Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1134481-Creation-of-Miarith
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1134481
Beginning of Miarith...
A golden sky ripe in faded sun hung overhead. It was neither too bright nor hidden, neither too hot nor too cold. The landscape was mountains of trees to the south, full of lands yet to be discovered. To the north, fertile lands bearing fruits of all kinds. To the east, miles and miles that could be seen with the naked eye. And to the west great seas made their home.

But at this very spot stood a great wooden home, not built of trees for death had not yet come, not laid of animal for no blood had ever been spilt. Instead the home was built by single word turned to deed and manifested by the great king himself, for he had made the lands just as he made his home. He was a great king and even his equals loved and revered him like no other, but the king was a humble man and made but a simple living for no ill deed had yet been conceived by thought or doing.

The king had but one true heir though he loved all beings that had been a result of his word. This heir was a son, a son who had been birthed of his mother before his father governed. The son had watched in awe when his father spoke and the light gave way to such a strange new world. His mother smiled, laying a hand on her son, singing to aid her husband in its creation though her mind was more for the creatures than earth.

Next was the creation of the beings known as the Kienill. Even the son had a say in their creation though he was very young. Mostly the king formed their attributes, how they walked, stood and even talked. He made their hair, their wings or appendages and any other physical qualities that made them stand out from one another. The queen continued to create in song, bestowing wisdom and inner beauty, giving love and patience. The son guided them, giving them play and curiosity, the will to learn and grow.

There were eight distinct races of Kienill created at the birth of the world. Three of them were shaped to show the king more clearly, three more to show the queen and two races were created to keep that which was birthed under control.

The Unalyi were created to show her love. The Nytiri to show his knowledge. The Dasilgon to give his strength to the world and the Quinis her wisdom. The Basselun to show his majesty and the Collib the gift of her song. Then there was the Heithi to guard over the new land and the Valik to govern.

The son had been born of both the king and queen and was both strong and wise. He had his mother’s love and his father’s humility and none that were created could stand up against him. Many great rulers that had befriended the royal couple were indeed envious of the son they had made together and his parents were very proud.

"He has grown so much since I last visited." A woman with beautiful blonde hair smiled as she watched the young man play with a lion as she stood in the comfort of the porch. She was dressed in greens and pinks with small flowers placed in her pinned up hair. "He would make a fine husband for my daughter, don't you agree?" She turned around to look the king in the eyes.

He chuckled and rose from his chair to see his son playing with the golden cat like one would a small puppy. He grinned. "Celues and Nilahaca would make a superior couple, but I have always taught my son that if he should marry it should be for love."

"Oh pish posh!" The woman raised her hands in the air. "They are both young Dareme! They only need time to get to know each other. I am certain love would come once that happens."

King Dareme laughed in good humor. "Perhaps you are right." He moved his head from the sight of his son back to the woman. "But Celues is young and I am sure he would not appreciate my setting him up with a girl he hasn't seen in a sun's age!"

"Well then who said he has to know?" She wiggled her nose enjoying the light debate more then she was trying to convince him. She knew Celues and her daughter would make a smart match, but she also knew that Dareme was right and they could never force it.

"Now Ehita! Are you pestering my husband again?" A woman in pale tan silks walked from inside to the porch where the two were talking. "If I'm not mistaken, Nilahaca is the heir of three worlds that you and Olgin govern and who then would rule Miarith in our stead?" Miarith had been the name that the king and queen had previously agreed upon for the new world.

Ehita raised her brow and smile formed upon her lips. "It is good to see you have lost none of your wit and charm, Mialin." She bowed her head in greeting.

Dareme grinned at his wife and put a free arm around her waist, giving her a small kiss. "She's very lovely, do you not agree?"

Ehita waved her hand through the air and smirked. "And see, that, that is all I wish for my daughter. And who knows, maybe your son should be the one? Hm?"

"You hardly know when you are defeated in word play, do you Ehita?" Dareme laughed quietly, his arm still around Mialin when they heard soft footsteps coming up to the porch.

The young man immediately bowed his head seeing that his parents and their friend was present. It was more than a custom to show respect, as his mother had always taught him. Ehita seemed pleased at the young man's manners making her wish his father and mother weren't indeed correct about the pairing of their children.

"Celues." She smiled at him, her deep blue eyes as enchanting as her smile. Ehita was well known for her physical beauty and her daughter was no different. Ehita had flawless even skin that was pale but not from lack of sun. Her golden locks were naturally curly and framed with streaks of dark blonde. Her eyes were as treasured as sapphires and her touch was said to tame any man or beast she desired. She was taller then most women, with long muscular legs and though she wasn’t that thin, no fat could be found on her body. Many claimed her husband was the richest god alive when he made her his bride.

“Queen Ehita.” He bowed lower showing his reverence for the woman. “To what does my father’s house owe the pleasure?” He did not remove his face from the ground.

She touched his head and kissed it, moving her hand beneath his chin to turn his face upright. “From what I hear, Celues, soon this shall all be yours. So perhaps it is I who should be bowing.”

Ehita began to incline her head in the simplest bow of recognition but Celues would not have it. He stood from his bow, thus removing her hand from his chin. “No.” He put his hand up to half her. “The great Ehita does not bow to me.”

She raised her brow as a small smile formed upon her pale pink lips. She turned to his parents to find them just as surprised as she. “Well then, if I do say, I believe he has inherited your humility Dareme. I thought that nye impossible but even I can be proved wrong I see.”

“He is a good child.” Mialin took the compliment well and showed the pride she held for her son very clearly.

“I agree.” Ehita nodded in Mialin’s direction. “I have no doubt that he will be a very good king, perhaps even surpassing his father.” She replied as if her and Mialin were the only two within listening range though her smile turned warmer when she saw both men blush.

Mialin kissed her husband’s hand and stood from his lap where she had been sitting. “Come Ehita, I think we should leave the men and have a talk just the two of us?”

Ehita shifted her eyes from Dareme to Celues and quickly nodded her head. “A girl talk will suffice I think, these two men are making me feel like I have a very big head.” She joked.

“Oh, no, Ehita,” Dareme began with a glint in his eye. “you would never allow yourself a big head for it might ruin your perfection.”

Ehita shot him a look and as Celues laughed, Mialin could not help but try to suppress a giggle. She narrowed her eyes at first but eased her face into a smirk. “Oh, I shall find a way to get even with you, Dareme, just you wait.”

Dareme watched as his wife led Ehita inside, he then turned around to gaze at the beautiful land he had formed. He sighed a breath of pleasure feeling very pleased with himself though he knit-picked at a few things in his mind that he thought he could improve upon.

“It is wonderful, Father.” Celues’ eyes searched the land as his father’s had but he saw no imperfections, only beauty, more beauty then he saw when even looking upon Ehita. He did not consider Olgin the richest god. When compared to Miarith he could see no one more blessed then the man who married his mother. His father had indeed created something so magnificent. He had always known he was an artist, but every time he stared at Miarith he was in more awe then the last.

Dareme turned and smiled at his son. “Someday it shall all be yours Celues.” He put his hand on the young man’s shoulders. “Are you ready for the responsibility?”

“I hope.” He replied. Both he and his father knew how he hated making promises though he always kept them.

“Its a yes or no.” Dareme pushed the issue. “You must know before I give the throne to you, My son. This world and all the creatures that inhabit it need a strong leader who knows what he plans on doing. I respect that you do not want to say something and not do it, but I want you to be sure.” He looked into his eyes and Celues knew he could not be more right, however, he was nervous about ruling.

“Yes Sir.”

“Good.” Dareme took his hands off and let them dangle at his side. “I’m done with the lecture and you can go now.” He stated knowing that his son loved to explore Miarith and get to know all the different Kienill that roamed the land.

“Thank you.” Celues kissed his father’s hand and bowed before taking off.


Celues did not wait long for his father’s blessing before racing off into Miarith to find this two best friends, Ellasanir and Salanah. They were both Valik, the governors of the Kienill. Ellasanir was a top Quanalyi, the valik of the Unalyi. Salanah, however, was a lower ranked Damagon, the ruler of the Dasilgon. Ellasanir and Salanah met through their rankings and instantly became friends. Sometime later, Dareme showed his son all the valik that roamed Miarith and a friendship was bred between the three.

Despite the fact that two of the three were valik and the other a crowned prince, there was plenty of time in Miarith to play and explore. Time as it would later be known had not yet made such an effect on the land or its inhabitance. The land was a literal utopia and through this was what it was created to be, it pained Dareme very much for his foresight could see the end of it very soon. However, he told neither his wife or son any news of it for he desired their happiness.

Celues knew he would have a great responsibility in Miarith, but for now he was a carefree young man and he wished very much to see every facet of the world his father created. He rooted his way quickly through the woods, almost as if his feet had wings. He then paused when the trees gave way to a rocky path. He climbed up it carefully and then paused when he saw a woman sitting on a large rock a little further up, the sounds of the nearby waterfall growing louder.

He ventured upwards with a smile on his face. The woman looked over and returned his smile with one of her own. She stood up and threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. “Celues!” Her face beamed in happiness.

He combed back a few strands of her brown hair, kissing the top of her forehead. “I thought I would find you here. Is Ellasanir present as well?”

She shook her he but did not break herself from his hug. “No, but he should be shortly.” She put her head on his shoulder nearly purring as he still fingered her hair.

“Good.” He smiled at her feeling very content at the moment. “I found something I think the both of you might find interest in.”

“Oh and what would that be?” She tilted her head upward to see him better.

“I shall speak more of it once Ellasanir arrives.” He tried to add an air of mystery to the whole ordeal. She nearly smiled, however, putting her head back into the position it had rested moments before.

“Am I late, or are the both of you early?” Called a voice from a few paces back as the man’s almond shaped eyes rested upon the view of Celues’ back. He could see Salanah tucked away somewhere in there and he tried not to fee a little jealous.

Salanah wrenched her way out of Celues’ arms and smiled widely as she saw the tall dark haired Kienill standing not far below them. His green colored eyes stood out greatly compared to his evenly tanned skin and raven hair. She slowly walked towards him and wrapped her arms about his shoulders. “Ellasanir.”

“Hello Beautiful.” He winked at her and hugged her so tightly that she squealed from the impact. He finally put her down and smiled when he saw the light skinned prince closer then he had been a few moments ago.

He shook Celues’ hand and then gave him a short hug. “How is your father and mother?” He questioned, looking the prince in the eyes.

“They are well. Ehita visits this day.” He answered in his usual soft voice.

“Ehita eh? I bet she keeps them both on their tows. But my if she is not one to look at!” Ellasanir felt a blow to the back of his head and gazed over to see Salanah glaring at him. He merely laughed. “As are you Sali.” He grabbed her with one arm around the waist and pulled her closer.

She giggled forgetting why she had slapped him in the first place and began playing with a lock of his hair. After a moment or two of this, she switched her gaze back to Celues. “So where are we going today? You said you would speak when he got here, so tell!”

Celues smirked from the badger. “Some beasts I found grazing not far from here. They’re beautiful I tell you! And I’m sure you have never then them before.”

Salanah grinned at seeing his excitement. She pried Ellasanir’s arm loose and her feet finally found proper footing. “Then show us Celues. I should love to see them.” Her eyes glittered for a moment and he nodded.

“This way then.” He looked at her and then to Ellasanir, gesturing for them both to follow.

They ventured for some time over the rocks and back through the woods but came down a different path than the one Celues had taken to get to the falls. If time passed then as it would later it would have taken at least three days before Celues stopped at the edge of some cliff dwellings overlooking a land below rich with green grass. But neither did time pass the same way nor did thirst, hunger or dreariness.

Celues crouched low against the rock and looked out as he was on all fours. He grinned when he saw the four hoofed beasts grazing. They were small tailed animals, slightly large in size with tan and white hides. Long ears were set on the tops of their heads, with long graceful legs. Some of them even had large horns with several points protruding from the area right in front of their ears.

"Oh my!" Salanah smiled when she saw the wondrous beasts. She looked over at Celues for only a second before staring back at them. "What do you call them? Oh, they must have a name!"

Celues had not given it much thought before but he knew he had to come up with something lest he look stupid. "Deer." He said quickly and hoped the name would do.

"Deer?" Salanah mulled it over a little and then nodded when she saw two of the creatures prancing around with each other. "Yes, deer, I like it."

Celues sighed a breath of relief that she had liked the name. He was so relieved that he had not even noticed Ellasanir watching the two of them with a very jealous look upon his face. The truth was that both men loved Salanah very much but neither made any tell of it to her. They vowed that their friendship was worth much more and did not want it ruined over something so trivial. But Ellasanir had seen the way Salanah looked at Celues and he tried to push it aside. However, it was a growing problem in his for he couldn't possibly imagine that Celues loved her as much as he.

He looked out at these creatures, deer, and watched them as they were careless and full of love for one another. He sighed and pulled his black hair behind his ears. "I am going to head back to Tirillan." He spoke, breaking the silence between the three.

Tirillan was part of the southern lands of Miarith and was one of Ellasanir's favorite parts of the whole kingdom, especially Henion. Henion itself was the center of Tirillan and was one of the most desolate of the land itself, but Ellasanir saw a great potential in it. Ellasanir was one of the few who had ventured past the great wall of trees to fathom its importance in Miarith. The three had planned to visit it together someday, but so far he had been the only one to set eyes upon it.

Celues was the first of the two to meet Ellasanir's gaze. "Why? Please stay." He tried to beg him but knew it was of no use once the Quanalyi had made up his mind.

"Ellas..." Salanah stood from the rock and stared into his bright green eyes. She kissed his cheek and they exchanged more words through that one look than their voice ever could. "Go then. We won't keep you." She replied and Celues gave a sideways glance.

He smiled sadly at her and kissed her hand. "Thank you Sali." He nearly whispered, glad she had not pressed the issue. He nodded to Celues in goodbye and disappeared around some rocks without another word.

"What was that?" Celues questioned as he stood up behind Salanah staring off at the faded figure of where Ellasanir went off to.

She turned around to address him. "Ellasanir has been changing Celues. I do not know why but he has needed more time alone, he's been visiting Henion a lot lately. I worry because of it but I trust him. He shall figure things out."

"What is there to figure out. I do not understand." Celues shook his head. The whole process of the Kienill had been a mystery to Celues.

"The Kienill are evolving." She answered quietly trying to pick the right words. "As is this whole world. I believe its because of you."

Celues' eyes widened in surprise to her words. "Me?"

"Yes, Celues." She nodded and looked off to stare at the deer though Celues could tell that her distant gaze had much more to do with what was on her mind than the animals. "Your father's reign is almost over with and you shall be king soon. Your father's intention when he created this world was for you to rule, not him. And since he created us and he will be leaving soon, we are changing to fit your rule." She tried to explain hoping he would understand.

Celues sighed. "What if I do not want the responsibility Sali?" What if I am not ready, then what?"

Salanah smiled a little, placing her hand on his shoulder. "You will be a fine king. And when you do become king you must find a good wife to make queen?" She asked in hope but Celues had not realized her reason for asking.

"I... I had not thought about that." He hung his head. "I have no clue who to choose for a wife..."

Salanah's heart sank a little. "What about me..?"

Celues swung himself around to look at her curiously. "Salanah..."

"I thought it was obvious about how I felt..." She awkwardly kicked at the ground, unable to meet his eyes.

"Salanah..." His heart gave a leap. Oh how he wished he to tell her he felt the same. He wanted more than anything to take her as his wife but he could not risk his friendships with her and Ellasanir. "I... I do not think it wise..."

Tears began falling down her face, she stepped back a few inches. "So no... you do not want me... All of this was for nothing?" Her voice raised an octave and Celues could not help hating himself for upsetting her.

"It was for something Sali! I value our friendship and I do not regret that!" His eyes pleaded with her not to be mad at him but she had already crossed that line.

"Well... maybe I do." She turned her back on him and stormed off through the woods, tears streaming down from her eyes.

"Sali!" He yelled after her but he knew it was no use. "Please... I love you..." His voice trailed off as he knew she was no longer in range.
© Copyright 2006 White Tiger (kari_adams at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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