Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1126248-Two-Heads-Are-Better-Than-One--Chpt-2
Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #1126248
Alyse's search leads her to a small cottage filled with wonders.
When the door shut closed at her back Alyse found herself standing outside. Looking around at the courtyard that stretched out before her, she was suddenly hit with the realization that she didn’t recognize this particular portion of the Wunderlend Academy campus. No matter. She moved off across the manicured lawn looking around every tree and row of bushes that she came across in her ongoing search for Jack. For the moment he was nowhere to be seen or heard from. Eventually she came across a young man struggling to carry two armloads of brightly colored books. When they spilled to the ground at his feet Alyse was kind enough to bend down and help him gather up the pile.

“Thanks,” he said as he rose back up.

“Don’t mention it,” Alyse replied.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen you around here before. What brings you to our neck of the woods?”

“I’m looking for someone. About this high,” she said, lifting her palm in the air and leveling it off just over her head. “Brown hair. Name’s Jack.”

“Jack,” he said, his eyes opening wide with surprise. “Yeah. He passed through here earlier. I’m supposed to be meeting him at my place in a few. You’re welcome to tag along if you’d like. It’s right this way.”

Alyse’s face brightened with the smile she was now wearing.

She followed him across the campus expecting to be led back to one of the all male dorms but instead wound up at the door of a small one story home. Afterwards the young man that she had come to know as Daren invited her inside before disappearing with his books into the recesses of the house. Alyse roamed the halls of the house as she went on her own private little tour. The interior of the home was surprisingly large compared to the view from the outside.

When Alyse finally stumbled across a large bathroom she decided to take it upon herself to make use of the shower inside. Surely her gracious host wouldn’t mind if she freshened up a bit. Alyse lathered up and rinsed off. She stepped out of the shower to find that the pile of clothing that she had left crumpled on the bathroom floor were now missing. Shocked to find that the clothes that she had planned on putting right back on when she was done washing had just up and vanished on her Alyse quickly reached for the largest towel she could find and wrapped it around herself. She looked around everywhere and saw no sign of them.

A knock on the bathroom door distracted her from her search. Whipping the still dripping wet strands of her hair around, she turned her face in the direction that the sound was coming from. Slowly, the door creaked open and she saw a single hand holding a dark colored bottle make its way into the room. “Hello? Anybody home?” she heard a voice call out and say. The door creaked open even further and the hand was soon accompanied by the appearance of a blonde hair crowned head. The door opened up all the way and her host stepped inside the room. “I hope I’m not disturbing you. Just thought you might enjoy a little something to drink.”

He walked over to Alyse and handed her the bottle. “You wouldn’t happen to have any idea where my clothes have gotten off to, would you?”

“Sure. I dropped them off in the laundry.”

“Oh,” she replied. Alyse turned up the bottle she held and tasted her drink.

“By the way, I just hung up with Jack. He told me to tell you that he was glad that you were here and that he would try to make it over as soon as possible.”

“Really?” Alyse said, her face once again lit up with smiles. “Did he say anything else?”

“Just that I was supposed to see to it that you enjoyed your stay. Hopefully that won’t be too difficult.” He reached out and pulled aside one of the panels of the white towel that she had wrapped around her.

“What are you doing?” she asked him, tilting her bottle up and taking another drink. Alyse watched his roaming eyes taking in the sight of her bare skin as she drank.

“Turns out that’s not all he had to say about you.”

“Is that so?” Alyse replied as she lowered her hand and brushed his away from the towel, allowing the fabric to fall back over her still damp flesh. “Anything I’d be interested in knowing about?” Daren reached up and removed the bottle she held. He walked over to the sink and sat it down on top of the porcelain. “Hey. I wasn’t finished with that.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, turning back to face her. “Should I apologize?”

Alyse moved over to where he was standing. “Only if you don’t plan on returning it.” Attempting to reach around him for the bottle, Alyse felt him take hold of her by the wrist.

“Sure there isn’t some other form of libation that I could interest you in?”

“Plenty. But for now I’ll settle for this.”

He released his hold on her and Alyse reached for the bottle, taking it up in her palm.

“I can’t tell you how sorry I am to hear that.” He leaned forward off of the sink and went for the bathroom door, moving through it and out into the hallway.

Alyse took another drink from the bottle and started after him. She followed him through the hallway and continued to stay at his back as he moved out of the corridor into an adjacent room. He stopped walking and Alyse continued on past him toward the couch on the wall opposite the door. He watched her take a seat and continued to stare in her direction as she lifted her eyes to him while turning up the bottle again. He took up moving again and continued on through the room until he came to another door. Watching him open it, Alyse leaned forward on the couch. “You’re not staying?” she said to him.

“A few odds and ends that require my attention. Shouldn’t keep me too long. Feel free to make yourself at home.”

He continued on through the doorway and Alyse soon found herself sitting alone in the room. No matter. She took another drink from her bottle and turned her attention to the floor model television on the wall to her right. The remote was lying on the seat cushion next to her. Alyse picked it up and activated the devise while taking another sip of her drink. The time continued to tick by as she channel surfed and emptied her bottle of its contents. Jack had yet to make an appearance at the home and her host had for some reason neglected to return from whatever chores he was attending to.

Still clicking the buttons of the remote she held, Alyse began to notice a very familiar sensation beginning to build in the area just below her waist. She had no idea whether it was her eager anticipation for Jack’s arrival that was causing it or the contents that she had emptied from the hollowed out bottle that rested on down on the carpet next to her bare feet. The rest of her body had since air dried from her time spent in the shower but Alyse had yet to catch sight of the clothing that she had discarded before partaking in such an event, nor of her gracious host who had so politely liberated his bathroom floor of the garments. She began to squirm in the seat that she sat in. Her anxiety soon built to the point that she was compelled to rise from the couch and start out in search of the kindly gentleman that had once saw fit to leave her to her own devises within the confines of his home.

Alyse rounded corner after corner. She paced down one corridor after the next in search of her host and after taking a peek inside nearly every room that she past she continued to find no sign of him. Entering one of the many rooms that this house appeared to hold, she moved her feet across the plush white carpet as she made her way to the other side of it. She soon came to a stop when she heard someone call out to her. “Well hello there.”

She turned around and got a look at the face that she saw attached to the body resting in the beige lounger at her back. “Hey yourself,” she replied, staring into the face of the individual that she‘d been moving through the expanse of this house in search of. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been in there waiting for you?”

He stood up from the chair and approached her. “Had I known my return was so desperately awaited I promise you I would have thought twice about dallying.” He stepped to the side of the chair and extended his arm down towards the cushion. “Please. Have a seat.”

Alyse walked over to the chair and had a seat. Expecting the man now standing over her to seek out some other place to sit after relinquishing his chair to her, she looked on in confusion as he proceeded to lift the shirt he wore up over his head and drop it to the floor. Once that was done he began working at the simple mechanisms holding up his pants. “Now what?” she asked, watching him push his pants down to the floor.

“Then you’d prefer to be the only one in the room sans her apparel?”

“I have a towel covering me,” Alyse exclaimed.

He walked over to her and slid two fingers down across the top of her left breast. Once his two digits were between her lukewarm flesh and the cloth he pulled his hand back, freeing the previously concealed twin masses that the towel had struggled to keep hidden. There was definitely no hiding them now, nor the desire that she felt surging through her as she used both of her hands to press the collapsed portion of the towel further down between her thighs.

Moving her hands back and pressing the soft bristles of the fabric she held that much closer to the dampening area between her hips, Alyse managed to even further stimulate herself while keeping her eyes locked on the shaft hanging down between his legs. He stepped in closer to where she sat and placed his left hand down on her right shoulder. Alyse’s eyelids spread open even wider and her lower jaw dropped slightly as he took up his slowly stiffening member in his freehand and began slowly stroking the length of it back and forth while holding the swelling tip mere inches away from her reddened lips.

Alyse reached a hand up and clasped hold of the heated end of the meat dangling just in front of her mouth. Gently squeezing her palm around the edge of the bulge, she slowly moved her hand back and forth across the end of him while rubbing her thumb up and down across the slit at the tip. Alyse lifted her eyes up to find his. “Hold it a minute. Does this have anything to do with what Jack had to say to you about me?”

The motion of his stroking hand continued and eventually the shaft that he clutched hold of began to produce a small amount of clear, thick, slick liquid out of the slit that her thumb stroke back and forth across. Once Alyse began to use her thumb to smear the expelled potion of juice around the tip of the swelled solid cock that she continued to hold level with her lips, she felt the pulsating member pulled free of her grip, coupled with the sensation of a hand moving through the thickness of her golden locks of hair.

Her bottom jaw lowered and she placed both of her palms against his abdomen as his hips shifted forward and a hot strip of flesh slid forward across her tongue towards the back of her throat. Alyse closed her soft lips around the hardened mass and used the sealing to create a void of suction. She lowered her left hand and ran it across his skin toward the back of his thigh. Dropping the right one, she placed the outer edge of her index finger and thumb up against her lips as she took hold of him. Her head and the hand that became its extension began to move back and forth to the rhythm of his thrusting hips. When he reached down and placed his palm over her left breast Alyse released her hold on his leg and cupped her hand over his, forcing him to squeeze down harder. She began to produce melody of whimpers and moans around the obstruction that slid back forth across her tongue and continued to plug the opening of her throat.

“I’m afraid I have no idea what it is that you’re talking about.” His words were strained and had to be forced out through his lips. The sound of his voice quickly faded back into a succession of drawn out groans that came at a tempo of one for every three strokes that her lips made down the length of his shaft.

Alyse freed her lips from the pulsating rod that continued to tremble in her palm. She gasped in a breath of air and looked up at him. “But you said you had just spoken…”

Her eyes were soon distracted by the sight of him pulling his hand up and taking hold of the swollen hard piece hanging stiff right in front of her lips. His hand rubbed back and forth at a quick and steady pace across the wetness that she had used her mouth to create. Her ears were suddenly overwhelmed by the sound of each labored grunt that struggled to escape his lips. The fingers of his left hand stroked through her golden bright streaks of hair and moved down across the warm skin composing her left cheek.

Alyse tilted her head down to the side and continued to watch as his fist pumped back and forth. The motion of his left hand began to take it toward the back of her head just as one body warm streak after the next spurted out and splashed across the side of her face. Wrapping a hand around the throbbing piece of thick flesh once more, she greedily took him into her mouth and sucked down hard as her stroking palm replaced the one belonging to him. She was just in time to collect the last few thick coats that he had to offer against the roof of her mouth before the bulge of flesh that she held against the warmth of her tongue softened and slipped from between her lips. She swallowed back and continued to push and pull against the loosening skin.

“Well now. As far as rude interruptions go…”

“Believe me, I couldn’t be more apologetic. Anything I can do to make it up to you?”

Alyse grabbed up the towel that had puddled around her waist and began to stroke the soft fabric across her dampened cheek. “I wouldn’t be all that put off by a chaser,” she said to him. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

“For you, my dear lady.” He gathered up the pile of his discarded clothing from the floor. “It would be no trouble at all.”

Sitting alone in the room, Alyse waited for nearly fifteen minutes for his return but continued to find herself disappointed with each minute that ticked by. Finally, when she could wait no longer, Alyse stood up from the chair, clutched the towel she wore closed around her body, and started off through the house in search of her missing host once more.

Alyse moved through the winding corridors of the home peeking inside room after room until finally the whirring clamor of something huge and clunking caught her attention. She followed the sound of the noise until it led her to a room where she found Daren standing in front of a large washer dryer set.

“Don’t worry,” he said to her. “I just tossed your clothes in the dryer. They should be ready momentarily.”

Alyse continued over in his direction, removing the white towel from her body as she walked. When she was close enough to him she stopped and held the towel up in front of her. “Since you’re already doing the laundry you might want to consider adding this to your next load.”

She watched as his eyes scrolled up and down her nude form. For someone who had only recently finished soaking the inner walls of her cheeks with the wetness that he hadn’t yet left streaming down the side of her face he sure took in the image of her standing there naked before him with and odd sense of wonder and arousal. “I would but I’m afraid that would leave you with nothing else to cover yourself with.”

“Anymore repeat performances like the one we just had and I’m pretty sure I won’t be in need of such luxuries.”

His eyes met hers again. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You’re beginning to sound like a broken record,” Alyse said to him. She let her eyes drop down to the swelling bulge that began to appear in the crotch of the pants he wore. “In more ways than one, I see.”

Tilting his head down and taking notice of what her eyes had fallen on as well as what she was referring to, Daren lifted his head back up and offered her a shy smile. “Sorry. Perhaps I will be requiring the towel after all.”

“I can assure you of that,” Alyse said, dropping her hand and moving closer to where he stood.

“What are you talking about,” he said, his eyes fondling her once more.

She tossed the long strip of cloth she held around the back of his neck and pulled both ends taunt down across his chest. Afterwards she lowered her hands down to his pants and began to undo them. “Did I miss something?”

“Aside from your failure to make a swift return with my drink, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the accommodations that you’ve afforded me so far.” She gripped hold of his warm, hardened shaft and freed it from his pants. Holding him upright, both Alyse and Daren tilted their heads down. She tightened her grip and slowly rubbed her hand up and down the length of the throbbing organ they were staring down at. “Umm,” she said, biting back her bottom lip. “What do you suppose we do about this?”

Daren extended his hand out and wrapped his fingers around the fist that she had made around his hardened flesh. Aiding her in her stroking, he managed to speed up the pace at which her hand moved. “I’m sure I can come up with something.”

“Oh, do tell.”

He placed his hands on both of her shoulders and after staring into her all too pleased eyes he twisted her body sideways towards the dryer that her clothing were currently tumbling about inside of. Alyse leaned forward and placed her hands against the warming metal casing. She stepped her legs apart and was instantly overwhelmed by the sensation of the swelled tip of his stiffened rod rubbing against the slick wet folds covering the opening at the center of her hips.

He rubbed the swollen edge of his cock back and forth against her creaming hole before finally pressing it inside of her. He pushed forward with his hips and quickly pulled back again, freeing himself completely from the hot slick walls of the cavern that she had invited him into. Alyse breathed in a gasp and with his fingers still wrapped around his pole he pushed in again. This time he buried himself further into her, allowing her body to coat three times as much of his penetrating member with its flowing juices as the last time.

Daren wrapped his arm around her waist and Alyse began to gyrate her hips as he used his hand to hold himself in place inside of her. Daren pulled his hips back and freed himself from her body. Staring down at the shape of the two curved hemispheres in front of him, he let a short series of back and forth hand pumps proceed the realigning of his cock with the slit of her cheeks. As he penetrated the crevasse once more Alyse let out a whimper as the warm tip of his swelled member came into contact with the opening of her ass. Her first reflex was to clench it closed tighter but the lubrication already covering his shaft allowed Daren to push into her with no problem.

Alyse’s whimper turned into an outright cry as he continued to slide his meat into her until his balls touched against her cheeks. He reached both of his hands up and took hold of her breasts, pinching and teasing the nipples. His hips remained still and Alyse was left to relish in the sensation of the throbbing rod lodged inside of her and the feeling of the tingle sparking through her as he plucked at her nipples. She moaned as she pushed her hips back harder into him. Reaching around behind her, she slid her hand down the center of her ass until she felt the stiff flesh slide in between her fingers. Daren drew back a little and pushed forward hard, drawing a short quick yelp from Alyse and a groan from his own lips.

He brought his hands down and took hold of her hips. Spreading her cheeks apart, he watched as Alyse began to rub her hand up and down across the soft smooth skin at the center of her ass as his hips started to pound against her. She let out a piercing cry as he once again pushed the entire length of himself into her and held it in place, sandwiching her hand between the prickles of his pubic hair and her ass. He drew back again until she could only feel the tip inside of her. Suddenly she felt the sensation of the outer edge of his fist spanking against the center of her cheeks as he stroked his shaft at a quick pace. It was accompanied by a small tapping noise that his grunts competed with. Alyse moaned and whined as the hot wet fluid began to pump out into her ass. When he pulled himself out completely she felt the splashes begin to fill the warm crevasse that her curves made and start to run down her leg.

When their breathing slowed and she no longer felt him rubbing the soaked tip of his softening stick across the skin of her rear end Alyse looked back over her shoulder at him and said, “Do you mind?” With that he pulled the towel from around his shoulders and handed it to her. “Much obliged,” she replied.

“I know the feeling.”

Daren did up his pants and left the laundry room, leaving a young woman in hysterics in his wake.

Alyse made this particular venture through the home without so much as a stitch covering her. She’d left the towel behind in the laundry room before venturing out in search of her gracious host. He’d really gotten her worked up and when she next found him there was no way that she was letting him slip from her presence without dousing her flame completely.

She returned back to the sitting room that they had once inhabited together. The sight of the chair that she had been sitting in while he shoved his cock in and out of her mouth sent a shudder through her body. Where was he? She opted for the backless couch this time around, stretching her naked body out as she laid down flat on her back. She picked up the television remote from the floor and switched on the console across the room from her. She was instantly greeted with the sight and sound of two stark naked individuals going at it in a fevered frenzy. The only thing that changing the channel accomplished was allowing her to view a different set of couples applying a different approach to assume the means that they sought. Channel after channel. Couple after couple. This was just too much.

Alyse dropped the remote and spread her thighs apart. While staring at the screen and the images it displayed she slid her hand down along her abdomen until her fingers fell into dampness. She spread the creamy folds and pulled back the hood until the moist tips of her fingers located the sensitive nub that she had been so desperate to take hold of. Her hips began to move up and down as she rubbed at an ever increasing pace; the cries and moans emanating from the television egging her on. Reaching up and taking hold of her own breast with her free hand, Alyse managed to let out her own cry of delight as she applied pressure to it. She was almost there. It wouldn’t be long now.

“There you are,” a voice called out, distracting her from her task. Alyse turned her head to the sight of her absentee host. He held up a bottle beside his head and shook it a little. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Would the lady like her drink now?”

“Get over here,” Alyse commanded him. He walked over to the couch and stood over her wearing an all too pleased grin. She let go of the nipple that she was in the process of tweaking and reached her hand up. She palmed the bulge between his legs and gave it a squeeze. “What are you waiting for? Get undressed.”

He did just that and before she knew it his face was buried between her legs and his lapping tongue had replaced the fingers that she had once been working so diligently with. With one hand clutching firmly to one of her heaving breasts and the other wrapped around the back of his head, Alyse bucked her hips up and down at a furious pace. Pressing her thighs further apart with his hands, he used his thumbs to spread open her drenched wet cavern before plunging his tongue in and out of her a few times. Taking her plumped up nub between his lips once more, he drug his heated tongue over it and applied a suction that drew a whining cry out of Alyse. Her body quivered as he sent her careening over the edge of ecstasy.

“Sakes alive! What’s going on in here?”

When Alyse turned her head to the side and saw the identical image of the man whose head she had resting between her legs standing over her she truly believed that she was on the verge of insanity. Perhaps not. Perhaps there really was two of them. Twins. It certainly would explain a lot.

“Damen, I see you’ve met Jack’s friend Alyse.”

“Indeed I have, Daren.” He sat up the couch and cradled her hips, still holding her legs apart and bent at the knees. Alyse watched as he positioned his stiffening prick over her wet opening and began to slowly rub back and forth on it. Their eyes met. “I especially enjoyed getting acquainted with that hot little mouth of hers earlier.”

Reaching down and gently stroking her clit just beneath the bulging head of the member that he played with, Alyse cocked a slight devilish little grin. “That was you?” she said to the grin that he began to display.

“If you think that’s something try cumming in that sweet ass she’s got.”

Alyse turned her head to the side and watched as he finished removing the pants that he had been wearing. Daren. Damen. She’d already forgotten which was which. A short succession of giggles slipped from her lips.

“I might consider taking you up on that,” Damen said.

“Really. You boys are the worst.”

Daren climbed onto the couch and sat behind her head. Reaching down with both of his hand he began to massage and knead her firm breasts, playing with each nipple in turn until he had them both stiff as pebbles. Alyse ran her tongue across her lips as she looked down between the two huge masses at the now rock hard pole that Damen was now rubbing against her moist folds. Alyse reached her hand down further and spread the opening wide for him. “Come on. Stick it in,” she pleaded with him.

Damen lifted his eyes up to his look-alike. “Come on now,” Daren said. “Give the lady what she asked for.”

With her eyes going wide Alyse watched him rear up and come down, plunging the entire length of himself deep down into her before coming right back out with it. She gasped in disbelief as he repeated himself once more, clutching hold of his shaft at the base as he went about teasing her. The two boys giggled in unison. The next time Damen pushed into her he stayed inside, removing his hand and placing them both against the back of her thighs as he started to pound away. Alyse began to cry out and moan as she reached her hand around behind her head and took hold of the cock that she felt stiffening at her back. She imagined that Daren was receiving as much pleasure out of watching her being fucked as she was enjoying the feeling.

He continued to play with her breasts as she stroked him as best she could. “I can’t wait to stuff my cock in that wet hole of yours,” he said to a moaning Alyse. At the sound of his words she reached her hand down and pried her slick lips apart wider, holding her fingers in place as the rod that already occupied her crevasse continued to pound in and out.

“I assure you you won’t be disappointed,” Damen said through his own grunts of pleasure.

“Then perhaps a little something to tide me over in the meantime.”

He stood up from the couch and watched as the Damen slid his slick rod out of Alyse, allowing her to also rise. Damen maneuvered himself into a seated position and held his cock in place as Alyse took a seat in his lap with her back to him. Once Damen was inside of her again she instantly took up bouncing her hip up and down, drawing one groan after the other from his lips. Daren stepped up to her and Alyse took hold of the rigid thing that he presented her with. She looked up at him and after giving her lips a once over with her tongue, she parted them and sucked in the tip before ultimately impaling her mouth on all that he had to offer.

Both Daren and Damen kept up quite the racket while Alyse moaned and whimpered around the obstruction lodged in her throat. She jerked her head back and turned her eyes up to Daren once more, still stroking the rock hard erection that she held. “Do you think you’re about ready to give this hot hole of mine a try?”

“Hey!” Damen cried out in protest. “Whoever said I was finished with it yet?” He continued to hold her by the hips as he moved her body up and down in his lap.

Alyse stopped her motions and sat herself all the way down on him, grinding her hips into him hard as she leaned back and tilted her head to the side to get a look at him. “Oh, come now. You’ve had your fun. Besides. Aren’t you just the least bit curious to see that huge cock of yours go to work on my tight ass?”

Alyse grinded her hips into him even harder, pulling a strained groan from his lips.

“Since you put it that way.”

Alyse attempted to rise only to find herself pulled back as Damen took one last jab into her. The room erupted in giggles. On the next try she made it all the way to her feet. When Damen stood up from the couch Daren stretched his body out down on the cushion. Alyse straddled his waist, hovering over him for a moment before finally lowering her body down. Daren grunted and she whimpered. He took hold of her by the hips as she began to spring up and down off of her legs. He alternated his glances between the bouncing orbs on her chest and the wet nub that she toyed with using both of her hands before the sensations that she was providing ultimately forced his eyelids closed tight.

Damen climbed on the couch behind Alyse and pushed her shoulders forward. Once she was in position Damen wasted little time in parting her curvaceous cheeks and pushing his rod into her, letting out a groan that lasted the entire length that he slid into her. The trio melded into a twisted tangle of pants, moans, gasps, and grunts. Alyse’s body began to go crazy with the flurry of sensations that rushed at it from every conceivable angle when finally the surge of energy that she felt pummeling through each of her filled openings overwhelmed her to the point of combustion. Daren and Damen pounded every last inch of orgasm that she had left out of her with their never ending succession of motion and just when she thought that she couldn’t possibly reach a height that would surpass the one she coasted on now…Jack walked into the room.

Her eyes went wide with shock and the mere sight of him standing there watching her literally take on a twin set of cocks at the same time was enough to send one more quivering wave of lust through the tunnel that Daren ran his meat back and forth through. What were the odds that he would be up for filling her last remaining portal?

“Jaaack…” She barely found the strength to moan out his name.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

He turned and started on his way out of the room.

“Nooo. Jack,” Alyse forced out over her whimpers of pleasure. It was enough to stop him in his tracks and spin him around to face her again.

“It’s okay,” he said to her with the most adorable grin. “We’ll catch up later.” And with that he turned and vanished from the room.

Damen’s increasingly loud groans managed to momentarily distract Alyse from her disappointment. She quickly spun her head around and watched as he furiously pounded into her. He moaned helplessly as his stiffness began to flood the inside of her ass with his seed. He pulled out of her and laid back flat on the couch still breathing heavily. “Unbelievable,” Alyse heard him cry out behind her as she turned her eyes back to Daren.

Alyse propped herself up on her hands and held her hips as stiff as she could while Daren gripped his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass. She looked down at the strain on his face as pounded up into her as hard and as fast as he could. His groans began to come faster as well and she eventually felt him push against her hips with his hands and lift her up off of him. Still whimpering and speaking in moans Alyse grabbed hold of his cock and began pumping up and down on his wet rod at the same rate of speed that he had previously been thrusting it inside of her. Milky white streams of thick fluid began to spurt from the tip and cover his abdomen as Alyse continued to work her hand.

She slowed her actions but had yet to cease her back and forth motion even as she felt him soften in her grasp. When she finally got around to relinquishing the hold that she had on him Daren turned his head to the side and looked all around the room. “You wouldn’t happen to know where that towel got off to, would you?”
© Copyright 2006 Lucidkaos (lucidkaos9 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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