. I can't do all of this on my own."

It chafed him to admit it, but at least Ze'thet didn't snarl at him again; she snorted instead, and crossed her arms, eyes narrowing. "About time for a Kana to show some sense," she muttered, but didn't pull her dagger or snap at him, so he knew that she was going to be compliant, for now. He let out another breath and turned to Yekh'iet.

"I am sorry," he apologized. "For upsetting you, and involving you in all of this. I mean to keep my word this time. When this is all over, the two of you may do whatever you wish. And I would strongly recommend that you go with Ze'thet-Apsiu. You would be safe among her people; as safe as you could ever hope to be." He winced a little, thinking of Khetai, and how she had ended up; perhaps this was a promise he should not make anymore...?

Yekh'iet looked him in the eyes for a moment, then lowered her head a little. "Is all right," she murmured. "To stay with Djuta-Kana for now. To help, if can."

"You already have. Much more than you know." Djuta turned to look toward the distant river, feeling weary. He wished more than anything that he was sleeping in his bed, with Rithukh'het at his side...or Resikh...yet that was the very reason why he had involved himself in such a stupid plot in the first place. He shut his eyes briefly as Nehekhi's face flashed through his mind, then opened them and shook the feeling off. "South," he said, his voice clear again. "As soon as possible. Which means that, when we are able to walk or ride, we shall do so, until we drop dead from exhaustion. I am not familiar with this terrain." He looked around himself somewhat uneasily. "We should seek the shortest way back that there is..."

"Not the river, unless you want to get caught," Ze'thet cautioned, and he looked at her. She shrugged. "This is where they will look first," she said, and her mouth twitched. "Along the river is where I was caught. You want to keep hidden, then you'll take the desert. Stay close to the cliffs, away from the river, and keep out of sight."

Djuta made a face. "The cliffs are an even further walk away," he protested, but sighed before she could start to scowl. "Which is why they will be safest," he gave in, and nodded. "You are able still to ride--?" he asked Yekh'iet, and she blinked, before ducking her head and nodding quickly. "Then we will go, and if we must rest, we rest in their shadow," he said, and waved at the Sha. "After a rest. We stay here until just before daylight, and then we leave. Where we go then...we will decide then." He gave a heavy sigh, but none of the others protested, so he sat back down where he had been before, and Yekh'iet followed suit, Ze'thet climbing back atop the rock. Djuta rubbed at his eyes wearily and wished that it was dawn already...although he couldn't keep himself from yawning.

He nearly started when he noticed that Yekh'iet had moved to sit just beside him, and she touched his hand. "Djuta-Kana to worry...?" she murmured softly. "For tribe?"

He stared at her for a moment or two, then lowered his eyes. "I am worried for everyone," he replied.

"This is your problem," a new voice said, and they both glanced toward Nehara. The Yellow Sands general stared at Djuta in return, his eyes cold and his face expressionless. "You care for too much," he said, and his nostrils flared. "Which is what will end up getting you killed."

The lieutenant continued staring at him before looking toward the cliffs. "If this happens, then it happens," he murmured. "But at least I will have been doing the right thing for once." He waved at Ze'thet, who waved in return, settling upon the rock to stare across the desert, on the lookout for any scouts or soldiers. Djuta nestled his head against his breast and shut his eyes, attempting to sleep; it was only when he felt Yekh'iet's hand upon his own again that he clasped hers in return, and felt his exhaustion overcome him for once.

* * * * *

CLANG. The two swords clashed against each other, then parted; the two Kana danced away from each other, and struck defensive positions, neither one of them moving, although by now it was hard for Captain Tas'hukh not to.

His arms were aching and his ribs heaved; training like this, every day, was taking its toll on him, especially since he had not kept himself fit at swordfighting over the years. He wiped a hand across his sweating brow and cursed the day he had ever agreed to become a captain, when the Kana standing before him let out a yell and raced straight at him. He blinked, and only at the last minute thought to bring his sword up to block the blow. His attacker was not the most skilled Kana he had ever faced, by a long shot. Yet the blow still rang through his arm, and he winced at the pain which shot through his shoulder, and when it had subsided he sliced his hand through the air. "Enough! Enough training for today."

Private Ri'hus staggered back a step, then his own sword fell forward, its tip clattering against the tiles. He too gasped for breath, his fur shining and his face flushed; he wiped his own brow and rubbed at his arm when he thought Tas'hukh wasn't looking, but the reason was not faulty armor this time. Tas'hukh had had a new set of armor made expressly for him--the armorer had even taken the youth's measurements, just so he could get it just right, and Tas'hukh had paid well for such work, but he felt it was worth it. Already Ri'hus's swordwork had improved; he was still nowhere near sergeant material, but at least he could hold his own for short periods of time, when before all that he could do was defend himself and run away. The two of them stood panting in the courtyard, and Tas'hukh had to actually fight not to show his exhaustion. Ri'hus was not a skilled fighter. But he was managing to wear Tas'hukh down.

"Al...already...?" Ri'hus finally managed to get out, his eyes wide and confused. "But...there is still some sunlight in the sky! You wish to call off training already...?"

Tas'hukh couldn't hide the wince that crossed his face this time, and stood straight, rubbing at his shoulder. "I'm not quite as young as you anymore, Private," he grumbled, "so cutting class early once in a while is not such a bad thing! Especially seeing as you are getting so damned close to making me lose my sword!"

He saw Ri'hus's eyes light up, and that alone was more than enough to make the ache in his arms worthwhile. The night before, he had finally ordered the young Kana to stop insisting that he was such a worthless bother. Ri'hus had flushed terribly, averting his eyes as if he'd just been thrashed out in front of everyone, but every time he insisted on his own uselessness, it stung Tas'hukh's heart even more. He hadn't meant to cow him, but it had been the only way to make him stop. He hated seeing someone with such dedication also show such a lack of faith. Every time Ri'hus missed a move, or dropped his sword, and got the same look in his eyes, as if he expected to be tossed out into the street right that minute, reminded the captain of the look in his own father's eyes, before that same thing had happened to him. It wouldn't happen again to another good Kana, he vowed to himself. And so Ri'hus's despondent comments were banned. As they turned and made their way toward the household, Tas'hukh peered at him surreptitiously and sighed a little at the lightness of Ri'hus's step. It had been just a tiny victory, but he could tell that his comment had had the intended effect. Despite their exhaustion Ri'hus looked as if he could fight another hour or so if he wished.

Tas'hukh made a face and rubbed his neck. Well, he didn't wish, so he supposed that it would have to wait until tomorrow. He hadn't been exaggerating; one more lucky blow, and he probably would have lost his sword.

They made their way back into the hall and toward their rooms, although nowadays, Ri'hus's room often went empty at night. As they neared Tas'hukh's quarters, even, the private's pace picked up, and he latched onto Tas'hukh's arm and smiled, trotting and pulling the captain along after him with a giggle. Tas'hukh couldn't help the faint smile that came to his own face. He'd been ready to tell him that he was too tired for anything tonight, but then again, he felt like saying that to him every once in a while, yet they always ended up in the same bed anyway. He simply couldn't turn down that smile or those beautiful eyes. And whenever they were naked together, he found that he couldn't really turn down anything else, either.

They fixed a simple dinner and ate it in the window overlooking the courtyard, Ri'hus cramming cakes into his mouth while Tas'hukh sipped at his wine. He wondered how the youth managed to stay so slender despite the way he ate, but supposed it didn't matter. He snorted a little when Ri'hus seized the last cake and stuffed it away, and the private glanced up at him, blinking before going bright red. Tas'hukh had to force himself not to laugh at the look of guilt which passed over his face; a moment later Ri'hus's eyes squeezed shut and it was all he could do not to spit everything out, an awkward cheeky smile coming to his own overstuffed mouth. Tas'hukh passed him a cup and waved at him to drink it; he gave a great swallow, and nearly choked, before downing the drink and wiping the crumbs from his mouth. He smiled sheepishly and Tas'hukh forgot all about the cake.

He forgot about sleep, and pretty much everything else, not that long after when he stood and Ri'hus promptly hopped up to his feet, beaming as he joined him, draping his arms over his shoulders. If it had been I'anen, Tas'hukh would have expected some sort of plea or demand every time they were done. Ri'hus never asked for anything, however, aside from being allowed to stay with him; the most he had pleaded for was for them to mate again, just once more please, before they would have to set out to train for the day, and every once in a while he wheedled Tas'hukh into joining him in the pool. But he never requested anything more. Tas'hukh was still skeptical that such a pretty Kana would appreciate nesakh'ai with someone such as himself so much, yet so far that seemed to be what the case was, so he was hardly going to complain.

Ri'hus nuzzled at his neck and Tas'hukh forgot about his aching muscles, putting his arm under the youth's legs and picking him up so he laughed out loud and hugged Tas'hukh close. They made their way for the bed and Tas'hukh nuzzled at Ri'hus's neck in return, enjoying his scent. Seeing as he enjoyed the pool so much, Ri'hus was a neat and clean Kana, and after long bouts of sparring, even his sweat was perfume to Tas'hukh. Ri'hus giggled the entire time that the captain carried him across the room, though before they could reach the bed he put his muzzle to Tas'hukh's ear and nuzzled at him slightly.

"We should try something different, Lord!" he murmured ever so softly, and Tas'hukh's ear flicked, showing his interest. Ri'hus smiled. "I've only ever heard of it but it sounds so nice! I bet we would enjoy it!" He grasped Tas'hukh's lappet and let it trail over his fingers suggestively. "Do you have any silken cords, Lord...?"

Tas'hukh jerked to a stop and let out a great snort, ears flaring as his loincloth went tight. Ri'hus started giggling again and ran his fingers down his chest. Tas'hukh blinked at him a few times but all that the youth did was smile, his beautiful blue eyes shining. "I would not mind, Lord," he cooed, and trailed his fingers down Tas'hukh's arm now; when the older Kana grasped his wrist, his smile grew, and he nestled his head against his neck. "I think we would rather like it!"

Tas'hukh's tail whipped from side to side and he had to fight down a whimper. He promptly moved toward the bed and dropped Ri'hus upon it, where the private bounced before falling still, laughing again. Tas'hukh bent and tore open a nearby box, yanking out its contents almost frantically; he located a length of silk cord, then another, and stood up to face the bed. He looked down at Ri'hus to make sure that he truly meant what he'd suggested; Ri'hus responded by stretching out his arms as if to grasp at the bedposts, his eyes bright. Without any further hesitation, Tas'hukh began tying his wrist, securing it to the bedpost. He had to climb into the bed and straddle the young Kana to bind his other wrist, and Ri'hus laughed the entire time, squirming beneath him. He proceeded to remove the private's clothing, grateful for the side bindings on his girdle which allowed him to remove it without having to untie him again. He unsnapped his armlets and legbands, and last of all pulled off his kilt and loincloth, so that Ri'hus was bare of everything but his skullcap and earrings. His smooth sheath was swollen already, and he squirmed and beamed up at Tas'hukh deliriously as the captain knelt and pulled at his own clothes. When his girdle went, Ri'hus smiled. When his jewelry and kilt went the young Kana giggled. When his loincloth went, Ri'hus wriggled and let out a cackle, the canopy shaking.

"Bring it out for me, Lord!" he begged, pulling on his restraints.

Tas'hukh wasn't certain which he meant, but supposed it didn't matter. He knelt over him and grasped his own sheath, rubbing against it a few times before cupping his testicles and massaging them in his hand. Ri'hus's face lit up and he let out a shuddery sigh when Tas'hukh's shaft slowly rose from his sheath, hard and wet. Tas'hukh bent forward to rub his hand against Ri'hus's swelling, and the private's eyes fluttered shut and he whimpered and whined, legs writhing between Tas'hukh's and making the older Kana snort at the feeling, his tail whipping. Ri'hus's penis arose, quivering, and Tas'hukh bent his head down to flick his tongue over it; Ri'hus yelped and jumped, and the expression on his face would have been enough alone to make Tas'hukh go hard, if he hadn't been already.

"Please, Lord," Ri'hus begged, his voice faint.

Tas'hukh wasted no more time. He pushed himself up and parted the young Kana's legs, placing himself between them. A touch to Ri'hus's buttocks made him lift his legs and cup them around his hips, and Tas'hukh gripped hold of him before moving forward. He slipped easily inside, clenching his own buttocks and letting out a grunt as he pushed himself in as deep as he could go. Ri'hus jerked and whined, pulling on his bonds, but far from hurting him, Tas'hukh knew he enjoyed it; the rapturous smile he got, and the way his legs caressed Tas'hukh's, made this much clear. Tas'hukh decided to make the most of the situation and, grasping his hips tight, bore into him fast and deep, his thrusts shaking the bed. He briefly feared that he would go too hard and fast for the private's tastes, but Ri'hus's moans showed that he felt anything but dismay. The captain bared his teeth and wrinkled his muzzle, digging his claws in and snorting as he thrust, feeling every bit as virile as he had long ago back when he had been a lieutenant. Back then, he had had a mate who had kept him occupied after training many nights, and that had been the first person with whom he had felt the same sort of lust and desire that he felt now. The harder he bore into him, the more Ri'hus yelped, bucking and struggling against his bonds yet unable to pull them loose. Tas'hukh bent over him to nuzzle at his neck and sucked in his scent.

"Does this...suit you...Private?" he panted, his voice rasping.

Ri'hus whimpered and squirmed. "My...My Lord...you feel...so good...within me..."

Tas'hukh snorted. A vision of himself and his first mate, coupling within the barracks, flashed through his mind, and his eyes squeezed shut. He dropped his head and growled at the memory, moving his hands up to grip Ri'hus by the sides. His tail quivered and he moved heavily, his thrusts making Ri'hus gasp and jerk as the canopy swayed overhead.

"Pr...Private...I do not plan this to be all we do tonight...before we are done."

Ri'hus shuddered, then let out a breathless laugh. "The--the best must yet be coming! Right--right, Lord--?"

Tas'hukh responded by grunting and grinding up into him. Ri'hus arched and wailed--"Oh gods, My Lord--!!"--and the captain let out a blasting breath, shutting his eyes briefly as his seed emptied out of him. He did open them long enough to catch the look on Ri'hus's face, the private moaning and shifting, his feet trailing up Tas'hukh's legs, and he found that he enjoyed the look. There was something about bringing pleasure to another that he found even more arousing than nesakh'ai itself. He remembered the times when he and his mate had not had the time or privacy for sex, and had resorted to stroking each other instead. He remembered slipping his hand beneath the other Kana's kilt on one of the rare occasions that they sat inside a crowded tavern, their companions laughing and yelling and talking to each other obliviously, the way that the lieutenant's eyes had slowly gone shut and he'd panted as Tas'hukh fondled him. It had felt as if they'd had the entire room to themselves, with the secret they shared, in front of everyone with no one even noticing; it had been all that Tas'hukh could do not to lean toward him and give the secret away by kissing him. Yet the delirious haze in his companion's eyes had been enough to satisfy him, at least, before he had felt a hand sliding up his own thigh, and had gotten that same look himself, his hips trembling at the ecstasy which was his lover's fingers slowly stroking against him. He supposed it was good that then the rest of the group had decided to go, all laughing raucously as they stumbled their way for the door, as Tas'hukh and his own companion had stumbled their way to the tavern's back room and promptly put it to use. Tas'hukh ached inside on remembering the sensation of crouching upon the seedy stale mattress, his claws digging into the straw and his face contorting in a snarl as the other Kana straddled and thrust into him with a growl of his own. He had not felt someone within him since Tefkha had last done so, and laughed at him afterwards.

He pushed himself up, the memory fading quickly, and felt Ri'hus's stickiness against his belly. The private whined and writhed slowly, his cheeks pink and his chest rising and falling fast. His arms had fallen back against the bed, and his legs followed suit when Tas'hukh pulled himself out with a heavy sigh. He rubbed the fluid from himself, and made certain that Ri'hus's eyes were open before lifting his hand to his mouth and licking his fingers as if they were coated with the world's sweetest treat. He loved the taste of them, and Ri'hus just whined louder and squirmed harder as soon as he saw this. His penis, sagging and retreating into its sheath, quivered a little, and Tas'hukh smiled, before leaning over him to undo his bonds. He sighed again at the feel of the private's hands upon him, and realized that no matter how enticing the situation, he had missed his touch. The young Kana ran his fingers inside Tas'hukh's sheath, making him snort, and giggled as he licked his own fingers. Tas'hukh responded by leaning down to tongue the youth's nipples, and Ri'hus murmured with laughter as he sucked on Tas'hukh's fingers. They lay for a few moments simply enjoying tasting each other, and Tas'hukh couldn't remember ever having enjoyed himself so much, not even with Djuta. All of his worries and exhaustion of before vanished as if they had never been and he managed a smile, which was promptly returned.

Ri'hus draped his arms over his shoulders again, his face still pleasantly flushed. "There was something else you wished to do tonight, Lord...?" he murmured.

Tas'hukh cupped a hand to his face, studying his eyes, his ears, his own faint smile. "Yes," he said softly. "I wondered if you would do something for me."

As soon as the request came, Ri'hus's smile faded and his eyes widened as if in disbelief. Tas'hukh could tell that he truly hadn't expected such a request, and his ears went pink to match his face. He seemed ready to refuse--"I--I really do not think I would be enjoyable, Lord--I really do not think you would like me"--but another touch to the face, and a reassuring smile, managed to convince him, and he blushed as they arose from the bed. A moment later they lay down upon it again, and Tas'hukh shut his eyes, digging his claws in and enjoying the feeling of Ri'hus even more than he ever had before. He grunted softly, tightening, and heard the youth gasp, then heard his voice, soft and hesitant.

"Lord...you are sure...?"

Tas'hukh nodded, muscles tensing. "Yes...I am...I am sure...please...let us do this...and you will enjoy it, too."

He sensed the private's hesitation, but he did not refuse. Tas'hukh bit his lip and burrowed his head into the pillows, clawing the mattress and keeping his legs spread wide as Ri'hus sat upon him, clutching his sides and easing in between his buttocks. Ri'hus's own face scrunched up and he let out a husky cry, tail thrashing, and Tas'hukh could tell that he had never entered another, before; his size was not impressive, but the sheer agony and desperation of his desire was, and Tas'hukh relaxed beneath him, allowing him to take control for the first time in his life.

Ri'hus's first thrusts were quick and awkward, his body jerking almost convulsively; he whimpered and gripped Tas'hukh even tighter, his hips trembling, and halted, gasping for breath. Tas'hukh tried the trick that I'anen had always used, and tightened around him; the younger Kana let out an even louder yelp, his claws gouging Tas'hukh's skin, and Tas'hukh grunted again, his shaft straining against the bed. When Ri'hus bent down to seize his nape in his teeth, growling aggressively, he gasped, not having expected the feeling; yet it had the same result as always, and he then went loose, panting, and his eyes rolled back when Ri'hus began pushing into him hard and heatedly. The canopy shook even harder than it had before, the bed creaking, and Tas'hukh panted weakly at the feelings which surged up inside him, pleasure such as he had not felt in years consuming him. He let out his own soft whine, gritting his teeth and digging his toes into the bed.

"Ri...Ri'hus," he panted, and flared his wings. "Gods, yes...unhh..."

"L-Lord," Ri'hus managed to gasp out, "My Lord." He gave a particularly heavy thrust, head whipping back, then dropped it forward to bite Tas'hukh's nape again, snarling under his breath so that the older Kana quivered and submitted. He winced now at the almost brutal way that the young Kana pounded into him, yet every second of it was pure pleasure, his body shuddering at the bite of pain in Ri'hus's thrusts, a feeling he had wished for for so long yet had never achieved. The last one who had made him feel so was Djuta. And even Djuta's attentions had never aroused him as much as this. He moaned loudly and arched, his wings fanning the air, and only wished that they had done this much sooner.

By the time that they came, the young Kana was yelping at the canopy, Tas'hukh groaning underneath him; the bed shook heavily on their climax and Ri'hus collapsed over the captain's back, gasping for breath. Tas'hukh shivered at the slick warmth spreading inside him and let out a contented sigh; he could feel his own hardness diminishing, his own warm wetness spreading across the sheets. He had to help Ri'hus and they both collapsed upon each other, their warmth intermingling; Tas'hukh gave the youth an exhausted smile, and loved the adoring look that Ri'hus gave him in return. He stroked the other Kana's face.

"W...well...what did you think, pretty one...?" he panted.

Ri'hus flushed and averted his eyes, though a tiny smile came to his mouth, and Tas'hukh could tell he was pleased. "I...I have never...done this before, Lord."

"Did you like it?" Tas'hukh asked, his smile growing.

Ri'hus lifted his head and nodded, beaming. "It felt wonderful! Wonderful, Lord!" He began purring and draped himself over Tas'hukh's chest. "Do you think that maybe...sometime...?"

Tas'hukh laughed softly. "Of course, pretty one, hopefully more than once! I would wish for no other!"

"I...I was not too...well..." The private's face grew meek. "Not too...little...was I...?"

"You were just perfect for me, sweet one. Everything about you is perfect." Ri'hus's ears went pink, but he giggled and nestled next to Tas'hukh, running his hand along his belly. "There is not one thing I would change about you..." he waited until the youth was purring again, "...except for perhaps your lappets." When Ri'hus's eyes popped open and his head shot up, Tas'hukh's mouth twitched. "I think you would be much better in those of a sergeant," he added.

Ri'hus's mouth fell open. "Lord! You KNOW I am not nearly good enough yet!"

Tas'hukh shrugged and played with his tail. "Who says this? Because I think your skills are grand enough."

Ri'hus blushed furiously. "What skills?"

"Why, the way you wield your sword."

"I cannot wield my sword worth anything just yet, Lord! You know this!"

Another shrug. "You seemed to wield it just fine to me. Especially when you jammed it in, and practically clove me in two..."

He saw the blood rushing up into Ri'hus's face, the young Kana's mouth opening wider and wider in horror. "LORD!" he yelled, voice cracking, and shot up onto his haunches--he was still naked, and Tas'hukh adored the sight of his soft sheath--before commencing swinging his hands at Tas'hukh's chest. His blows were dainty, barely stinging at all, and Tas'hukh began laughing, batting his hands away. Ri'hus picked up a pillow and started hitting him with it.

"Lord!" he cried again, his voice still oddly high pitched. "What are you even thinking? As if they offer promotions for nesakh'ai!!"

"They should, don't you think?" Tas'hukh laughed.

Ri'hus looked ready to scowl. "If this is so then I think YOU would deserve the promotion, not me!"

Tas'hukh abruptly stopped laughing, hearing I'anen screaming Dirty old sen'akha! in his head, but as soon as he met Ri'hus's eyes, he could tell that that was not what the youth had meant at all. Ri'hus hefted the pillow and wrinkled his muzzle at him, and Tas'hukh took in a breath.

"With how many times you clove me with YOUR sword, Lord, I think YOU would be made GENERAL!" And he hit Tas'hukh in the face.

Tas'hukh sputtered and batted the pillow away, gawking. "You speak to me like this?" he cried, and jumped up in the bed; Ri'hus let out a cry and started to scramble backwards, but the captain caught hold of him before he could leave, and the two of them started wrestling. They fell over on the bed, and the way that their bodies writhed against each other, Tas'hukh wondered how he managed to keep himself contained. As it was, he lowered his head to nuzzle at Ri'hus's neck, and the youth started cackling with laughter, still twisting against him.

"L-Lord! Stop!" he begged. "You are killing me...!!" His laughter grew even louder when Tas'hukh nuzzled inside his ear, then let go of him to tickle his ribs. Ri'hus practically shrieked now, and Tas'hukh hoped nobody was interested in listening in on them tonight.

"L-Lord!" Tears streamed from Ri'hus's eyes now. "P-please--I'll do anything--!!"

"Anything--?" Tas'hukh echoed, and the private nodded wildly, crowing at the ceiling. Tas'hukh's mouth twitched and he pushed himself up, letting Ri'hus go; Ri'hus hugged his sides and twisted from side to side, laughing and crying at once. The captain got out of the bed and smirked at him before turning for the door, just as Ri'hus rolled over and started digging beside the bed.

"I have just the thing in mind then," he called over his shoulder. "But I will have to lock THIS first, lest some donkey come barging in on us--!"

"Not if I lock it first, Lord--!" Ri'hus exclaimed, and Tas'hukh froze when he felt something breeze by. A split second later, something smashed into the door, dislodging the lock and making the door swing open crazily. Tas'hukh gaped at the damage, not understanding what had just happened; he turned to look back at the bed, eyes wide. Ri'hus was kneeling upon the edge, a slingshot grasped in one hand, his other hand covering his mouth. His eyes looked ready to fall from his head. They shifted from the damaged door to look at Tas'hukh, and now Tas'hukh saw the blood all drain from his face.

"I..." He managed to lower his hand, teeth bared in horror and dismay; he slowly drew the slingshot in toward himself, shifting from knee to knee uneasily. "Uh...did not know it would sh-shoot that well," he stammered in a tiny voice, and shrank in on himself. "I...s-sorry, Lord."

The captain stared at him for a good long while, then looked back at the hopelessly damaged lock. Ri'hus's words rang in his head as he looked it over.

Not if I lock it first, Lord...!

He let out his breath, and turned away from the door. Ri'hus cringed and cowered as he approached the bed, but all that he did was smile and chuck the private under the chin, earning a confused but relieved look. He sat down beside him and Ri'hus let out his breath.

"I am sorry, Lord Tas'hukh," he repeated himself, his voice small and ashamed.

"Do not worry about it, 'Hus-Kana," Tas'hukh murmured, and took his hand, so Ri'hus held it. "It is just a door." Ri'hus let out another breath, and Tas'hukh rubbed his hand.

"So...tomorrow we continue training, yes...?" the private asked, hope reentering his eyes.

Tas'hukh smiled and nodded. "Of course we will. And you will just get better and better."

Ri'hus seemed skeptical, but didn't protest. "I suppose we should sleep some then, Lord," he said with a sigh, and started crawling back toward the head of the bed.

Tas'hukh kept hold of his hand so that the young Kana had to look back at him. "We will need plenty of rest," he agreed, Ri'hus giving him an odd look, "especially once we are through." Ri'hus's eyes lit up and he giggled, that sound that the captain loved so much; with a soft growl he climbed into the bed himself, following Ri'hus toward the head, and the private's giggling turned once more into full-fledged laughter when their bodies met. It was not too long before that was replaced by moans, however, and the two of them quivered and gasped as Tas'hukh again enjoyed his mate, caressing his slender body the entire time that he heaved himself against and inside him, Ri'hus whining and shaking.

"We...certainly must rest...for our...new training tomorrow," Tas'hukh panted thickly, and squeezed Ri'hus's penis. By then the youth was too far gone in lust to even notice how the captain eyed the slingshot now lying on the floor, before the older Kana's eyes shut as well, and he grunted with pleasure and smiled in anticipation.

* * * * *

The young Kana kept up a good pace as he crossed the burning sand, his feet, clad in their light sandals, by now inured to the sting; though he was not inured to sleep, however, and he yawned and stretched frequently as he strode, rubbing at his eyes and taking in a breath.

"This is so dreadfully dull," he mumbled with a small scowl. "When I volunteered for this, I rather expected some more interesting things..."

The most interesting thing he had seen so far had been a lizard. All that he saw the rest of the time was sand, sand, and more sand, sometimes concealing lizards, but more often than not simply leading to yet more sand. By now, the few times he was able to doze, all that he dreamed of was sand. Sandstorms, sand dunes, sand on the banks of the river, sand in the desert--would it never end?

"Scouting is supposed to be so much more fun," he grumbled. "Yet here I am, DAYS from my tribe, with nothing to do and absolutely no one to talk to! Isn't there some way to make something dull be interesting again...?" He glanced down and spotted another lizard making its way slowly across the sand, and quickly thought up the idea of tossing stones at it; at least it would give him something to do besides stare at sand all day. He stooped to pick up a few pebbles in his hand, and started tossing them casually; the lizard picked up its pace, and he stooped to pick up another handful of pebbles. The reptile darted frantically from side to side, a pebble pelting it now and then; the young Kana's muzzle twitched and he smirked, tossing another. He missed and snorted.

"Dumb creature." He flicked a pebble that plinked off of the lizard's head, dazing it; it shook its head and turned to dart in the opposite direction. "Back and forth, back and forth...why don't you just stand still like a good little bugger and give me something to laugh at for a change."

Plink. A pebble struck the lizard in the eye and it scurried the other way. Plink. It turned back the way it had come. The sergeant's eyes rolled skyward and he let out a great sigh. "Gods, this is so dull," he moaned. "I cannot believe I'm conversing with VERMIN now just to pass the time--!"

He stooped to pick up another handful. He stood up and selected a pebble, tossing it at the lizard, hoping to hit it on the nose.

Shoop. The scout's eyes went wide and he jerked to a halt. A second later he was screaming, his hand going up to grasp onto the arrow shaft protruding from his shoulder. He fell to his knees and ground his teeth, feeling the blood running over his fingers; his scream cut off in a whine and he fought to keep from thrashing. He'd never been wounded before, but it had always seemed like it would be such an ease to deal with. No one had ever managed to convey just how much an arrow to the shoulder could hurt.

Only belatedly did he think to lift his head, glancing over his shoulder with panicked eyes. He yelped and scrambled to his feet, dashing to the side; SHOOP--another arrow just missed him, striking the ground. He veered to the side to miss a third, and lifted his head. He bared his teeth at the sight which greeted him, and turned to try to run westward; he screeched to a halt, seeing more figures there as well. Turning in a circle, he saw them all around him, all coming his way. He started whining pathetically, still gripping the arrow as if to pull it loose and use it on all of them.

The previously empty sand was now occupied by a great number of Kana who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He had no clue where they could have come from, so fast--he'd been staring at nothing but SAND for ages! There wasn't even a withered shrub for them to hide behind. He glanced from one to another, his fear growing when he realized that he couldn't see their faces; all that he saw was white bone, gaping hollow eyesockets, lappets fluttering around the skull faces as if he had just descended into the underworld and now faced an army of the dead.

He heard a rustling noise, and looked up to see the lead Kana, atop a Sha and with a great bow held in his hands, approaching; he whimpered and cowered back, falling onto one knee, but all that the Kana did was halt his Sha and stare down at him with those eerie empty eyesockets.

"Dumb creature," the Kana said, his voice coming out muffled and hollow from behind the mask. "Why don't you just stand still like a good little Kana and give us something to laugh at for a change...?"

He lifted his bow. The scout let out a wail and managed to get to his feet, spinning in a wild circle. He screamed again when another arrow struck him in the other shoulder, then a third impaled him through the wrist when he reached for his dagger. He collapsed, writhing and bloody and crying; a circle of Sha surrounded him, and when he rolled over slightly he saw the faces of the Kana--all the same monotonous white with black eyesockets--staring down at him silently. Still sobbing, he lifted his dagger and shakily started cutting at the shaft of the arrow in his wrist. He pulled it free, crying even louder; the lead Kana was climbing down from his Sha and then walking toward him as he started to painfully push himself up to his feet again. He managed to turn to face him, holding up the dagger and blinking through his tears. He held the dagger up in the best defensive posture he could manage, sniffling.

"I--I--I am Sergeant Hai'a, of the G-G-Great Red T-Tribe," he said brokenly, his dagger hand shaking.

The lead Kana tilted his head to the side. "This should interest us...?" he said after a moment of silence had passed.

Hai'a wrinkled his muzzle. "I s-serve General Mahakhi! Anything you do to me will become his affair! If you k-kill me, you bring the wrath of the G-Great Red Tribe down upon your heads!"

The lead Kana just stared at him. "What makes you think we plan to kill you?" he asked, and immediately all of the blood drained from Hai'a's face.

He let out a choking gasp when the lead Kana's hand shot out and clamped around his neck. With one swift step they were face to face, then the Kana had his ears in his hand and was twisting his head back so that he could barely breathe, and he forced him down to his knees. Hai'a gasped for breath and tried struggling, but his arms were weak from loss of blood, and the other Kana held him fast. Their eyes--such as they were--met, and the Kana in the strange mask tilted his head in an almost inquisitive gesture.

"You say you speak for the Great Red Tribe," he said, and Hai'a nodded wildly. "Mahakhi-Kana is aware of us...?"

Hai'a nodded again, choking and sniffling. "He--he sent us out--several of us--to k-keep an eye open."

"And you have not ever seen us just yet...?"

The scout shook his head frantically. "No, Lord, I swear it! I swear it! You are the first I've seen!" His eyes welled up and spilled over. "P-please, Lord, let me return to the tribe--I can tell them you're coming--warn them--they'll turn and flee--the whole city and all the Moru will be yours. All of them! Hundreds! Just--p-please let me go, please, Lord--?"

The skull-faced Kana tilted his head the other way, now seeming almost apologetic. "I'm afraid this cannot be done," he said, and Hai'a's eyes welled up again. "You see, we left some alive and well the last time...and because of them, you are now here." He stepped up before Hai'a's face and reached for the belt of his kilt, and the sergeant started sobbing brokenly.

"P-please, Lord! I'll do anything! Please, d-do not do this...I...I have not even been with a Moru yet, or--or--"

Sshhkk. The metallic hissing sound made him grimace in fear. "Do not worry," the Kana said in a voice that was oddly...sympathetic? "This is likely for the best. And you will finally serve your tribe."

The scout cringed before opening his mouth, tears streaming down his face. His eyes goggled open when the blade of a dagger was jammed into his chest, sinking into his sternum; his breath whistled out, along with a gout of blood, and his hands flew up to try to cover the wound. His blurring vision focused on the skull face of the lead Kana, and he saw his own blood on the dagger now wielded before him.

He tried to speak, but couldn't force any noise to come out of his mouth. "Wh...wh..."

"The way of things," the Kana with the skull face said, and now Hai'a was certain of it--his voice was soft, strangely pitying, and the sergeant's eyes stung anew as his vision misted over. "Once all is finally over, you will no longer need worry over such trivial things. It will be much better now."

He flipped the dagger in his hand and promptly gouged out Hai'a's eyes. A piercing scream finally shot from the scout's throat before one of the Kana just behind him took a step forward, and brought his fist down against his neck with a dull thud, stilling the noise for good.


"Part 67: Revelation

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.

I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2006 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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