Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1124698-Vampires-Revenge-2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1124698
Who's Terith, I wonder? We shall find out who falls where...
*~Chapter 2~*
"Hello, Trixie. What brings you to this cursed place?"
"Oh, no reason really..." She lied, "Though I wouldn't mind a drink, if Jager would ever get back." Terith's eyes flashed at the mention of Jager. Trixie noticed he was wearing his usual black slacks, black button up dress shirt, and his ebony combat boots. He also had his floor-length cloak about his shoulders. His left wrist donned a golden snake bracelet, like the one Jager has, snaking up to his elbow. He ran his right hand through his long, midnight hair.
"Why the hell are you still hanging out with THAT damned fool?"
"Because, my dera friend, he'll be of use to us in the future," She chuckles, "But enough of him. How have you been, dear?" He sighed and sat in a near by chair,
"Not well, not well at all. Everyone seems to be after this damn thing," he glared at the snake, "But HAH! Good luck getting it you damnable creatures..." Trixie, at this point, was deeply confused,
"What's so special about that wretched thing?" He looked at her blankly,
"You..You don't know?"
"Know what, exactly?" Terith sighed as Jager came back with some drinks.
"Here you are, love." He hands her the drink.
"Thank you, slow poke," She nudged him playfully. She then took a deep drink of her drink from the velvety substance. She slowly swallowed it and let the liquid flow through her veins. She smiled and looked at the two boys. She sent a mental message to Terith saying,
"Tell me soon. I want to know okay?" She saw a smile play on his lips as he whispered back,
"Alright..." Jager scowled at Terith and stalked off into the crowed. Terith smirked and watched him leave, "He's scared of me, I know it." Sora half smiled and scooted closer to Terith,
"So, that snake, what's so special about it?" Terith took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair.
"Hope you have a few hours..."
"Oh, I have all night. Don't leave anything out.." She leaned forward and glued her eyes on him.
"Well, this snake, the gold one, grants immortality. Even though people say we're immortal, that's not entirely true. We don't age, so we can't die like that, but we CAN die from wounds. But with this snake, you can't. It heals wounds, like, one hundred times faster than vampire blood. Body limbs can't be cut off, so this snake is pretty much mine forever." He took another deep breath and continued, "The silver snake, the one Jager has, grants increased strength, agility, and intelligence. That's why he's so hard to catch. Anyway, there's a bronze one out there, and it grants fire, ice, lightning, wind, water and all sorts of powers like that. But, unfortunately, no one knows where it is..." Trixie's eyes flared slightly at this last sentence,
"Really? No one at all?"
"No body at all."
"Uh-huh. Well that wasn't a long story, you said it'd take hours."
"I'm not done y--" He suddenly stopped and his eyes darkend, and seemed to stare right through Trixie. He growled,
"What the hell do you want, Jack? I told you to stay away from my territory!" The new vampire chuckled maliciously,
"Like I'm going to listen to a child like you! You cannot match my power!" Terith hissed and stood up,
"How dare you mock me, you old fool! Have you forgotten about this!?" He flashed his wrist to Jack, along with the middle finger. Jack smirked,
"Of course I haven't. But if you think that will keep me away, think again." He realized Trixie was staring at him, "What do you want, wretch?"
"Nothing, old man, just admiring your necklace..." She smiles innocently and he scowls, glaring a hole through Terith while speaking to Trixie,
"What is your name, girl?"
"Trixie Lynn Silver." She says curtly. Jake hisses at her,
"Don't get sassy with me, girl. He stares at the golden snake, "So, Terith, you think you're invulnerable now?"
"I know I am. You know it too!" Jake chuckles and dissapears.
"Coward!" Terith calls to where Jake was standing. Trixie sighed and Jagger reappears infront of her,
"We're leaving, Trixie." She frowns,
"Why? I'm having fun."
"Because, dear," He puts an emphasis on "dear,"It's almost morning, and YOU need to get home," He scowls at her slightly,
"Damn!" She jumps off and darts out of the club, down the alley, across the street and into her house...
© Copyright 2006 Elizabeth (moonlit_angel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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