Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1128388-Siege-of-Krosgroeth-Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1128388
The dwarves of Krosgroeth fight to stem the tide of orcin at their gates
Lord Jothune grew impatient with his assistant as he rambeled on about how the orcin would storm the keep and destroy the dwarven empire as they know it and make the king beg for death before the end. "Enough, by Thorengars hand stop, you have one chance to get out of my site before I bash that ugly stump you call a head through your hindparts." explained Jothune. "Well I am only trying to help, no need to get rude sire." protested the assistant.Raising himself out of the chair without answering, as though he did not hear the dwarf's response, Lord Jothune paced to the window slit in his tower above the citadel. Staring out at the mountanous landscape that covered the land as far as the eye can see and even beyond that, and then his eyes befell upon a dark cloud obsucuring such a large portion of land it was as if the sky itself had turned the blakest of evils. "Have we figured out what they want yet?" asked Jothune over his shoulder. "Not yet my lord but all in good time we will know" answered the nervous dwarf. "Well in good time they will be upon are gates and destroying all that my clan have strived to build against all odds, then won't they" began the king "now see that it is done as soon as possible." he ended. "Yes your majesty I will see to it personally." said the assistant. Smiling to himself, thinking how personally meant finding someone else to do it for him. Turning his gaze back to the horde of bloodthirsty enemies gathering closer and bringing more and more enemies with it, he started thinking and planning of strategies and tactics. The day rolled on with nothing but contstant watches and scouts being sent out, that threw the daily loop of activity out of play. Jothune returned from dinner in the great hall early so that he escape the noisy and abnoxious dwarves so he could retire to his bed peacefully.He then walked to his window before pulling on his night clothes, and observed the enemy camp when he almost fainted, the enemy was so vast that the stars had vanished from the sky and appered to have fallen to the ground not but half a mile away from the castle. "What hell have they brought upon us" questioned Jothune unable to unlock his gaze from the sight until he fainted upon the cold stone floor. What will the morning bring for Lord Jothune and his army, the blood of defeat or the smell of victory. That is where part one leaves off but do not be in dismay my story will unfold in good time.
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