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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1133162
It is time once again for the Super Smash Brothers tournament? Who will win good or evil?
Chapter 1

It was just another battle in the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser was making another attempt at kidnaping the Princess and taking over the world. But as usual Mario was there to foil his plans. “Curse you plumber, every plan I come up with you stop it in it’s tracks.” Bowser said. Mario just grinned at him. “Well what did you expect from me to just give the keys to the kingdom?” Mario said. The Princess just stood behind Mario hoping that he didn’t get hurt. Mario jumped into the air and landed on Bowser’s head. Bowser grabbed Mario by the feet and hurled him through the castle window. Mario flew through the air and land on the bridge in front of the castle. Mario stood up but just at that time Bowser came through the window and tackled him. Mario Kicked Bowser in the gut and threw Bowser off of him. Mario ran towards Bowser and drop kicked him in the face. Bowser fell backward over the rail of the bridge and hit the water making a huge splash. “Peach drain the moat!” Mario shouted. As Peach hit the switch and the water drained out Mario jumped in after Bowser. As Mario hit the ground Bowser jumped on his back and started to claw his back. Bowser threw Mario in the air and blew fire his way. Mario barely dodged the attack, but he could feel the heat of the flames as they brushed past his face. He land on his feet only to feel Bowser deliver a powerful punch to his stomach. The attack threw Mario against the wall behind him. Mario landed on his knees, Bowser walked up and smiled “The Princess will be mine, the kingdom will be mine…and your life will be mine.” Bowser started laughing, but stopped for some reason. Mario looked up and saw that Bowser was gone. Mario looked all around him and still could not find him. Mario walked back to the castle and saw that the Princess Peach was gone too.
Suddenly a blinding light engulfed him and when he opened his eyes, he noticed he was standing on a flat platform made of some strange material. “Welcome Mario.” a voice said to him. “Who said that, whose there?” Mario asked. Who I am is not important, what is important is that you have been selected to compete in a competition. One that will test all your skills, and if you win then you will get your hearts desire.” Mario just stood there “Look I don’t mean to sound rude, but I really must decline your offer. You see I gotta find Princess Peach. So if you’ll excuse me I gotta go.” With that said Mario turned to walk away. “I know where she is if you are so concerned about her welfare.” the voice said. “Where is she then, tell me.” Mario said. “She is participating in the competition. If you ever want to see her again you will participate in the contest.” the voice said coldly. “Is that a threat?” Mario asked with concern. “It is no threat for you see the one you call Bowser is here too. And if he wins you will not exist, he will rule the world with the Princess by his side. For that is his hearts greatest desire. So now I ask will you take place in this contest or will you wait and watch the outcome of each battle?” Mario thought about it and accepted the offer. “A wise decision, you will meet other competitors on the battle grounds some you have seen and some you haven’t. But know this the contest is between Good and Evil. If Evil wins then a new era of evil will begin. The winning contestants from the last competition were Good, so the universe has been in an era of peace and kindness. And it is because of heroes like yourself that it has stayed that way. Now I will send you to the planet that will be used as the battle ground. I took the liberty of probing your mind and finding a place that means the most to you. I have done this with the other competitors so I hope you don’t mind. Now let the battle begin.”
And another blinding flash engulfed Mario, when he opened his eyes he was in a forest. He looked around and saw a ice covered mountain in the distance. He looked up and saw a floating castle Mario shrugged. Mario jumped back in surprise, standing in front of him was a little black stick figure. It just looked up at him and didn’t do anything. It held up an electronic sign that flashed seven on it. A bunch of grapes fell from the sign. The figure grabbed them and held out it’s hand towards Mario. Mario smiled and took the grapes. The figure didn’t show any signs of aggression. Mario started eating the grapes when he finished them he looked up and noticed that the little man was gone. “Must have been a native, well better be on the look out for other fighters” Mario said.
As Mario walked into the forest he noticed a funny looking platform. It looked like a bridge that had been broken on both ends. It also had two platforms above it. “Those must have been for guards.” Mario said. He looked down and saw a barrel go left to right underneath it. “Oookay?” Mario stated “now that’s just weird”. He hopped on the bridge and started across. “Pikachu.” Mario looked across the bridge to see what appeared to be a large yellow mouse at the other end. “Hi there little fella, my aren’t you cute.” he said calmly. As Pikachu hoped on the bridge and looked at Mario with a glare. “Pika!” it hissed out, Mario didn’t like where this was going so he decided to leave. “Look I’ll just leave you alone okay.” Mario said as he turned to walk away. Pikachu threw an electric charge at Mario hitting him in the back knocking him off balance. As he staggered Pikachu ran with all his might and performed a skull smash to Mario’s head. At the same time Mario grabbed Pikachu by the arms and tossed him into the air and performed one of his patented uppercuts. It connected with Pikachu’s lower rib cage. Pikachu grabbed Mario’s hand and started to roll. Pikachu then put Mario on his back and shocked him again. Mario flew into the air and Pikachu screamed “PIKA!!!” and a lightning bolt struck Mario in the back and hurled him to the ground with devastating force. Mario stood back up slowly his body aching all over. Pikachu had started to leave thinking that it had won. “Where you going?” Mario shouted. Pikachu turned around and ran towards Mario and went for another skull smash. Mario dodged him and grabbed his feet and swung him around and threw him into the house behind them. Pikachu stood up and looked around. Apparently it had smashed into a table, it tried to stand up and found out that one of it’s back legs was injured. Pikachu looked around only for Mario to come through one of the windows. Mario drop kicked Pikachu into a bookshelf, as Pikachu bounced off the bookshelf Mario went into a spin attack throwing Pikachu through the back of the house. Pikachu bounced off a tree and hit the ground, but as soon as it hit the ground it was back on it’s feet. “Pika!?!” , looking left to right it was looking for Mario. Suddenly Mario came down from the sky and attempted a punch to Pikachu’s head. Pikachu jumped back and skull smashed Mario in the chest. Mario flew into the river and was taking away by the current. But as he was being swept down stream he grabbed a rock and pulled himself out of river then jumped back on the riverbank. Mario looked straight at Pikachu and all he could think was what would it take to put this animal down for the count. Pikachu looked at Mario and wondered why he wouldn’t stay down. Mario started running towards Pikachu and Pikachu started running towards Mario. Mario went for his fireball smash and Pikachu went for his electric smash. Both attacks hit at the same time and threw both fighters away from each other and to the ground.
Mario forced himself up and staggered back. He saw Pikachu laying on the ground next to the cabin. Mario slowly walked over to Pikachu and looked it. Pikachu barely opened it’s eyes and saw Mario standing there ”Pika…chu…” it tried to move, but couldn’t move, all it could do was close it’s eyes and pass out from exhaustion. Mario started to walk away but then he turned around and looked at Pikachu. “Poor little thing.” Mario picked up Pikachu and carried him to the nearest town. He walked through the Veterinarian’s doors and asked the doctor if she could help Pikachu. “Of course we can help your little friend. Just wait right here.” And she picked up Pikachu and walked back to one of the rooms.
Four hours later the nurse came back and woke Mario up. “Pikachu’s all better now.” Mario looked around the nurse and saw Pikachu standing there. It slowly walked up to Mario, it looked at him and grinned. Pikachu jumped in his lap and sat down. “I think he likes you.” she said. Mario got up and walked out of the clinic. Pikachu was walking right behind him. “Well I guess you don’t have anyone either. Okay lets a go.” As Mario walked out of the city the sun was starting to set. “Let’s rest here for now.” Pikachu nodded and laid down on ground. Mario propped up against a tree and looked up at the stars. All he could think about was Peach, he knew she was out there somewhere. And all he could do was hope that wherever she was she was safe. Then Mario closed his eyes and went to sleep, and he dreamed of the Mushroom Kingdom and of him, Peach, Luigi, and Daisy picnicking on the roof of the Castle. And for the first time since he got here, he smiled.
© Copyright 2006 Edgar Wells (amesabishii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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