Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1128830-The-Devil-made-me-DO-IT
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Death · #1128830
A sick teenage girl kills her mom and dad..
After I killed my parents, I sat there looking at them. Two lifeless bodies laying in a pool of blood I had created. The blood dripping out of their mouths and noses was staining the white eggshell carpet mother tried so hard to keep clean. How mad she would have been, I thought, "laughing to myself".

Laying on her back, her long auburn hair lay just over her left hand.. Her lipstick matched the red liquid so perfectly that I thought "how much better she looked dead". Her make-up looked as fresh as it had that morning, with the exception of her eyeliner, which was streaked down her face from her tears of fear.

Then my eyes traveled over to my father's, He never treated me all that badly, yet he always lived in my mothers shadow. I did him a favor ' he was free now'. You're welcome Daddy I whispered. His black eyes were staring at me, yet seeing nothing his mouth open as if to ask me why? … Yes, why? If he did ask…If he could ask! What would I say?

Now I am sitting in the dark in this institution they sent me to after they found me by the two demons they called my loving and oh yes, get this…caring parents. When I was sitting between them, I waited for the sadness.. the loneliness or even the hurt to come…But, it never did.

After awhile, six or maybe seven people, in long white coats came in. They looked almost like doctors "almost". Telling me to get up, they pulled on me tightly, checking the straps on my jacket making sure I could not get lose. They took me to yet another padded room only, this one had a table and some chairs around it. The walls were White and plane just like all the other boring rooms. ' With just a little red splattered here or there this room could look just like home, ' I smiled to myself.'

Looking at me and my smile They told me to sit and I did as I was told, After a few minutes they sat, none to close of course, it gave me a rush to think they feared me, And I started thinking how easy it would be for me to kill all of them right now! ( If only my hands weren't in this damned straightjacket )

I knew they all feared me because no one would ask the ' single question' they felt should be asked. But when they did, they asked the question I knew…and was waiting for: 'Why'? Why did you do it? All of them giving me the evilest looks they could conjure. Now 'why' .. Why did I do it? Was it because they never loved me? Or was it because they always told me they wished I were never born? No, nothing ... I told them nothing; my only reply as I gazed upon their sorry stupid looking faces was…

© Copyright 2006 Diana Joyce (dianahottiee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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