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Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #1127022
Alyse runs across Jack and the "spirits" keeping him company.
Alyse stepped out of the front door of the home brushing her hands down the front of her fresh out of the dryer Wunderlend Academy skirt. The twins couldn’t have been more upset when she announced that she would be taking her leave of their humble abode but Alyse had little choice but to disappoint them. Jack had once again scurried off the parts unknown and it was imperative that head after him. She looked all about the lush green landscape stretched out before her but saw no sign of him. He certainly wasn’t inside the home. According to the duo he’d vacated the premises during the time she’d spent redressing herself. Where had he gotten off to now? she wondered.

Alyse headed off across this strange area of the campus grounds along a path leading away from the home that once again took her around some very unfamiliar bends. She strolled along under the bright blue sky with a skip in her step while humming aloud to herself as the memories of her time spent inside of the twin’s home played over in her mind. The corner of her mouth crinkled up into a pleasing smirk. The little devils, she thought. Playing the images of the three of them over and over again in her mind she was eventually distracted by the distinct sound of voices in the distance.

Quickening the pace at which she walked, Alyse rounded the corner of a large thicket and was greeted by the sight of yet another small domicile off in the distance. A small band consisting of three individuals were hanging around out front socializing amongst themselves. A bright smile lit up her face and she began to hurry over to where they congregated. Jack! She’d recognize that enticing frame of his anywhere.

“Jack!” she called out to him when she was close enough that she didn’t have to yell.

“Alyse,” he greeted her from his perch of the small concrete wall that fenced in the front yard. “So good to see you. Up and about, that is.”

The two of them wore matching grins as she skipped over to where he sat. Stopping in front of him, she positioned herself in between his legs and rubbed her hands up his thighs. “I was so hoping that you would have stuck around. Where was it that you were in such a hurry to get off to.”

He lifted the cup he held up to his lips and took a drink. “Doesn’t really matter. I’m here now.”

“Indeed,” Alyse said.

She leaned forward and further closed the distance between their two bodies. The sound of a clearing throat momentarily turned her attention away from the object of so much of her desire and placed it on his surrounding companions.

“Jack. Care to introduce us to your lovely friend?”

Alyse turned her head and flashed a smile at the individual standing off to her right. He returned her glance, turning up a large jug to his lips and drinking deep of its contents.

“Yeah. Sorry. Guys, this stunning vision here is Alyse. Alyse, these two lunks are Alvin and Cyril.”

“I must say, it is very nice meeting you,” Alvin commented. He turned his jug up again but not a drop spilled to meet his lips, lips that instantly turned into a displeasing frown. He turned his eyes to Jack. “Looks like our well of libations has run bone dry.”

“Nonsense,” Jack lamented. He handed Alyse his cup and hopped down off the wall. “There’s plenty enough still in the cooler inside. Come on. I’ll show you.”

“Jack?” Alyse said as she watched him move through the gate on his way towards the house. He stopped and walked back over to her.

“Don’t worry, love. I’ll be back in no time,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down the jacket sleeves that covered her arms.

Soon enough he vanished inside of the house and Alyse was left outside nursing his drink alone with Cyril. She leaned back against the wall and took a drink from the cup. The fluid inside tickled her throat as it slid down into her body. She cut her eyes over to the young lad and flashed him a smile. He responded in kind and took a drink from the cup he held but had yet to utter a single word to her. Alyse drained some more of the fluid from the cup and out of nowhere she exploded into a dizzying bout of laughter. She turned her eyes over to Cyril again and watched the smile grow on his face. Taking another drink from the cup allowed her to completely empty it of its contents. She turned to look at Cyril again and she let loose with another bout of giggles.

A few chuckles managed to slip from his lips as he watched her merriment grow but he still had yet to open his mouth with speech in her direction. Alyse tossed the empty cup she held over in his direction and watched him use his free hand to catch it. “Aren’t you even the least bit curious as to what has me so amused?” she asked him.

“If I had to guess I’d assume it was that potion you’ve been downing. I’ve seen it have that effect on more than one occasion.”

Alyse walked over to him and removed the full glass that he continued to hold on to. Her body tingled all over and this extra added rush only helped to push the dizzying sensation she felt that much further into overdrive. Rippling with giggles, she threw her arm around the back of Cyril’s neck and moved herself along side of him. “Come on. Let’s go see where those two buddies of yours have gotten off to.”

He didn’t have a choice in the matter really. Alyse practically drug him along with her as she went merrily on her way. She turned the knob and pushed open the front door of the home. “Yoo-hoo! Jaaack?” she called out with a voice filled with laughter as she drug her hostage along with her through the front hallway. Alyse stopped and turned to her companion. “Wherever do you think they’ve gotten off to?” Before Cyril could even fix his lips to offer her an answer Alyse had released her hold on him and was bounding off down the corridor. “Oh, Jaaack?” she continued to cry out in a singsong voice.

Cyril quickly lost sight of her and soon could no longer hear the joyous call of her voice. He struck out after the young lady and eventually caught up with her in the kitchen. Alyse was bent over with the upper portion of her body shoved inside the refrigerator that she rummaged through. Walking her body back, she stood up and slammed the door closed holding a bottle in each hand. She walked over and handed them both to him. “Not in here,” she said to him, curving her lips down into a frown that exuded substantially more cheer than disappointment. “Come out, come out wherever you are,” she spoke loudly as she made her way out of the kitchen.

The next door Alyse burst through led her into a bedroom. She saw no sign of Jack inside. What she did find was a neatly made bed with a red and blue checkered comforter spread across it. The top of the bedspread was covered with an assortment of magazines. She hurried over and slid her body across the comforter. Alyse picked up one of the magazines and began flipping through the snapshots of bare skin women. “Is this your room?” she said when she heard the sound of footsteps moving across the carpet behind her.

“Yes it is,” Cyril answered her.

“Then I can assume these are yours?” Alyse stretched her hand out behind her and Cyril walked over to the bed. Climbing up on top of the covers with her, he handed her the bottle that she reached for. In doing so he managed to brush her skirt up a bit and reveal one of the bare cheeks of her ass.

“Yes,” he answered her once more, still staring down at her exposed flesh. He also noticed that she had yet to make an attempt to recover herself.

Cyril rubbed his hand down the back of the soft smooth skin of her thigh just beneath the glowing hemisphere. Alyse simply continued to flip from one page to the next as she tasted the nectar that came from the bottle she held. Cyril lifted the skirt further up and his eyes widened as he revealed the entire scope of her superb, shapely rear end. Alyse remained oblivious to his action, still consumed by the assortment of magazines that she thumbed through. Cyril slid back off the bed and came down to his feet.

“Quite a lovely collection you have here,” Alyse commented, giggling as she turned the next page and took another taste of her drink.

“Thank you,” Cyril said. His shirt had already been removed and he was in the process of pushing down the pants he wore. Eventually all of his clothes lie crumpled on the floor next to his unopened bottle and he stood behind her completely naked staring ahead at the sight of her luscious ass. He reached his hand down and took hold of his stiffening member, never letting his eyes drop from the crevasse running between those two mounds of flesh. He listened to the sound of her humming softly to herself as he began to stroke his hand back and forth at an ever in creasing rate.

Thoughts of climbing up onto the bed and pulling her up to her knees as he plunged deep inside of her helped to quicken the pace of his hand. His erection began to throb in his palm as he fantasized about how delightful her slick wet cavern would feel wrapped around it as he pushed back and forth into her, going deeper with ever drive. Cyril reached down with his free hand and one at a time he lifted each one of her white knee high stocking covered legs by the ankle and separated her legs. He had a clear view of her slit now and he could see that the magazines that Alyse explored had managed to damped her folds some.

A groan strained from his lips as he began to pound his fist at an even quicker rate. Alyse turned around to get a look back over her shoulder. “What are you doing back there?” she said, taking another sip from her bottle. The sight of the swollen tip of the rod that he stroked as tiny single drops of clear liquid began to slip from it amused her to know end. She turned back over and Cyril watched as she slid one hand beneath her body and brought her fingers up. Alyse dropped the empty bottle to the floor and began to moan softly as she slowly swiveled her hips while parting the folds around her moist opening. Cyril began to groan even louder now as he leaned forward and placed his free hand down on the comforter.

Staring down into her creamy pink flesh, he let out a low grunt as the first warm stream shot out. Landing within inches of her massaging fingers, it was by no means the last. He wet the red and blue checkered comforter with his juice and soon Alyse was consumed by hysterical giggles. The door to the room soon swung open and Alvin stepped into the room with a turned up jug to his lips. His eyes immediately locked in on the sight of Alyse’s bare ass lying on the bed.

“We were wondering where it was that you two had gotten off to.”

“We?” Alyse replied, looking back over her shoulder at him. “All I see is you. Where’s Jack?”

“I’m sorry,” he said, holding the jug up beside his head, “but I’m afraid my memory slips me at the moment.”

“Well what exactly would it take to jog that memory of yours?” Alyse said to him, rolling over onto her back and undoing the buttons of her blouse.

“I’m not sure,” Alvin said, taking another drink from his jug as he watched Alyse free the twin globes beneath her blouse. “But you do appear to be making some progress.”

He walked over to where Cyril stood and handed him the jug before proceeding to disrobe. Alyse moved across the bed and positioned her head on the stack of pillows. Alvin soon joined her on top of the covers. Stroking and kneading the tip of his stiffening cock, he straddled her waist and continued to move himself further up along her body. Cyril took a sip from the jug and watched as Alvin pulled her shirt open further and began to slide his stiffened prick between the two mounds of flesh that Alyse held pressed together tightly. Alvin began to groan loudly as he used his hands to aid her in applying pressure to the side of her breasts as he slid his hard-on back and forth between them.

Cyril walked over to the side of the bed and stretched out a hand to Alyse’s spreading thighs. While taking another taste from the jug he held he slid first one and then two fingers into her warm wetness. Alyse began to cry out with pleasure as his fingers began to plunge back and forth at an ever increasing rate of speed.

Alvin removed his swollen rod from the twin mounds that he pounded against and moved his body up further along hers. Alyse soon found her cries being muffled by the huge swell of warm flesh being slid into her mouth. Wrapping one of her arms around the back of his waist, she gripped hold of the meat and sucked in hard. Eventually Alvin began thrusting himself into the wetness of her mouth with the same force that he had once applied to her breast. In the meantime, Cyril had since set the jug down on the floor and climbed onto the bed with them. He pressed her thighs further apart and used his tongue to lap at the swelled nub engulfed by drenched folds of flesh The taste of her juices melded with the concoction that he had just drank to create an explosion of flavor the likes of which he had never known.

Alvin began to groan louder and his hand soon replaced Alyse’s as he pulled his shaft out from between her lips and began stroking it furiously. Cyril’s constant lapping over her wet hole began to make the walls inside of her spasm just Alvin was letting loose with a creamy shower just above her ruby red lips. He grunted and groaned as he coated Alyse’s bright shiny visage with his seed. Alyse stretched out her tongue and lapped at the underside of the head as his balls continued to drain. Soon enough Alvin hoisted himself off of her and his body collapsed on the bed beside her, still stroking a hand across himself as well as one of her breasts as he sighed in relief.

Alyse was just about to address him when she felt Cyril taking hold of her by the hips. Looking down, she saw that he had once again brought his member to rock hard life and was aching all over again to see her lying face down on the bed. Alyse eagerly obliged him, rolling over and placing her cum covered face into the pillow. She hoisted her hips into the air and brought her knees into her as she spread her legs. Cyril wasted no time in lifting the skirt that covered her naked ass before plunging himself deep into the orifice that he had licked soaked.

Alyse’s cries were muffled by the fabric of the comforter that she rubbed her face back and forth across as Cyril pounded into her. Once more her slick walls began to tremble and quake as he slid in and out of her until she found herself being overwhelmed by the orgasm that swept through her. Cyril’s eyes were glued to the hole just above the shuddering opening that he rammed over and over again and with a long grunt he slid his meat out of her and pointed the swollen edge at it. He rubbed his hand back and forth across the wet shaft and let out a series of grunts this time as one coat of lather after the next spewed from him and colored the brown opening white.

Alyse extended her spread legs and dropped her hips back down to the comforter, feeling the last few drops of Cyril’s spill-off splash down on her cheeks. She looked over at Alvin and was completely disappointed to find him sitting there unconscious. When Cyril finally ceased his panting Alyse even began to hear him snore. Shaking him didn’t seem to have any effect whatsoever. “Oh dear,” she said, propping her head up on her palm and looking over at him.
© Copyright 2006 Lucidkaos (lucidkaos9 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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