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Rated: 18+ · Essay · Satire · #1126035
A brief look into the mind of an African
Everyone believes in something, in a God of some sort, be it some sort of deity, technology, science or art; and even when they choose not to believe something, their agnostic state of mind is still a belief of not believing. This is the same as saying that when there is a choice to make, not choosing anything is still a choice in itself because you choose not to choose.

I have been called a heathen many a times because I do not choose to worship any of the revered Gods of Moses, Noah, Mohammed, and such; the Gods that are depicted in many of the world’s leading religious scriptures. I am what they call a non-believer because I do not bow down to the God that governs many of my fellow human’s minds. I am often asked if I believe in a God and the answer is always “yes”, but when I am asked which religion I belong to, I say that I belong to a religion that is not a religion.

Thus, my title of non-believer, because I choose not to take part in this mockery our earth calls religion. Why do I shun this way of life that has given many a people salvation? Why do I spit in the face of the “holy”? Who do I think I am that I should blaspheme so violently?

The answer to that is as offensive, yet as lacking in malice, as the abominable sight of a deformed baby; and the answer is: I AM GOD. Yes, I am the Lord, your Savior, which many of you are aimlessly searching for; which some of you have had a grasp of to only have Him or Her slip through your buttered fingers.

Why would I worship something when I am that great something? Have you ever heard of a king bowing down to himself? If I am to be likened to anyone, it would have to be Narcissus, for he was cursed to worship himself, but unlike Narcissus, I do not think of myself as superior to other entities that have the honor of having life course through their beings; be it plant, crawling or walking creature, because I am connected to all that is alive, and I go as far as saying that not only am I connected to anything and everything, but I AM all that lives, lived and shall live.

Many have cursed me to hell because of my heathen beliefs, and they could be right because every man or woman, in history, that has spoken these words, declaring themselves God, has been rebuked by their brothers and sisters and then ultimately crucified, for the world perceives it as sinful to consciously love oneself unconditionally.

The God in which many of you believe in is a cowardly, little fool and I will not be part of it; and if we believe in one God, then you have turned him into a mockery and a cuckold. What God, with all knowing power and wisdom, would give us free will to later limit us with Laws or restrict us with the renowned Ten Commandments? It would be a God of many shortcomings indeed because it would mean that He/She is either a sadist or a blundering idiot to give us a key to every door to only command us not to open them.

It is said that His words were altered to imprison us in a system of control that masqueraded as spiritualism, and such accusations do not seem so farfetched to me because in my heart of hearts, when I read the book of Deuteronomy, when the self-righteous Christians were trying to convert me, I did not feel that the words spoken in this book were commandments, but instead signs and teachings of an ideal way of life. Because when I read:

“Do not kill” I felt that if it were my God speaking, he would have said, “You may kill if you so wish, but be aware of the consequences that follow, because many things foul stem from smothering the right of another to live; but you will know that you are much closer to godliness when you “do not kill”.

When I read:

“Do not steal” I felt that if it were my God that spoke, he would have said. “You may steal if it so serves you, but be aware that there are negative consequences that may follow, and know that by thus choosing to steal, you also choose the foul results that stem from stealing; but know that you are much closer to godliness when “you do not steal”.

And so on, and so on.

Thus, the reason I shall not be a Christian fool and follow the orders of the real blasphemers who pose as men of God, and be a puppet to someone’s carefully laid mind-control plans, is because I feel that to worship a fool is to be a fool. Instead, I shall praise myself and those that honor me with their kindness of giving me a healthy mind, body and spirit (if that is me, I shall worship myself accordingly; and if that be someone or something else, that will be my God).

I would rather worship the fruit I eat than worship the God of the Christians and Muslims, or any God of an organized religion, because the fruits give me life while these Gods kill me slowly like a deadly, gluttonous virus by putting me in shackles of spiritual slavery. I would rather worship the man I meet in the street than these Gods because my fellow humans acknowledge my existence, thus giving me instant life, rather than worship a make-shift God that tells me that I was born a sinner, deformed in the spirit and less alive, when I was in actual fact born balanced and without fault.

I will rejoice in the salvation of love, beginning with the love of self, then the love of others, followed by the love of the universe and all that is in it. I will not walk in a man-made synagogue or temple, but instead I will pray on top of a high mountain, my natural place of worship, that cannot be burned or moved by mere mortal hands, and pray to the beauty around me with gratitude for its creation.

I will honor my elders, and do all that the Ten Commandments command us to do, but not because I obey, but because I choose to do what best serves my goal of fulfilling the desire of being WHO I AM; and most of all, I will call myself God without fear or regret because I am not a product of a lunatic God and I am not ashamed of what I am. Instead I will call myself God because I am a part and extension of the Almighty, a limb of the Alpha and Omega and the hand of the Yin-Yang. Yes! I am the dichotomous, limitless, lovely, eternal and godly… Unmoved Mover.

Can I hear an Amen!
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