Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1126195-Empty-Room
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1126195
Sorry cannot being able to heal or replace anything that has been said or done. plz R&R

She asked everyday for God to give her strength, but today she needs all the help she could get. Her sandy color hands placed on the sides of head. Her curly brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, showing the blood vessels pulsing just above her temples. She began to get into a routine of rocking, crying, and inhaling deep to not allow the snot to run past her nostrils. Her toned sandy arms tensing up revealing veins. She was in pain physically and mentally. Her beautiful glow was slowly dissipating. How could this happen to her, why now, why her, just plain why.

Everything was ready and strategically set-up for the new arrival, but there no longer would be an addition.

Like a bad dream the image played on loop in her head. Why today did he have to argue with her? Why did she have to taunt him? Why did she mumble the comment she did while leaving his presence. And in a fitted rage he followed her down the hall, gripped her by her hair, forgetting there are other ways to turn someone around to get there attention. He shook her violently. She felt herself loosing her foot placement, her heels over the edge of the cliff that many call steps. She gripped his arms trying to nudge him back, but it only made him more irate.

“Don’t you love me anymore? Can’t you fathom the fact that I love you, and didn’t mean to hurt you? You are the one who pushed me away!” he yelled. As these words fell from his mouth and she glanced into his eyes, she saw nothing there. No soul, no remorse, nothing.

“I pushed you away?” she said, “I gave you everything. My love, my body, my life, the existence of just me became secondary. When I put that ring on my finger we were officially one. But no material object was needed in my heart to let me know that what I feel for you is beyond physical. You were the one who needed more. I did not push you away. You walked.”

His brow began to wrinkle; he tried to squint back the tears of truth. He was no longer residing in his body. A person filled with guilt and anger lived there now. And this angry person decided they had enough and decided it was time to let go.
Her body began to almost float until gravity hit. She tumbled, she rolled, and she landed on her face.

The old person she loved seemed to have come back, rushing to her aid. He began to kiss her forehead. Between each kiss he told her he was sorry and that he loved her. She gripped his shirt pulling him close to her. She was not drawing him near for comfort or love, she was in pain.

He lifted her body and placed her in the car. He drove her to where she would meet mythical black robed figure who takes away from those undeserving of.
The ride back home was the longest twenty minutes. She stared out the window unable to be an active human being, she was now a vegetable.
He on the other hand was still in shock because of his actions. He looked over at her, brushed his hand over her ponytail. He then placed his hand upon her once occupied belly and said I’m sorry.

She looked at him as if what he said was in a foreign language. She removed his hand off her stomach, and then once again shifted herself to stare out the window. Waiting to get home, to visit the room of a person she almost was about to meet, and ask God why?

© Copyright 2006 Latia-Janel (esthertevah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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