Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1124591-Turning-Points--The-First-One
Rated: E · Essay · Biographical · #1124591
This is a biographical essay created for the contest "Turning Points In Life".
Turning Points: The First One

How many turning points are we allowed in our lives? For me, there have been several. The first one, the main one, the turning point that has shaped the rest of my life is the one I will share with you.

I was 18 years old, just finishing up my not-so-impressive first year in college, academically. A year earlier I had graduated from an all girl’s, Catholic High School in Northern New Jersey. I was determined that my first year in a co ed environment was going to be memorable for more than academics. It was. However, my parents, who were paying for the education I was supposed to be receiving, were not very happy. The threat of having to pay for my own college education was looming on the horizon. I had to come up with an alternative solution, and quickly!

At the very moment I was facing decisions about my future in college, my best friends Mindi and Diane were putting in motion plans to make their childhood dream a reality. They were moving to California. In June of 1986, about two months before Mindi, Diane and a third girl, Jeannie were leaving for their journey Westward, I was invited to go along with them. At first, I declined, thinking of my return to my unsuccessful college career. After discussing the offer with my mother and father, and with their blessing, I decided to take the leap and make the journey West with my friends.

August 17, 1986 was the day we were to leave and begin our new lives. The day was fast approaching. Preparations needed to be made and supplies had to be purchased. Our route out West needed to be mapped out, state by state, highway by highway. It was decided that the four of us would pack into two cars, communicate by CB radios and follow our AAA maps as best four young girls could. So with our cars crammed with our few worldly possessions, our goodbyes said and our tears quickly drying, we were off. Our adventure was beginning.

Our two week trek across the country was riddled with excitement, fear, adventure, fun and drama. I can recall vividly our night of terror at “The Camp” in the Appalachian Mountains, camping atop the Grand Canyon, waking up to a babbling brook in Colorado and our visit in Scottsdale, Arizona. We Irish danced in the bathrooms at a KOA, we swam as we listened to AC/DC over and over and over again, and we couldn’t miss the diving show at the Six Flagg’s theme park in St. Louis. We had a blast talking to truckers on the CB and meeting some really interesting people.

Making the decision to move out West with my friends was the first major turning point in my life. We were four young girls embarking on the adventure of a lifetime and facing the unknown of each new day with a bring it on attitude!
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