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Rated: ASR · Other · Detective · #1121982
Character bios for my "day" stories, and overviews of the stories: edited 8/2010
These are the characters from all my "day" stories, including Thursday, which I have part of on here. (See "Part of "Thursday"/What If)
Since I haven't written all of the stories in their entirety yet, and some of them not at all, and since I don't have all of them up here on WdC, I will group them by story. For some of them, I can't give you all the information without giving away something you're not supposed to know, so I will just be putting them in the story they first appear in. There are some exceptions, where it doesn't give away anything to be mentioned twice. (That is, except the main character, who won't be categorized at all.)

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Shu'la Alsari main character
Date of Birth: 10/25/1960
Occupation: FBI Agent, undercover, for most of life
Birthplace: Kabul, Afghanistan
         Father - Yasin
         Mother - Fatima
         Siblings - Khalil, 15 years older than her; Rami, 12 years older than her
Marital Status: Single until second-to-last story
Bio: (I can't give away too much here, so it is short!) Born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan. Moved to United States around the age of 13 when a coup overthrew the Afghan government. Graduated from high school and college in the United States. Was a police officer for 2 years in New York City, New York (I think.) Hired by the FBI in 1985 or 1986. Fired in 2006 but because she was fired wrongfully, was allowed to come back after retiring to work on a case.


Shu'la has decided after the events of Thursday that she's not going to do undercover work again. But Detroit Field Office wants her to help out. In fact, she (well, one of her former UC identities) has been requested by the terrorist organization they're investigating! She agrees to go undercover one more time to introduce her "replacement" to the group. Then she's kidnapped, but her cover isn't blown ... so she's expected to actually help the group out!

Shu'la's white cat.

Ashiq Rammaha
Believing he had died years ago, his surprise appearance is a bit of a shock to Shu'la ...

"The Uncle" - Hasim Zahedi
Occupation: Terrorist group leader
Birthplace: Afghanistan
Bio/Information: He doesn't make an actual appearance in Wednesday, but is mentioned a lot.


Shu'la is now teaching at Quantico (the FBI Academy). An old friend from Detroit comes to visit. Two months later, he is killed. She conducts her own investigation into his death. She knows from the start who did it, but she has to find a way to prove it to the people who need to know. But the guilty man is someone that nobody would have reason to suspect. To others, he seems perfect, but to anyone he hates, he's got the power to destroy their career. After Shu'la is fired for things she didn't even do, she is helped by her new friend and former student, and together they bring justice to this man.
But in the end, Stanley tries to kill Shu'la and Adreana, just like he did Gabe, and almost succeeds.

Gabriel Samirn, "Gabe"
Date of Death: August 26, 2006
Occupation: FBI Agent, undercover, deceased
Marital Status: Single
Bio/Information: He worked with Shu'la in Detroit, 1997-2001. They worked together, so they could not be involved romantically, but nevertheless there was some chemistry between them. They still have that when they meet up again, but Shu'la has a boyfriend, and it would be a long distance relationship anyway, which neither could handle. He gives her the papers he came all the way to Quantico to give her, then he has to leave. On his birthday three months later, she gives his field office a call, asking for him, but finds out he was killed. He was the first (and at that time only) person to figure Stanley out.

Adreana Marinacci
Occupation: FBI Agent
Marital Status: Single
Bio/Information: She is a student in Shu'la's counter-terrorism class while she in training at the Academy. She is at a nearby field office after she becomes an agent, so Shu'la can keep in contact with her. Shu'la asks her to help investigate him.

Stanley Kilham
Occupation: FBI Agent, OPR (Office of Professional Responsibility)
Bio/Information: He's an agent who investigates other agents. It's a job nobody really likes, and the people who fill it are hated by everyone. But Stanley's a nice guy, and despite the job, he puts people at ease. But he has a dark side. He's a racist and bigot, and has a special aversion to Middle-Eastern people. He makes it his duty to get all these people to resign or be fired. He is able to justify this somehow in his warped mind by convincing himself that the FBI is better off without these "traitors." When Gabe figures him out, he sells him out to the terrorists to cover up his "dirty little secret."

Karim Golshan
Occupation: Grocery Store Owner
Birthplace: Iran
Bio/Information: He's Shu'la's boyfriend. He ends up saving her life.


Shu'la's family tells Karim about her childhood while she is in the hospital.
This story is about her childhood and her family's escape from Afghanistan, a teenage girl trying to find herself in a different culture.

Relation: Father
Occupation: ? Official in old Afghan government, before it was overthrown
Marital Status: Married
Bio/Information: He was an official in the constitutional monarchy that got overthrown by a coup, he gets out of the country before the rest of his family, and tries to work from the outside to get them out.

Relation: Mother
Occupation: ? Possibly ran for office in old government, was an activist for women's right to vote in Afghanistan until 1965
Marital Status: Married
Bio/Information: She enjoyed life under the constitutional monarchy. She wasn't what you would expect from a woman like her - very independent, outspoken, wants to get things done. Later on, she can't stand life under the Taliban. Hates no one except Communists and the Taliban, and then only as a group. Helps her daughter through the hardest time of her life, a year without her father, and their country in a civil war.

Date of Birth: 15 years before Shu'la
Marital Status: Married
Bio/Information: The oldest of Yasin and Fatima's children, he is already married and having a successful life when the government is overthrown. He is not adversely affected by it, so he thinks he can go with the flow and maybe come out on top. He stays in Afghanistan when his family leaves.

Date of Birth: 12 years before Shu'la
Marital Status: Single
Bio/Information: He's the youngest boy in the family, second youngest child. Since there is so much distance between him and his sister, he is more like a youngest child than a middle child. Shu'la ends up with the traits of both an oldest/only child and a youngest child, because of this difference. Rami has not married, so he goes along with his family to the United States.


In this story, Shu'la has been in the FBI for 12 years. She is working a complicated case with the DEA involving a killed DEA agent, drugs, and terrorism. The story takes place in the first half of 2001, before 9/11. She is injured by a car bomb and she survives, but her friend Khalil is killed.

David E. Aronowitz
Date of Death: *Still to come*
Occupation: DEA Agent, deceased
Bio/Information: Kidnapped & killed while on a drug bust. Used to be partners with Shu'la years ago when they were cops. He is the DEA agent the whole investigation in this story began with.

Khalil Rahman
Date of Death: Thursday _____ ___, 2001
Occupation: DEA Agent, deceased
Bio/Information: Undercover DEA agent working side-by-side with Shu'la. A nice guy.

Andrew Culler
Occupation: FBI Agent
Bio/Information: Minor character. There at the time of car bomb. Feels partly responsible for Khalil's death.


In this story, Shu'la is reflecting back on her college years and her time as a cop, when she first met David Aronowitz. The story takes place on the Monday after his funeral, when she is recovering from the attack that nearly killed her a few months earlier.

Ashiq Rammaha
Occupation: Student
Birthplace: Iran
Marital Status: Single
Bio/Information: Shu'la's boyfriend in college. He's a rich brat to begin with, and gets involved in partying (nothing really illegal, though) until his dad sends him to a school with a better reputation - the school Shu'la is at. They fall in love, eventually. He gets more involved in Islam, and calms down somewhat. When he graduates 2 years before her, he ends up going back to Iran/Afghanistan/wherever his did is now to work, and Shu'la doesn't want to go. She breaks up with him about a year later, when he is starting to get more demanding of her in his letters.

David E. Aronowitz, again
Occupation: Student/Police Officer
Marital Status: Married
Bio/Information: He meets Shu'la through his wife, who knows her from school. He gets Shu'la into law enforcement. After their 2 years together in the local police department, they both go federal, with him going to the DEA (drug enforcement agency) and her going to the FBI.


After her near-fatal injuries at the end of Tuesday, Shu'la is trying to put her life back together. No longer able to work or to live independently, she has to settle down. Karim proposes to her, and they begin planning their wedding. But that only serves to add to the stress she's under. Between Stanley's trial and her threatening to sue the FBI for being wrongly fired (so she can get back her benefits, so they will cover her lengthy hospital/rehab stay), she's got a lot on her plate.

Karim Golshan

Stanley Kilham

Adreana Marinacci

Benjamin Aronowitz
Son of David E. Aronowitz. Student at UNL. Falls in love with Adreana.




The last of the 7 stories. Are you tired of reading yet? In this story, Shu'la finally gets a chance to get "The Uncle," the man who has been responsible directly or indirectly, for many lives lost in various places, including Khalil Rahman's, Gabriel Samirn's, and even the attempts on her own life were related to him. All the other investigations she was a part of during her last years as an agent were because of this man.
Benjamin, David's son, is on a mission to get revenge on the terrorist organization responsible for his father's death, in a rather unique way. He wants to remove their main source of funding - opium poppy growers - by introducing other crops. (See this link   for more info on this general topic.) He brings Shu'la, Karim, and Adreana along with him to Afghanistan.

"The Uncle" (Hasim Zahedi)

Karim Golshan

Adreana Marinacci

Benjamin Aronowitz
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