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by Lella
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Action/Adventure · #1123724
A sample of the script. visit: www.freewebs.com/evolutionsbylella
Scene 1

~Jass, Kelly, Jarad, and their parents are driving on a busy higway to get to New York for a vacation. They left Colorado two days before and are running out of patience.~

Jass- *looks out the window* How many more days?

Kelly- Two, pippie.

Jass- Pippie? O.O What do you mean by that?

Kelly- Nothin'... Pippie.

Jass- Cut it out!!! >o<

Jarad- Would you guys just shut up?!

Jass- Excuse me, but you aren't even a teenager yet, so just shut up!

Mom- *talking to dad* I don't know how much more of this I can take... `o`

Dad- *slams the brakes* Kelly! You are 17; you kow how to behave! Jass! You're 15! Don't pick fights with your older sister! And my God, Jarad! Would you leave your sisters alone????

Jass- *pokes Kelly and Jarad* Ya hear??? ^_^

Dad- Jass... Stop harrassing them. I wanna hear complete silence until lunch time.

Jarad- *whispers* Jass, if I died tomorrow, I bet you'd feel really bad about how bad you always treated me!

Kelly- *covers up Jarad's mouth* Complete silence! =.=

~end scene~

Scene 2

~Kelly is listening to music while jarad is starring out the window. jass is sleeping with her face shoved against the window glass.~

Jass- *snores* ^_^

Kelly- Ew! Jass is drooling!

Jarad- Yuck! *pokes Jass's head*

Kelly- Oh my God, she's so gross!

~The car starts to drive over a long bridge.~

Dad- Welcome to Illinios!

Jarad- Where?

Kelly- We're in a new state, stupid...

Jarad- Oh... Too bad Jass is asleep...

Kelly- Too bad?! I wish she'd sleep forever!

~Suddenly, Kelly feels dizzy and blacks out. She awakes, waht seems like moments later, on the edge of a beautiful river with a forest behind her.~

Kelly- What the heck?!!! *looks down to see that her clothes are gone* Where are my cothes??? Where am I???!!!!

~She gets up and runs behind a bush, hoping that nobody saw her. As she looks around, she sees nobody. Her family is gone and there are no signs of life anywhere.~

Kelly- *starts to cry* what's going on here?!

~She starts running; looking for anybody, but she sees nothing. No sign of her family of the bridge was in sight. The river was crystal clear and about half a mile wide.~

Kelly- *hears a twig snap and looks behind her* Is anyone here?! *She feels a blunt pain on her head and turns around to see a man holding a burlap bag. He shoves the bag over her and caries her off.* Stop it!!! Let me go!!!!

~The man throws her into a tree and silence comes.~

~end scene~

Scene 3

~The man drags kelly in the sack to a campfire with other men and wolves sitting around.~

Man- Heh, two humans in one day!

Old Man- Oh, we can difinetely use them as a peace treaty with teh fish evolutions. *smiles miniacly* They love the taste of 'em.

Man- Well, there's a boy and a girl, so we're good to go.

Old Man- Give me them. I'll take them to Medussa. hopefully, her people will stop bothering us for a while.

Boy- Can I come with you?

Old Man- *smiles* Teko, when you are older, I'll let you deliver humans and even hunt them. But you're mearly 8 years old. Wait a couple more years.

Teko- *sighs* Fine... *walks over to one of the wolves and whispers into its ear.*

~The wolf nods and gets up. He slowly follows the old man while Teko goes inside his cane-home to sleep.~

~end scene~

Scene 4

~Jass looks around to see that her once dyed hair has faded from blue to white. Her clothes are also gone, and she's buried in mud. She climbs out and stumbles over some rocks into the river. She's completely dumb-founded and sits in the water. Birds are chirping and nobody is in sight. She washes the mud from her body and looks into the river as a metallic object catches her eye.~

Jass- Huh? *swims and picks up the metal object.* Gold? *it shimers and shows the picture of an evil-mermaid-looking-creature-thing-a-ma-jig. She holds on to it and swims deeper into the calm water.* Aaw, feels nice...

Teen Guy- Hey! What are you doing?! *he swims over to her and drags her to shore*

Jass- Who are you?! *she kicks him then runs back into the water.* Don't look, pervert! *she hides herself and sticks out her tongue*

Guy- Hey! Cut it out!

Jass- What? ya can't stop me yourself?

Guy- Shut up! All of you humans are idiots!

Jass- "You humans"??? o_O

Guy- Heh! You must have just woken up! *laughs to himself* It's my lucky day! Once I catch you, I can eat you, my tribe will glorify me, I'll be clebrated through out the nation, and I will be a hero! *laughs more*

Jass- What the?! Eat me?!!!

~Jass, uterly confused, examines the guy. He has blackish-green hair in a ponytail and a black tail. He has on leather-fur pants that are loose and he's muscular and pretty hot.~

Jass- *blushes* If you get me some clothes, I'll tell you a secret.

Guy- What kind of secret???

Jass- Uh... It's about you.

Guy- You don't even know me. o.O

Jass- Just get me some darned clothes!!!!

Guy- *sighs* Fine. *he walks over to a bag that has a light shirt in it.* Here, if you come to shore, you can have it.

Jass- Hehe ^_^. Thanks! *while swimming, to shore, she feels something slide against her leg and the water turns murky.* Aaaahhh!!!

Guy- Shut up! Don't move!

Jass- There's something in here!!!!

Guy- If you want to live, you have to stay perfectly still!

~The guy picks up a spear and throws it directly next to Jass. Blood starts to fill the water and the same evil-looking mermaid as on the coin floats up.~

Guy- Fish evolutions love the taste of human. You can never go into the water.

Jass- *shoves teh dead thing out of the way* Uh... Thanks, I think... *grabs the shirt from him and puts it on*

Guy- So what about the secret???

Jass- Huh? *whispers in his wolf-like ear* I think you're hot.

~The guy backs up and scratches his head in confusion.~

Guy- Me???

Jass- Of course you!

Guy- *to himself* Nobody's ever said that to me before. *blushes* Ya really think so?

Jass- Yup! By the way, are you still gonna eat me?

Guy- Well, uh, it depends on what the village priestess says...

Jass- Okay... Well, lets go. *walks off*

~end scene~

Scene 5

~A beautiful wolf woman looked through a round portal of smoke, and read the future of the tribe.~

Women- Sister! There's something coming!

~Her sister walks up and sits beside her.~

Sister- What? *looks through the smoke* A disturbance.

Women- That's what it means? *squints into the round, swirling smoke*

Sister- Yes, Videl! God! We've been over this a million times before! *points to a specific swirl* This is unfound love. It's between two different races, though.

Videl- Do you think it's between a horse and deer evolution again?

Sister- Eh, it's hard to say, but there's definately something wrong and disturbing about it.

Videl- Mischa, you gotta teach me more about this or I'll never be able to be a preistess of our wolf tribe!!!

Mischa- You don't have to even worry about being a preistess. I'm only six years older than you, and I doubt that I'll be dying any time soon. So stop worrying already you pathetic little loser!

Videl- =_= I just want to learn this stuff.

Mischa- Don't rush it.

Videl- *sighs*

Mischa- *swishes her arm through the smoke* Just go to bed.

~end scene~

~Jass tugs on the loose shirt as she followed the guy.~

Guy: By the way...

Jass: Huh?

Guy: *blushes* I never introduced myself...

Jass: Hehe! Neither did I ^_^.

Guy: My name's Teko.

Jass: I'm Jass. Nice to meet you even though you're probably gonna eat me.

Teko: Eh... *runs beside her* Ya know, usually when we capture humans, they're terrified, but you're now. How come?

Jass: I'm too stupid to be scared^_^, and besides that, if I freak out, it's easier to get hurt. How I see it is that staying calm and friendly is my best bet.

Teko: *pauses and blinks* You really don't know do you?

Jass: Huh? Know what?

Teko: Well, the, uh...hmm... *thinks*

Jass: Does it have to do with you looking so weird?

Teko: Weird?! o.O

Jass: Ya know, the wolf get up and all.

Teko: Eh, I'm a wolf evolution.

Jass: What's that?

Teko: *sighs* You're completely clueless aren't you?

Jass: Yeah, pretty much.

Teko: Well, sit down, this may take a while to explain.

Jass: *sits down on a log next to Teko as he starts to talk*

Teko: What year do you think it is?

Jass: 2005. Why?

Teko: We've projected it to be about 61 million A.D.

Jass: O.O Uh, that may explain the setting...

Teko: Over that time, humans paused in time, only to awake later. They're getting harder and harder to find. Infact, the last time that we even saw humans was about nine years ago. There was a girl about your age and a younger boy around ten or so. The funny thing is that they both knew each other. Anyways, my grandfather traded them to the fish evolutions as a peace treaty, and they were eaten.

Jass: *freezes in utter terror. She doesn't want to believe that it could by Kelly and Jarad, but she knows it has to be* Uh... *sniffles* What did they look like?

Teko: The girl had blonde hair and oddly looked like you, and the boy had brown hair with highlights and was SO annoying! Why do you ask?

Jass: Oh my God!!! *starts to break into tears*

Teko: Uh... *hugs her lightly* What's the matter?

Jass: That... that had to've been my little brother and my sister!!! *cries harder*

Teko: *holds her tighter* Don't worry... I've got you. Everything'll be okay.

~end scene~

Scene 7

~Lella's Neo-Note~

Well, it's the fourth consecutive day of updating my site. I hope to have the whole freaking story up as soon as possible.... Hum... I've also thought about only updating a few scenes a day so that I can slowly draw in more people. That way, I can write in the notebook that has Evolutions in it AND have people eagerly reading my old stuff in hopes that I'll release my new stuff. What? You thought that I was gonna be nice and give you everything real quick? Wow! You're dumber than I thought! Haha! ^_^ Okays, just kiddin, I love you guys.


~As originally planned, Teko took Jass to his village. She had fallen fast asleep crying on his arm, and he had carried her the rest of the way.~

Teko: I'm real sorry, Jass... ~_~

Jass: I know it wasn't your fault...

Teko: *sighs* I need to go talk to the preistess. Do you need anything?

Jass: Nah... Just...

Teko: Huh?

Jass: Just... What do you mean by 'wolf evolution'?

Teko: Well, during the time that humans were frozen in time, six types of animals evolved into humanoids called evolutions. I'm, of course, a wolf, but there are also cat, horse, deer, rabbit, and fish evolutions. The fish evolutions are what we have to worry about, though.

Jass: ...Ok... Thanks... *lies down on his bed in his cave-home while he walks to the tribe preistess* Yeah, thanks...

~end scene~

Scene 8

~Videl and Mischa are sitting in their cave practicing magic. Videl, as always, is completely clueless. She shoots a blueish-green fireball at a target only to have it bounce back at her and hit Mischa's bed, instantly catching it on fire.~

Mischa: Nice move!

Videl: Sorry! As you can tell, I'm really horrible at this!

Mischa: Oh, I can tell.

Videl: *exhales* I hope I NEVER have to be a preistess and do all of this stupid stuff.

Mischa: So protecting your village is stupid stuff, eh???

Videl: Yeah! *shoots a fireball close to Mischa's head*

Mischa: Oh my God! You little brat! *chases Videl around the room*

Videl: Give up! You can't even touch me! *runs out of the cave*

Mischa: *following behind* I'll feed you to the fish!!!

Videl: You wish! *turns around to look at Mischa and runs into something, causing her to fall down*

Mischa: You're fish food, now!!!

~Videl looks up to see Teko in front of her. She blushes as she sits up. Mischa immediately stops to see why he's there.~

Mischa: Uh... *looks over at Videl in disgust* We were just, uh...

Teko: Practicing kill each other? ^_^

Mischa: Heh, heh, heh...

Videl: It's great practice. *Mischa nudges her* Hey! What was that for?

Mischa: Official preistess business. Go.

Videl: *walking away* Oo... So official... *mocks* So incredibly important....

~Mischa leads Teko into the cabe and has him sit down in a handcarved chair.~

Mischa: What do you need?

Teko: Well, eh... I found a human...

Mischa: *jumps up* You did??!!! O_O

Teko: Uh, yeah... I kinda have her at my home.

Mischa: My gosh! Its been nine years since out last human!!!

Teko: Yeah, I know. I found her by the river. Anyways, I was wondering what to do.

Mischa: Well... *sits and thinks* You can choose what you want to happen to her.

Teko: What are my choices???

Mischa: You can either eat her or trade her to Medussa.

Teko: Medussa? Are we having trouble with her fish evolution people again?

Mischa: Well, not really, but we want to keep our relationship with them as neutral as possible.

Teko: Um... Could I take a while to decide? *nervously chuckles*

Mischa: Sure, I find nothing wrong with that.

Teko: Thanks! ^_^ * gets up*

Mischa: Tell me when you know what you're gonna do.

Teko: I will. *walks out of the cave*

Mischa: Bye!

Teko: *waves without looking back* Bye.

~end scene~

~~~~To read the rest of Evolutions, please visit Evolution's official Website at:


I'll be happy to take any comments, suggestions, and/or ratings. Please send all material to missiworld@sbcglobal.net.

Thank you for reading my story, and I hope that you will read the rest on my site.

© Copyright 2006 Lella (missiworld at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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