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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Thriller/Suspense · #1124618
The Drew Maggarity sage continues.
         The sirens could be heard for several blocks. Lights blue then red flashed through the neighborhoods. Olivia Deluca had just started her shift when the call came in. Robyn Harris her partner drove the "CHEVY TAHOE" like a maniac on dope but they always arrived in one piece. Today was no exception.
         "You could slow it down a bit. It's not like the bodies are waiting for us in our line of work." She told Robyn.
         "Yeah but then you might get too comfortable." smirked Robyn.
         Olivia just sighed. Work lately had been even more hectic than it already was. Working the night shift for the Boston Crime Lab, chaos was just part of the territory. Olivia looked up and saw the officers on the scene putting up the yellow tape. As she hopped out of the Tahoe, she did a once-over of the scene. She'd worked for the Boston Crime Lab for nearly five years now and never has she seen something quite as ghastly. She arrived at the harbor amidst chaos. Upon closer inspection, someone had lost their head over something. A steel edged knife curved like a moon with stars stabbed into the skill at a vicious angle. It looked very much like someone had customized this knife and should be easily identifiable at the lab. A pair of gloves that were thrown on the ground carelessly looked very familiar. In forensics, never make assumptions though. Under the streetlight, the body laid at its final resting place on top of a tarp. Perfect! Most of the body evidence was undisturbed.
         Olivia knelt down, opened her tool box and put on some gloves. She strolled over to the tarp to start on the body and Robyn walked over to start on the other area of the scene. As she examined the body, a hair is found in the pool of blood. An unknown fiber is found in the trail of blood. Olivia checked back pockets for identification. In the wallet, Jon Hampton looked back from his driver's license and business card identifying him as a Boston cop. Another business card shows Andrew Maggarity from the Internal Affairs Bureau. Dealing with Internal Affairs always gave Olivia a headache. An IAB officer's cell number was listed. Maybe she'll give it a call. Then again, maybe not.
         As Olivia slowly flipped the body over, she sees a hair in the bloody neck, another clinging to the tarp. Looks like Offi- Hampton lost his badge as well as his head. It's been ripped right from his uniform. As she finished with the body, Robyn called her over.
         "I had to get the gross half of the scene didn't I."
         "Mine's no better. Karma I guess. Maniac driving and all that. What's happening here?" Olivia asked Robyn.
         "As far as I can tell so far, it looks like the guy's head." pointed Robyn.
         "Yeah, his body is over where I was."
         "We found his head like this with the knife run through his skull. I'll take a look at it when we get back to the lab. The guy's badge was shoved down his throat. A pair of rubber gloves was found on the ground. I bagged it but I also found a partial print of the edge of the glove." On the ground laid Officer Jon Hampton's head, a knife shoved through his right side of his skull at an odd angle. There were multiple stab wounds visible. The knife was at such an odd angle it seemed that the knife must've been made of some plastic material. Looks can sometimes be deceiving though.
         "Hi honey," Robyn said to her husband, Morris. Morris is Captain of Detectives.
         "Hey sweetie," Morris replied and kissed the top of her head. "How's it going?"
         "Did you know this was a cop when you called us in?"
         "Yeah, he's a patrolman, that's why I called IAB." Morris said.
         Olivia cringed at the thought. "I found an IAB business card on the vic."
         Morris looked at the card, "Oh this is my friend Drew. He'll probably be on his way. IAB always had a way of knowing when something like this goes down and he walked over to Robyn to give her a kiss. "Good luck hun."
         "You newlyweds make me sick." Olivia told Robyn.
         "Yeah, well you should try it, you might like it."
         "Well let's just finish this and get it back to the lab." Olivia said.

         Drew Maggarity was just getting to sleep when his phone started to ring. He hated getting middle of the night phone calls. It meant something bad happened. As a matter of fact, he could hear the echoing and ringing sound of sirens. Morris Con-nelly called because IAB usually covered cop killings and until they figured out if it was external or internal shooting, Drew had to be involved. His business card was found on the vic too. He just hoped his undercover officer in the Slater case wasn't the next victim. Lately, in the Slater case, his underĀ¬cover of- have wound up dead.
         Morris and Drew have been best friends since grade school. He called to say there was a cop killing at the Boston Harbor. He climbed into his Alero at his apartment by the Bay. On his way down Seaport Drive, the sirens grew louder and the flashes brighter as he drew near the crime scene.
         At the harbor, Drew walked over. "What's the matter?"
         "Officer Jon Hampton been killed and we found your business card with him." Morris said.
         They walked over to the scene. At the body, Crime Lab In-vestigator Olivia DeLuca was collecting evidence. Olivia rose.
         "Olivia Deluca, this is Drew Maggarity. He'll be the off-er working with you on this case. I'll catch you this weekend Drew."
         "Hi. How do you know Morris?" Olivia asked Drew.
         "We grew up together." replied Drew.
         Olivia felt like there was something about Drew but couldĀ¬nt place her finger on it. She felt her temperature rise and ignored it. Her stomach was aflutter. Still, she ignored it.
         "Hate to meet under these circumstances," she said wondering if he's got a hairy or smooth chest.
         "Yeah, I heard it was a cop. That's why I'm here."
         Olivia nodded her head. "We've found a couple of different things over here. On the underside of the tarp, there was a hair so we'll bring in the bag for further tests. We also found an-other here on the neck, or should I say in the neck." And she lifted the edge of the tarp underneath the body.
         "Oh my god that's nasty. What happened to the top of the body?"
         Pointing toward Robyn, "It rolled away or maybe pushed or thrown, we'll know later."
         "Do you know yet what type of weapon was used?" Drew thought he already knew.
         "Other than a custom-made knife, we don't have anything else off the knife yet at least. I also found a fiber and another hair in the smear from what looks like the head rolled off the suspect. Notice the gap in the trail of blood."
         "Livie" Robyn yelled.
         Olivia swung over to Robyn. "We found the weapon."
         Olivia turned and smiled at Drew. When she looked at Drew, she gasped at the feral look in his eyes, and it was all directed at her!
         "I-i-i guess Robyn has something to show you too." she stuttered.
         Olivia flushed bright pink even for her olive complexion, then to her astonishment she giggled!
         Drew gazed at Olivia and smiled.
         "Is it for sure Officer Jon Hampton?" asked Drew noting and enjoying her discomfort.
         "Mmm yes," she purred. Drew wondered curiously what she was thinking. He was enjoying this tendency to make her blush one minute, purr the next even in the short time they'd been talking.
         "His badge was found shoved down his throat," Olivia huskily purred, "and the knife has a unique blade on it too."
         "Oh really." Drew replied and was rewarded with yet another rather beautiful blush.
         As they walked over to Robyn, they followed the trail of blood leading them to the head.
         "Hey Robyn, got something for me?"
         "Yeah, the knife; I've removed it and its definitely a custom design. Did Livie tell you about the partial print we found?"
         "Not yet."
         "Well, on a pair of rubber gloves, I found a partial print most likely from when the perpetrator put on the gloves."
         "Maybe we'll get lucky and find a match to the print at the lab," Robyn replied.
         "We were just in the process of bagging up all the evidence when you arrived. I don't think there is anything else to tell you but Robyn and I will keep you posted." Olivia offered.
         "Okay well I'll see you later." Drew answered.
         As Drew was leaving the scene, Olivia hollered, "Hey! I need your number to get in touch with you."
         "Well, here you go." Drew withdrew a business card and wrote his cell phone number on the back. "Call me whenever you want." smiling devilishly.
         Robyn and Olivia got back to work and finished at the scene. Olivia kept thinking about Drew wondering if his cologne was de-signed for him, wondering if he had a girlfriend, wondering if ... well the possibilities were endless.
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