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Rated: 13+ · Editorial · Opinion · #1132878
this is dedicated to people who belive everyone needs to believe the way they do
Christianity today

This editorial is not ment to offend, but to bring about awarness and vent frustration. So if you're going to critize me not on my writing but on my beliefs I ask that you just leave without reviewing now.
Why does everyone seem to feel that you are morally obligated to view everything the way they do, particularly in the religous since. I'm not just saying this because I am an athiest, even though I am. I'm 16 years old and live in a small town placed directly on a bible belt. Most of the people in this town and everywhere around it share, for the most part the same religon. And that my friend is Christianity.
Don't get me wrong I'm not the anti-christ, or hate all christians, or any thing of the sort. I'm mean for christ sakes (no pun intended) I associtate with a few myself, and when it comes to religon we simply and peacefully just agree to disagree.
See now in my opion there are two types of christians. The real christian, which I have no problem with, and the "christian", otherwise known as the bible thumping hypocrit.
In fact I can give an example of what I am describing. My grandmother used to go to a church in my town a few years back. Every sunday she would go listen to this preacher who would talk about obeying the ten commandments,and loving god, and just being a good christian. My grandmother was to find out later that this man who was suppose to be a good person and man of god was sleeping around on his wife, and had a second family in the next town. I don't know about everyone else but I think that's breaking a commandment of two.
Another rather irretating thing about this situation is the children in this "christian" society. I go to school with many of these children. They riddicule and on rare occasion will phyiscally assault another child for having different beliefs, such as mine. That in it self dosen't sound very christian to me. Some of these kids however, take a less vulgar route and just talk your ear off about how horrible your lifestyle is and how you're damned for all eternity if you aren't saved.
Now even though all this could be delt with the irony of the situation is that a large percentage of these children lead a lifestyle no different except for the fact that they are in church every sunday morning. But what happens when they leave church. Some drink, some smoke (and I don't mean ciggarettes), and engage in premarital sex, and these are the children harming others for not coinsideing with their beliefs. If you ask me this behavior makes everyone of these people hypocrits. Its my opion that there are some real christians out there who agree with me. Please don't prejudge me and think I'm just some God bashing Christian hater. I have seen all of this with my own to eyes. Infact I know more people like this on a first name basis than I can count on my fingers and toes. All of this has quite a bit of irony to it, dosen't it?

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