Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1129455-The-Chance
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1129455
A woman leaves her husband for an old flame.
As the sun rose above the eastern horizon it brought light upon the chaos at a small hut off the main street of a small village. Inside, a young mother was giving life to a beautiful new child. Her husband was away on a quest to eradicate a disease in some country to the south, she couldn't quite remember the name, but it didn't matter. When he returned, he would find her gone.

As soon as she had recovered from the difficult birth, Juki packed her meager belongings and took the next train north, leaving behind her unwanted child in the care of a neighbor.

"That worthless husband of mine can take care of his brat. I didn't want a child in the first place."

She glanced again at the letter in her lap and recited the words she'd read so many times before.

Juki, dearest, I want you here with me. I've missed you and I can no longer hide the way I feel about you. Take the 456 to Kanra and I'll be waiting.

The letter had arrived several weeks ago, and quite unexpectedly from the man she thought she'd left behind. Greg had been her first love all those years ago, before she met the man she'd later marry on the rebound. Now, seven years later he'd found her again and declared his love for her anew. She had only waited long enough to bear the child she carried.

As the train sped north she fought back the urge to sleep, preferring to spend the time in sweet anticipation of the reunion awaiting her. Her gaze turned toward the world blowing past so quickly she had to force her eyes to focus on the distant horizon to prevent the nausea from creeping into her stomach; she had enough problems with the ever increasing anxiety which had settled in to for a long stay as soon as she'd made up her mind to leave everything and take a chance on the man who'd broken her heart.

For a fleeting second her resolve wavered as she thought about all she'd left behind: the beautiful table and chairs she'd received as a wedding present from her husband's family, a set of blue floral china her own parents had left her, and the many other furnishings and possessions she'd left behind. Somewhere deep inside her mind a jab reminded her of the newborn she'd abandoned, but she dismissed it with a shake of her head and turned her attention once more to the world beyond the window.

* * * * *

The train's whistle as it pulled into the station startled Juki awake. She sat up with a start, unaware she'd even fallen sleep. A glance out the window assured her she had arrived at her destination. Gathering her bags, she took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves and stood up. Scanning the platform she tried to catch a glimpse of her beloved Greg as she waited for the other passengers to disembark. Suddenly the overwhelming feeling of impending doom she'd felt since awakening loomed up, stronger than ever before.

* * * * *

The platform had long ago emptied except for one rather lost looking young woman still seated on a bench with a look of nervous anticipation who glanced down the road expectantly every few seconds. In her hands she clutched a rather worn looking letter and she was muttering something under her breath. As the last train of the night pulled into the station a young man got off with wrinkled clothes, evidence of a long day of travel. His weary eyes grew bright as he spotted the woman on the bench. She glanced up and the red of her cheeks could only be matched by the glow from the setting sun. Without a word the man went to her and pulled her gently to her feet. Smiling, he embraced her and led her away to the waiting train.

As the sun disappeared beneath the western sky, the train gave a final whistle before beginning it's journey south.
© Copyright 2006 Willowism (spacemouse at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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