Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1124839-The-Experiment
by Ed.
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1124839
What would Pirates do?
This was made by me a few months ago, and has only been seen by some select people.Because they were friends of mine, they may have been nicer than they should have. Criticise well, people!


The Experiment

Well, this is my first piece of Metroid Fan Fiction. It's set during Metroid Prime, so you'll have to have played the game to understand some of it. Other than that, read, hopefully enjoy, and tell me what you think!

Oh yeah, the legal stuff... Let's see... anything related to Metroid Prime, Nintendo, or anything else that I'd thought I'd made up but it turns out I haven't is the property of whoever owns the rights to whatever it is I've typed here. This includes locations, objects, characters, and any history I put in.

Right, that should cover it, now on with the story!


-Data transmission from Tallon IV-
-Subject: The disappearance of Samus Aran-
-Data compiled from Power Suit and Space Pirate logs-

It had been a long trek to the Phendrana Research Station, but it had been worth it. Samus had found a mine of information within the complex, and confirmed that the pirates were definitely in the area. Still, there was a lot to do. For one thing, there was some stuff to be picked up around here somewhere, and for another the pirates were still around, which was never good. Samus couldn't leave until either all the pirates were dead, or the station was a burnt out shell. Of course, there was still the small matter of Ridley's existence, but that would have to wait.

As Samus entered the Research Core, the power (and, more importantly, the lights) went out. Samus wasn't worried. This kind of thing had happened before, and she was still alive. All she had to do was consult her map and find the exit. "Right, so I go up he-AAAIIIEEE!!!" she screamed, as an electrical charge hit her back. Her shield sparked, trying to block the charge, but it overloaded the generator. Meanwhile, the current, conducted through Samus' Power Suit, was coursing throughout her body. Within seconds, she was out cold on the floor. "Not bad, kid," said a low, hissing voice. "Now, get back on duty. Ms. Aran and I have business to attend to..."

When Samus woke up, she noticed that for some reason she was inside what looked like the Pirate Frigate, but was different, mainly because it had a lot of purple rock for walls. "W-where am I?" she asked. "Ah, good, you're awake," said a voice behind her. She tried to turn round, and in doing so realised that she was floating in water. She looked down and noticed that she was also completely naked. "Don't worry about that," said the Pirate Scientist who she was now facing, seeing her try and cover herself up, "we aren't interested in that. No, what we're interested in is your genetic potential. To answer your previous question, you're under the surface of Tallon IV. I can't say more than that because I'm not sure where we are either. All I know is that we won't be disturbed." "Wh-who are y-you?" stuttered Samus. "Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that. Always important to identify oneself, isn't it? Well, I'm Doctor Seranic, head of the Space Pirate Research Team, Zoological Division. Normally that would mean I'd have to sit around and read reports while the more junior members had all the fun, but High Command said they needed the head of department for a job like this, and so I thank you Samus for giving me the chance to enjoy my work." To Samus, this did not sound good. The idea that he would be "having fun" did not appeal to her. "W-what are y-you g-goi-ing to do to m-me?" she asked. "Ah, well, I think you probably already know the answer to that. It was you who broke into our frigate, wasn't it? No doubt you saw what was happening there..." Samus paled. She had seen what they were doing there, and she knew that it definitely was not something she wanted to have happen to her. "Anyway, we here at Elite Research thought it might be interesting to see the effects of that little process on a more complex being. After all, who knows what we might end up with if we try our hand at a bit of genetic manipulation?" "B-but w-why?" sobbed Samus. "So we can study the nature of this amazing chemical!" Seranic's voice had changed. No longer was it a low hiss, now it was an excited cry. "Don't you realise what we could do with this material? With it, we could create all manner of beings to help us achieve our goals! But we need to find out how to use it properly, and, more importantly, how it will affect more complex organisms. So far, we have only studied small creatures, life forms that live on the planets surface, a well as some experiments on volunteer Pirates. However, such tests were inconclusive, as these creatures were not strong enough to survive. But now, with you here, we can proceed with our research!" He walked over to the monitor, and Samus cried for her own fate as she realised what was about to happen. "Computer," spoke the scientist, "begin Phazon infusion..." Samus watched as the blue substance crept down a tube in the tank, which she noticed was implanted in her arm. As the fluid, which was obviously Phazon, entered her bloodstream, she screamed in agony as a burning pain began to track the progress of the Phazon. As it spread, both the pain and her screams intensified. When she felt the fluid begin working its way towards her head, she felt as if her head was being pushed from within until the Phazon reached her brain and she blacked out completely...

"Phazon infusion complete," beeped the computer. "Excellent..."

Samus woke up, still in the tube and still naked. However, she felt somehow different, as if she was heavier or something. She looked at her arms and saw what had happened. Her muscles were far bigger than they had used to be, and her skin glowed slightly blue. “Must be the effect of the Phazon,” she muttered. “Good, you’re awake, Ms. Aran,” said Seranic, now back to his more sinister self. “It’s a good thing you have woken up. You’ve been out for the last three weeks.” “Three weeks?!?!” exclaimed Samus. “Yes. We were going to declare you terminated today. We would have before, if it weren’t for the fact that your heart was still beating. Now, let’s see what’s happened here… Hmm… There’s obviously been an increase in general mass, but I can’t be exact from here. I guess I’ll have to do this properly. Computer, activate restraint sequence.” Instantly Samus was grabbed by several robotic arms, which restricted all her movements. “Computer, transport subject from holding tank to operating table.” Samus’ eyes widened in fear. Operating table? What was he going to do? “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I just need to make a few measurements. Let’s see… I’ll need a blood and tissue sample,” he said, inserting a needle into her arm and simultaneously cutting some skin from her leg. “Now, for the measurements. Well, muscle mass has doubled. These are good results indeed. Now, Samus, if you would be so kind as to punch the steel slab in front of you.” Samus remained motionless. “Please do not make me shock you,” he said, reaching for a button on the table. Quickly, Samus punched the board. A sound like a church bell rang out, and there was a small dent in the steel. “Hmm, not quite up to strength standards, then. Very well. Computer, replace subject in holding tank and begin Phazon infusion.” Once again Samus screamed as the Phazon travelled through her body, and once again blacked out as it entered her mind.

A few days later, Seranic was at a video conference with High Command. “So, how goes the experiment, Doctor?” “Well, preliminary results show an increase in general size and strength, but not as great as in Trooper test subjects. Thus, I have decided to continue with the infusion in the hope of obtaining better results.” “Excellent. How is the test subject herself?” “Not too bad. She seems to be coping well, although there has been an unexpected side effect.” “Which is?” “Well, I believe some sort of genetic mutation has occurred, resulting in a change to the subjects cells. However, I do not know what the cause was exactly, although I believe it is most likely due to the Phazon. I’m still running tests on the subjects DNA.” “Very well. Proceed with your research, Doctor. Connection Terminated.”

Back in the lab, Seranic analysed Samus’ blood while she floated in the tank, asleep. He recognised the traces of Phazon immediately, and the effects it had caused, and so was happy in the knowledge that everything was going as it should. Pleased, he decided to celebrate a little, and made his way to his quarters to invite his few friends round for a drink.

Samus opened her eyes. After a few seconds to let her head clear, she remembered what had happened. “F***,” she swore, as the thought of what the Pirates were doing to her came to mind. She looked down at herself. As well as the increase in muscle size like last time, something else had happened. Her skin had lost the blue tinge and was now more brown. Her fingers had also elongated slightly. Suddenly she whipped round as she heard a door open, before the Pirate responsible had even entered. “Hang on,” she thought, “I’m fast, I know, but I was never that fast. What’s going on?” “You’re awake? So soon? Why, it’s only been a week since your last infusion. You must be getting more used to the Phazon. Well then, we can begin earlier than scheduled. Excellent. I’ll just go and get my tools.” “That is definitely not good,” thought Samus. “I have to get out of here! But how?” The scientist came back, this time carrying a few needles and several vials, as well as a scalpel. “Computer, restrain subject and move from holding tank to operating table.” The computer complied, and once again Samus was placed upon the steel work surface. “Now, this is interesting. You seem to have changed quite a bit compared to before, Ms. Aran. Anyway, on with the measurements. So, muscle mass has increased by 50%… A bit of a drop on last time, isn’t it? But what’s this? Fingers have grown by 5%, have they? Well, this was unexpected. Also, skin seems to have darkened. And now for the blood,” he said, inserting a needle into her leg, “and the skin,” as he took a sample from her chest. “Now for the strength test.” Once again Samus’ arm was unlocked, and the steel board was presented to her. However, instead of punching it, she started to push against the trolley she was on. As her muscles flexed and her bonds began to crack, Seranic spoke. “Oh no, Ms. Aran, we can’t have you doing that…” Quickly he pushed the red button on the table. A thousand volts of electricity coursed through Samus’ body, and she was rendered instantly unconscious. “Hmm… well, she’s certainly stronger. Computer, transfer her to Elite Research holding bay, and administer another Phazon infusion, but increase the amount by 5%.”

Samus woke up with a severe headache. She had felt like this only once before, and that had been when Ridley had knocked her through a wall. “Oww…” she groaned. She opened her eyes, and saw that she was in a different room, with more tanks in it. She looked towards the one on the left, and saw a sight that made her scream out loud. There was a giant, misshapen being in there! It had the head of a Space Pirate, but its body was far larger than that of any normal Pirate ever was. As she looked closer, Samus saw that it gave off a pale blue light. “That must be Phazon… These Pirates have been infused with Phazon, just as I have! Speaking of which…” Samus looked down at herself. As always, her muscles had increased in size, and her skin had thickened and turned even darker. Her fingers had grown longer, and now seemed to have claws on the end.

The Doctor entered the room. “Well, this is an unexpected surprise. I didn’t expect anything like this…” “What are you talking about?” she said. Her voice sounded different, deeper. “Well, it appears as if you are taking on some of the characteristics of the Chozo.” “The Chozo…” Samus’ mind wandered. How could that happen? She wasn’t related to them… “Tell me, do you have any Chozo DNA in you?” “N-.” Suddenly she remembered. She did have Chozo blood in her, so she could use the Power Suit. “Y-yes…” “Well, that would probably explain what’s happened. Clearly the Phazon has caused it to have an effect on your body… See how your hands have grown, and your face has lengthened…” “What!?!? What are you talking about!” “Oh, you haven’t seen that? Here, take a look.” He lifted a mirror in front of Samus’ face, and she saw how it had lengthened slightly. She also saw her body, far wider than it used to be, with its broad shoulders and wide chest. The only things that showed her to be a woman where her hair and her breasts, which still showed, barely. “Y-you m-monster!” she sobbed. “Y-you’ve made me into a f-freak!” “Hardly. I’ve made you into a warrior, not a freak. You have far greater strength than you ever had before, a lightning fast mind, and unrivalled reactions and skill. You are not a freak, but our greatest weapon!” “W-what?” “Yes, you will help us conquer the Federation, and realise our dreams! With you and Ridley, no one will be able to stop the Space Pirates, no one at all!” “And i-if I d-don’t w-want to h-help you?” “Well, you don’t really have a choice. Computer, secure subject and transfer her to operating theatre XV-22.”

When Samus arrived in the theatre, she was secured face down to the table. “Now, Ms. Aran, this may hurt a bit, but soon you won’t feel anything at all…” Samus screamed in agony as a saw began to cut into the back of her head. When it stopped, the doctor reached for a microchip on the desk. “With this, you will be ours…” he said. He placed the chip on Samus’ brain. She let loose an ear splitting scream, and was lost forever…

So, what do you think? Slightly odd ending, I know, but I think it’s about time something like this happened. After all, where’s the fun in having Samus win all the time?

© Copyright 2006 Ed. (ervanremoh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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