Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1123263-Door-to-Dreams-Chpt-1
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1123263
Alyse looks into herself, steps out of herself, and moves into a world of possibilities
The sound of her alarm clock gently stirred her from her sleeping world. A very disappointed Alyse rolled over onto her side and tapped her fingers down on top of the buzzing devise to stop its intrusive behavior. Rolling back over onto her back, she shut her eyes again and tried to recapture the vision of the scenario that had previously been the source of so much delight for her. Jack had once again found his way inside. Her head. Her dreams. Alyse eased her hands down across her abdomen and slipped them beneath the comforter that covered the lower portion of her body. Finding the bottom hem of the white cotton tank top that she had worn to bed the night before, she lifted it and touched the warm skin that it concealed. The fingers of both of her hands glided back and forth across her bellybutton as the memory of the reverie that she had been so rudely roused from fought to consume her mind.

Alyse could remember still being able to hear the squeak of the mattress despite the chorus that she and Jack belted out as he furiously forced one aching cry of pleasure from her after another. Her left hand crept up the smooth skin of her belly, slowly lifting the shirt as she moved it. The rock solid projections atop the voluptuously firm mounds on her chest that were threatening to tear their way through the two sizes too small tank top beckoned for her to take hold of them. She could practically still feel the sensation of him touching, squeezing; his hungry lips feasting. She slid her hand over to the right and lifted up the shirt, allowing the twin heaps of flesh to spill out from underneath it. Sucking in the corner of her bottom lip, she gave her nipple a slight pinch and breathed a wince out through her nose.

It was so vivid in her mind now, the illusion that had once held her so captive. Jack’s fist clenched into the sheets on either side of her body, each one of her knees being pressed back beside her shoulders with her legs wrapped around his arms. She remembered taking hold of his rapidly moving hips, lifting her head up from the pillow, and looking on in complete astonishment at the sight of her creamy thighs spread wide and his massive tool jack hammering mercilessly in and out of her.

Damn alarm clock!
Alyse had barely realized it but her right hand had managed to find its way even further under the covers and had even penetrated the panties that she wore. Just the thought of Jack had forced her to soak the thin layer of fabric just as it had done on so many other occasions. She’d had it bad for him for as long as she could remember but had yet to receive any sign from him that the feeling was mutual. Alyse flirted endlessly as the ever elusive Jack continued to slip past every snare that she laid for him. Perhaps today would be different. If not. There was always tomorrow.

Her body began to shudder and tingle all over and as Alyse snapped herself out of her Jack fantasy she suddenly realized that her thighs had been separated and her damp fingers had nearly teased the swollen nub they had found to the point of combustion. Thoughts of her alarm clock once again found her along with the memory of the very important time that she had set it to awaken her that morning. In her mind her drenched fingers were still busy with their task while her other hand continued to apply a squeezing pressure to the heaving mounds just beneath her chin that were being jostled all about with Jack‘s movement. The sound of his groaning became louder and more achingly strained until the motion of his hips came to a grinding halt and Alyse felt him free himself from the constricted confines of her body. Staring down and whimpering in eager anticipation, she watched ever rapid stroke that he used his hand to make expecting the next to be the trigger that freed the cascade waiting to shower down over her lower torso.

But it seems that both her and fantasy Jack would have to wait. The fates had been cruel indeed this morning. Alyse pulled her hand out of her panties and snatched the covers from her body. Rising from the bed she lowered her shirt down around the heavy protrusions adorning her upper body. 8:15. She was going to be late.

Her dorm room door shut closed behind her as Alyse placed the palms of her hands down on either side of her neck. Running her fingers around to the back, she tossed back the sunshine yellow streaks of hair that were draped down the back of the navy blue jacket of the uniform that the Wunderlend Preparatory Academy had required that she wear when attending all formal school functions on this campus. With the fall semester not set to start for a few more weeks Alyse had no official classes to attend. Her only business on campus this morning involved a meeting with her student advisor. A woman whom she’d come to know as Ms. Billings. Alyse had spent more than her share of wasted hours conferencing with this woman in the confines of her office. For some reason this overseer of student affairs had come under the assumption that Alyse had acquired for herself the necessity of a certain measure of close personal monitoring where her GPA was concerned. Though she had grudgingly complied with her mandatory obligation to meet with her mandated counselor at the intervals designated to her, Alyse refused to accept the argument given to her questioning the results of her efforts at matriculations at this academy.

No matter. Whenever Alyse found herself in the confines of Ms. Billings’ office her grades never seemed to come up in any of the conversations they had. Their discussions always tended to revolve around fashion, modern pop culture, or in-depth conversations involving all appropriate times to go braless.

Alyse strolled across the campus greens with little obstruction in the way of the student body given the time of year it was, allowing her to make excellent time in shuffling between her dorm room and the advisor’s office that she so desperately sought out.

Alyse had a slight skip in her step and a bounce in the hem of her light and navy blue plaid skirt as she moved through the air conditioned hallway of the building that housed the quarters that she had been forced to seek out on that morning of mornings. It wasn’t long before she read the moniker Ms. Janet Billings that was inscribed across the large glass window embedded in the wall to the left of her office door. Alyse checked the clock on the wall. 9:35. She was five minutes late for her scheduled meeting. Taking hold of the knob and pushing open the office door, Alyse soon came to the realization that her lapse in punctuality wouldn’t be of much concern to either her of Ms. Billings.

She’d heard the guttural sound of moaning voices before she’d thought of entering the room but paid the whole thing no mind. She was already late and had no more time to waste. Alyse turned a wide-eyed stare to the image of her would be counselor’s body bent over the front of the desk that lie across the room from the doorway opening where she stood. As shocked as she was at the sight of the two globes hanging down out of her mentor’s open blouse and unsnapped from the front brassier, Alyse found herself unable to budge from where she was standing. Dark brown, shoulder length strands of hair covered most of the profile of the face who’s features she knew were distorted beyond recognition given the yelps of pleasure that were currently escaping her lips.

Alyse turned her attention to the gentleman standing to the rear of her advisor, the man with his pants draped down around his ankles and the fingers of his clasping hands pressed into the hips of the woman whose panties lay crumpled up on the floor beside her feet and whose skirt he had hiked up above her waist. The ornaments that decorated the desk shook with each thrust he made and after soaking in her fill of the exhibition on display in front of her Alyse took a step back and gently pulled the door closed in front of her. With the vocalizations of their enthusiasm reduced to a dull hum of noise Alyse took a seat on the couch resting against the wall just beneath the window next to Ms. Billings’ office doorway. She turned her body sideways and hoisted her white knee length stocking covered legs and shiny black dress shoe covered feet up on the cushions. Leaning back, she rested her lower back against the small arm of the couch while leaning over against the seatback cushion. With her head in such close proximity to the office window Alyse retained a clear and distinct perception of the activities taking place on the other side of the wall that the couch rested against.

Shutting her eyes tight, Alyse let the vision of the rigid rod of flesh that she had just so recently witnessed plunging its way in and out of the sopping orifice belonging to her most prestigious of appointments fade away into the barely coherent chorus of moans that she could hear making their way through the pane of glass that she was sitting next to.

“What’s going on in there?” she heard a voice say.

Alyse opened her eyes to the unbelievably gorgeous sight of Jack standing over her as she rested on the couch. “Oh. That,” she said, taking a quick look over at the window. “Have a look.”

Jack walked over to the door and opened it. Alyse cracked a grin at the sight of his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping. Trying his best not to disturb the busy couple, he slowly, gently resealed the door. “Looks like you’re going to be out here for a while,” he said as he turned his attention back to Alyse.

“Maybe. That is unless I find something better to do with my time. Any suggestions?” She’d so hoped that the display inside of the office had filled his mind with an assortment of illicit thoughts that she would be more than willing to aid him in exploring. Sadly, she found herself being overwhelmed with an upsetting amount of disappointment as he slowly began to back away from her down the hallway.

“A few. But I doubt you’d be interested.”

Alyse watched as he turned his back to her and started off down the hallway. Interested? If only he knew, she thought. Alyse stood up from the couch and headed off after him. He rounded a corner to his left and when she made the same corner she saw no sight of him. He was gone. Vanished. Just like that. Bracing herself for yet more heartfelt disappointment, Alyse found her hope rekindled when she caught sight of a slightly ajar door shutting closed. She hurried over to it and made her way through.

No sooner than she had made it through the doorway Alyse found herself standing at the top of a dimly lit winding staircase. A descending shadow moving across the wall caught her eye. “Jack?” she called out. Nothing. Silence. Fine, she thought. Let’s play this little game out to its end.

The beige brick steps wound round and round as she descended through the narrow corridor. The walls on either side of her appeared to be covered with oil painted tapestries that depicted a various assortment of bodies tangled together in ways that forced her to hurry in her pursuit to catch up with her illusive prey. Where was he?

She reached the bottom of the staircase and watched the small corridor she was in spread out into a gaping room filled with wooden book shelves. On the opposite side of the room from where she was standing Alyse saw a bright purple door slam shut. She quickly put her feet into motion and hurried over to it.


She pouted and fussed as she struggled with the brass knob but the door wouldn’t budge. Once her frustration got the better of her Alyse slapped her open palm down on the knob and backed away from the sealed shut portal.

“Problems, miss?”

Alyse turned her head and caught sight of the young man who was currently in the process of moving a push broom in her direction. “Yes. This stupid door is jammed. You wouldn’t happen to have a key would you?”

“Of course I do, love,” he said as he continued to go about his task of pushing around the dust that had collected on the floor.

“Well do you mind,” she said, motioning toward the door.

The studious sweeper paused his work and looked up at the stunning young woman standing across the room from him. “Not at all.”

And with that he leaned the instrument that he held against one of the stacks and began walking towards her, undoing the trappings holding up his pants as he moved.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Alyse said to him while stepping backwards. The back of her legs eventually hit against the side of a round wooden table and she was stopped.

“Granting your request,” he said, staring at her oddly.

Alyse lowered her eyes and looked on in amazement as he spread open the front of his pants and freed the bulging mass that had already began to stiffen. Perhaps this was to be something he would require in trade for allowing her passage through the door. After the fantasy that she had been forced away from that morning in bed, walking in on the sight of Ms. Billings bent down over her desk, the damp walls of her cavern wrapped tightly around a thrusting rod of flesh, along with the unexpected visit from Jack, Alyse found herself left with no will to refuse this generous offer.

Stepping to the side, she took a seat in the chair behind her and took hold of him by the hips, pulling him in towards her. She wrapped her fingers around him and the warm sensation instantly sent a spark of electricity through her body. She stroked him slowly, moving her hand in long strokes from the tip to the hilt, savoring the sensation that she could already feel moistening the seat beneath her. She stopped her hand at the base of his cock. Sucking in her bottom lip, she stared up into his eyes as she leaned her head forward and took the tip into her mouth. Alyse let her tongue roll all around the warm flesh as she placed a large amount of suction on his hardening member. When her hand started up again Alyse listened to him groan with satisfaction. She removed her lips from him and brought her hand up to the area she had just moistened. With a rapid velocity, she stroked her hand back and forth across that area alone.

He pushed his hand into her hair and she gave him her eyes once more but only for a moment. Alyse’s strokes became longer and her grip remained firm. At the first sign of his precum she opened her mouth and took him inside all the way to the back of her throat. Slowly she began to move her head back in forth in tune with her hand. She pulled her lips back to the tip, just far enough to make room for both of her hands. His flesh was solid and throbbing now and Alyse could hardly wait to feel it exploring other more sensitive regions of her body.

He had both of his hands on either side of her head now and Alyse let hers drop from him. He slowly eased his way all the way to the way to the back of her warm and inviting throat. As he pulled back and repeated the process two more times, having no problem at all fully engulfing himself, Alyse took hold of him by the hips in preparation for what was to come. Sure enough his motions began to come more rapidly and Alyse let out an audible moan as he continued to ram his swollen rod against the soft pallet at the back of her mouth. With the fury of his motions and the sound of his strained grunts Alyse was expecting to be feel the back of her tongue being coated with his thick seed at any moment. Instead he slowed his motions to a crawl and eventually removed himself from her mouth altogether.

This day was really turning out to be a never ending series of disappointments.

She stood up from the chair and removed the white thong panties that she had on under her skirt. Hopping up on the table, she spread her legs and eagerly awaited his approach. Grabbing hold of her legs underneath both of her knees, he held her limbs in place while Alyse took hold of his heated cock once more. Lifting her skirt up, she spread her moist lips apart and used the tip of his rod to tease her clit before sliding him inside of her. Once that was done Alyse leaned back and braced herself as he got busy pounding away at her already dripping wet hole. She could feel the onset of her climax peaking out over the horizon and she did what she could to staved it off until she was able to get the blouse underneath the jacket she wore open. She managed to free her right breast and take hold of the pebbled nipple just as her slipper wet walls began to spasm around the meat hammering into her.

Staring down at the sight of it all Alyse cried out in ecstasy. He pulled himself out of her and she released her breast, instantly gripping her fingers around the rod that was wet with her own juices. She pumped her hand up and down at a furious rate of speed. He took a step back from her and she released him. He helped her down from the table and turned her around so that the back of her jacket faced his chest. Alyse spread her legs apart. She arched her back as she leaned forward and placed both of her hands on the table. After she felt her skirt get pulled up over her waist the next sensation she was greeted with was a single hand spreading her cheeks apart and the wet warm tip of his prick pressing at the opening of her tightly puckered ass. She reached her right hand behind her and took hold of the other cheek, helping him to spread her out as he slowly inserted one inch at a time into her.

It wasn’t long before Alyse’s pants and his grunts were accompanied by the slapping sound of him slamming himself against the fleshy mounds of her ass cheeks. Alyse had a hold of both of them now, doing what she could to keep her skirt up and hold them separated while he kept his hands busy massaging her breasts. Alyse leaned forward over the table and he placed his hands on top hers. Pulling her body back as he repeatedly thrust forward, eventually the feeling along with the sight of his cock reappearing and then vanishing once more into the deep recesses this beauty’s backside became too much for him. Leaning forward and placing both of his palms down on the table, his pace became relentless until one surging explosion at a time, Alyse’s ass had drained him of his seed.

The motion of his hips slowed until he ultimately found the strength to remove himself from her and turn his eyes away from the image of her glowing rear end long enough to do his pants back up. Alyse stood up straight and lowered her skirt as she spun around to face him. “Well, as much as I’d like to stay and play I assume I’ve just bartered myself one key to that door.”

“Are you sure?” he said, walking back over to where he had placed his broom. “Why don’t you try the knob again.”

Watching him take up his chore once more, Alyse walked over to the door starting to feel a bit upset with him. Pity, seeing as how he had so recently been the source of so much pleasure for her. She took hold of the knob and gave it a twist. What do you know about that? Alyse pushed the door open with no problem. She stepped through and the door slowly slid closed behind her.

He continued with his sweeping until he came to the pair of panties lying on the floor. He picked them up and stuffed them in his back pocket. Perhaps he would return them if he ever saw her again.
© Copyright 2006 Lucidkaos (lucidkaos9 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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