Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1131925-Ominous-Side
Rated: E · Poetry · Self Help · #1131925
Looking inside and seeing something you aren't happy with about yourself.

I went to look,
And saw exactly,
What I was hoping
Not to see.

This stranger’s face,
In the reflection,
Leering with contempt
Back at me.

Did you somehow
Blind my cognition?
Have I been sleeping
All the while?

Was it real quick,
Or deliberate
To beguile?

Party crasher,
You must go away.
Enough destruction
Has been done.

I fight you here,
And will forever,
To be the end of
All but one.

Accept defeat,
For it is looming,
Your destiny is
Now complete.

Your sole purpose,
To keep me vigil,
You have accomplished
That black fate.

I will always
Be aware of you,
And the harm you can
Surely do.

Copyright ©2006 Jenny Marie Stites with editing help from Mark Robson

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