Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1129884-BloodLust
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1129884
Slade wishes to give his own heart to Ravi, the vampire from down the block.
Book 1

Chapter One
The Bite

Ravi ran his fingers over the window pane, leaving finger streaks in the grime. Outside it was twilight, the sun setting out past the horizon of mirrored skyscrapers. The stars were fading into the sky, the colors of the outside world reflected in Ravi's eyes, mingling with their natural green. He grabbed his coat, sliding the black wool over his pale arms. He was ready to go out. The sun was dull enough now that if he covered up, it wouldnt hurt. He smiled, slipping on a pair of slim sun glasses and fixing his blonde hair in the mirror. As he stepped out the front door, he looked around the quieting streets, "Goodnight, London." he said, stepping off the landing.
Quietly,Slade made his way across the street to a large London apartment building. He stood outside, in the chill of the set, staring up at the fifth floor. Nervously, he fiddled with the collar of his shirt, loosening his red and black checkered tie and swallowing hard. He scurried away, startled by Ravi's appearance in the night, and concealed himself behind a postal box.
Ravi stepped silently down the walk, lighting up a slim black cigarrette and taking a drag. He blew out some smoke and watched it twirl in the dark. He glanced over at someone, seemingly hiding behind the mailboxes. He gave a small wave and made his way past him, brushing his arm as he went by. He took another drag and thought about where a good place would be for a quick bite.
Slade held in a faint gasp as Ravi walked by. He realized that he had been noticed and sulked in the shadows for a moment, then came out as Ravi neared the end of the block. He looked back up at the fifth floor, then at Ravi, suddenly unsure of himself for reasons that he did not understand. He briskly approached Ravi from behind, gaining on him gradually.
Ravi turned slowly and looked back at the man following him, "can I help you?" he said in a soft smoothe voice. He raised an eyebrow and smiled. Maybe he wouldnt have to look too hard tonight. He brought the cigarrette to his lips again and took a drag.
Slade quickly discovered that he was blushing and hid his face from the stranger, taking a step back defensively, "No...I was...heading into town." He recovered gracefully and pointed towards the downtown area, "I'm sorry. I-I...didnt startle you, did I?"
"Hmm..." he looked over the man, "No, you didnt startle me." He threw his cigarrette to the ground, stepping on it, "So, do you live in those apartments?" he asked, pointing to the apartments that he had just come out of. His green eyes glanced over the boy again, noticing the blush.
Slade adjusted his posture, rising up to about 5'6'' and spoke more boldly, "he wiped his long black bangs out of his eyes, looking over at the building, "I just know someone who lives there. I was thinking of seeing them tonight, but it's too late." he made an excuse, "And I had better things to do anyway." he looked up at Ravi, "why?"
Ravi's smile widened, "I'm a curious person." he stuck his hands in his pockets, "anyway, I had better be off. I have dinner to catch." he turned away from the stranger, walking onward toward downtown, where he was sure to find something, or rather, someone.
Determination boiling up inside of him, along with some strange form of passion for this stranger, Slade belted out words that circled his mind, words that he might not have said if his chest didnt hurt so bad, "Who are you with tonight?!"
Ravi turned once again, facing Slade, "no one." he said simply, taking a step towards the boy, "are you also just a curious person?" he cocked his head to one side with a slight smile.
Slade jumped back, disturbed by the stranger's grin. He wrapped his fingers tightly around his tie, pulling on it. A bead of sweat could be seen running down the side of his forehead. His pulse quickened wildly at the sight of this stranger, "I-I...I suppose I am..." he forced himself to straighten up again.
"well, it's good to know that I'm not the only one." he said, running his fingers through his hair, "What's your name? I'm Ravi in case you're curious about that as well."
"My name is Slade..." he answered bluntly, not timidly as before. He eyed Ravi suspiciously, "Ravi...that's a strange name...where are you from?"
"All over." he pulled out another cigarrette, "What about you? Slade isnt a common name either." he flipped open his lighter, "anyway, what is it that you want from me?" he lit his cigarrette and blew out a ring of smoke.
Slade cringed at the question, "Y-you...I just asked who you were with. If you dont like it, why dont you walk away?" he sneered, clenching his fists.
He smiled and stepped a bit closer to the other man, eyeing him closely, "becuase that's not what you want, is it?" he asked softly, "You don't want me to walk away." he stated simply and met Slade's eyes.
Slade grew wide-eyed in shock. Once again, his pulse grew to an enormous rate; Slade thought he was going to die. He shivered and backed away from Ravi, "Why would you care what I want? You dont know me!"
"I know enough." he said smoothly and took a drag of his cigarette, "It's true isn't it?" he smiled slyly and tilted his head as he let the smoke drift from his lips. "If is isn't, just tell me, I'll walk away right now. I promise." he said quietly
Slade stopped short, realizing that he is the one who knows nothing, "I-I...well..." he blushed and turned his back to Ravi, "...Yes..."
"The question though, is why?" he murmered and kept his green eyes on Slade. "Why don't you want me to walk away" his voice was calm, soft, he didn't want to upset the boy, it might make him leave. Humans are so silly, he thought.
Slade stared at the ground, figuring that facing away from Ravi might help him break away from these strange feelings he was having, "Because I'm alone..." he said forwardly, "why are you acting like it's a problem? If you dont like it, then leave."
"I didnt say it was a problem." he said as he reached out, placing his hand under Slade's chin and bringing his face back up to meet his, "Don't be so defensive." he said, flicking his cgarrette on the ground and giving a small smile.
Slade eyed Ravi with distrust, then, suddenly, he broke into tears. He grabbed Ravi's hand and held it to his cheek, sobbing quietly.
Ravi was surprised; shocked even at this reaction, "what's this?" he asked softly, putting his arm around the boy. He drew him into a gentle hug and cooed, "What's this about?" he murmured and ran his fingers through Slade's thick hair, "you have no one to cry to but a stranger?"
Slade's sniffling soon turned into what sounded like soft laughter. His eyes; almost demonic looking through his black, jagged bangs, lifted to meet Ravi's. He chuckled, tears still pouring down his cheeks, "I have no idea...what's...come over me..."
Ravi shushed the boy and wiped away some of the tears, "It's alright. Everyone needs to cry now and again." he loosened his arm around the boy.
Slade looked up at Ravi, "dont worry, I'm fine..."
Ravi ran his fingers through the boy's hair again, "You sure?" he smiled down at Slade, his green eyes glowing.
"Yeah..." he pulled away, blushing at the hug.
"Would you like to join me for dinner?" he raised an eyebrow, knowing that the boy wouldnt expect this.
Slade nodded shyly, "uhh...sure."
Ravi smiled, putting his arm over Slade's shoulder again. They began walking. "So, what are you in the mood for?"
Slade held onto Ravi's sleeve, though he felt like holding his hand. He licked his lips, "anything would be great..."
Ravi walked them through a small park nearby, "So..." he murmured, running his fingers through the boy's black hair.
His cheeks still rosey, Slade gazed up at the night sky, "where do you live...umm...sorry did I get your name?"
Ravi smiled and wrapped his arms around the boy, backing him up against the tree, "It's Ravi." he said, smiling.
Slade gasped quietly, "where do...you live, Ravi?"
"The condos belonging to that mailbox you were hiding behind..." he murmured, brushing his lips over the boy's neck, "so, Slade...how do you feel right now?" he asked and met his eyes.
Slade flushed, "I...feel..." he trembled, "nervous..."
Ravi smiled, his eyes on the boy's pale skin and pressed against his body, "You should." he said softly and dragged his elongated canines over Slade's neck.
Slade shuddered and cried out, "Ravi...what are you doing?" he whined, "What about dinner?"
Ravi ran his hands over the boy's cheek and smiled, "You are dinner." he muttered and kissed the boy's neck, covering his mouth in the process.
Slade's eyes grew wide in horror, "what...?!" he tried as best he could to push Ravi off of him, but was too small, "stop it! Get off, you creep!"
Ravi smiled and shushed him, "dont be squirm." he stated bluntly and bit down on Slade's neck, running the hand up the boy's side as he felt blood trickle down the back of his throat.
Not even realizing that he was bleeding, Slade stretched his neck out and bit Ravi back as hard as he could.
Ravi looked up in surprise, then pushed Slade hard against the tree. He bit down harder and winced.
Slade gnawed on Ravi's collarbone, growling, "get away! Get off!" he screamed, hoping someone would hear.
Ravi growled and kissed him to shut him up, still pressing his body hard against Slade's so he couldnt escape.
Slade blushed and relaxed submissively, letting Ravi's body support his, for he couldnt stand on his own at the time.
Ravi, temporarily satisfied with the blood he had gotten, continued the kiss. He slid his tongue into the boy's mouth and wrapped an arm around his waist. He was always particularly heated after a drink.
Slade's eyebrow twitched, a bead of sweat running off of his forehead. He ran his hands up Ravi's chest seductively, then began pushing him away.
Ravi broke the kiss and pushed Slade back against the tree, "Don't test me." he said and ran his fingers over Slade's throat, "I wont play."
"Get off." Slade glared up at Ravi, the bite still unnoticed, shoving him away as hard as he could, "I dont know what kind of thing you're into, but it's not for me!"
"I'm not into anything." he said, grabbing the boy's arm, pulling him back. "I need to eat, dont I? What did you expect?" he growled, "I only kissed you in the first place to shut you up!" he grabbed Slade's neck, "You dont have to make this hard."
Slade shook away from Ravi's grasp, distraught, "No! Go away! I dont like this!" he cried.
"shhh." Ravi said softly, kissing the boy's neck where he had bitten him, then trailing his tongue over it, "No one is going to hear you."
"Then why are you hushing me?!!" Slade cried out again, but his voice cracked as he shuddered under Ravi's touch. For once in his life, Slade felt helpless.
Ravi looked up, "I'm not going to kill you. I just need a little more." he said calmly, "stop looking at me like I'm a monster. Do you think that I choose to have to do this?" he said and begun to drag his teeth over Slade's shoulder.
Slade, who now felt a mixture of hatred and empathy for Ravi, stopped struggling and looked up at the branches looming above them. He swallowed hard, suddenly able to feel the sting in his neck.
Ravi stuck his teeth into Slade once more, tangling his fingers in the boy's soft black hair. He took a little more and removed his teeth, "I'm sorry." he murmured, breathing warm air on Slade's skin, kissing the place where he had bitten.
Slade blinked and rubbed his neck where the mark remained, sidestepping away from Ravi. He felt a bit dizzy, tottering a little, then backing up against the tree to keep his balance, "if you're sorry...then why'd you do that?"

Chapter Two
Dinner And...

"Because I needed too" he said and rubbed the back of his neck. "here, " he said and handed him some money, "call a cab,go home, rest, you'll be fine when you wake up." he said and gave a half smile.
Slade looked as if he had been stung. He didnt even notice the money in Ravi's hand; he just stared past him as if he wasnt there. His breathing quickened.
"What's wrong?" he asked and raised an eyebrow, and let his fingers slide down the side of his face
Slade shook his head and blinked at Ravi, "What? Oh...right...home."
Ravi couldn't help but lean forward and touch his face again, "Yeah, maybe, I'll see you around, but you wouldn't want that would you." he said with a smile.
Slade blushed and looked to the ground, "Well...I..." he blushed again, feeling Ravi's soft touch, "Maybe...I'll see you again...sometime...?" he looked up, a glint of hope in his eyes.
"Aren't you afraid of me?" he asked and caught Slade's eyes, "Why would you want to see me again, don't you think I'm a monster?" he added and ran his fingers through the smaller man's hair.
Slade shook his head slowly, "I was...but it's like you said...you dont choose to, right? I dont know exactly what you are or why you've become what you are...but regardless, you must have a reason for what you did tonight. Maybe I was just a meal for you...but...Ravi..." he choked. He couldnt form words to describe what he kept inside; he couldnt describe what he felt when their lips were pressed together.
Ravi brushed his lips over Slade's cheeks. "You weren't just a meal." he said softly and gave a small smile, "but what?" he asked, encouraging the man to fininish his thoughts.
"No..." Slade whispered, "Nevermind." He smiled up at Ravi, "I'm glad I met you, even though most would call it a close encounter."
Ravi chuckled, then ran his fingers over where he had bitten Slade, "Does it still hurt?" he asked and looked down at Slade,. "I'm sorry if it does."
Slade winced a little, watching Ravi intently, "Well, it kind of stings...but it wont kill me, right? I'll be fine."
Ravi ran his tongue gently over the wound, "No, it won't kill you." he murmured against his skin.
Slade looked down shyly, "You know...you still owe me a dinner."
"I know." he said and looked back up at Slade, "are you hungry now, I have time." he said and gave a sideways smile.
Slade nodded eagerly, "If you get me dinner tonight, I promise, I wont bother you ever again, okay?"
"Who said I never wanted you bothering me again?" he asked and took the boys hand, leading him back to the street, "What if I like you bothering me.?"
Slade couldnt help but laugh; He's such a strange person...Slade followed, holding Ravi's hand as if holding onto happiness itself, "Well, I just figured that there are better people out there for you...better tasting anyway!" he laughed again.
"Oh, well you taste petty good" he said and looked down at Slade "very sweet, like hot honey" he added as they walked down to a small resturant around the corner.
Slade blushed a little, "Is that what blood tastes like...or is supposed to taste like?" He held the door open for Ravi, a grin plastered on his face.
"It's different for each person." he said with a smile. "yours is especially sweet though." he murmured and walked into the resturant.
Slade grabbed Ravi's hand again and lead him eagerly to a two person table, then stopped and spotted a booth, leading Ravi there instead.
Ravi slid opposite of Slade and rested his cheek in his hand, looking over the boys face. He was an attractive man, dark hair, bright eyes, soft skin. Ravi smiled and handed Slade the menu, "Get whatever"
Slade immediately slammed his finger on the one pound steak, grinning. He odered, smiling the entire time and handed the menus to a waitress and turned to Ravi, "Thank you so much! I'm famished." he blinked, noticing that Ravi was staring. He sat quietly for a moment, "what is it?"
Ravi reached over and brushed aside a strand of Slade's hair, trailing his finger down the boys cheek, "I was just looking at you." He said and smiled, "I didn't notice before, how attractive you were."
Slade turned bright red, jumping at Ravi's touch, "I...well...I...umm..." he swallowed nervously, staring into Ravi's deep green eyes, "Thank you..."
"You're welcome" he said and drew back as Slades food came, he sipped at his water. Looking around the resturant. "When you're done, I'll take you home." he said and scratched his head, "sorry for all of this." he said gesturing to Slade's neck
"Oh." Slade covered it with his hand calmly, "It's alright, really. I'm just glad you're feeding me too." he laughed, "I was really hungry. And you dont have to take me home..." Slade looked down solemnly for a moment then clapped his hands, "so, down to dinner!!"
Ravi smiled soflty "You don't want to go home?" he asked and leaned his elbows on the table, looking intenly at the boy across from him.
Slade turned red again, even moreso than before and stammered, not sure what Ravi was hinting at, "Umm...I mean...I was saying you dont have to [i]take[/i] me home..." he almost hoped that Ravi was hinting at what he thought he was.
"Oh, well, I was going to suggest you come with me..." he said with a small smile, "but I woulldn't be suprised if you rejected the offer, all things considered." he said adn took another small sip of his icewater.
Slade choked on a mouthful of steak and coughed for a moment. He picked up his water and guzzled half of it down, slamming the glass back on the table once he stopped convulsing, "Blecch..." he looked up at Ravi and nodded eagerly, "No, I wanna go!!" he stopped and covered his mouth with both hands.
He smiled widely, "Are you sure?" he asked and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and take a slow drag, "You trust me?" he added and raised an eyebrow, "I wouldn't trust me so easily if I'd bitten myself."
Slade knew well that Ravi was right. He shouldnt trust this stranger...this strange stranger...but he couldnt help it. Something inside him drove him to an answer that could lead to what he anticipated, or what he feared; he nodded, "Yes...I'm sure." he took anoter bite of steak.
Ravi shrugged, not wanting to make the boy think too much about it, lest he run off. He hadn't had company in awhile. "Well as soon as you're finished, I'll take you to my place." he said and leaned back into the booth.
Slade tapped a waitress as she went by, finishing a mouthful of steak, "Check please!" He sat quietly, waiting for the check, trying his best to finish the steak in his mouth. Finally he swallowed and looked up at Ravi shyly as a waitress took the dishes away.
Ravi paid the check and stood up, offering Slade his hand, "Come on, I wont bite." he said with a smile in his eyes as he led the boy out of the resturant.
Slade skipped happily, following Ravi, holding his hand. He felt like the happiest person in the world. But still, he puzzled; what was it about this stranger that made him act this way? He ignored his thoughts and his instincts and smiled up at Ravi as they walked towards the apartments.
Ravi glanced over at Slade with a small laugh, "You are so happy compared to before." he said as they approched his apartment complex. "I'm on the sixth floor." he said and pressed the button for the elevator.
Slade gasped, "The sixth floor? That's even higher than where Ale--" he stopped, his eyes grew wide, "I mean...I..." he shivered, backing into the corner of the elevator as they rose higher.
Ravi raised and eyebrow and wrapped and arm around the boy, drawing him closer. "What are you talking about?" he asked and brushed aside some of Slade's hair, eyes searching his.
Slade looked up, still seemingly in some sort of shock, "No-no, it's...no one...I mean--it's nothing. Dont worry about it." he stepped out of the elevator as it stopped, then turned back, a smile on his face again, "which one is yours? I might want to remember the number."
Ravi frowned and stepped out of the elevator after him, "12b." he said and led Slade to his aparment, He unlocked the door and flipped on the lights. "The windows are all covered, and need to stay that way." he said and looked back at Slade.
Slade gasped, "everyone said...that this room was abandoned...is it because you just come out at night or something?" he entered the apartment, looking around, "sorry, I dont mean anything offensive, I swear...I just dont know anything about this whole vampirism thing..." he scratched the back of his head, looking back at Ravi. Seeing a frown on Ravi's face, Slade cowered a bit.
"Well, there is no other time for me to come out." he said and closed the door behind Slade. He turned his frown into a soft smile and led the boy to the living room. "make youself comfortable, I don't have that many guests, so I'm not really prepared."
Slade laughed and sat on the edge of the couch, "It's alright, you should have seen my old place! I'm not a very tidy person, myself." he watched Ravi curiously, folding his hands in his lap.
Ravi sat down next to him and glanded at him. "So, why so eager to come?" he asked with a small grin and leaned back into the couch. "Am I irisistable?" he joked.
Slade blushed, "No...its just..." he looked at the floor, a bead of sweat appearing on his forehead, "I...I dont know really...I just wanted to..." he looked up again, staring at Ravi from the corner of his eye, "I was really glad that you invited me..."
Ravi ran his fingers through the boys hair and dipped his head to kiss the spot he had bitten, "I'm glad that you accepted." he said and looked Slade in the eye. "especially so quickly." he said with a small laugh.
Slade smiled nervously, "well, there was actually a good minute there where I was just choking on steak." he chuckled, leaning a little closer to Ravi.
"That doesnt count." he said softly and pressed his lips to Slades gently, closing his eyes. He broke the kiss after a bit and smiled, "you would have said yes if you hadn't been choking."
Slade blushed and shuddered a bit as Ravi pulled away. He looked up into Ravi's eyes again and stared; not blinking, totally spaced out.
Ravi smiled and brushed his fingers over the boys lips, "Did I suprise you?" he said and gave a laugh. "Sorry."
Unsurely, Slade leaned up to kiss Ravi back. He ran a hand through Ravi's fair blonde hair gently, wiping it out of Ravi's face. He pulled away slowly, but kept his face close to Ravi's, opening his eyes just barely.
He wrapped his arms around Slades back and kissed him, harder this time. Gently lowering Slade's back to the couch. He moved his lips to his neck and shoulder.
Slade gasped and let Ravi push him back, returning the kiss with passion, keeping his fingers tangled in Ravi's hair.

Chapter Three
What does it mean?

Ravi slid his tongue between Slade's lips, exploring the boys mouth as he ran his hands down his chest. He broke the kiss after a bit and rested his forehead on Slades, "Forgive me if I seem forward."
Slade shook his head slightly, "No...I...I havent felt this good in a long time..." he wrapped his arms around Ravi's neck and pulled him closer, "That first kiss back there only made me want more..." he smirked, "but I guess that's dumb...because you only kissed me to get me to shut up..."
Ravi laughed and kissed Slades neck, "It didn't work." he murmured, "besides after awhile it wasn't just about that." He added and trailed his lips up Slade's throat.
Slade leaned his head back to give Ravi more room, "You're weird..." he chuckled, "but...there's something really special about you..." he ran both hands through Ravi's hair, caressing his head gently.
"I'm weird? You're the one kissing me." he said with a smile and looked down at Slade, "I'm special? I haven't heard that one. What's special about me?" he asked and slid a hand up the boy's shirt.
Slade shuddered, biting his lip a bit, "What's wrong with kissing you? And you kissed me first...and second...so there." he stuck his tongue out at Ravi, "And the special thing...well...while you've got your hand in there, why dont you feel for my heart rate...it hasnt gone that fast in a long time."
Ravi just smiled and slid the shirt over Slades head, bending down to kiss his exposed chest. "My heart doesnt beat." he said and looked up at Slade through heavy lashes.
Slade watched him solemnly, "Then..." he smiled and stroked Ravi's cheek, "I hope I can make it beat again...someday...even just once...one beat...one millisecond of a pulse..." he kissed the top of Ravi's head, feeling his hair tickle his cheeks and lips, "Maybe that does make me weird...oh well."
"hmm..." he mumbled and gave a smile, his hands exploring the boys chest, "well, I hope so too. But I doubt it." he said with a sad look, then gave a bright smile, "Anyway, would you like to stay the night?"
Slade nodded, "Where else would I go?" his eyes were filled with a hidden sadness; hidden, but still there, "I dont want to be anywhere else anyway." he ran his hands down Ravi's back and smiled.
Ravi gave a soft smile and brushed back some of Slade's hair, "Alright." he murmured and kissed his neck again, whispering into his ear, "Wanna go to the bedroom?"
Slade's eyes opened wide for a moment, then he sighed and smiled again, "Definetly...lead the way...I cant see too well in the dark..."
Ravi grinned and stood up, grabbing onto Slade's hand and walking him to the bedroom. He turned the lights on low and looked back at the boy, "So you can see." he said and walked over to the bed.
Slade blinked and squinted in the sudden light, "Thank you." he chuckled, making himself comfortable.
Ravi slid his own shirt off and pulled Slade close, "Tell me to stop and I will." he murmured and slid his hand down his back, stopping at Slade's pants.
Slade winced and moaned quietly, "Okay...got it." he stared up at an old fan on the ceiling, breathing calmly.
He undid the button of Slade's pants and pushed them down, kissing the boys neck as he did. Ravi kicked off his own and gently lowered Slade onto the bed.
Slade's breathing quickened as Ravi slid off his pants. He ran his hands up Ravi's side, then slid them over his chest.
Ravi looked down at him and ran his fingers through Slade's hair. "So, tell me what you want." he said and gave a half smile.
Slade looked up, trying to see Ravi in the dim light, "I..." he blushed, "I want you..." he bit his lip nervously, "Is that bad?"
"Only if you feel bad about it." he said and met Slade's blue eyes, "do you?" he asked and let his fingers trail to the others thighs.
Slade blushed a little, still enough to be seen even in the dark, "I dont feel bad. I feel really good..." he stretched his neck out and kissed Ravi's neck gently, breathing on it as he did so.
"Hmm, good." he said and ran his fingers lighlty over Slade's length, a smile on his face as he did. "So do I." He he moved down and kissed the inside of Slade's thigh.
Slade cried out quietly at the feeling of Ravi's touch, His entire back tingling with pleasure. Now, breathing even harder, he spread his legs a little, giving Ravi more room.
Ravi looked down at him with a small smirk. He wrapped his hand around Slade's member, and teased him with slow pumps.
Slade graoned impatiently and looked down at Ravi, a drop of sweat appearing on his temple. He sat up and pulled Ravi up with him, giving him a heated kiss.
He returned the kiss, biting gently on Slade's bottom lip and smiling. "Is this your first time?" he asked and kissed his neck, wondering if he needed to be gentle.
Slade drew back and shook his head, "Definetly not. I mean...it is...in a way..." he blushed, "I've never actually been given the choice. It's just been forced on me." he chuckled nervously, "So...kind of."
He gave a sad look down at him and ran his fingers through Slade's hair, "Who forced it on you?" he asked and nuzzeled the boy's neck.
"It was..." Slade bit his lip, "His name is Alex...he lives on the fifth floor..." he looked up at the ceiling fan, "We were roommates...but that was a year ago."
"He lives here, in this building?" he asked and looked down, "right below me?" he mused and raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to hurt him?" he asked and looked back up at Slade, completly serious.
Slade shook his head, "No, no. It's ok...it was a long time ago. He probably doesnt even remember." he sighed and leaned back on the bed.
Ravi ran his fingers over the other's chest. "So, all that aside. Do you want me to be gentle?" he asked and brushed his lips over Slade's.
Slade swallowed hard and nodded slowly, "Yeah...that might...be nice." he wrapped his arms around Ravi's neck and kissed the corner of his mouth.
"Alright." he whispered against Slade's skin. He ran his hands over the boys thighs and spread his legs slowly, his lips moving over Slade's neck and shoulder. "I'll try not to hurt you." he murmured.
A light blush appeared on Slade's face as he felt Ravi's touch against his skin. He shuddered and arched his back slightly.
Ravi slid his fingers into his mouth and wet them before gently pushing one into Slade, He bent down to kiss him to distract him from the intrustion.
With a quiet gasp, Slade grabbed onto the sheets and winced, trying to return the kiss as best he could.
Ravi slipped a second one in, streching him. He moved his lips to the boys neck and whispered soft words into his ear, trying to make it less painful.
Slade gasped again as his breathing quickened. He felt his forehead become hot. His entire body seemed to burn.
Ravi pulled his fingers out and positioned himself, putting one of Slade's legs over his shoulder as he slowly slid into him. He groaned as he felt Slade's hot muscles contract around his length.
Slade cried out and shivered, still gripping the sheets, feeling his own nails dig into his palms. He looked up at Ravi, hair plastered to his forehead, and smirked.
Ravi bit his lip and looked down at Slade, he wiped away the hair stuck to his forehead and pushed in deeper. His eyes glazed over.
A moan escaped from Slade's lips as he winced, still watching Ravi, squinting a bit in the darkness, trying to see into those deep green eyes.
"Slade, " the name rolled out of his lips in a murmur as he rocked his hips. Eyes never leaving the smaller man's face. He smiled.
Slade propped himself up a little bit, still looking up at Ravi, "Y-yeah...?" he gasped quietly, feeling Ravi pulse inside him.
Ravi shook his head and bent over him, catching Slade's lips. After a moment, he broke the kiss, "I just like saying your name." he said and wrapped his hand around Slade's lenght and rocked inside of him faster.
Slade nodded, his moans grew louder with each thrust. He arched his back and shut his eyes.
Ravi moaned into Slades ear and nipped at his neck gently as he pumped his hand in faster harder jerks, in time with his thrusts. He closed his eyes, feeling his climax coming on.
Slade cried out, reaching his arms around Ravi's neck, his nails digging into his back. He pushed against Ravi's thrusts and moaned again.
Ravi moaned the smaller man's name and pushed into him one more time, spilling his seed into Slade. He bit his lip, breathing heavy, looking down at Slade.
Feeling himself shudder violently, Slade held on tightly around Ravi's neck, still gasping with each breath. His voice shook as he panted, looking back up at Ravi.
Ravi pulled out of Slade and flopped down next to him, catching his breath. "Mm, it's been a long time since I've done that." he said and looked over at Slade.
Slade turned over on his side, resting his cheek on his hand and stared at Ravi, smiling lightly, "Is that good or bad?"
"Well, it means you're special." he murmured and sat up, looking down at Slade. "To be my first partner in awhile."
Slade's smile widened. He propped himself up on his elbows, "Did it..." he laid back down, "Nevermind." he chuckled to himself and stared up at the ceiling, a smile still plastered on his face.
"Did it what?" Ravi asked looking down at him a small grin on his lips. He leaned over Slade and raised an eyebrow.
Slade blushed a little, "No, it's not important. Dont worry." he reached up and stroked Ravi's cheek.
Ravi kissed Slade's shoulder gently and entwined his fingers in Slades. "Come on, if it makes you blush, I want to hear it." he said, a playful look on his face.
Slade shook his head and sighed, squeezing Ravi's hand gently, "I was just wondering...if it meant anything..." he paused, looking into Ravi's eyes, "More than just sex..."
Ravi ran his free hand over Slade's cheek and kissed his forehead. "Yes." he said simply and laid down next to him, pulling the smaller man close to him.
Slade felt his smile widen and huddled close to Ravi, putting an arm over Ravi's neck, playing with his blonde hair. He stared at Ravi silently for a moment, then finally muttered, "so...do you stay up all night? And sleep in the day...?"
"Sometimes. All the curtains are constenly drawn, and they are heavy. Sometimes I just don't go out." he said and reached over to the night stand, pulling out a pack of cigs. "It depends on my mood." he said and lit one up.
Slade sighed, watching the ember light up Ravi's face. He closed his eyes when the light disappeared and nodded.
Ravi looked over at Slade and brushed aside some of his dark hair. "Hmm, so pretty." he murmured and blew smoke at the ceiling.
Slade opened his eyes, a little surprised at Ravi's touch. He blushed and took Ravi's hand, holding it against his cheek, "th...thank you..."
Ravi bent down and kissed Slade's forehead. "You're welcome." he murmured and put out his cigrette. "I'm glad you were curious tonight."
Slade chuckled under his breath, "So am I." he looked up at Ravi, his icy eyes reflecting the dim light, "I'm glad you were hungry."
Ravi ran his free hand over Slade's chest. He settled down beside him and kissed the side of his neck. "Goodnight," he murmured.
Slade nodded and closed his eyes, "Goodnight." he whispered in reply.
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