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one of my first outings... |
THE INTERIOR by Matthew Middleton (2002) SCENE ONE - SHORT POORLY DRESSED MAN IN TIE TAKES CARD OUT OF ATM MACHINE. HE IS MUTTERING TO HIMSELF, PEOPLE WALK PAST AND GLANCE AT HIM IN AN ANGRY YET CONCERNED MANNER..HE THEN AWKWARDLY TURNS TO THE CAMERA, AND BEGINS SOLILIQUY I They want me, and they got me. We children and our masters the fine men and women of this land. My bones came up all see through. My brain and muscles came up crystal. They wanted to sew my mouth shut. They were gonna cut my tounge out. They were gonna gag me and hack me up and dispose of me. Just a young fuck. So, you got me. And with each infantile drunken stagger down the good streets of the good town I register the public distaste and catalogue it. I re-wire the curses directed at me and make sure they are plunged deep into the subconcious of their author.But yeah, they still got me - and when they do what they got to, every human who wishes not to know, will. II The stink of the righteous village cakes up my under-worked thighs. Thickened eyes scratch against the caged headlines that become the memory banks of tommorow. The trance of commerce and it's foetid work-wheels throttle me. My head darts like that of a fly's, a network of organic fiber-optic cable zooming in and out like a spy-cam. I discern between pleasing and repulsive. A woman passes and her face buckles in confusion. The cops flank me at any oppurtunity. Hands in pocket. The righteous village -- my bedroom....my toilet. My carcass weaved towards it's destination like polarized magnets. I had killed the righteous village - skinned it - turned it inside out - making sure those who thought never wanted to 'go out'. Cold blue eyes rose up from the pavement and curse me. They belonged to a child - taught from a young age to despise the poor. They want me out - the gangs, the concerned parents, the rich, the happy, the get-ahead, the tax-payers ----the righteous. I was the walking dead. Dead to the world. I would not participate, I would not contribute - neither money, nor time, nor blood III Some would call it obsession, and they would be right. They always are right, for they are the righteous. And their surrounds cradle their righteousness. The soup was too salty. Several more walks had taken place since we last talked. Each time, a calcified half-human would appear, and perform a mating ritual to an invisible audience. On arrival at portal 1, without fail, she would appear. By now the meals had digested themselves. She would appear, all fat and ugly - mystery [obvious] odours as her ethereal familiars and eyes all post-stroke slashing throats. Sometimes she would ask for assistance, but most of the time, the hideous hag would do what she was meant to -keep her dirty mouth shut. We had had her there at portal one for a few weeks now. We weren't going to take her off the machine until our team had completed 'the transaction'. As uncomfortable as it was - we all knew she was happy. She had always longed for bondage. Me and Maurice locked the doors at portal one. The pin : 8-000554 - 56833uux - uix] : We had an afternoon to kill. I glanced at the PDA - portal one, superconductor, record, senator, amyloid contract, resurrection, 'party'.. Me and Maurice took to the street, he disappeared a second later. I walked further. Eyes. Backward Righteous Village. The were calling me a retard. They were right. Only a retard would stick around this country for long. With each step my co-ordination faltered. A down-grade with each eccentric jerk down the street. The wrong hormones flooded my system. I slammed into a business-man. I didn't apologize, I lurched at him. Ï struck him in the face and neck. He gagged and reached for his mobile. I struck him again in the face. He had no real time to respond. My hands decided to strangle him. He was a fan. Beat up your fans. Kill a dear, kill your dearest. What is nearest is dearest. Make sure you have sealed every opening. For we must and we do. I wanted the business to fail. I wanted to try real hard. I had access to all departments. All the scenery counted for nothing. It was just me in there - Howard Love - how could one man be so wrong. the IIII IV This Wretched YANKED me outta me cupboard and slashed a gag outta FUCK. You sutch and damn good when no-one coon right no more 'cos theres no NEED. Was told to simmer the superconductors and ire hire. Such a good long dark recess. Such a fettered hack. Sharp plumbers. We need to sit down and THINK for a minute. On the line, MAN. V .......developed by Air Products to provide an economical alternative for achieving cryogenic temperatures without using liquids. Displex cryostats are now field proven in many different applications. A special feature of the Displex design is the pneumatically buffered displacer which greatly minimises vibration making the Displex particularly suitable for reseach applications. The DE-204 is the standard Displex cryostat with range from 10 K to 350 K. The DE-204N is a modified version of the two stage Gifford-McMahon refrigerator. This inexpensive modification results in a 6.5 K bottom out temperature and higher capacity at 10 K You Write in different ways to different people. This JOB. This JJJaaaauuuubbbbbbbhhhhhhh. TTTTThhiss JJJJJJJwwwwaaaaaaaauuuuuuuubbbbbbbhhhhh ================================================= ALTERNATIVE WORK LOG 001 001 LOG IN REPORT ---- :NEW ZEALAND - LAND OF THE OPPURTUNITY LOST HOWARD LOVE: "Sometimes, as was ordinary, and as was, the shut ups and up-fucks and the country can fester.FESTER. From this post, I dismemeber the individual sociological trade-off molecular strain by molecular strain. The meal has been eaten, and the meal has been fermented and the meal has been melted down into hard plasma silicate. I now have this sytem under my fucking fingertips. Call me want you want you fucking motherfuckers. I'm sick of it all and my misanthropy is %100 warranted. Radio Pacific will not let me 'talk'. Fuck them." sEX IN THE cITY: Front Desk Report March 2002 HOWARD LOVE: " She appears. Glistening, eyes rendering victims to charcoal. Simple talk. Simple men. Simple souls puckered and puked. Hoff and Starky, slack-jawed bank-robbers took lovers over enlarged bill-cakes. Hoff and Starky, wife-hunting, networking, they wanted whores. Hoff punched in the numbers. Hoff and Starky had orgies in mind. They had the space, and they had the money. Relief. UN style relief packages. Medical plastics and Medical gases. Long African-sized dildos. Resistant Protein. Frisson and Electromagnetic fuck-stalks. " ELITE CONSULTANCIES LTD STAFF::::: ------------------------ Theodore Resistant - CEO Hoff and Starky - Mail Howard Love - CFO ----------------- Mission Statement/Letter of Intent ---------------------------------- Stage One : EMPIRE CREATION --------------------------- Bridling fresh and enquiring minds we come to form this enterprise: ELITE CONSULTANCIES LTD. Our mission is a simple yet challenging one; to efficiently siphon relevant data from the intellectual monster known as the internet, to collate it in new and interesting ways, and to utilize our collective knowledge to provide solutions, advice and perhaps even support to our clients. There is no 'ulterior motive' behind ELITE CONSULTANCIES LTD. Our leader does not belong to any coprporate body, religious or political organization - we are simply young scientists and scholars. The client simply phones the ELITE CONSULTANCIES hotline, and submits his/her query. Our unconvential approach to data, it's collation and it's eventual delivery should proove both exciting and even entertaining to the client. Everything is above board and we have no malice in our minds. So without further ado - welcome to Earth : ELITE CONSULTANCIES LTD -------------------------------------------------------------------- On Air Áêïýóôå ôïí AlphaNews online ALPHA News ÁÑ×ÉÊÇ ÓÅËÉÄÁ | ÅÃÃÑÁÖÇ | Åðéêïéíùíßá Anews | Ôáõôüôçôá Ðñüãíùóç êáéñïý ÎÝíïò ôýðïò Subject Date Size matt middleton direc... (none) Mar 21 1k Customer Care Your profile has been approved! Mar 21 2k New Zealander Single... Welcome Aboard and Thanks Mar 21 2k matt middleton direc... Re: Fwd: Fw: Final Announcement Mar 21 28k CTHEORY EDITORS Article 105- The Image Matrix Mar 20 26k The Interior ELITE CONSULTANCIES LTD Mar 20 3k matt middleton direc... DEAN ROBERTS SHALL BE DESTROYED Mar 17 1k - Crude - Re: Crude again Mar 17 1k Campbell Kneale APOLOGY Mar 17 5k matt middleton direc... (none) Mar 16 1k Matt Middleton MONEY Mar 16 1k The Anals RE: send us yer web page adress Mar 14 1k Ian Thomas re: other gibberish, redux Mar 13 8k matt middleton direc... post-soviet culture study guide Mar 13 1k matt middleton direc... music industry glossary :my rights! Mar 13 12k UIX PROJECT RESISTANT PROTEIN AD Mar 13 1k The Interior Sex in the City : Front Desk Report. Mar 13 2k eBCA Community Membe... .US Web Addresses: online brand protection fo... Mar 12 8k Richard Brodie Virus of the Mind: the song Mar 12 2k Thomas Phillpotts Re: Address Mar 10 2k Ian Thomas Fw: a press inquiry and other gibberish... Mar 10 4k Bruce Edmonds JoM-EMIT: vol. 6 issue 1 March 2002 now out Mar 8 2k artshop@a16.nnov.ru Collector's Choice Fine Art 9268 Mar 8 3k D Rone the Incisions vs the D4 Mar 7 1k matt middleton direc... (none) Feb 28 1k Loren Teague The New Zealand Writers' Website - March 2002... Feb 28 21k Loren Teague The New Zealand Writers' Website - March 2002... Feb 28 21k matt middleton direc... (none) Feb 27 1k Bruce Edmonds JoM-EMIT's new URL: jom-emit.cfpm.org Feb 26 2k Bruce Edmonds New JoM-EMIT paper: Gatherer - "The Spread of... Feb 25 4k The Interior (none) Feb 21 3k matt middleton direc... (none) Feb 21 1k matt middleton direc... electronic links Feb 9 1k matt middleton direc... biz reply example Feb 4 1k matt middleton direc... subscription offers Feb 2 1k matt middleton direc... matt middleton media :subscriptions Feb 2 1k matt middleton direc... news links Feb 2 1k matt middleton direc... auto response to catalogue enquiries Feb 2 1k The Interior (none) Feb 1 3k Ian behold The Wire review! Jan 21 3k matt middleton direc... --- Jan 20 1k The Interior (none) Jan 20 2k The Interior (none) Jan 20 2k matt middleton direc... Fwd: my, key, universal, trademark, brands Jan 14 1k Ôé Ýãñáøå ï îÝíïò ôýðïò Ðñüãñáììá Ôï ðñüãñáììá ôïõ AlphaNews Åßðáí óôïí 98,7 Íüôçò ÌáõñïõäÞò (ÓõíèÝôçò) Ìå áöïñìÞ ôéò åêðïìðÝò ôýðïõ Big Brother & Bar ÓõíÝíôåõîç ÓõíÝíôåõîç ÄÏÊÉÌÁÓÔÉÊÇ ËÅÉÔÏÕÑÃÉÁ Äåëôßï åéäÞóåùí You Write A Letter Like This One? Answer "Yes," and you will be in big demand, earning great money, writing a few hours a day, from anywhere in the world you choose to live... Dear friend, Take a good look at this letter... Then ask yourself, "Could I write a letter like this one?" If you answer "yes," you could be making a lot of extra money -- and leading a very different life than you are now. You see, if you have just very basic writing skills, you can easily learn what it takes to become a successful, highly paid copywriter. You'll be in constant demand. You could make $50,000 to $100,000 a year -- or more. And you'll have the freedom to live and work anywhere in the world you choose... You'll be living the "writer's life" -- and being very well paid for it. In a minute, I'll tell you exactly how you can do it. But first, let me tell you a little story... For many years I bounced around from BIOMATHEMATICAL CONTROL MECHANISM ID 350202 Stats - Earnings Anomie! ID 350206 Stats - Earnings RESISTANT PROTEIN ID 386320 Stats - Earnings CRUDE ID 386322 Stats - Earnings SICK BAY ID 386324 Stats - Earnings Thee Aesthetics ID 386327 Stats - Earnings The Sekretariat ID 386328 Stats - Earnings Community Announcements molecular_beam Moderator Fri 22/02 2k Welcome to molecular_beam microrequest Moderator Fri 22/02 1k Welcome to microrequest vectorCalculus Moderator Fri 22/02 1k Welcome to vectorCalculus Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Fri 22/02 7k Re: [EMHL] Which is this cubic? Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Fri 22/02 5k Re: [EMHL] The pedal triangles of Ia, Ib, Ic Boutte Gilles Fri 22/02 7k Re: [EMHL] A Teixeira article on cubics (and quartics) ndergiades Fri 22/02 5k [EMHL] Re: The pedal triangles of Ia, Ib, Ic Boutte Gilles Fri 22/02 5k Re: [EMHL] Which is this cubic? Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Fri 22/02 4k Re: [EMHL] Oene Bottema Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Fri 22/02 4k [EMHL] Triangle construction given B-C, m_a, bc PharmaceuticalSector@ yahoogroups.com Fri 22/02 4k Pharmaceutical Sector New poll for PharmaceuticalSector Dick Klingens Fri 22/02 4k RE: [EMHL] Oene Bottema Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Fri 22/02 5k Re: [EMHL] Oene Bottema Antreas P. Hatzipolakis Fri 22/02 5k [EMHL] Oene Bottema Hyacinthos Moderator Fri 22/02 1k Welcome to Hyacinthos Yahoo! Groups Notification Fri 22/02 2k Request to join Hyacinthos approved artrockrevival@ yahoogroups.com Fri 22/02 4k [artrockrevival] Digest Number 89 PharmaceuticalSector Moderator Thu 21/02 2k Welcome to PharmaceuticalSector BehavioralNeuroscience@ yahoogroups.com Thu 21/02 27k [BP/BNnews] Digest Number 483 artrockrevival@ yahoogroups.com Thu 21/02 4k [artrockrevival] Digest Number 88 Matt Middleton Thu 21/02 2k [none] noise-commando@ yahoogroups.com Thu 21/02 4k [noise-commando] Digest Number 216 F.I.S. News Wed 20/02 4k F.I.S at TONIC Sat.Feb.23 sharenet@ yahoogroups.com Wed 20/02 10k [sharenet] Digest Number 289 noise-commando@ yahoogroups.com Wed 20/02 4k [noise-commando] Digest Number 215 Check All - Clear All = Replied = Forwarded = Flagged - Choose Folder -[New Folder]Macedonia Dealamyloidsbehavioural neuroscibioinformaticsdigital physicsglitchgravity researchimmunomorphindian artsnoisenz bankingpharmaceuticalspseudo physicssharenetspace 2002uix project Mark as UnreadMark as ReadFlag for Follow-UpRemove Flag View: All | Unread | Flagged ÁÍÁÆÇÔÇÓÇ Ôßôëï Ôßôëï & Êåßìåíï Çìåñïìçíßá ÐçãÞ Ðñï÷ùñçìÝíç ÁíáæÞôçóç » THE INTERIOR SOUNDTRACKS The following is a list of titles or 'chapters' incorporated within the Interior. If a film were to be produced, the soundtracks contained within the following titles would be re-worked and dictate the mood of the piece. The titles are also companions to the 'reading process' - they are mood enhancers of which one may change at will - certain pieces of writing are 'enhanced' by the accompanying 'soundtrack' - contact me at : crude696@yahoo.co.nz for more information on these 'pieces' PS - I don't have total technical grip on film/soundtrack jargon but you'll get the picture.... THE TITLES: [if you don't already have them] CONTROLLED PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES "Whereby Hoff and Starky rupture and dissolve the inner workings of a series of ATM machines, POS systems, and Card Manufacturers" BANK "Murky soundtrack to the scene where Howard takes Ketamine and attempts to get some money out from an ATM machine" STALINO CYBERNETICS "The overlord usurps control of all networks and hands them over to the greys - action" UNLIMITED CREDITS "Party scene where Hoff and Starky rent 7 prostitutes" CAPITALIST EXPERIMENT "More incidental music surrounding the breakdown of ATM/Human Recources software" SUPER MYSTERE "Theme songs used to colour the environs of the club entitled "Anomie" - a minimalist meeting house serving laudenum, blood pudding, noise music, and wall size screens connected to ethernet" DATASTREAM COWBOY "Street tunes" THE END OF THE WORLD "Another club frequented by the Idiot Teamers" NUEVOLD "Hoff recalls his days as popular culture figure" CATALOGUES OF MEANINGLESSNESS "soundtracks revolving around the 'sacred' text-book central to the restoration of the 'Risdone Code' STORED VALUE SYSTEM "Soundtrack to the human slurry factories and Central Treasuries" INFORMATIK 105 "Theme songs denoting character and emotions of AS.Henn - unreliable drunk rake with too much money" UHF-F9 "Rare energy source - music descriptive of it's virtues" RESISTANT PROTEIN "Anthem of the RP's - rebel band of human livestock" SLOW CODE "Archaic Transceiver theme" GLOSSOLALIA '97 "Musics which induce deminc glossolalia in central characters" NOTES FROM THE MICRO-COMMUNITY "Soundtracks aurally describing the nature of the elite messaging system employed by the employees of UIX Industries" WE SHALL NURTURE SOLIPSISTS "Musical interpretations of the essential creed of the RP's" NASDAQ "Further power anthems surrounding the decimation of money system in scene 53" FASB 52 "Retrospective themes" C3 " Command, Control and Communications" DEATH SATELLITE 2 "Statick messaging of pirate electron beam enabled satellite stolen by the RP's" CRN 9143 "Music for dream sequence whereby Howard is detained for destroying property at art-exhibition" SOTTOGOVERNO "The theme music of the pseudo-sottogoverno - a sub-commitee of drug-addicted industrial-engineers currently in hiding - dealt with in scene 34" DOMINION AS DELUSION "Another poular saying employed by the irrationalist RP's POPULAR SOURCE CODES "Soundtrack to the central codes employed by Hoff and Starky to gain access to the Mines" CLARINET EXERCISES "Clarinet Based quartets used as incidental music in quiet moments" MODERN MODERN MODERN "Street Themes 2" ORDER "The third club within the 8 pointed array of 'entertainment venues' within Non-Net" ANOREXIC "?" SEE YOU IN SVALBARD "Another call cry of the RP's" SPECIAL EDITION " Music for the action sequence where Hoff is attacked by choppers" SAX SERPENTINE "Incidental Saxophone based tunes" SAX SERPENTINE 2 "Fanfares and Processions - marching/stalking/formal movement" G.P.I "Music the meaningless cameo appearence of character with 3rd level syphillis" EXPERIMENTAL HEAVY METAL "Genre of music most often employed by the idiot teamers" AUTO SERIES VOLUME 1 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 2 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 3 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 4 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 5 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 6 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 7 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 8 AUTO SERIES VOLUME 9 "Back-log of musics with random velocities, atmopheres and applications" INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - NEW CONCEPTS "Wild-West code of ethics employed by the Xyren Pirates" CYP3A5 "Protein meal musics" RAYTHEON "Real-life aerospace company that plays fictional role in the Interior" SCD-2 "Minimal sound-bytes suitable for abstract scenes" MARS "The ultimate destination of the RP's" SPECIAL TONE "More music representations of the stylised secret 'technology'which plays central role in many of the sub-plots" KAMA KA Z MEGAMIX "Velocity/Action/Extremities" INTELSAT 707 "Interpretation of low noise - mind control" INTELSAT 703 "Worse version of the above" -------------------------- TITAN On board activities this week included a Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) High Frequency Receiver calibration, the normalization of Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) flight software, clearing of the Attitude Control Subsystem (ACS) High Water Marks and an autonomous CDS Solid State Recorder memory load partition repair. The Preliminary Sequence Integration & Validation (PSIV) phase has begun for C32. Inputs have been received from all participating instrument teams and the Spacecraft Office, and the merged products have been released for review. VIMS analysis of in-flight flight software tests uncovered a software error. The new capability of inserting the observation time into the spectral data for return in telemetry is affected. The symptom is that the spectral data becomes shifted from its proper location. Ground testing did not detect the flaw because there is no Engineering Model capable of simulating this aspect of the instrument. An Incident Surprise Anomaly report will be written to document the error and testing of the flight software will continue. Final preparations were completed this week for next week's uplink of Trajectory Correction Maneuver (TCM) 18. The Maneuver Automation Software set has been tested and delivered for operations, the Integrated Test Laboratory (ITL) successfully tested the TCM-18 maneuver block, and the SCO has completed simulation of the health and safety check and go for the uplink process. The TCM-18 maneuver is using many of the processes, software, and personnel teams that are being developed for use during the Saturn tour. The maneuver was produced using the new Maneuver Automation Software (MAS) tool. This tool greatly reduces the time and personnel required to generate and verify a maneuver. Maneuver execution will begin and end Earth-pointed. Roll turns will be performed under reaction wheel control, while yaw turns will be performed with the reaction control system. Science data playbacks and real-time Magnetospheric and Plasma Science (MAPS) data collection will be performed before and after the maneuver. Cosmic Dust Analyzer personnel delivered an update to their instrument flight software to the program software library. A delivery coordination meeting will be held next week. The System Engineering Office hosted a meeting this week to discuss Solid State Recorder Carryover interaction with the Ground Data System, held a delivery coordination meeting for the Navigation Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) toolkit, and supported a working group focusing in on design and trades for proposed Science and Sequence Uplink Process system-level Verification and Validation (V&V) activities. The Mission Sequence Subsystem (MSS) version D8 Modules were tested in the ITL. A total of 16 modules and approximately 80 test cases were run, with only one test case failure, and that one attributable to input values for the case. A revised test case has been submitted for retest in ITL. All except one MSS application has entered code hard freeze. The exception is the Pointing Design Tool, which has taken longer to finish unit testing than anticipated. PDT is scheduled to enter hard freeze next week. STAGED EVENT The staged event :::: pending: the reversal of the contents of my manifold inboxes from light-speed cancerous madness to gold-leaf meditated over like an over-saturated junky meditating on his/her toes. The work will be submitted to any organisation that deams it valuable. We don't need another hero. I care not. Those who don't want to know don't have to. Those who care not are not being asked to. My rank: lower than the zealator. I care not. The data will be collated as a performance event to be staged at an as-yet-to-be selected terminal. The importance of this event is subjective. The importance of my contribution to this world is disputable. Thank You. APRIL 1 Today is day one in the month of Resistant Protein. Today is the day that I launch the fashion label ANOMIE! We be idiots and we sup the milk of stupidity. We care not. We be complex tendrils. We nub the egg of the moron, and ejaculate garbled sound into the ether. Bad move men badder than good could ever hope to be. We tweak the greyed flesh of our lovers and merge in folds and flowers. We run up against our enemies and fall down all dopey. We make cash in the future. COMMENTS The first few months of the new physiology have been....'successful'. I almost feel that my tattoo conducts bio-electrical waves from my scrotum and distributes the converted energy to various parts of the brain thru each of the 12 'menorah' - like fronds. At time it is disconcerting - I have been having increasingly graphic nightmares [all really good value however - better than renting a video] in which peoples skin and nervous systems are extracted and wrapped Eddy Gein-style everywhere you look. Last night I attended an alternative New Zealand Music awards ceremony in which the sponsor was Jamaica Rum. No Homos have hit on me properly yet. May I divert their attention gracefully. GAY My new project is that of converting my 56 title cassette back-catalogue to CD. Thank You. Titles, as they come to digital fruition, will be revealed unto ye. Thank You. Again, Thanking You. Feel I need to reach new subtlety with electronic style. Too much of the Juno equals sameness and mundanity of tone, although one need not sneer at the brilliance of these synthesisers - especially in the right hands. The Southkill unit will bring to the stage a wonderfull mixture of garage noise and Ian Drury. Thank You. Must travel, but my student loan tell me no. Thank You again. Title of the Moment :: "Stored Value System" - low-ebb version of Brainwash Sequence 53. Tape only. Self Storage, boxed amyloids. Living in storage facility. Back to the old Freezerinos. I want to send you some Flying Nun royalty and mechanicals money. Where can I send it? THE CENTURY OF THE TRILLIONAIRE - MY ROLE Howard Love : " This being the century of the trillionaire et al I make certain my intent and spike the blood drinks with silicon spray sciences. Not an obligation in sight this morning. Not a whiff of female, no secretions to greet me and trickle forth, smiling, another spilled ergot froth cascades o'er my beige polyester leggins, nor a fruit-puff sunrise whilst brisking. Our inorganic morning begs for funding like only a guilt-gag could, slipping the 50 cent coins inbetween Shayne's powdered olive butcheeks and dropping thyself off Graftons bridge of bulk and specultative flight patterns. Our inner radar hath summoned solids this morn! A solid, purchased especially for her in her grief. We manage so well it looks like the work of the fool. And jester I be for this city. I have worked hard to reach this particular non-zentih - awake I am and my many onion-skin selves beyond and beyond and further still and folded in, labial ribbons of self and un-acknowledged intent and latent goals. This weekend I shall fraternize with my specially selected colleagues, the Southkill and my tech-noise friend. The city of Auckland shall become a world-haven for these usefull excrescences. Our clubs shall double in number, our meeting houses as cell-growth, our sophistication dubious, yet our needs met!! This morning I shall dine alone for breakfast, the location unknown, and I shall dart my eyes across many a work weary face. I shall pluck souls from optical cavities and play hide and seek with love. When oh when oh when will my true love appear unto me!!!! where is she?? WHO is she???? Does she exist?? Is she even in this country?? Am I wasting my time????????? Should I go buy another Mayfair? Should I get a job?? Should I demand the SONY deal? " BIG CITY THOUGHTS 01 The very air I breathed was retarded. Our property developed overlords carefully melted down their rancour calulations. The Ministry of Social Development and the Eugenics Commities banded our flesh into smaller and smaller cubicles. Arranged mariages resembled inbreding schemes. The finance families married medical mafias with student test-units. Our intellectual flux feulled the ad-mans think-tanks and the credit floated tud-like to the top. This is the nature of our beast. This news is not new but the story must still be told. Poverty of situation bred poverty of thought. Powerlessness bred despair and ultimate spill-over into aggravated thought-theft. The fuck-off boys repeated their matras. Over and over. Car horns in greeting and or warning, turf-barons angry and confused. The control phallus remaine erect and watchfull over ll transactions. Each ATM developed an infection resembling meningococcus. We would meet at Verona. We would target executives. We would use words as time-wasting and sub-mind altering artillery. The minmetic takeover would be gradual but was certain of success. An ATM machine and a suicide-cell mated. An attractive couple fucked under the table. I pissed my pants at that. Cohort B assaulted assaulted an intoxicated member of a local rich-boy band. Enemy D got her gang-member mate onto any cunt who didn't bend 'neath her psychotic will. I urged cohort E to slice open the pus-filled orbs that blocked our triumphant passages. Attractive couple R buckled upon themselves with increasing veracity. I pissed my pants at tht. For an idiot savant I was 'doing well'. Home was a Psychic TV LP and a bottle of Bourbon. Sallow and Maudlin he revealed hi brain-caked base-ball bat and began to attack his own limbs. Sirens drained blood and scaled to Fortissimo. The siren control-tones would be banned eventually. The forces would be banned. Auckland life was analogous to living on a drip hat woked in reverse. And I dribbled with infantile glee with each nano-loss. Each hepaic molecule sucked out of me I gave with ultimate gldness. I would become master of the slurry-factories, dispenser of stm-cells, shit-as-feul, marrow as bed for the night and my endocrine system as YOUR energy source for all God's eternities. NONE 2002-06-28 - 6:42 p.m. The new physiology has many other facets - a new temporal structure one of the most important. Internet creates 'work' where there is none, and you clock in at any stage during the 'day'. For an unemployed 'drunkard' I was remarkably efficient and remarkably busy. I would work on public terminals round the clock, just to piss of the old-style-to-be-soon-redundant arsehole 'profs' and working class mongrels dragging their sorry thick-ass corpses to 'work'. One can re-animate oneself at any second. A micro-second. NONE 2002-06-28 - 5:53 a.m. All dominion is permeated with internet, all property is secondary to it and it's use. Religion, wealth and ownership of property is secondary to use of the internet. I remain willfully homeless so that my life-long relationship with the internet can be enhanced. All action, social or otherwise is merely a shadow dance re-interpreting the ultimate action which is that of working with internet. All culture is subservient and draws it's nutrition from the correct utilization of internet. Sleep, 'home' and other time-wasting biological drawbacks are to be used for further meditating on ones relationship with internet. One experiments with new methods of internet use on a daily basis. One is dead if not using internet. I am used as a receptacle. My brevity of stay in the internet zone commonly known as Auckland allows me to be taken advantage of by oppurtunists. I am misinformed on a daily basis. My influence within cultural circles is nothing more but a repository and distribution service for the lies and the debased needs of social lepers. My charisma is filtered, chortled and re-synthesized into easily digestable chunks of social protein. What is excreted is a tiered system of lies that reach each individual in a further degraded form. To the fuck off boys - my home is in front of a screen and your working-class animal logic is no match for correct use of internet. Where to? When will these threats be made flesh? Who will carry out the operation? Who administers the pain? I have smeared shit over each bank note I receive and watch others eat it. It is not how much money you have, it is getting the highest amount of mimetic and psycho-social use out of it. As a pauper I resemble a billionaire. Others are jealous of my ability to turn nothing into empires with firm roots in society's neuro-physical future. The influence is true value. You can pay off a thug and you can pay for sex. True wealth has no need to purchase these examples or anything else. I am used as a portal, a comfortable communications filter, an intermediatary, a consultant - and as I take my time off internet work, my databases typically monstrous in size and depth I am mocked as a 'drunk idiot' and a clown. I am surrounded by hungry ghosts. They are all suckling. They resemble vultures. I shall leave carcasses in all beds this morning. previous - next 2002-07-07 - 9:58 p.m. As Big Gordon discovers Martin Rev style keyboards I bring a few thoughts to life. A fascinating week,my friends. It has proven successful on many fronts. All social intercourse rich and varied - not a hint of malice, not a droplet of hate. All of my belongings are secured. All issues - resolved. All life - glistening, ribbed and pungent. My week has been nought but arousal. All communication has been sophisticated, multifarious and modern. Money is now a friend. I have entertained the entertaining. I have known my place. I have swallowed the oil, injected the sugar and supped the tea. I have criticized nepotism. I have witnessed the lie that is the Rock and Roll Machine. I have strategically befriended members of Betchadupa. I have just now tounge kissed my man. He wishes me to set him up with another, a beautiful, dark-eyed creature who's name shall not be revealed. It shall be done to the best of my ability. I was dropped off like the whore I am. Dropped off so as to drop in - our anomie! compleat. Plenty of alcohol consumed this week. Plenty of blood, plenty of ideas, projects conceived at the drawing board and stored for our toxic cultural 'future'. The gritty tours and musical families have attracted funding and management puckers it's [labia] lips in my direction. To whore an idea - our lot this week. Rock an Roll is instability, distrust, arrogance and video-taped sex. ------ - - - - - - - New music tiles his week:: Artless Intent Volume 2 Bruce Gates Stress Death The Researchers The Americans --------befriend billionaires by way of the underlings. Manipulate culture in small, unrecognizable steps. Molecule by molecule - resembling the unseeable growth of a large plant. Plastic Sectors await!!!!! Our Social Security is at threat!!! Dream of thy future Euro-felch....tavern crawl Lisbon to Moscow. I have approached Auckland University regarding a 'specialist'consultation whereby I shall reveal the depth of my research [contained within several email inboxes] to an interested staff member. Another Day another lie, Another Year another Loan - Me and the IRD - siamese twins with only one intent - eventual membership/control of the Trilateral Commision. A grey a day, my friends. The slurry factories pulse in anticipation. http://www.a-art.com/avantgarde/link.html http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/173/catodo.html http://www.ird.govt.nz/usefullinks.html http://www.aikiweb.com/ http://credit.about.com/cs/loansstudent/index_2.htm?iam=excite_1&terms=loans http://www.spacedaily.com/ http://www.fonts.com/findfonts/identifontframe.asp?fontname=bauhaus previous - next BACK |