Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1122487-PRELUDE--to-night-of-the-yeti
by jule
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1122487
Prelude to my novel NIGHT OF THE YETI
Bigfoot; Also known as Sasquatch, Yeti and the Abominable Snowman,

among other names, is said to be nothing more than a myth. But is it really ?

Could there actually be a creature in existence today that can stand up

to eight feet in height ? Weigh well over five-hundred pounds ? And resembles

both man and ape, more like a caveman ?

And if so how have these enormous beings managed to elude themselves

from the entire human race for so many centuries ?

Most people who claim to have encountered the creature, claim that it is

a quiet non-agressive being. Yet what if one were to catch a mind-maddening

disease like rabies. What could happen then ? Think about it. An eight foot tall

Five hundred pound beast, roaming around the neighbor hood, it's mind ravaged

with disease. What kind of horror and mess that would be ?

Perhaps you live way out in the country, miles away from your nearest

neighbors. How do you really know that it's only a coon or possum that your

dogs are barking at in the middle of the night ? Couldn't it possibly be a large hair

covered creature, lurking around just outside your bedroom window in the dark ?

Well, couldn't it be ?

Even if you live well within the city limits, miles away from the

nearest wooded area, you could be closer to one of these legendary creatures

than you might believe.

There are lots of old abandoned houses and buildings in the city that

nobody ever enters except for maybe an occasional wino or vagrant. These places

would be the perfect place for such a gigantic beast to hide , during the cities busy

daylight hours.

What about the hundreds of people who come up missing everyday

and are never seen or heard from again. Couldn't they have run across one of

these creatures on a dark and lonely street ?

Now as you lay all snuggled up in your nice comfy bed and read

my little story. And as you start to hear the little thumps and bumps of the twilight

hours. I want you to take all the little thoughts and ideas that I have just planted

into your mind, and mix well.

The perfect recipe for a horrific nightmare, huh ?

SWEET DREAMS............

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