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by CabCap
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1129465
In the forest there is a city where magic happens and people live seceret lives.

         Alexander Shepard stood in his small bedroom that was lit with daylight. He was staring out the window, from the window in his tree house he could see the forest floor, other houses, and the small shops and buildings on the ground. The city was Alexander's favorite place, he didn't like the big cities made out of stone half as much as he liked the wood houses suspended in trees.

         Alex had short brown hair with blond tips. He stood at five feet seven inches with white skin, he was skinny. A little bit tall for the age of 14. He was wearing a black tunic with chain mail over it, his pants were black too. At his waist was a belt with a sheathed Assassin Blade with a green hilt attached to it. Also in his belt where 3 winged throwing knives.

         His bedroom was wood color and on the floor was rug. On the floor at the opposite side of the room was a feather bed with several sheets on it and a pillow. Next to the bed was a small spiral staircase leading down. Alexander went down the stairs, leaving him in a room that had a table and several doors. Alex grabbed a back pack that was sitting on the table and slung it over his back.

         On the floor was a door, Alexander opened it revealing a ramp that wound down to the ground. He bounded down the ramp to the ground, faster then any regular human. At the bottom of the ramp stood Alex's partner, Alyson Alard. Unlike some places in the world women worked as much as the men.

         Alexander was one of the kings highest operatives. He reported only to the king. Alyson, being his partner, was just as high. They wore identical clothing, armor, and weapons, and both had packs on their backs.

         "Hi Alex," greeted Alyson.

         "Hi Alyson," Alex responded.

          The two walked off towards the border of the forest kingdom. Most people were to scared to enter the part of the forest where the forest kingdom was because the stories of magic; however, operatives from the forest kingdom helped keep peace and order in the kingdom.

         Alexander and Alyson were on a mission to apprehend some people who were ploting against the nearby fiefdom. Little did they know it would be sending them out on an adventure of a lifetime.

Chapter One

Day One

         Eventhough Alex loved the forest he was glad to be out on another mission. He loved being active on missions. They were approaching the border of the forest kingdom and it was coming close to night. They would stay at a small outpost on the border that was an old lumber mill that was converted into an outpost after all the workers were scared of my stories of the forest kingdom.

         Sure the people of the forest kingdom did magic but it doesn't help in battles thought Alexander as they arrived at the lumber mill that was part wood part stone. Alexander had used this as a hide out before on some of his previous missions but Alyson was new at this and it was her first time staying at this outpost. She had been anxious to see it because Alexander had talked about how comfortable and homey the inside was.

         Alexander walked Alyson to the door of the outpost and knocked twice and there was the sound of a bolt turning and the door opened. A guard was standing there in a door.

         "Welcome Alexander, how are you doing?" Greeted the guard who now moved away to let them in.

         As they entered Alyson got her first view of the inside of the outpost. It had a rug that covered almost the whole floor. On the far wall where two doors and there was a door on each side wall. On one side of the door there was a table with a lamp and a book on it. On the other side of the door was a coat rack. The room that they were in wasn't to big, maybe ten feet by ten feet.

         "Briac, I am doing good. How about you?" Alexander replied.

         "As good as you can do at the border. It's been boring. Who do you have with you?" Briac the guard asked.

         "This is Alyson, my new partner." Alexander answered.

         Alexander chit-chated with Briac for a minute then showed Alyson into the side room where they would be staying. It was the room to the right, inside the room were two beds each with a comforter because of the temperature it would be during the night. It was close to winter.

         They each set there bags down then went out into the hallway and went into the door on the left. It was a bigger room then the one they were staying in. There was no rug on the floor and there was a small table in the middle of the room. On the far wall was a stove, cabinet and water basin. Along with a counter which Briac was standing at cutting vegtibles. As the two came in Briac pulled three slabs of meat of the stove and put them on plates, along with the chopped vegitables.

         The three sat down at the table each with a plate infront of them and a glass of wine that Briac had pored for them in cups that were sitting on the table. During dinner they chit-chatted. After dinner Alexander lead Alyson back to the bedroom. They each climbed into there own beds.

         "Alexander...Goodnight..." Sumbled Alyson.

         "Goodnight Alyson" Alexander replied.

          They both went to sleep. Alexander slept well and so did Alyson until early in the morning. Alyson woke up and scared moved over to a chair close Alexander's bed. She had had a bad dream about her being captured in the outpost by masked men.

Chapter Two

Day Two

         When Alexander woke up in the morning it was still dark and Alyson was still asleep. Alexander noticed that Alyson had moved to a chair close to his bed. Something must have happened and Alexander told himself to ask about it later. Like every morning Alex walked outside and into a remoter part of the forest. It was peacefull, he loved it. When he was far enough away from the outpost Alex kneeled down and closed his eyes. He began a breathing exercise his instructor had taught him when he was learning about magic.

         This meditative state helped him think clearly. Eventhough his eyes were closed Alexander could see in a whole different way. Everything was black on a red background. Anything that moved would turn a darker color black. Although if he himself moved or opened his eyes it would all go away.

         Alexander heard something behind him and jumped up, losing his state of meditation. It was only Alyson, he must have woken her up when he got up and she pretended to sleep. They were both had slipped into their black clothing but not their chain mail. Alexander had no weapon but Alyson had her blade with her. An arrow flew threw the air and right as it was about to hit Alyson in the head Alexander grabbed it. It was a trick Alex had been working on and hadn't quite mastered yet. Now he was glad that he has started to learn it.

         Then the archer apeared he wasn't alone and he wasn't from the forrest. There was about 10 men armed with swords with him. Alyson drew her sword and Alexander asumed a fighting stance and pulled a knife out of his boot. The swordsmen incircled him and Alexader threw his knife at the closest guy, hitting him right in the forehead. Alexander ran foward and hit the guy next to him startling all of the swordsmen and knocking the one he hit over.

         Grabbing, the swordsmen sword he, with Alyson's help, took out the rest of the swordsmen and aprehended the archer. The two brought the archer back to the outpost. When they got back Briac was outside chopping wood. He walked over and took the archer from them and repidiataly asked if they were ok. As soon as Alexander had managed to assure him they were okay Alyson and him went back into there room and got their stuff. Out of a closet Alexander grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows. The two headed back outside where Briac had the archer.

         "Archer what are you doing shooting at a high Magi?" Alyson asked quickly and sternly.

         "Why else does one shoot at someone but to kill them!" The archer remarked then spit on Alyson's boot.

         Seeing that Alexander slapped the archer upside the head and spat on the archers boots. "You fool now there is nothing you can tell us that will help u."

         "As soon as the Serki are done with the Milu Fiefdom they are coming here to kill all of you forest folk." Alexander relized who the Serki were, the people they were out to stop.

         "Briac lock this guy up inside. I need to borrow your horse." Alexander said.

         "Of course Lord Alexander." Briac responded. That surprised Alexander, him and Briac were good friends and Briac never called him by his proper title.

         No time to think about that now Alexander thought. Alexander pulled the horse out of the small three hourse stable and mounted it without a saddle and rode off. Heading back towards the main part of the forest kingdom. When he got to the ramp that led up to the kings tree he dismounted. At the entrance at the of the tree the guards blocked it.

         "Your icon, my lordship." Said one of the guards.

         Alexander raised up his sleave showing a black tattoo of a tree on it and the guards moved to the side. Once inside the thrown room Alexander knelt at the thrown.

         "Me'lord, I need more men, the people who are planning on attacking the fiefdom of Milu are also planning to attack us after. The attackers are the Serki, me'lord." The king shuddered and sent for his captain of the guards.

         When the captain arived Alexander was the first one to talk. "Captain assemble 10 of your best men and 12 of your best horses. We are going Serki hunting."

         The captain looked at the king and when he nodded the captain of the guard ran off to assemble his men. Alexander walked out after him. But once out the door did not emidiatly follow him. He went over to the horse he had borrowed and whispered in it's ear, "ride true my dear friend, return home." The horse bounded off the way it had come.

         Alexander walked to the guard stables and found the 10 men and captain getting ready. Apparently the captain had told them what was happening because they all had grim looks on their faces.

         "Don't worry men, we are going to meet with forces from the Milu Fiefdom, the Till Fiefdom, and the Locar Fiefdom. We will out number the Serki." Alexander said confidently and encouragingly.

         That inspired the men and there faces grew more confident but not completely confident. When they were ready about an hour later they all rode off and Alexander had the one extra horse that he wasn't riding following him. They rode at a good pace but not as fast as Alexander would have liked because they were riding war hourses not messenger horses.

         When the men arrived at the outpost something seemed wrong. There was no smoke from the chimney and there was no sign of anyone. Then Alexander heard it, a cry of pain. He quickly dimounted and ran into the house. On one of the beds he and Alyson had slept on Briac was lying there with an arrow in his side. Alex pulled the arrow out and raised his hands above the wound and it healed itself. Both Alexander and Briac suddenly appeared tired. Healing took a lot of strength out of the strongest of men. Sometimes even killing either the healer or the patient.

         "Where is Alyson?"Alexander demanded.

         "She is..." Briac was having trouble breathing. "with him."

         "The archer?" Alexander asked.

         Briac nodded and then fell still. A tingle of fear ran threw Alexander, he cared about Alyson and the reason he had choosen her as his apprentice was because when they were younger the two had had crushes on each other. Since Alyson had become a forest warrior they hadn't tried to do anything about there love.

         As Alexander walked outside he said to the captain of the guard, "Mount up we will ride for another three hours then stop for the night."

         The troop did as Alexander had said and rode for three hours and when they stoped it had already started to get dark. They stopped at a spot just on the edge of the forest looking out on to a plain that led to

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