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After centuries, can a love survive? |
Xavier's dark eyes admired the beauty of the full moon, it reminded him of the love he had lost and the hell his heart has been in ever since that day. Night blooming jasmine lined the stone path of his garden. Its frangrance seducing his senses as he walked. Pygmy fringe trees and Virginia willows hid the entrance to an old gazebo. As he sat he relished the scent of lemon on the night breeze. Lara would have loved this garden, he thought. As the warm night air flowed over his skin his mind began to wander back to the days when life was good, when he was happy, when Lara was alive. Year 1789: Xavier's Past Lara would run into the garden and leave Xavier behind. It was easy enough to find her. Xavier would follow the sound of humming all the way to the gazebo where she would be sitting with her eyes closed waiting for him. As he sat down beside her he drew her into his arms. The warmth of her body brought a smile to his face. The essence of lemon clung to her skin as he lowered his head to her slender neck. He inhaled deeply capturing her fragrance within his mind. Xavier savored the closeness of Lara until the sound of gunfire shattered the moment. The sounds were coming from the town. Xavier jumped to his feet and ran out of the gazebo toward the house. He couldn't believe it, of all nights when Lara was here, he thought. He went into his study and opened a large chest next to the fireplace. Xavier took out a gun belt and strapped it around his hips. He should have known they would return, he thought as he turned. His eyes took in the sight of Lara standing there, watching him. "I'm coming with you." "No, you stay here," he told her as he rushed passed. He shouted out for Manny to get his horse saddled, as he made his way back to the rear of the house. As Xavier came out he was putting his hat on when he stopped. Lara was sitting on the large black stallion, waiting for him. "I'm coming with you," she showed him her gun belt and knife she hid in her boot. She traded her dress for a pair of his work pants and shirt. The young boy holding the horse's reigns smiled as he looked at his employer shake his head at the young, brave senorita. Xavier mounted the horse and started off. Lara gripped him around the waist and held on as he urged his steed faster toward town. ~ The sounds of screams and gunfire greeted them as they rode into town. The buildings were burning, there were bodies lying in the middle of the road. Xavier could hear Lara's breath quicken at the sight of the carnage. He looked around, trying to find the source. He heard a woman screaming and rode in that direction. As he rounded the building he saw a group of four men surrounding a woman, who was holding a knife. She was crying and swinging the knife; she missed but kept the men away from her. Xavier urged his horse toward them. ~ "Come on little mama, don't be playin' with that knife, you could hurt somebody," one of the men said. He laughed and lunged toward her only to jump back from the knife. All the men had a red bandana tied around their head. "Enough of this," the taller of the four said. He drew out his gun and aimed it at her, smiling. Xavier jumped from the horse and landed on the back of the tall man. As he pulled the trigger, the shot went wide. Everyone jumped and looked toward the two struggling men on the ground. The woman saw her chance and ran. Xavier grabbed the gun and pointed it dead center to the tall man's head. Xavier looked at their soot covered faces and cursed. These were the bandits that everyone was talking about. They go from town to town, killing, burning down buildings and stealing. Xavier's eyes narrowed. "What'cha goin' do with that one gun against all of us gringo?" The shortest of the four asked. He took a step toward him. Xavier shot him in the leg. The man went down like a ton of bricks, screaming. "Anyone else?" The rest started to laugh, "you got no more shots. I only put one bullet in that gun." The tall man told him and started moving toward him. Xavier confirmed this by pulling the trigger and all he got was clicking, "damn." Why the hell would anyone put one bullet in a gun, he thought as he looked at the gun in disbelief. He threw it down and reached for his as another shot rang out. The men stopped, as the dirt at their feet exploded. All eyes looked behind Xavier and saw Lara holding a smoking gun in a steady hand. "Don't move, please" she said smiling. "Mi Dios," the tall man whispered as he and the other's stepped back. "Puta," he sneered. The tall man saw a blur and then cold steel bit into his neck. He couldn't scream as he was pressed to the ground. "Don't you ever say that about her," Xavier whispered. The other men stood rooted to the ground. "Let him up, Xavier," a smooth voice called from behind him. Xavier didn't move, he pressed on the blade drawing blood; the man whimpered. "Xavier..." Lara’s voice floated to his ears. He turned his head to see a man standing behind Lara with a knife to her throat. He released the tall man and slowly stood. "Drop the knife and your guns." Xavier stared at the man as he threw the knife to the ground and undid his belt. The man wore a bandana over the lower half of his face. Xavier looked at him and thought his voice sounded familiar. "What do you want?" "We were looking for you," he told him in a cool, calm voice. The voice struck coldness inside of Xavier. He recognized the voice, but he wasn't ready to believe it was him. "Far too long you have enjoyed your wealth, now we are here to take it all away from you," the masked man laughed. He grabbed a hand full of Lara's dark mahogany colored hair and tugged her head back. He looked into her hazel eyes and smiled. "I think we will take her too. What do you think men...?” His lackeys exploded with laughter and woops. Xavier anger seeped into his body, he saw red, "I'll be damned if you take her. I'll kill you Sebastian." He watched for a reaction and got what he was hoping wasn't true. His laugh echoed through the dead town. He pulled the bandana down, "how did you figure it out, old friend." Xavier sneered, "you are no friend of mine you bastard. Let her go!" Present Day Xavier stood and walked out of the gazebo, this place held too many memories. Xavier followed the dirt path toward the cliffs. The path led down to the lake which was his favorite spot. He would sit under the night sky and think about nothing and everything. As he made his way down he noticed a lone figure standing by the water's edge. His eyes were very sharp so he could tell it was a woman. She probably belonged to the group that was camping on my land, he thought as he continued his descent. As Xavier walked along the sandy shore a familiar feeling reached out to him. He stopped and raised his head and inhaled the night wind. The air carried a familiar scent. He sniffed again. No it couldn't be he thought as he headed toward the water's edge. ~ Olivia's eyes were closed as she enjoyed the way the warm night breeze traveled along her warm skin. She inhaled deeply and relished in the essence of the forest that surrounded her. Camping was a great idea, she thought. Olivia opened her eyes and gazed up to admire the brightness of the full moon. Growing up in the system didn't warrant time for any kind of outdoor type activities. Even when Olivia was placed with a foster family, she didn't know anything about the wilderness until she set out for college when she turned eighteen and went on her first camping trip. That's when the strange feeling began like she was being drawn somewhere. She wasn't sure if it had anything to do with camping or the places she went. Throughout the years her love for camping had grown, but her love for the outdoors was greater. That strange feeling inside her urged her to come on this particular camping trip. The feeling was stronger than the rest. Olivia wasn't sure why but she was glad she did come. Getting away from work was heaven. "City life had nothing on this." She whispered. The moon was big and bright against the midnight blue sky. Olivia leaned back on a piece of driftwood and looked up at the silver colored moon. As she lowered her eyes to the lake an eerie feeling came over her like she had been here before. Olivia couldn't really describe the feelings. She scanned the surrounding area and noticed a dark silhouette further down the shoreline. She wasn't expecting to see anyone out this late. Olivia stared at the dark figure trying to make out if it was a male or female, but she couldn't really tell. As she turned her head she got that tingling sensation again, like someone was watching her. Olivia turned back toward the figure and it was gone, just that quick. Olivia shook her head and stood up. Maybe I'm just tired, she thought as she headed back toward her tent. ~ Xavier walked back through his moon garden when his steps slowed then stopped. He wondered who she was. The sensation was strange when he saw her sitting there. He didn’t understand but it felt familiar. He had to find out who she was. So he turned around and headed back toward the lake. ~ Olivia returned to her tent and sat down on an old log next to her campfire. She took a small stick and stoked the fire a little to keep it going. Olivia put the stick down and then closed her eyes. She drew in a deep breath then let it go slowly. When she opened her eyes, her heart nearly stopped. Standing in front of her was a man. Oh, but not just any man, a gorgeous, handsome, delicious looking man. "Good evening Olivia," his deep rich voice greeted her. Damn that was careless, reading her mind to find out her name. Now she's going to think I’m crazy, he thought. She stared at him. Do I know him? She wondered. He noticed her uneasiness. "I'm sorry. My name is Xavier Cane." His voice, dark and intense, sent chills down her arms. "How do you know my name?" Olivia asked as she slowly stood. This better be a good one, he thought. "I own these lands that your group is camping on. Your guide gave me the names of everyone in your group. I've met everyone else but you," he explained. His hair was as black as coal. It blended so well with the surrounding darkness it was hard to tell how long it was. The fire light illuminated his face, she could see his eyes were as dark as the night. His face reminded her of Greek statues she had seen in history books as a child. He continued. "It was such a beautiful night so I decided to walk down to the lake. When I saw you there, I decided to come over." She looked at him; Olivia had a sense about people and this was strange. She felt oddly at ease around him. Olivia couldn't understand it. Xavier could feel her relax a bit, I didn’t botch it up, he thought. Olivia sat back down on the log, and then motioned him to join her. He moved very smoothly and sat down beside her. His scent was the most tantalizing aroma she had ever encountered. She could smell earth, jasmine and something else. Is that lemon I smell? she thought. His scent seemed familiar to her. They both were silent as they enjoyed the night breeze that carried the scent of the forest. The crackle of the campfire was the only sound that was heard. It seemed like they sat there for hours, Olivia really didn't mind. Suddenly Xavier stood and turned those dark eyes toward her and smiled. "I must be going. It has been a pleasure meeting you." He extended his hand toward Olivia. She placed her hand in his and was pulled to her feet. Olivia looked down at his hand. His fingers were long and masculine. Her hand felt unusually comfortable in his grasp, like it belonged there. "It was very nice meeting you too." Olivia meant it. She enjoyed his company, even though they didn't say much to each other. He released her hand and stepped back. She rubbed her hand, missing the warmth of his. "Hopefully before you leave, we can walk down by the lake together," he whispered. Olivia smiled. "That would be nice." She watched him walk toward the dark forest and disappear inside. ~ As Olivia slept she had a very strange dream. It was back in the old days, she really couldn't tell when but she knew it was sometime in the past. That wasn't as shocking as seeing Xavier play the lead role in her dream. She could feel the happiness and love between them, but then something terrible happened. The dream turned into a nightmare as everyone around her was being slaughtered. Pain radiated through her body, she wasn’t sure why. As she looked up, she saw Xavier looking down at her. His mouth was moving but she couldn't hear the words. Olivia sat up and looked wildly around the tent. Sweat glistened on her forehead and ran down her back. She shook her head trying to clear it, it was just a dream. Outside the sun felt good on her clammy skin. Olivia glanced at her watch and noticed that it was noon. She slept the morning away; she's never done that before. Olivia shrugged and mumbled, "It must be this place." She walked back inside to get dressed. ~ As Xavier laid in his king size bed, sleep eluded him. His mind was dwelling in the past and on the young woman he met last night. Xavier could sense the daylight, his body couldn't stay awake for much longer. He slid down under the silk sheets and closed his eyes. As he drifted off his mind wandered to the past, to that fateful night. "I don't think I will let her go. You stole everything I ever wanted. You took the best lands, the best business and even had the most beautiful woman in these parts." Sebastian's eyes were wild with jealousy. "Now, I'm taking it all!" Lara started struggling, trying to free herself but received a backhand from Sebastian's large hand. Xavier lunged at Sebastian but was stopped by the bandits who grabbed him from behind. He saw the jealousy in Sebastian's eyes turn to madness, "I'm going to take everything you ever loved, starting with her!" He shouted as he raised the knife and plunged it into Lara's chest. Lara looked up into Sebastian's dark eyes. "Why?" She slumped to the ground. "Lara!" Xavier shouted. But his shouts were cut short as the men started beating him. It seemed like hours to Xavier as they punched, kicked and cut him. "Ok, let him go. He has nothing now," Sebastian told them. Xavier lay on the ground bloody and broken. "Pathetic," Sebastian spit on Xavier then turned and walked away. His men followed. Xavier raised his head and saw that Lara still lived. He eased himself up on his elbows and dragged his bruised body over to her. He gathered enough strength and stood. Xavier bent down and picked her up and cradled her in his arms. "Xavier, take me to the lake," her voice was barely above a whisper. Xavier mounted his black beast very slowly, careful not to jar Lara. His life was crumbling all around him but his eyes were on the woman he loved. ~ Later that evening the group decided that they were leaving the next day to another great camping spot. Olivia was excited, but part of her didn't want to leave yet. After everyone said their goodnights she headed back to her tent. Olivia wasn't tired so on a impulse she bypassed her tent and headed down to the lake As she stood on the shoreline, she closed her eyes and took in the sounds of the night. She could hear the crickets singing and the frogs calling out. Olivia opened her eyes and looked out over the lake and noticed the moon was full once again tonight. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" His rich dark voice drifted on the night wind. Somehow she knew he would be there. "Yes she is," Olivia agreed. She felt his presence beside her. They stood there enjoying the moon's beauty and the music of the night. "I was drawn to this place somehow." She whispered. She could feel him shift to look at her. Olivia should have been cautious of him, but she wasn't. She felt safe with him. "I’m not sure why. Once we arrived in this valley, it felt like I knew this place. The trees, the lake, everything just seemed so familiar." Olivia turned to look into his shadowy eyes. "I've never been here before." Xavier stared into her honey colored eyes. Could she be the one? He questioned himself. Xavier had been drawn to her ever since he saw. After all this time, she has finally come back to me. He smiled. He couldn't help it. Olivia saw the way his smile softened his face, she wondered. "Why are you smiling?" Xavier's smile faded as he looked out over the water. The lake was very calm and tranquil. Xavier turned around and saw Olivia staring at him. Olivia looked at him and wondered what was going through his mind. She looked into his eyes and was surprised as his mouth captured hers in a hot, deep kiss. As Xavier released Olivia, she was literally breathless and dizzy. She felt like the world was spinning and she had no control over it. She saw images and people dressed in strange clothing, like her dream. The last thing she saw was Xavier's beautiful face smiling and then darkness overtook her. As Olivia's eyes slowly opened she realized that she was in Xavier's arms. He stood, holding her and looking out across the water. "Xavier?" she mumbled. Then all the memories came back to her. She had been here before. This was her home. ~ He couldn't breathe as he held her. Xavier sat down on the sandy shore while still holding Lara. He saw that her eyes were closed and his heart went still. Lara's eyes slowly opened and tried to focus on him. Xavier smiled, but it was a sad smile. The blade was in too deep to take out. There was no time to get help. A sense of dread settled inside of Xavier as he watched the light fade from Lara's eyes. The forest seemed so quiet, as if the creatures had seen what happened. Lara's honey brown eyes drifted up to look at him, they were moist with tears. Xavier smiled and held her hand, hoping that a miracle would not let her die. He was not granted a miracle. Lara smiled as she looked into Xavier's sad eyes. She raised her hand and cupped his cheek; she wanted to touch him one last time. "My love, I promise I’ll return to you," she whispered. As she drifted away her hand fell down to her side. Tears streamed down Xavier's face. He lifted his head to the moon and let loose a roar filled with anguish and sadness. As he rocked Lara he vowed to hold her to her promise, even if it took him a lifetime, he would find her. Xavier gently laid Lara down on the sand and stood. Rage engulfed his soul. He ran toward his house hell bent on destroying the bastards that killed Lara. He heard screaming and gunfire coming from inside the house. Manny! He ran through the garden and into the house. He stopped as he saw the boy lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Grief rocked his body once again as he stared down at the him. A noise from upstairs snapped his head up. Xavier ran up the stairs toward his room. There he found two of Sebastian’s men going through his belongings. He drew out his knife and rushed them. He grabbed the first man around the neck and kicked the other to the floor. He could hear the man pleading for his life but it fell on deaf ears. Xavier rammed his blade deep into his back and twisted. His body twitched then went limp. Xavier let the body fall then turned murderous eyes on the other man who was running out the door screaming like an infant. Xavier walked to his closet and pulled out a shot gun then headed out the door. Gunfire rang out through the house. The other three men stood at the bottom of the stairs firing. Xavier walked down the stairs and fired a shot and caught the closet one in the face. Pain sliced through his shoulder but he used this to fuel his anger. His red hazed eyes looked at the next then fired again. The man fell dead next to the last one. The man kept firing his gun but his was out of bullets. He kept staring at Xavier like he was the devil. The man dropped to his knees, fear in his eyes. He looked up into Xavier’s eyes and saw something that made his eyes widened in horror seconds before his head was blown off. Xavier stepped back, he looked at the dead men but felt no satisfaction. Sebastian wasn’t there, he wanted to kill the bastard. ~ He was able to get Lara back to her parents and Manny to his. Lara was laid to rest next to her kin. Xavier tuned down invitations from Lara's parents to stay with them and headed back to his home. It was night when he returned home. An empty house greeted him as he walked through the front doors. The mess was cleared away but Sebastian and his men robbed him of everything. He didn't really care as he walked toward the back to his garden, toward the lake. The moon was full and bright, just like that night. Warm tears flowed down his cheek as memories of Lara flooded his mind and heart. Xavier closed his eyes and took in the sounds of the night all around him. A moment later he felt a touch on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and turned to face someone in a black robe with a hood over his head. The voice was soft and inviting. "Would you like to see your beloved again?" The hood was pushed back and Xavier knew what this creature was. He wasn't afraid. The creature smiled, fangs glistening in the moonlight. Xavier's eyes misted as he remembered Lara. He nodded to the demon who offered him eternity. Sebastian never saw it coming. He cowered under a table in his home, his gun pointed out in front of him. Whatever it was killed all his men. As he looked out from under the table he could see blood on the floor and he could see the leg of one of his men. “Sebastian, I’ve come to kill you,” the voice was hypnotic, deep. As the table was lifted and thrown across the room, Sebastian screamed as he was lifted from the floor by his neck. As he struggled for air he pointed his gun and fired. All he heard was laughter. The last face he saw was that of an old friend. ~ Xavier gazed down at Olivia, tears threatened to fall from his eyes. "My love." He bent toward her and kissed her lips gently enjoying the taste he had missed for so long. "Xavier, my love. I can't believe you waited for me." She remembered the promise she made to him the night she was killed. "I will come back to you." Her eyes were wet with tears of remembrance. Xavier kissed her deeply. "I will never be without you again," He lightly kissed her along her cheek and down to her neck. "Please," was the only word Olivia uttered before Xavier sank his fangs into the soft flesh of her neck. Olivia moaned with pain and pleasure. He laid her down on the sandy ground and stroked her cheek, "soon we will be together forever." He raised his wrist to his mouth and cut the tender skin with a sharp fang. The crimson blood flowed from the wound. He lowered his wrist down to Olivia's mouth. "Drink." Olivia opened her mouth and the blood flowed in. The last thing she saw was Xavier smiling down at her, just like before. Her eyes drifted closed as she died. Xavier fell in love with her all over again as he watched her eyes slowly opened. Olivia smiled at Xavier. He helped her stand. As she looked around, she saw the world through different eyes. Xavier bent to softly kiss her lips. They turned from the lake and headed into the forest. Olivia stopped, looked back at the campsite and her lonely tent. She smiled and looked up into Xavier's smoky eyes and thought, I am truly where I belong. They both disappeared into the dark forest... |