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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1134150
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She had spread her towel out over the grass a little way away from the tiled pool area with all its plastic chairs. It wasn't that she didn't want to be around all the other girls it was just that she felt she could relax a whole lot better when there wasn't other people around for her to keep paying attention to. It didn't matter who they were anymore, whoever was close to her was under her scrutiny as she weighed up whether they were a threat to her or what their intentions were. With no distractions she was free to sit back and be herself once again.

She had borrowed one of the small purple string bikinis that seemed to dominate most of the other womens wardrobes, it was their job of course to pleasure him, but it did seem weird to her to have more than one set of clothes. They had quite a fun time dressing her this morning, tying her hair back into a messy knot that made her look all the more seductive. The final touch had been the huge American cop type sunglasses and the swirly patterned towel.

It wasn't until she had fully settled down that she heard the squeals of delight as her master finally strood out into the sun. All of the girls ran towards him showing their genuine affection for him as he greeted each one of them with either a slap on the bottom or a kiss on the cheek. They all asked him eagerly whether he was going to come for a swim with them or what were his plans for the day. His interest was diverted however as he set eyes on her laying on the grass, he let out a small snort of irritation.

"You don't see it fit to greet me when I come to you slave?" he strode purposefully in her direction much to her amusement. It was clear to her that he didn't realise it was her. She sat up, pulled her shades down her nose so he could look into her eyes

"Why master, would you like to spank me in appreciation aswell?" she mocked him biting her lip and making most of the girls who had gathered around behind him giggle.

The shock only registered on his face for less than a second before he let out a snarl of anger, he took a step forward as if he was going to show her at what price insolence like that cost. He paused and thought better of it when he heard the collective gasp of all the girls behind him

"I want to see you in my office, now!" he barked the order to her and turned abruptly on his heel ignoring all the pleas and delicate hands that begged him to stay outside with them to calm down.

She got up and followed him at a slower pace grinning like a maniac, she knew full well that he was so mad at her she was going to have some kind of horrible punishment but she didn't care. All of the other girls sighed and shook their heads as she walked past, they had seen it all before, Ella had always been the one to start the trouble. It was as if she wanted to be punished.

She entered his office to find him already sat at the vast expanse of mahogany desk that he insisted on having in the large room. She closed the door behind her and padded across the thick cream carpet, stopping just before his desk she pushed her sunglasses up so that they were sitting on the top of her hair. His lip curled back into a sneer as he looked her up and down

"what the hell do you think you are doing out there with the other girls, surely you have some task you should be doing? And where the hell did you get that thing?" he indicated to the bikini

"Why master did you forget that you told me that I was on vacation for the next three months until winter sets in just like everybody else" she stepped forward and leaned on his desk so that she was at eye level with him. A small seductive smile was working its way across her features "do you like what I'm wearing master?"

Before he could answer she began to climb up onto his desk on all fours, she slowly crawled towards him never breaking the eye contact between them. She stopped almost inches away from his face and swept her tongue over her lips. Much to her delight he broke the contact first as his eyes flickered down to watch her tongue before darting back.

"Or is that why I'm in your office?" she raised her eyebrows suggestively "do you like it that much?"

He shook away the spell she was weaving around him, angry that he allowed her to take control of him so easily. It had been so long since he had actually had to use his senses and part of his brain for anything intelligent that he had grown lazy. Back in the old days there is no way he would have allowed to get inside his head and manipulate him in this way.

With a quick sweep of his arm he knocked her from the desk easily, watching with satisfaction as she fell onto the floor in a heap and her head thunked heavily against the floor. She untangled herself and turned to face him, crossing her legs, so that he could watch her wipe away the small trickle of blood that fell from her cut lip with her thumb. He watched as if in a trance as she put her thumb into her mouth and sucked away the blood.

"Would you like some too?" her voice was so small and innocent yet her eyes sparkled with mischief as she held up her wrist to him.

"You are not to use the main pool anymore, I don't want the other girls learning anything from the likes of you. If you must sun youself I suggest you do it around the side of the house in the private pool" he had taken some paper work out of his drawer and was beginning to start some work making it perfectly clear that he was bored of her.

"You don't want to play with me today master?" she pouted crossing her arms over her chest

"Get out of my office now!" if it wasn't her stubborness that annoyed him it was the fact that she didn't know when to stop. Quite a few days he had wished that he had never turned her and on others he wanted to destroy her altogether but he couldn't deny that she was good at her job. If there was something that needed to be done then she would be the one to do it and come back alive, that was the only reason that he kept her.

She got up and walked over to the door, pausing briefly to see whether he was watching her. When she realised he wasn't she growled softly under he breath and made her way back out to the swimming pool. Once out there she completly ignored all of the questions put to her anxiously by all of the girls and grabbed her towel making her way round the side of the house.

She was a little confused about her punishment; it wasn't so much of a hardship, in fact she felt quite honoured that he wanted her to go round to his private pool. She was also shocked that her little mind trick had worked so well on him and that instead of playing along like he usually did he had actually fallen deep into it. She was so deep in thought that when she finally arrived at the other pool area she didn't notice that it was already occupied.

The private pool area was alot smaller than the olympic sized pool that all the other girls lounged at. It was surrounded by a thick eight foot hedge, making it totally secluded, the only way to get to it from inside the house was by going through her masters bedroom. Something that not one girl had ever come back from to tell the tale. She entered through the only gap; a small gate that wasn't quite tall enough and forced just about everyone to stoop to get through.

"Well, well, well, look whose come to join me" the voice shocked her out of her thoughts and she scolded herself for not taking enough notice of her surroundings, if she had been out in the field she would have been dead by now. She refused to let this holiday make her soft.

She looked over and there lounging naked at the other end of the pool was her masters son Louie. Before her master had been turned all those years ago he had a son that he felt that he couldn't leave behind so as soon as he was strong enough he turrned him aswell. Over the years he had been spoiled completly and although he was old enough to know better he still acted like the twenty year old he had once been. He and Ella had never seen eye to eye, mostly because he assumed that she was attracted to him despite her harsh replies he refused to believe that she wanted nothing to do with him. On many occasion he had gone to his father and begged him to let it be he who took her virginity from her. Luckily her master flatly refused and despite letting his son have just about anything he wanted this was one thing that was too precious just to give away.

"Louie, you surprise me. Why aren't you with all the other girls drooling as usual?" she petulantly threw her towel down on the nearest lounger and flung herself down onto it. She crossed her arms and legs and glared at him.

In the blink of an eye he had teleported himself on top of her, weighing her down with his naked lithe body. This was his favourite trick, he liked to keep people on their toes, distracted by wondering where he was going to go next and not on what he was doing right then and there. To Ella it was just a boring party piece that didn't work on her, she yawned widely covering her mouth with her hand

"Why Ella, you amuse me so" he dipped his head as if he was going to kiss her, causing her to turn her head in an attempt to get away. He huffed before continuing on "it seems that Dads bunch of girls have been acting rebelliously and its pretty obvious who he thinks the culprits are eh?"

She was distracted momentarily as she processed this piece of information, she hadn't been punished at all for her stunt by the swimming pool or by the one in his office. If Louie was telling the truth he was going to send her out her anyway, she laughed wondering how long this mood of his would last and just what she could get away with in that time. There was something bothering him that was for sure, but instead of being the good little servant and trying to find out what it was she was going to totally take advantage of him. There was no love lost between them, hadn't it been him that took advantage of her all those years ago when he had claimed her for his own without her sober permission?

Louie, having noticed that she was thinking and not paying attention to him anymore, was now inching his fingers slowly towards the top of her bikini bottoms. He had just managed to kiss her neck and get the tip of his forefinger underneath the material when Ella snapped back and realised what was going on.

"Get fucked asshole" easily she pushed him away from her and slapped him across the face all in one movement. He may think he was one of the fastest vampires out there but she liked to show him that she could move just as fast if provoked. He stood next to her, his features contorted in anger, he knew full well that if they did have a fight that she would easily win but he disliked it even more when he showed him that she could.

"You realise that I could take you anytime I want? I wouldn't piss me off little girl"

"Is that right? Come on then, just try it. You may be my masters son but that doesn't mean I can't kill you" she sat up swinging her legs over the side of the lounger about to get up and show him exactly what she meant when they were both interrupted.

"We have already had this conversation Ella, you kill my son and I will kill you. And as for you, stop disappointing me as a son and go do something useful" they both jumped suddenly, turning to the man stood calmly at the door. Despite the hot weather he had changed into a pair of jeans and a soft cream jumper. Instantly orders were obeyed albeit sullenly as Louie grabbed his things and stomped out through the little gate leaving them alone.

"Here" the word was simple but just from the tone she knew exactly what was going to happen. Louie had just been playing with her, it was now time to get her comuppance for humiliating him in front of all his other girls. She hurried over there but refused to just appear in front of him, she forced him to watch her stride over towards him hoping that he noticed that she wasn't wearing that many clothes.

"Yes master?" she stood in front of him, clasped her hands behind her back and smiled sweetly.

"I was thinking that I might take you up on your offer earlier on" he smirked at her in a way that made her warily take a step backwards

"And which one would that be?" she tried to keep up the confident exterior but it was clear to see she was starting to get afraid. Usually her punishments meant cleaning some disgusting part of the house, extra training or being sent out to do a job so crazy that there was a very small chance she would come out alive. This was different, he had never taken anything that she had said while playing over into the punishment.

"I was actually thinking about both" as quick as a flash his arm came out and grabbed her hair painfully by the tied knot and yanked her so that she was now forced to look at him. Her eyes rolled in fear as realised that he was being totally serious, they had never taken their relationship into the physical, whether it be violence or sexual. His unpredictability was making her stomach churn in a way that no other person could, it had been such a long time since she had felt such fear and to some extent excitment that she wasn't quite sure what was going on.

He pulled her closer and upwards forcing her to stand on tip toes so that they were now face to face, only inches apart. He ripped her glasses from her face and flung them away, her eyes darted after them and she winced as she saw them hit the floor and skitter away underneath a lounger. He snapped her head back so that she was paying full attention to him and when he was sure that she was looking at only him he dipped his head and kissed her. She was so shocked that if he hadn't had the tight grip on her hair she would have flinched backwards.

Once second she was trying get away and the next she had melted towards him, her body seemed to mold itself to him as she pressed herself eagerly to him. His other hand began to explore her body, as she was so distracted by the kiss the rest of her skin seemed numb. It wasn't until his fingers had reached her breast and were slowly tracing her way underneath her bikini top that she actaully realised that was going on and what was about to happen.

Her eyes flew open and she tried to wriggle away from him in an attempt to escape. It was one thing to play with one another but it was totally another to get serious about it. She considered her virginity the only thing that was still hers and respected her master for not taking it from her, there was no way she was ready to give it away just yet. Unfortunatly he had already forseen such actions and just gripped her hair tighter making it totally impossible for her break contact with his lips.

He was delighted with her reaction, which was exactly what he expected to be, he would show her that her show earlier on in his office was not her sexual dominance over him. He wanted her to see that she would never be her own person but a toy for him to play with and if he wanted her to do something then she would damn well do it. He pulled away from her lips and leaned forward to whisper into her ear

"Just remember who belongs to whom"

Before she had time to even take another breath he sunk his teeth deep into her neck on the exact spot he had done all those years ago. She gasped loudly and as he continued to drink she let out a small moan, there was no time to feel anything other than pleasure as she could feel reality slipping away. Just when panic set in and she realised that for all she knew he may not stop, the world started to get fuzzier until it totally blacked out.

As soon as she passed out he dropped her and like a rag doll she fell to the concrete beneath. He sneered down at her and knew that it would be the last time that she would try it on with him like that again. Although, he sighed, with Ella you just didn't know. She had made him realise just what he had become, it had been so long since any of them had actaully done any work that he was sure that if an attack did happen that his comrades and him would be beaten in a heartbeat.

He had to form a meeting, get everyone together, this treaty had gone on far to long and now he was sure of the true agenda. Striding purposefully back into the house he summoned his personal secretary to his study; he would organise a revolt and finally win this stupid war.

The drops of rain hitting her skin brought her round, her eyelids slowly opening sent electric shocks through her brain and she groaned loudly despite the attack it had on her eardrums. She ached from head to foot and felt so weak from the lack of blood in her system, she was too woozy to even be shocked at her masters actions. All that registered in her brain was the need to get some food which entailed getting up. She finally managed to haul her body upright and began to stagger towards the small gate as the rain turned from drizzle to a driving rain that soaked her through in seconds. It was the tug on the gate that now wouldn't open that snapped her back to reality though, she instantly woke up and her mind started to panic. The gardner had obviously decided that it was of no use and more and locked the gate, there was no way she could get through it, only way back into the house was through her masters bedroom.

She gulped knowing she had to do it, if she broke the lock on the gate he was going to be very angry, but if she snuck through his room without him knowing there was a possibiliy she could come out unscathed. That seemed like the perfect decision until on entering the room she instantly spied her masters blood pack laid out for him in a bucket of ice. Before her mind could tell her otherwise her body had raced over to it, ripped it open and began to guzzle.

With each mouthful she began to feel whole again and at the same time her common sense was also returning just as fast. She spun on the spot taking in her surroundings with awe. The room was beautiful; all full of deep red satin drapes and chocolate brown walls and thick carpet. There were a few exquisite paintings on the walls of lords and ladies dressed up to the nines and posing for the artist, she was starting to notice that they all beared some sort of resemblance to her master. There was a huge mahogany four poster bed that made her screw up her nose in thought. She was sure that her master slept in a coffin like everyone else did? It disappointed her greatly as she knew that hers was beautifully carved but very boring. She had been looking forward to seeing the beauty of her masters coffin.

As the fresh blood coursed through her veins her senses heightened and only then did she notice a long straight crack in the paintwork. She was drawn to it almost, her feet didn't seem to touch the ground, in seconds she was there in front of the wall her. As if being drawn by another power her palms spread across the cool paint. She pushed hard against the wall and was delighted when she felt the wall move under her weight and swung back to reveal another room.

The room was jet black and it was only her night vision that allowed her to see the coffin in the centre. If it had been a normal room then this would be the size of the closet, but here, it was like being in another world. The door slid shut behind her surrounding her in a sudden hush that took her breath away she inhaled deeply and wasn't sure why the room was casting such a spell over her.

She was in some sort of a trance and despite the fact that she felt so tranquil there was a small voice in the back of her head that was rebelling loudly, it was screaming at her to stop, to turn around and leave.
© Copyright 2006 PurpleKitti909 (purplekitti909 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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