Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1124563-Dark-Templar---Introduction-Fixed
by Dokart
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1124563
First attempt to write a serious (long) story. criticism and comments are welcomed.

Darvanis stood proudly on the top of the cliff fifty meters below him was the valley of broken wings; a wasteland, covered with remnants of destroyed warships from over a hundred different races. The two Argonian suns were converging, creating beautiful scenery. A suitable background for a glorious battle. The Demon Chuckled. Behind him was an army of sixty thousand creatures from all over the galaxy; Argonians, Dorlans, Niderians, Elves, and Dragons, a whole battalion of dragons. It took him more than five Hell years to gather up this army. The result: the most formidable army of Justice. The strongest and most honorable warriors who volunteered to help Darvanis defend the galaxy, from the Shadows who came to consume it, led the army. Many of his men were not warriors before he enlisted them into service, poets, engineers, merchants, even scholars. Those who were not skilled or powerful enough to wield a weapon manned the warships that provided cover fire from the upper atmosphere of the planet. Tension was all high, as they were all waiting for the Shadows to arrive. On that planet, Juoran, the last stronghold of Darvanis, the fate of more than a hundred plants was to be decided. Darvanis knew that failure will not only cost his life, but the lives of countless creatures.

“Templar Darvanis” A small humanoid creature approached the Demon, he was all yellow, small but strong muscle strings run along his bare arms and face, the rest of the body of the skinless creature was covered with silver armor, fashioned according to the Argonian tradition: an engagement of the house the warrior serves. The humanoid carried a long spear in his right hand, made of carbon based material. A power supply unit was attached to the tip of the spear, which was made of the same substance as the creature’s armor. The weapon seemed primitive, but it had the potential to cause great damage: At a given moment the wielder of the weapon could activate the pulse weapon that could tear through fifteen centimeters of solid Exelium.
“The Shadow ships have landed eighty two fields from here, the two sun’s direction.” He small humanoid spoke, looking at the Demon’s feet.
“Thank you Charles”
“What are your commands Lord Darvanis?” The Humanoid spoke again.
“Order the riders to mount the dragons. Set the EMP cannons to a range of forty fields. How many Shadow ships penetrated our defense grid?”
“The scouts counted fifty seven dropships and three motherships.”
Too many… enough to change the balance the fight in their favor.
“How many ships did we lose?” Darvanis looked as Charles.
“The Descendant has lost life support and main power, its about to crash about three hundred fields south of here. Forty two fighting ships were destroyed. Your mothership suffered severe damage; it cannot stay operational for long.”
“Order the damaged ships to retreat back to their home systems. Prepare the rest of the troops to march in 25 rounds.”
“Yes my Lord.”
The parts are moving; soon the match will be decided.

~ Thirty one rounds later ~

“Signal the EMP cannons to cease fire! Our left flank riders are dieing like flies, we need to get rid of their artillery cannons! Send in the third bombardment squad there as soon as possible!” Darvanis shouted commands towards Charles, who was fighting off a dozen of undead creatures. The Shadows were known for the mastery in the necromantic arts, they would animate the bodies of fallen warriors, both evil and good. The poor souls would spend eternity in the service of the Shadows, unable to break free of their broken bodies. “Yes my lord. Ugh!” One of the undead warriors disarmed Charles of his spear and threw him off balance. The others began to hack the reptilian armor, forcing Charles to stumble back until he fell. Darvanis spread his massive wings and lifted off the ground. The Demon lunched towards the undead warriors, shooting them with his Sharkus, a ceremonial weapon that Demons wore on their left hand; it is fashioned in a shape of a think glove, the weapon shoots waves of energy that shatter anything in their path. Few of the undead warriors who were hit by the weapon, but they only backed off for moment. Since they were not really alive, physical pain did little damage to them. Darvanis rammed one warrior with his head and kicked him as he attempted to rise. With his blade he cut the other undead in half. He struggled towards his dieing officer, pushing enemy warriors off with his blade, not bothering to finish them.

“Requesting back up immediately… South flank… suffering losses… al.. alert the..” Darvanis could hear Charles talking with his mothership, choking on his blood while he attempts to crawl away into safety.

About a dozen of undead warriors stood between Darvanis and Charles, shooting shock rays at him, trying to drain his power. They were determined to take the Dark Templar out, but not one of them dared to approach him. In the middle of the battlefield the huge Demon was a fearsome sight: His black armor was covered with what seemed to be blood of several different creatures, his right foot was standing on a body of a dead soldier. He held a massive Sword in his right arm and Sharkus warped around his left hand. The Demon was taller than anyone around him, and many of the enemies around him were staring at him, hesitating to attack, giving Darvanis enough time to slash through their small bodies with his blade. I don’t have time for this. Darvanis held his blade with both arms and shifted his weight forward gathering power with every step he made, when he reached the undead warrior who blocked his path he swung the blade, crushing bones and armor alike. Upon reaching the ground, the blade sent a shockwave through the air, sending all the remaining enemy soldiers around him into the air.

“Charles!” The Demon knelt beside his dieing officer. “I did… I informed the mothership… ugh. Reinforcements will be here shortly.” The Argonian spoke quietly, almost whispering. Blood run down his broken armor, his had severe cuts and burns in dozens of places on his body. “You did good Charles…” He had done his duty, now only one last journey awaits him. “Can you… tt..tell my Zana, that I love her, sir? Plea.. se?”
“I will, don’t worry Charles. Now rest my friend, you have done your share for this battle.” The Argonian officer looked Darvanis in the eyes, chuckling. He looked directly at me only two times during the whole time I knew him. The Demon reflected. “Rest well my friend, we shall meet someday.” Charles’ body began to incinerate in a blue flame, turning into particles of light that spread around the battlefield, floating until they merge in a body of an Argonian warrior. After his death, the power of a fallen Argonian is divided between the others, and his spirit lives on with them.

Death was all around him, allies and enemies covered the ground. Weapons were left without an owner, picked up, and than dropped again. It was midday, but the skies were darkened by the smoke and explosions, fighters, both organic and mechanical were firing at each other, turning around and attacking again, the sound of engines and roar of dragons was deafening.

“Darvanis!” A shout came from behind. The Demon turned around to find a human, big relatively to others, roughly the size of the Demon. He had Grey feather wings twice the size of the Demon’s wings. “Fallen Angel...” Darvanis said. So, he is the one who commands this dreaded army. “It has been a while since we last met…” The Angel laughed. Not long enough. “Last time we met, you still served the path of light. Now you are just another corrupted soul.” Darvanis rose up, disarming his Sharkus. I will not let him defeat me.

“Are you ready to meet your destiny? Dark templar” The Fallen angel drew his Sword, it was a long blade, and the hilt was made in the shape of a Golden Angel, the blade purple. He still uses his old weapon… thought seems the shadows have corrupted the pure blade. Throwing aside his Sharkus, Darvanis stood firmly in the ground. He held his blade and concentrated his remaining powers. Around them, the warriors of light and Darkness ceased to fight. They sheathed their blades and lowered their rifles. Even the cannons stopped firing. Everyone stood in a circle around the two leaders, watching them silently; awaiting the deciding fight to start. “Arrrggggggggggg!” Darvanis lifted his arms and spread his wings. The ground began to shake and golden flames began to rise from the Demon’s body. His eyes faded and than shone with dark blue. Sparks of energy rose from his blade. The Fallen Angel Chuckled and began to whisper incantation in an ancient language.

The two leaders left their spots in uniform motion, lunching their bodies towards each other. Their weapons clashed, creating a deafening sound. Both Darvanis and the Fallen Angels struggled back. “You will lose!” The Fallen one shouted. I will not… I will defeat him, I must. Gathering his entire power in one blow Darvanis run towards his enemy, who responded with the same move. “For Charles” The Demon whispered as he collided with the Fallen Angel.

~ Moments before that, on board of the Argonian mothership ~

“Captain!” The Argonian officer exclaimed.
“What is it Donga?” asked Zana.
“I am receiving readings from the surface of the planet. Tectonic chain reaction seems to be taking place underneath the battlefield. The planet… it’s being torn to pieces!” The officer reported. “Show me” Zana commanded, pacing towards the main computer.
On the screen on the computer she saw the Battlefield, silent as a grave. No one fought; everyone was standing looking at something. In the middle of the screen she saw a small circle, with two massive figures moving towards each other. “What in the name of God is it?” asked one of the officers behind her.
“No…. its can’t be… May the Templars help us…” Zana heard someone say. She turned around and saw Donga pacing backwards, terrified from something. “What happened officer? What is wrong?” She paced towards Donga, but stopped when one of the officers shouted “Look!” He pointed at the computer screen. Seconds later, a blinded flash swept across the battle lab.
© Copyright 2006 Dokart (dokart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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