Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1123274-The-Blind-Sight
Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #1123274
Hi, this story is about a blind boy and how he sees the world.
The Blind Sight


I was born in dark… My name is Alex I have seen the darkness since I can remember. I have never seen the thing you call light and I have never seen the sky or the ground. It was always dark and it still is, but I can’t help but wonder what it is like seeing things…

I can only feel and hear things and every day I ask God, why he made me blind and what is my purpose. You can never understand how I feel if you do not close your eyes and try to come to my dark and lonely world.

One day I woke up to the sound of my mom telling my dad to take me to some place, a place called a blind school so I could learn how to read, but I did not want to go there and I did not want to read I only want to see, I want to see everything. I want to see the light, or my mum and dad; I want to be able to see the things I touch.

After a while my mum told me to try the school, she said if I did not like it I could come back and they would never send me back. Eventually I said I would go, but only in one condition: that she would tell me what the sky looked like…

I knew she was uncomfortable and she did her best to tell me, but I did not understand what she meant. She kept on talking about the colour blue and the white clouds, which I have never seen so I just said that I understood and then I went to my room. A day after my talk with mum my father took me to the school and there I met a girl named Jane. Jane is a 15 year old girl who voluntarily helps disabled people. When I first met her I got a feeling that I have never had before and when she touched me I got very uncomfortable, but also a bit happy at the same time.

Her skin was soft as silk and her voice was very calm, I have never heard I calm voice like that before, other them my mother and father. People who talk to me are always feeling sorry for me and they don’t talk to me as an equal human being, but rather a hurt animal who can’t defend itself. But Jane is different she thinks of me as an equal human being and I have never felt that before. (I also want to say that my parents died in a fire long time ago, but now I have been adopted by David and Christine, of course I only call them dad and mum so they don’t get sad and feel even more sorry for me…. )


After going to the SFBC (School for Blind Children) a week I got to know Jane better and this feeling just got stronger and stronger as time passed by. One day she asked me if I ever tried to check my eyes and maybe even try to get my sight back, but I got angry and told her never to ask me that question again.

You probably don’t understand why I got angry but I will tell you. It started since I came out of the accident, my parents had just died and I was picked up by some fire men from my burning house… of course that’s what people tell me since I can’t really remember anything then the screams and then the darkness. My care taker took me too many eye doctors who said the same thing

“I have checked your eyes and they seem fine, but I do not know why you are blind”.

And that just made me so angry because every thing is how it should be, but I still can’t see so in the end we just gave up and I accepted the fact that I was going to be blind until I die. I was not angry at Jane for asking me, but I have been to so many doctors and I have been disappointed so many times that it hurts so I did not want to hear about a doctor again! Of course I can never be angry at Jane more then five minutes so I told her that I was sorry. After a while I learned how to read and write so I begun to read about the eye and how it works, but it was really difficult since I could not see so I had to try to touch an artificial eye and try to learn from it. After reading three books and several articles about the functions of the eye I found out that I should be able to see, but the question is why can’t I see?

After about a year in the SFBC my relationship with Jane was so much better and one day I wanted to ask her a very personal question. Mum drove me to the entrance of the school, when I was walking towards the entrance it smelled like I was in a park; I could smell that wonderful smell of grass and trees and the whispering sound of the air, the air was fresh and warm at the same time and it was like it told me that every thing is going to be alright and that I will get my sight back, but my hopes have been shattered before so I wanted to be careful, so I do not get hurt.

When I came into the “blind room” (where all the blind kids were) I could hear the soft and beautiful voice of Jane, whenever she talks I just want to hug her but I know I’m not good enough for her, she is like an Angel, she does not belong in this world she is to kind and beautiful even though I have never seen her I know that she is pretty because of her touch, smell and personality. I sat down in a chair and told her that I wanted to talk to her in private; she sat down on a chair next to me and said with a calm and warm voice

“Hi Alex what does a cute boy want to talk to me about?”

I got a bit shy at first, but then I got serious. I told Jane that I have read an article about how the brain controls the eye and that the brain is able to control the whole body in the right circumstances so I told her since there is nothing wrong with my eye maybe the problem is in my brain.

She did not say anything for about two minutes and then she said,

“Are you sure about this Alex? Do you want to take the chance of going to a doctor again and maybe even get hurt?” I was quiet for a while and then I said

“I don’t have a choice Jane, I have to do it”. Jane held my hand and told me “

ok, let’s get your sight back!” when she said that I got a hope of getting my sight back and that feeling had been gone since I was six years old.

When I got home from school my mum said to me,

“You are more energetic then usual today”

With a very happy voice, I did not want her to get her hopes up for nothing so I just said to her

“Oh um I read something interesting today that’s all”

and then I went to my room. When I woke up the day after I had that talk with Jane I felt happy and I could hear the birds outside my window and I could feel the sun’s warmth, that feeling of is one of the best feelings I know (other then the feelings I have for Jane and my mom and dad.) I went to the bathroom and took a shower, but of course I had forgotten to turn on the heater so the water was cold but today that did not bother me because today me and Jane are going to see a special doctor which knows a lot about the brain and the eye and that is the best combination in my case. After I showered and brushed my teeth with a tooth paste that smelled like strawberry I went to down the stairs and in to the kitchen.


Mum was making eggs with onions which were my favourite. There was always a sound that came from the pan, it sounded like when you put some coca cola in a cup and there is a sound that comes out and then it goes away after a few seconds. Maybe mum uses coca cola with the eggs? But I don’t have time to ask her I just want to go to school to meet Jane. After eating my breakfast mum helped me put my clothes on and then she gave me my walking stick and told me to go and wait in the car while she putting on her make-up. I have never understood what she meant by taking on her “make-up “but I knew if I wanted to ask her she would try to explain it like before when she said that she puts colour on her skin to look better, of course I have never understood what a colour is or why people would put things on their face to look better so I just ignored it and went to the car.

When my mum came back from “putting her make-up on”, I asked her something that I have always thought about. I said

“umm… Mum what is love?”

I knew she would probably talk about colours this time too, but I just wanted to try to understand what every one means when they talk about love. Mum said “well…umm… how should I explain this... Well love is like what you feel about me and your dad and what we feel about you. We would do everything to make you happy and I guess you feel the same to right?” I said

“Yeah, of course I would do anything to make you happy”,

Then she said with a very happy and cocky voice

“Well that is what we call love.”

I also had another question I wanted to ask her, I said

“Umm…Mum what do people mean by saying I’m in love then”.

She begun to laugh and I did not understand why, but then I said to her “well tell me!” She said

“ok, ok I will tell you, well Alex, being In love is different from the normal love that you and I have it is more complicated, I am In love with your father but I am not in love with you because you are my son. You can only be In love with people that you want to marry and people who you want to make a family with while loving some one like the way I love you is different, you have almost the same feeling about the person you are in love with as you have with some one you love, but at the same time it is completely different. Do you understand?”

I said “yes” and for the first time mum explained something that is so complicated so perfectly that I actually understood what she was talking about.

After we finished talking I could feel that the car was slowing down and that we had arrived at the school I could smell the trees and I could hear the wind whisper. When I walked towards the school building I cold hear Jane’s voice coming towards me and I knew she was running because the sound became louder and louder and when she came in front of me she told me with her beautiful voice

“ Alex! I got an earlier appointment with the doctor today! We can meet him in about after half an hour from now! Isn’t that great?!”.

Then I said

“yes, its great thanks Jane!”

She held my hand and I could feel her soft touch and beautiful smell and then I got that feeling that mum was talking about that feeling of being in love with someone. Then Jane said

“come on let’s go and wait for the doctor!”

she made me run with her even though that I could crash or fall I just ran, I trusted her.

When we finally came to the doctors office I could smell a familiar smell, it was like the smell of a dentists office. When we sat down in the waiting room I could hear people turning the pages of magazines and other people who were talking to each other about where they had pain. I could almost sense that Jane was nervous about something so I told her

“Jane you don’t need to be nervous about the doctor, there is probably nothing wrong with my brain you know”

but then she said something that surprised me, she said

“umm… Alex I have something I have to tell you, it’s a bit personal”

then I said

“what is it Jane, you know you can tell me anything”

then Jane said nervously

“umm... You probably don’t know what I mean, but umm… I think I am In love with some guy…”

and then I got a very sad feeling a feeling that I have never had, it felt like my heart was broken, and then I asked

“Why are you telling me this?”

and moved away from her. She said
” what’s wrong Alex, why are you so upset?”

I said with a very upset voice“

”I never want to talk to you again and I don’t want to hear your voice again!”

then I got up from the chair and walked out from the office. I was so angry at life, god and at everything and everyone because the only person I had been in love with liked another guy…..

I was so angry that I ran, just wanted to run from mum, dad the school and even Jane I wanted to run from everyone and everything so I threw my walking stick away and just ran. After that I ran out from the school building I came to the entrance of the school then I just kept on running after that I tried to cross the street when I heard a car sound coming very fast towards me and then when the car sound was very near me I felt a pain and then the world suddenly stopped.

The Angel

I woke up in a bed and I could hear a soft voice telling me that I am going to be ok. I shouted

“who are you!?”

And then the person said with a weird but nice and calm voice I am only a messenger… then I replied “a messenger by whom?” The person was quiet for about 10 seconds and then replied “a messenger by the all mighty

” I got a bit upset and said “are you saying that you are a messenger by, by god!?, that’s impossible”

then he answered with an almost excited voice

“why is that impossible Alex?” I was very confused and a bit scared so I asked him

“are you the angel of death? Am I dead?” he begun to laugh for some reason and then said”

no, I am… only an angel not an angel of death” I begun to get really worried and confused, but then some questions popped into my head and I asked him

” first of all how do you know my name and second of all if you really are an angel how can you prove it?”

I knew that if he could answer these questions then he would actually be an angel. The person took a short pause and replied with a happy voice

” hey Alex, since you are blind you can easily know if a male or female is talking, right?” I said” yes, of course” then he said something that shook me to my core

”then why can’t you tell if I am a woman or a man?”

at this point I couldn’t even speak, but then some words came out of my mouth without me saying them, it was like they were dragged out of my mouth

“so what does gods want with me?”

then the so called angel said

”you have to find an angel and bring it back to God”

“but why can’t God bring it back him self if he is as strong as he says he is?”

then the angel said something that I would never have thought it would say

” I do not know why, as I told you I am only a messenger, but I do know that you have already met the angel…”

Then I replied

“But I have met many people who is it?”

The only thing I know is the angel has a scar at the back of its neck….

I had many questions to ask him I somehow knew I had limited time so I asked

“so what do I do after I find the angel?” then the angel replied “there are to ways to bring it back… one is to kill it and you have to find out the other way by our self, but remember god works in mysterious ways…”

And right after he said that I woke up again, but this time I could hear mum talking to my dad and crying, but I was really tired but I was able to move, and right after I moved my head I heard Jane saying

“Oh thank god he woke up”

and then she cried and hugged me tightly, of course I blushed and said

“Hey Jane umm… can you let me go now” then she said

”of course not you idiot, you almost gave me a heart attack and I was so worried. Then I could sense that Jane wanted to tell me something ad right after I asked her what was wrong, mum came inn and begun to cry and then my dad came and after all the crying and kissing, then the nurse came inn and then she said

“Ok people let the boy rest, please wait outside.”

After everyone went out I could rest, but I was happy that the whole angel thing was a dream…

A few weeks had passed since the accident and it was miracle that I had no injuries at all in my body. I had just finished my day at the SFBC and I was on my way out when I heard that someone was coming towards me of course I knew it was Jane after five seconds since I can smell her perfume from a mile away and I know the way she walks.

Her legs always walk very fast and make a unique sound and her shoes had a heel and that added to the sound so whenever she comes I know that it’s her. When she came she abruptly took me hand and brought me to a quiet place, I asked her “what’s wrong Jane?” then she said

“you are ok now right?” “yes I’m ok” then she gave me a slap on my face and said “why did you leave me like that last time huh?!” I replied fast

“ok, I’m sorry it’s just that...”

“just what?!” “It’s just that you like another boy and I was in love with you!” then Jane waited a few seconds before she said “are you in love with me?” with a surprising voice “yes, I’m in love with you!”

then she said something that I never thought I would hear “you are so dumb, you were the boy I am in love with!” and then suddenly she kissed me on the cheek and hugged me and I ha never been so happy in my whole life, but then I became horrified because I felt a scar at the back of her neck…

Three days had passed since I was with Jane and I did not go to school. I was alone in the dark…

I had never felt more alone in my whole life and I don’t know what to do. Everything got darker and I was lonely and the only thing I could think about was all these questions. Did I dream or was it real? And even if it was a dream how could that so called angel know that Jane had a scar on her neck? And what am I supposed to do? At first I thought that I could tell mum about it, but I knew she would say it was just I dream so there is no use in doing that. The only person I could talk to is Jane…

The next day I went to school, when I came through the entrance I could hear Jane coming towards me, but this time I was not happy because I of what happened four days before. When she came I could smell her amazing smell and I could hear her unique walk. She came very close to me and even though I did not touch her I could feel that she was close. Just after she came she said “why were you so scared last time? Are you ok Alex?” I looked down and said with a very sad voice “Jane there is something I have to tell you, I can’t see you any more” I heard a tear fell in the floor and I knew she was crying so I gave her a hug and said “I’m sorry, I know that you don’t understand why, but it’s better this way” and then I walked away. After I came out of the entrance I could not stand any more so I went to a bench and sat down, then I could not hold back my pain so I broke down and cried.

While I was crying I felt something on my shoulder and then I heard the voice I never wanted to hear again it said “hi again Alex, do you remember me?” then I got so sad, but it turned fast into rage and then I became calm and said “I know what you are…” I had a smile on my face “yes, of course you know who I am I told you in your dream”

The smile I had on my mouth got wider and then I said “you lied, you are not an angel, you are actually the opposite right? You are the one people course and you are the one who makes people kill each other, am I right?”

Then it said with a very calm voice “Oh yes, I forgot that you are a smart boy, well you found it out I am the one people call the devil, but my question is how did you find it out?” the smile that was on my face was gone and then I said “you really are dumb, you don’t even deserve my time, but I will answer you anyway, I actually just found out and it is all thanks to Jane. I know that angels never want to hurt anyone and neither doe’s god and since one of the Ten Commandments says that you should not kill. Besides the only other thing that could come to my dream is you. And when I heard that Jane was crying I knew that it was you because no one in this world is capable of hurting her on purpose and I say this because you made me hurt her, you forced me to say that I could not be with her. And nothing other then evil it self could ever do that. And trust me since you have made me hurt her I swear to god almighty I will send you back to hell, even if I have to die to accomplish that.”

I knew that he was gone so I did not even wait for an answer. After that I went back into the school and walked towards the blind room, I heard Jane’s voice so I ran towards it and when I was really close I sat down beside her. And then I said with a very sad voice “I’m sorry Jane I know I hurt you, but I was wrong and I hope I can make it up for you some day, but there is something very important that you need to know…” Jane stopped crying and said with an angry but also surprised voice “what is it Alex? What is so important?”

Then I took a deep breath and then I told her about everything that happened to me yesterday. After I told her Jane was really surprised, but then she said something that surprised me “I believe you” then I told her that I am going to send the devil back to hell, but I do not know how to do it and then she said with a very calm voice “Alex, I know you are very angry, but you can’t do that. He is going to go to hell only in judgement day, but if you want to make him weaker just do good things and I promise he will suffer for what he did.” I smiled at her and then she smiled back at me. Jane broke the silence by saying “umm Alex… do you want to go out with me?” I was a bit shy, and told her “I’m really flattered, but I don’t want to only have a girl friend. I mean what’s the use we are only 15 years old and most of what we say and do are caused by hormones so I don’t think I want to be together with you, I’m sorry” I could hear that she got really upset because her heart was beating faster.

Jane said “ok, I guess your right”

The Doctor

A day after the talk with Jane I went to the doctor that I was supposed to go to before the crash. I was sitting in the waiting room and I could smell the aroma of a dentist office and the sound of people turning the pages of magazines, then I heard a woman say

“Alex, can mister Alex come to the reception please”

I stood up and went to the reception where I met the doctor. The doctor said

“Hi, my name is Doctor Jones and I am here to check your physical and psychological health, can you please come with me?”

Dr. Jones held my hand and then he brought me to his examination room.

When I was sitting in the room I felt a bit uncomfortable for some reason. After the doctor had done some eye examinations then I expected him to say “I have checked your eyes and they seem fine, but I do not know why you are blind” but then he said something very unusual he said

” this may sound a bit weird Alex, your eyes are fine, but I think I want to do a mental test on you. Is that ok?”

I was not so sure, but then again I had nothing to lose so I agreed. After several scans of my brain he said that my brain could use my four senses better then anyone he had ever seen, but he said that he also wanted me to see another doctor about my memories before the fire that had killed my parents. I was a bit upset about the whole thing but since he was such a good doctor and was really nice I accepted his proposal.

I went to the doctor that Dr. Jones had told me about yesterday; I also found out that she was a psychologist. I did not like the whole idea, but Jane had pushed me to do this and I did not have a lot t lose so I just did it. When I arrived at the office I could smell flowers and some calm music which gave me a very god feeling, but I have read a lot about psychologists so I knew that they knew a lot about how humans think so a was a bit sceptic about the whole thing. When I finally met the doctor she said

“Hi, my name is Dr. Field, but please just call me Kate and you must be Alex right?

I shook her hand (I have never understood why we do that, but anyway)

I could hear that she was nervous because of her heart rate so I tried to be nice and told her

“Yes, I’m Alex nice to meet such a pretty doctor, I almost feel like I’m not good enough to be here”

Of course I knew what she wanted to ask so I told her the answer before she asked

“I know that you are wondering about how I know that you’re pretty, and that is easy it’s actually because of many reasons. One of them is when I shook your hand I could feel that you had a very soft hand and you shook my hand very gently plus your voice is a very calm which is very good because it shows that you are not too old and not too young. I could also heard you walk before you came to me, and you walked very fast, but gently which means that you are in a good shape and from everything I know about boys you should be the perfect woman. I only want to ask a question, can I touch your face so I know exactly how you look like?”

I knew she was uncomfortable, not because I felt it or anything, it’s simply because anyone in that situation would be

She said “yes, of course you can”

After I touched her face I said

“Just as I taught, your face is perfect just like your hands.”

After my comment I knew that she was a bit uncomfortable so I said

“Can we go inn?”

She replied fast

“Yes of course, come with me”

After we went into the room she told me to sit down and get comfortable. Then she put some things on my head and on my finger, and begun to ask questions. The first question she asked was about the time before the fire, she said

“What do you remember before the fire incident?”
I was a bit uneasy because that was the most unexplained part of my past, since no one knew why I could not remember anything even though I was a child I should have some memories, but I didn’t. The only memory I had of my past was in the actual fire.
So all I could answer was

“Umm… I really don’t remember”

Then I heard her mumbling something about hypnosis.

She asked me another question that was really difficult to answer, she said

“Ok, do you remember anything that did actually happen at the time of the accident?”

I was not comfortable with all these questions, but I had to answer so I said

“The only thing that I can remember is these screaming voices”

She said

“So how many screaming voices did you hear Alex?”

I could actually remember that detail which was actually the only thing I remembered well, so I replied fast.

“Three, there were three voices”

She was quiet for a moment and then she asked me another question with a very surprised voice

“So… Alex do you know what these voices said and how they sounded like?”

I was wondering why she asked me these questions, which in my mind did no have anything to do with my mental health or my eyes, but I thought that maybe because she was a psychologist she had to ask them to know what was wrong with me. I was quiet for a moment just to remember and then I answered

“Well… the first voice I heard screaming was a clearly voice, the second was a female voice, but the third… hmm it was actually laughing and I can’t really tell if it was a man or a woman”

Just after answering that question I was so scared I wanted to cry because I remembered that the same voice that was in the fire and that I met in my dream was the same. I knew that the psychiatrist could easily see that I was scared of something and even if I told her what it was I knew that she would not believe me so I just said that I was tired and wanted to go. She said it was ok, but with a very suspicious voice.

Another dream

After I came home from the psychiatrist I was really tired and scared so I just jumped into bed to take a little nap right after I closed my eyes I felt that something bad is going to happen. I woke up in a dark place and I heard three screaming noises just like my memory. The two noises were screaming and it was scary, but the most horrifying noise was the laughing one… the devil. I screamed why are you here and why are you laughing? It suddenly got very quiet and then it replied

“That’s a very good question Alex and the answer is… I wanted to show you how I killed your parents and how they sounded like while I killed them slowly and painfully until they die.”

I was so horrified that I could not answer and then the darkness came again…
I was alone and scared, but then something came to me it was a memory of my parents and Jane then I knew what I had to do. I said come, come here you weak and pathetic being.

Then I heard it say “what do you want you weak little human being, do you think that you can beat me in my world? I can kill you now!”

Then I begun laughing and said

“I know why you made this darkness trick, you thought that every human being is afraid of the darkness don’t you? Well since you do I’ll have to teach you a lesson about me, a weak human being. I am blind and I am used to the darkness, so this trick doesn’t work with me and you are wrong about this being your world because it is my dream and it is my darkness” I smiled because I knew he was gone).

After that I woke up and I saw that the black raven just flew, I felt like I had slept for a very long time while in reality I had just slept for about a fraction of a second. A day after the incident mum drove me to the SFBC and told me to remember to go to Miss. Field the psychologist, on our way I asked her a question I had thought a lot about said

“Umm…mum… how do you know if something is real or not?”

She was silent for a bit, but then she said
“Well… that’s a very difficult question to answer Alex, but my personal view is that you don’t know if something is real until it is proven. If you think about god for example no one has ever seen him before but we still believe in him because we can feel his presence and that’s enough for some people”.

I was thinking about the answer mum gave me, because when I really think about it my dream was not like a dream at all, it was like everything that happened was real and the weird thing is most people forget their dreams after a while and with it they forget what they felt while they were dreaming, but mine was different I remembered everything even the exact feeling I had. I knew that we were almost by the school so I asked mum another question hoping to get the answer before we got there, so I asked her

“So… what does it mean if we feel that a dream was true?”

Before mum could answer the car stopped and we were right beside the school, I even could smell the fragrance of flowers and trees by the entrance of the school. After we stopped completely mum said

“Alex if you had a bad dream, it will still be only a dream so don’t worry about ok, love you”

Then I got out of the car and said

“Love you too mum”
Then I heard the car engine starting and the car moving away. After I went into the SFBC I heard Jane coming towards me, so I started to walk towards her. I got a very bad feeling before she came; just like the feeling I had in my dream the other day, it felt like when an insect is crawling up your arm or more like a thousand insects crawling around your body. When she came close to me she said

The boy

“Hi Alex, umm… I have to take care of some homework that I did not do, but I just wanted you to meet a new student at the SFBC his name is Nemo, he is also blind so I was just wondering if you could teach him some stuff maybe even be friends with him?”

Then I said “umm… sure why not…” with an unsure voice

She said “That’s great” but then she came really close to my ear and whispered

“He is a bit weird even his name is, but you know how it is like being new around here so please help him out ok”

After Jane whispered to me she went and then me and the new boy was alone. I did not like him very much, but I wanted to give him a chance so I said

“Hi, my name is Alex nice to meet you”

And reached out to shake his hand, when he touched me I felt so horrified that I could not even talk it felt like someone put my hand in a fire, even though I took my hand back after one second it felt like the feeling kept on torturing me for an eternity and some how I knew that he smiled when I took my hand back.

I asked him where he came from and when he answered with a very pure voice
“I am from a place which is very far, but also very near”

I was quiet for a while, but then I asked him with a very calm voice
“How old are you Nemo”

He said “I am as old as the world” with his calm pure voice.

I did not answer I only said “

“We can be friends; we can actually be best friends” after that we both laughed.
After the school ended I took the bus to the Miss. Fields. When I arrived at her office she told me to sit down while she made some preparations for our appointment. Then she said

“So… Alex how was your day?”

I actually wanted to talk to someone who knew a lot about how the human brain works because of what happened to me today so I said

“Well… I met a new boy today…”

She seemed a pit surprised since I did not just say “I had a god day” because usually I don’t like to share things with people other then my family and Jane, and I think she knew that so I got the feeling that she was much more concentrated then usual. Then she asked with a rather calm voice

“So… can you tell me a bit about this boy?”

I was a bit uncomfortable because of what I experienced when I shook his hand plus I did not want her to think that I was mad or anything, but then I thought that since she is a physiatrist she would probably know that I did not want to tell her so I thought that it was best if I told her the truth so I said

“When I touched him I felt a lot of pain, do you know if something is wrong with me?”
It was quiet for a while, and I felt that she was thinking I could almost hear that she was trying to remember something and while I was thinking about that weird boy she said something that was very out of the ordinary she said

“I actually had a case that was a bit like this. I think it was about a boy who said he could feel the goodness or the evil in people, but he died a few days ago. What was so interesting was that when he touched a man he

To my surprise I was not scared; I think I was not scared because I liked that boy a bit. And for some reason I trusted him even though I did not like him at first I felt that he was a lot like me, and maybe we could even be friends.

A day after my appointment with Miss. Fields, mum drove me to the library and told me to go straight forward and then when I felt a table I should ask for some help to find the books for blind people. Because it was Saturday and I did not have to go to school I had some extra time so when I arrived the entrance I went straight forward and asked for some help just like mum told me. There was a lady who helped me find the books I wanted even though they did not have many I was glad they had any at all since most libraries that I had been to did not have any books for blind people. I knew that the lady was old because of her rusty voice, but she was really kind and she talked to me like any other normal boy and I liked her…

After finding a very interesting book called the bible I asked Miss. Anderson (the old lady) what this book was about and she said

“Alex are you a Christian? or do you have another religion?”

Mum always told me that she and dad were Christians, but if I did not believe in Christianity I did not need to be Christian so I replied

“Well… my mum and dad are Christians, but I don’t know if I am. I haven’t found my religion yet.”

I got very surprised because Miss. Anderson held my hand and said

“Good, you should choose your own religion and not just be born in one”

I was a bit happy because of that, but it was a bit uncomfortable to feel her soft hands touch against mine. After that we both were a bit quiet, but then she said something that I had never heard before.

“You are a very lucky boy Alex, remember that”

This was the first time someone actually said that I was lucky and it made me feel so happy because those words made me feel like a normal human being who sometimes gets lucky and other times unlucky. I felt that I went from some one who you pity to some one who you envy and even though that can sound weird, but if you never have experienced being envied and you get envied one day you will feel that you can do anything, and for me that is very important. It also makes you think about all the good things that you have and not taking them for granted.

After I read a bit of the bible I asked Miss. Anderson

“Does the bible say anything about the devil being able to come to us humans in our dreams does it?”

She thought was quiet for a moment and then she said

“Well… I don’t think it does Alex, but I’m not sure”

I was a bit relieved because if it did, every dream that I had about him would have had a very big chance of being true so I was happy.

After two days I was back at school. When I first came in Nemo (the weird boy) came out of no where and said

“Hi Alex, I want to show you something very exciting”

I was very surprised, but also a bit wondering what he could show me. And he did not sound so excited since his voice did not change. This time he just said

“Come on”

and did not touch me, I think it was because of last time when I took my hand back when he touched me.

When we went out we came to something that was very smelly and I could not even breathe. It was the worst smell ever and I could hear flies surrounding it. Nemo said

“Common Alex touch it”

I was really uncomfortable, but when I touched it, It felt really soft just like a bird.
So I asked him

“Umm… Nemo is that a bird?”

He scared me because he suddenly laughed and said

“Yes, it is. It’s a dead bird. I killed it, isn’t that cool to see something die.”
Then I could hear him picking the bird up and then saying

“Well, what do you think Alex?”

I did not know what to say so I just told him what I thought about the whole thing. I said

“You are disgusting, why and how did you kill that innocent bird? Why did you do it Nemo!?”

He was quiet for a moment, but then he held my hand so hard that it felt like he was going to break it and the pain was so strong that I could not stand anymore and I could not talk anymore, the only thing that was in my head was the unbearable pain. It felt like someone was sticking a knife through your hand and hen it got through it they just kept spinning it around while it was there. After a minute the pain was so unbearable that I just lost consciousness.


I woke up in a room, my hands were tied and my legs were tied too. I felt like I was going to vomit because of the smell around me and I was so tired that I could not even open my eyes. I heard a voice calling my name it said

“Alex… Alex why are you so weak?, why do you always resist all of my tricks? Alex tell me these… why are you always so lucky?”

When I heard that I was so scared and confused I wanted to cry, but it soon changed into rage. I suddenly got some sort of energy and I used it to speak with me loudest voice. I screamed

“Why, why are you doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this?”

I could hear it coming closer and closer to me, I felt a cold breeze and even though I was tied I knew that I would take my revenge. I asked

“Do you really think I am going to let you get away with this? I am going to get you back… “

Then I smiled and said

“I know it’s you Miss. Anderson, and I also know that you are weak and that’s why I will get you back. I also knew why you kidnapped me, you did it because you envy me, and you envy the fact that I am better then you in every way and you envy me because I did not turn out like your son Nemo. Yes, I know he is your son because you both have the same touch and the same pure voice”.

It was quiet for a couple of seconds and then one second before I passed out again I heard her cry and I heard the police sirens coming this way.

When I woke up again I was in a soft bed, and from the smell of the place I knew I was in the hospital I even heard that mum was coming towards me. When she came inn she gave me a really big hug and she did not stop until my dad said

“Ok, let the boy go now, let him rest. Ok son we will be back soon”

Then I could hear that the nurse said

“Ok, good now let him sleep, you can see him tomorrow”

The day after mum and dad came and told me that I was kidnapped, but that the police did not find the kidnapper I told them about Miss. Anderson, but they said that, that was the first place the police had looked for you, but there was no one with that name. Then I remembered that Jane always came when I was in the hospital so I said

“Mum… where is Jane?”

Mum was quiet and then I asked again, but dad answered. He said

“Everyone has been looking for her Alex, but we can’t seem to find her”

I was devastated; I could not move or say anything I was barely breathing. I felt something cold coming up my back. When my mum and dad had to leave the hospital I was left alone and I did not know what to do. After a while I heard this voice in my head and it was a calm but weird voice. I could not recognise if it was a male or female and I got this feeling whenever I heard it, it was like when the bass of a song is to loud and your hart begins to beat faster. I was scared and wanted to scream but my mouth would not open, I felt this cold wind touching my skin, it was just like someone putting a knife through it.

I felt that time was standing still, and the only thing that was moving was the voice which got louder and louder until it reached a point where I could not stand still, I forced myself out of the bed even though it felt like I was hit by a train I still ran. I forgot to take with me my walking stick, but I knew that if I went back to my room I would probably never get out so I just kept running. My brain told me that this was very stupid since I ran from something that I was most likely making up, but the rest of my body just ran and while I was running I got a flashback from when I first met Jane and then after that got another flashback from when she hugged me. I suddenly stopped and then I felt that tears were gently falling from my eyes and I felt like I was weak and alone. Then again I got the feeling that the whole world stopped, but this time I got a good feeling I felt that things calmed down and I swear I could feel her presence. After that it was almost like I woke up from a dream, I was in the middle of the street and I could even hear cars passing by. After that I went back to the hospital to change. On my way it started raining and it gave me a bit of hope even though I did not know why, I just felt that I could accomplish something I felt that I could find Jane. When I came to my room in the hospital I heard the radio say that the 11 o’clock news would start, so I knew it was late but that did not matter because after changing my hospital clothes to my normal ones I went to look for Jane and even if I had a bad chance of finding her I had to at least try.

The rain

When I got out from the hospital I could feel the rain falling down my chin, I always liked rain because when it rained it had a very special smell made me feel a bit better for some reason and also because people tend to calm down when it rains, even the animals were either hiding or sleeping and people also hide from the rain so then I can get away from everyone and not be looked down at or felt sorry for. After walking a few minutes I sat down on a bench, I smelled the rain and all the grass and trees. This was actually one of the few things that blind people had better then normal people. We appreciated the little things much more then others and for that I was grateful. After a while I heard that someone sat down beside me and then it said

“Hi, Alex…”

After that I knew who it was, so I said steadily

“Hi Nemo, and just so you know I know who you are, but what I don’t know is what you want from me”

Then it changed its voice to a very pure voice and said

“I will tell you what want from you if you tell me how you knew…”

I smiled and said with a very quiet but strong voice

“What? You mean how I knew you were Satan?”

It voice changed and became slightly stronger and then it replied

“Do not challenge me! And tell me how you found out!”

After it said that my smile goes even wider and then I replied

“I knew it since I first met you, when you touched me and since you have the same pure voice as I heard in my dreams… I guess everything added up, besides I always hear when someone walks and since I did not hear you I knew you were him. Now tell me what you want from me…”

It was quiet for a moment and then it replied to with a very calm voice

“Well... I have always been around in your life and I knew that you were smart, but I never knew that you knew me when I changed form or even when I came to your dreams. Have fooled around enough so I am going to take you life away now, just like I took your parents life…”

I still smiled and then I stood up and replied

“I know that you are the weakest being that god have created and that I am stronger then you and I also know that you did not kill my parents because you do not take life away… only god can do that. I know that you will never die until the last day of man kind or as people call it

“Dooms day”. Now I know why god created me, he created me to kill this form of you even if I have to die too.”

I took his hand and then I felt a huge amount of pain going through my hand. It was like my hand was burning; I ran with him to the middle of the street and then stood there. I felt that my blood was falling from my hand and it tried to pull my hand and run, but I knew that it all would be over soon because I heard that a car was on its way. I stood there and for the last time enjoyed the rain falling down my chin. Then I felt the car hitting me and at that moment I heard it scream as so loud that blood fell from my ears and then it was like time stopped and I remembered my family, I remembered mum and dad, but mostly I remembered Jane, I remembered her laugh and her soft hands… I remembered everything about her. Then I heard it say

“Ok Alex, you won but you know I will be back…”

I knew it, but even if the world would have one moment of peace from that monster, it would be worth it. And then for the first time in my life I saw light…

© Copyright 2006 fouadalnoor (fouadalnoor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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