Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1126560-One-Night
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1126560
This is a story about a one night stand.
It was a crisp Saturday night in July. The sun was gone for the day and darkness replaced it. The lights from “Neon Nights Club” could be seen for miles. Loud music blared through the front door. The smell of perfume, cologne and cleaning products mingling together in the small but well cared for club.

Louis stood at the doorway and dug out his ID from his leather wallet. The doorman scanned it and learned Louis was in his early thirties. He handed his ID back to him and welcomed him into the club. Thanking the doorman, Louis looked around the bar in search of a place to sit.

There was an empty bar chair next to a blonde. Louis walked to where she sat.

“Excuse me Ma’am, is this sit taken?” The blonde girl shook her head and replied

“No, feel free to sit down”. “Thank you” he replied.

He was impressed with her sweet but strong voice. She sounded educated and alert. It was obvious she had not had many drinks. She seemed to be in total control of herself and aware of that which was happening around her.

Louis straddled the bar chair and rested his elbows and forearms on the bar.

“What can I git ya?”

A plump redheaded woman stood on the other side of the counter. Her face inviting and friendly.

“Double shot bourbon with club soda” Louis replied.

“You betcha!” She smiled and winked at him as she filled a clear glass with ice.

“Is the lady ready for another?” She turned and looked at Louis again.

She mistakenly assumed the young lady and handsome man where a couple. Louis blushed and looked at the blonde next to him.

“My name is Louie. Would you like a drink?” His voice was deep with a slight hesitation in his words.

“Yes I would”, she replied. “My name is Jackie”. She reached out her small but strong hand. Louis responded to her and their hands touched.

“Jackie, it is nice to meet you. You from around here?”

Louis felt his heart jump when they touched and instantly felt attracted to the woman. Her wavy blonde hair reached the middle of her back. She had beautiful face features, which resembled a Barbie doll. Although, she didn’t have the Barbie demeanor, she appeared experienced and educated. She was professional in her attire and smelled freshly bathed and pampered.
“Yes I am, born here actually. It is nice to meet you also Louie, Thank you for the drink”. She smiled at him and her dark brown eyes seemed to dance with the gesture.

“Here ya go” the bartender served them both their drinks, smiled and winked again as she rushed off to help another.

“You are absolutely welcome.” He smiled in response and found it hard to keep his eyes off of her.

She was a sight for his sore eyes. He was still hurting from his recently ended relationship and his self-esteem was punctured. He wondered if she was there to be alone and if he was bothering her by speaking, or is she there waiting on someone.

He sipped from the glass of bourbon and looked around the bar. He didn’t want to disrespect her or make her feel uncomfortable but he so much wanted to know more about her. He turned to look at her again as she was lighting a cigarette.

“Care for one?” She offered.

“No, I don’t smoke” he replied.

“Well, I only smoke when I am on fire” She chuckled and grinned naughtily at him. She then downed her second drink and asked the server for another.

She ordered one for herself and for Louie. He looked in shock at her and then guzzled the rest of his drink in one big gulp.

“So, Louie… What brings you out tonight?” She exhaled cigarette smoke after her sentence.

“I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit. What about you?”

“Basically the same story, wanted a change in atmosphere”.

“Are you waiting on someone?” Louie asked shyly.

“No. Are you?” She asked.


They made eye contact and both smiled shyly. The DJ began the music and people began to crowd the dance floor. The song was soft and catchy.

“Would you like to dance?” Louie asked as he swallowed his second drink and motioned for the server to bring two more.

“Sure.” Jackie replied

She dubbed out her cigarette and clasped on to his hand that he had offered to her. Louie led her to the dance floor and pulled her body towards his, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, she held on to his waist and their bodies began to move together in harmony.

Jackie laid her head on his strong shoulder. She noticed how good he smelled and her heart puttered with the essence of his cologne. She always enjoyed the fragrance of cologne on a handsome man. It turned her on immensely.

Her body began to relax and to trust his strength to lead her with the music. Her golden blonde hair shined under the neon lights and followed softly behind her body as they moved. Louie wrapped his arms tighter around her and began to get lost in her feel. She was warm and soft. Her scent was so sweet. She felt so vulnerable in his arms.

The song ended but the couple continued moving as if to their own song. The next song started, it was fast and jolted the both of them out of the trance. Louie thanked her for the dance, smiled and led her back to her seat.

He ordered them both another drink and added two shots of Tequila. Laughing, talking and dancing for several hours. The two seemed to have connected and felt comfortable with each other. Louie decided to go for a kiss and gently reached for her face with the palms of his hands. He pulled her close to him and their lips touched.

Louie whispered softly “Your place or mine?”

Jackie pulled back slightly, blushed and blinked her eyes in shyness.

“Mine.” She replied softly.


The warm morning sunshine blared through the large blind covered window. The heat of the sun warmed the bedroom where she slept. She opened her eyes and continued to lie as if she were sleeping.

“Where am I? What happened last night?” she thought.

She scanned the room and was relieved to know she was in her bedroom. With embarrassment and shame she remembered what had happened. Her head pounded with pain and her sour stomach felt as empty as her spirit. She heard a loud snore from across the bed.

“Who is that?” she lifted her throbbing head towards the sound.

“Oh, the guy from the club” She covered her head with a pillow and fought back tears of guilt. Her disoriented mind searched for ways to get him out of her bed, out of her home. She could say she has to work, or she could call Barb and have her call back and play, as she has to go.

She forced her alcohol-abused body up and sat on the edge of the large bed. Her body throbbed and cried for mercy as she cupped her hands around her face.

“What have I done” she thought, “Do I know this mans name? ” She searched her memory for their meeting and remembered he asked her to dance at the club last night. She remembered he kept buying her drinks and showering her with attention. Attention that she has long desired.

She pushed herself with all her strength and stood up, wobbling from the effort, she braced herself with the night stand. The pounding in her head got stronger and her stomach felt like it turned upside down. She staggered several steps until she reached the bathroom door, closing it behind her with a slam.


The sound of a loud thump opened his eyes. The room was warm and unknown to him. He could hear water running from behind the door. The smell of soap and shampoo lingered in the warm air.

He looked around the room and couldn’t recall ever seeing it before. He did remember meeting a young lady the night before at the local nightclub. She was so beautiful to him and reminded him of the other one. The one that told him she no longer wanted to see him just a few days ago.

He rolled over the king size bed and sat up. He remembered what had happened in this bed and felt the excitement grow through his body. His large arm muscles flexed as he stretched and yawned.

“What should I do?” he thought. “Should I leave while she is bathing? Should I make coffee? Start Breakfast? Play like I am still asleep?” His clouded mind couldn’t find a solution.

He spotted his wire frame glasses on the nightstand; he put them over his dark eyes. He scanned the carpeted floor and spotted his underpants and jeans. He reached for them and dressed himself. He ran his fingers through his short dark hair until each strand followed the other.

As he exhaled he looked around the room again. It was decorated with warm colors, stylish and cozy. He felt comfortable but uncertain. “What is her name?” he thought. He searched his memory.
© Copyright 2006 BeautyFromAshes (jen414 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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